Chapter 34: Chapter 35 King Land
Chapter 35 King Land
By: Major144
Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. This is just a story for fun.
(Author's Note: Your going to see a lot of familiar names and faces in this chapter, plus a couple of minor OCs.)
Not much happened in Ooo for a while. Crimson and the other villains had been laying low, but they were still active.
Crimson had used his powers along with some sugar to create a couple of minions. The first one was a marshmallow bunny named Mr. Bun Bun, he was tasked with becoming popular in the Candy People and gain the people's trust. The second minion was a gingerbread man named Greg. Greg wore a business suit and had a white beard made out of frosting. Greg was tasked with creating and running a baking company called Genco, a place that specialized in making bakery goods and ovens. Both Bun Bun and Greg were important to the plan.
Sylvester had finally finished building Blastronaut and he had also created a small army of slimy purple creatures to run a soda factory called Super Porp Factory. The factory was run by a creature named Cheryl. Cheryl was a purple humanoid figure with grape like hair, who wore a blue and white shirt and skirt, along with a mask that depicted a smiling big eyed figure. Cheryl was in charge of making sure all of Ooo got Super Porp. The soda contained a secret chemical that would make people incredibly irrational and easy to manipulate under stress.
Sylvester also had his eyes set on the Hyooman Tribe particularly Susan Strong. One of the Iron Owls had picked up a strange signal from the girl and Sylvester made plans to capture Susan and study her.
Maja was pleased with her new shirt and she had recently managed to collect a tiny piece of bark from an evil tree know as the Tree of Blight. Maja made some evil plans to use the bark for a future plan.
As big as these events were there was something even bigger was on the horizon.
There was a man who called himself the King of Ooo, or just simply King. The King of Ooo was a golden being with thick puffy golden brown hair and a mustache, along with a single mole on his face. He wore a broad-shouldered brown coat with gold trim and several gold rings, with a lighter brown pair of pants and button-down shirt beneath it, along with a crown. He carried a scepter with a winking smiley face on it.
Now the King of Ooo wasn't really a king or the leader of Ooo for that matter. The title King of Scammers, King of Conmen, or King of Crocks would have been a more fitting title.
King was once a simply conman, who had a license to marry people. One day King came up with an incredible idea, he decided to dress up as a royal and call himself the King of Ooo. King invested his money into buying a Zeppelin and flew around in Ooo announcing who he was. King might have been a conman, but he was good at charming people. Most of Ooo, expect for a few people believed King was the actually ruler of Ooo.
King saw what an opportunity his new popularity offered him. He called upon his friend/lawyer a Shiba Inu named Toronto to recruit a small gang of criminals to masquerade as his servants at parties and balls, when no one was looking the pretend servants would steal valuables
Toronto recruited five criminals. The first was a handsome guy who had the ability to hypnotize women named Gareth, the second was a tiny cute girl named Penny, the third was a crazy loyal young boy named Tiffany, and the last two were two green beings known as the Flying Lettuce Brothers, who had the ability to imitate the voice of anyone they heard.
King and his Gang pulled off several heist with no one suspecting them. The newly created Gang amassed a great fortune and bought a small mansion on a mountain. King eventually became board with the thievery business and decided to set his sights for something bigger. King sent an invitation to the leaders of three local gangs inviting them to his mansion. The first to arrive was a Candy Person named Jaybird, the second to arrive was Sid the leader of the Slide Guys, and the last to arrive was Jack the leader of the Hooligans who like Candles.
(Author's Note: Sid and Jack are OCs.)
King smiled at the three gang leaders seated around his dinning table. Jaybird ran a diamond stealing operation, Sid ran a protection racket on playgrounds, and Jack stole candles and committed acts of arson.
"So why'd you gather us King?" Asked Jaybird.
"I've gathered you all here to form an alliance." Said King.
"You joking man?" Asked Jack as he flipped a lighter on and off in his hands.
"No I'm not. Gentlemen each and everyone of use is a good and powerful leader, but if we continue to go it alone we will never become truly great. If we work together we could become richer then our wildest dreams." Said King as he eyed the gang leaders.
The gang leaders eyed one another then turned back to King.
"Alright were in." Said Jaybird.
"Excellent choice gentlemen." Said King with a grin.
The newly formed Crime Syndicate became organized and started making more money. None of the royals in Ooo knew who was in charge of this new group of criminals. King's activities attracted Crimson and the organization giving them a wicked idea.
One day a mysterious package was delivered to King, he opened it and found a strange red cellphone in it along with some files. The phone rang and King answered it.
"Greetings King of Ooo. I'm here to offer you the opportunity to have your own kingdom." Said a voice on the phone.
"I'm listening." Said King.
"Look at the file and you'll find everything you need to know."
King hung up the phone and looked at the files. A grin spread across his face. It was time to pay a little visit to the Candy Kingdom.
A few hours later King arrived at the asylum in the Candy Kingdom and went inside. He went up to the help desk and asked to see Cookie. The nurse pointed him to Cookie playing chess by himself at a table. King walked over to Cookie and sat across from him. Cookie eyed King.
"What do you want?" Asked Cookie.
"I came to help a princess's dream come true." Said King.
Cookie's eyes went wide as he looked at King.
"You...think...I'm a princess?" Asked Cookie.
"I do. I'm a king and when I first saw you the words princess came to my mind. I want to help your dreams come true. I'm going to give you a kingdom and I'm going to make you a queen." Said King.
"But I want to be a princess." Said Cookie.
"My dear Cookie the land of Ooo is full of princesses. Think about it. If you became a queen you would immediately be better then Princess Bubblegum." Said King.
Cookie liked the idea of being better then Bubblegum.
"I'm in." Said Cookie.
"Splendid." Said King.
The two of them walked to the help desk and King used his authority to have Cookie released from the asylum. The two of them got into King's Zeppelin and flew towards Castle Lemongrab. They landed the Zeppelin and went inside to speak with Lemongrab. The lemon monarch sat on his throne as he eyed his two visitors.
"Why have you come here? Speak your business!" Said Lemongrab.
"Earl of Lemongrab I am the King of Ooo and this is Princess Cookie. I've come to help you unlock your full potential and make your kingdom into something special." Said King.
"Why are you here to help me?" Asked Lemongrab eyeing King.
"Because when I look at you I see nothing but untapped potential. Your creator Princess Bubblegum must be blind if she doesn't see it. She thought you were a mistake, so she sent you faraway from her own kingdom and when you came back to help her after her incident with the Lich, she kicked you out again. Bubblegum sees you as a mistake, but I see you as a great king. With my guidance you will go far." Said King.
Lemongrab was touched by this. No one had ever believed in him or showed him kindness.
"How do I become...a king?" Asked Lemongrab.
"You must simply marry a princess and luckily we have one here and I have a license to marry you." Said King as he indicated Cookie.
"Princess Bubblegum did me wrong to man." Said Cookie.
"Let just gather some guest and make up a little contract then we can get the wedding started." Said King as he pulled out a cellphone and went off to make some calls.
Lemongrab and Cookie stared at one another.
"You like chess?" Asked Cookie.
"I do indeed." Said Lemongrab as he went over to a nearby closet and pulled out a chessboard and pieces.
The two of them started playing chess. Lemongrab was happy to have someone to actually play with and Cookie was glad to have a conversation with someone else who disliked Bubblegum.
King summoned the entire Syndicate to attend the wedding telling that they had a chance to have their own kingdom. King made up some marriage forms and gathered Cookie and Lemongrab before him.
"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join two young dreamers and make them into a King and Queen. They were both troubled, but now their troubles are over. With their joining a new kingdom shall be born." Said King as he turned to Cookie.
"Cookie do you wish to take Lemongrab as your king and do as I say?"
"I do." Said Cookie.
"Lemongrab do you take Cookie as your Queen and do you promise to do whatever I say and let me run your kingdom in your best interest?" Said King.
"Acceptable!" Said Lemongrab.
King handed them a contract to sign. Lemongrab and Cookie signed it.
"By the power invested in me I pronounce you King and Queen. You may hug the bride." Said King.
Lemongrab and Cookie hugged. The audience cheered. King smiled wickedly, he now had a kingdom of his own. Lemongrab and Cookie were just figure heads now with no real power, but King was going to keep them around just in case something went wrong.
In the months that followed King taught Lemongrab and Cookie to act more like royalty. The two caught on quick to King's teachings. King and his organization focused on making Castle Lemongrab into a tourist attraction, by adding hotels, casinos, amusement park rides and other stuff to the kingdom. Members of the Syndicate went out to recruit warriors and other talented creatures for the new kingdom.
They recruited the mighty wrestler known as The Farm, the monstrous magical knight known as Bucket Knight, and a bad tempered laser gun toting butterfly named Buffered.
(Author's Note: The Butterfly was from the episode The Other Tarts. I just simply gave him a name.)
Toronto ended up recruiting four odd beings he found at the Iceberg Lake. The dog stumbled upon a big iceberg that had four blue tinted figures wearing business suits and carrying briefcases. Toronto decided to unfreeze them. The freed figures looked around confused muttering stuff about business. Toronto sensed that the Business Men were intelligent and good with technology, so he decided to recruit them. Toronto gave the Business Men names, he named the one businessman with the black hair and red tie Businessman 1 and named the other three Business Men Businessman 2, 3, and 4. Toronto made the Business Men wear numbers on their suits so they could be told apart.
After several months of prepping and building the new and improved Castle Lemongrab was ready for it's grand opening. Flyers were sent out announcing the opening to all the cities and kingdoms. Bubblegum received a flyer and became suspicious wondering what Lemongrab was up to. She summoned Finn, Simon, and Jake to her castle to discuss the matter.
"What do you guys make of this?" Asked Bubblegum.
"Looks like Lemongrab is having some kind of big party, which is weird consider how uptight and crazy he usually is." Said Jake.
"Maybe his changed and his trying to do something good for Ooo." Said Simon.
"Well whatever it is we better check it out. I don't know why, but something doesn't seem right about this." Said Bubblegum.
The group set out for Castle Lemongrab.
At Castle Lemongrab Marceline, Lucinda, Django, and the rest of the Scream Queens were setting up their instruments on a stage. The band had been called in to provide entertainment.
"Sure are a lot of people here." Said Lucinda.
"Yeah and a good number of them look pretty shady." Said Django as he eyed some Slider Guys walking through the crowd.
"Yeah I'll admit there some pretty suspicious cats out there, but I don't think they'll bother use." Said Marceline as she strummed her guitar a few times.
The rest of the band nodded and began to play their instruments for the crowd.
Walking amongst the crowd was Tobe. The ninja glanced around at the crowd from what he could tell so far most of the people who worked at the various amusement park rides were criminals. The new Castle Lemongrab looked inviting, but it seemed to be a den of thieves and criminals. Tobe went off to do some investigating.
In one of the casino bars the former Goblin King, Xerigiok was drinking and complaining about his life. The former monarch looked dirty and he had a long grey beard.
"You...guys know I used to be the KING of the entire Goblin Kingdom! I was rich and I...could spank whoever I wanted! Then...a couple of so called heroes called me a psycho for no reason...and kicked me out of my kingdom!" Yelled Xerigiok as he took another long drink.
A fat wizard nearby named Grassy Wizard was getting annoyed by Xerigiok's yelling.
"Why don't you shut up you nobody! No one cares about your sob story!" Yelled Grassy Wizard.
Xerigiok stood up and staggered towards Grassy Wizard.
"You dumb fat man I'm going to spank your fat butt blue!" Shouted Xerigiok with an insane look in his eyes.
"Try doing that without the ability to see!" Shouted Grassy Wizard as he pulled out a wand and zapped Xerigiok with it.
At first nothing happened to Xerigiok, but then his eyes suddenly fell from their sockets and became stuck in the goblin's beard. Grassy Wizard looked at his wand confused, he meant to blind the goblin not make his eyes fall out. Xerigiok stumbled around blindly screaming.
"He banished my eyes!"
A couple of Candy Goons marched in and grabbed Xerigiok. The goblin kicked and screamed as the the goons dragged him outside the castle and tossed Xerigiok out. The goblin staggered to his feet.
"I don't need any of you!" He shouted as he blindly stumbled off away from the kingdom.
Elsewhere Huntress Wizard wandered through the crowd, she had seen one of the flyers and decided to check the new and improved Castle Lemongrab. Huntress Wizard looked around at all the people who had shown up. There were Candy People, Slime People, Marauders, Wizards, and several different kinds of people. Huntress Wizard also saw several suspicious looking people working the rides and snack booths. The female wizard sensed trouble and looked to see four wizards who were know for causing trouble. It was the Secret Society. It was made up of Ash, Bufo, Forest Wizard, and Laser Wizard. Huntress Wizard glared at the four wizards. The Secret Society was a nasty group that only cared about making their magic stronger no matter the consequences. The Secret Society didn't respect authority and they dipped their hands into powerful dark magic that could endanger Wizard City and all of Ooo. They haven't done anything to dangerous, but it was only a matter of time, until they did. Huntress Wizard decided to keep an eye on the wizards just incase. She followed them over to a stage, where the Scream Queens were taking a brife break.
"Hey there Marceline how's my girl doing?" Asked Ash.
"Get lost Ash!" Hissed Marceline.
"Oh come on babe, you still mad about that whole Hambo thing?" Asked Ash.
"I am. Luckily for you I got Hambo back otherwise I pulverize where you stand." Said Marceline.
Ash ignored her and turned his attention to Lucinda.
"Hey there beautiful what's your name?"
"The names Lucinda Abadeer pal. You must be Ash, Marceline's ex." Said Lucinda.
"I am." Said Ash smugly.
Lucinda opened her mouth changing her teeth into fangs as she grabbed Ash by the shoulder and squeezed tightly. Ash's eyes widen in pain as he stared at Lucinda.
"I don't like guys like you. You mess with my cuz your messing with me. Now why don't you just scram?" Said Lucinda as she released Ash.
Ash staggered back rubbing his shoulder. The other Secret Society members moved forward as if to attack. Django stood before them and yanked off his right arm.
"Catch!" He called as he tossed the dismembered limb to a startled Forest Wizard.
The wizard caught and held the limb looking confused. The dismembered limb then swung back and forth slapping Forest Wizard across the face. The wizard shouted in pain and fear as he dropped the limb. The arm walked on it's fingers and returned to Django reattaching itself to the undead musician. The wizards backed off looking nervous, they turned around and briskly walked away with Ash and Forest Wizard rubbing their injured body parts. Marceline exchanged high fives with Lucinda and Django as Huntress Wizard laughed at the Secret Society's defeat, before going after the retreating wizards.
Finn, Jake, Simon, and Bubblegum soon arrived at Castle Lemongrab. The four of them starred at the new and improved kingdom in awe.
"Lemongrab really spruced this place up! It's awesome!" Said Finn.
"Come on let's go find Lemongrab." Said Bubblegum.
The group asked some Candy People dressed as guards to have an audience with Lemongrab. The guards lead the group to the throne room where they found Lemongrab and Cookie sitting on thrones wearing crowns and carrying scepters.
"Oh look my Queen, we have guest and one of them is my creator." Said Lemongrab as he shot a brief glare at Bubblegum.
"So it is. Tell me Princess, you feel like laughing at my dream now that I'm a queen?" Asked Cookie.
"Hello why is that individual wearing a crown and sitting next to you?" Asked Bubblegum.
"Queen Cookie is my second in command. Like him I was mistreated by you and held back from my dreams. Now we are the leaders of a great new kingdom and we didn't need your help to do it. You found us unacceptable, but now the tables have turned! You are the unacceptable one here!" Said Lemongrab as he stood up from his throne and starred down at his creator.
"You tell them Lemongrab!" Said Cookie as he stood up a next to Lemongrab.
Bubblegum stood there with her mouth open not sure what to say.
"Congrats on becoming a queen man!" Cheered Jake.
"Thanks man. It's was thanks to another great person who believed in me that all of this became a reality." Said Cookie.
At that moment King strolled into the throne room with a big grin on his face. Bubblegum glared daggers at King, while Simon eyed him suspiciously. Neither Bubblegum or Simon believed King was actually royalty. King faced the group.
"Hello there heroes and fellow royals. Isn't this a wondrous day?" Said King.
"What are you doing here?" Demanded Bubblegum.
"Unacceptable! How dare you speak to teacher like that! It was thanks to him that all this came to be and he showed us how to be great!" Shouted Lemongrab angrily.
"It's ok King Lemongrab. The princess is just simply intimidated by me and doesn't accept my authority. She's a very prideful person." Said King.
"I'm...not prideful! The reason I don't accept your authority is because your not a real king!" Shouted Bubblegum.
A look of shock appeared on Lemongrab and Cookie's faces. Lemongrab started to pull out his sword, while Cookie raised his scepter like a bat to swing. Simon quickly stepped in to defuse the situation.
"Now let's all calm down. There's no need to get violent." Said Simon.
"Yeah chill." Said Finn.
Lemongrab and Cookie lowered their weapons. Bubblegum turned to King.
"What's your game here?" She asked.
"Oh I just saw that Lemongrab and Cookie were a couple of people who needed help, so I married them and made them into a King and Queen. I taught them and in exchange they let me organize and improve their kingdom to show their greatness. You see I saw potential in them. I'm surprised you didn't see Lemongrab's potential." Said King.
Bubblegum looked guiltily at the floor, as much as she hated to admit it she had cast aside Lemongrab first chance she got. Bubblegum had never really tried to help Lemongrab and saw him as a mistake. It was a bad call in judgement.
Bubblegum looked over at Cookie and saw the hate in his eyes, she glanced over at Lemongrab who had a little hate in his eyes to,
"Lemongrab I'm sorry for not being a good teacher and parent to you. I...was so focused on crating wonderful things that...when you didn't turn out right I just threw you away. You were my creation and you are unique. I see that now. Cookie I'm sorry if I laughed at your dream. I...didn't mean to offed you or anything. Everybody is allowed to have their own dream and I'm happy that you got yours. I'm truly sorry to both of you." Said Bubblegum.
Lemongrab and Cookie's eyes soften.
"Apology acceptable." Said Lemongrab.
"Yeah we're cool, but I want to hear you address me as Queen Cookie." Said Cookie.
"Greetings Queen Cookie." Said Bubblegum with a small smile.
"We're cool now." Said Cookie.
"Isn't this sweet. You see I help make wishes come true and I give people tender moments like this one." Said King.
Bubblegum shot a brief glare at King, she didn't trust the guy at all.
"It was good seeing you King Lemongrab and Queen Cookie. We're just going to check out your kingdom." Said Bubblegum as she turned to leave followed by the rest of her group.
Outside the throne room and on the castle grounds Bubblegum turned towards her friends.
"I don't trust the King of Ooo, his up to something and we need to find out." Said Bubblegum.
"Now...hold on Bubblegum. King may be a suspicious person and a fake royal, but so far I don't think his done anything illegal here." Said Simon.
"I...know but I just have this feeling that his up to something. There's a lot of shifty people here and there's enough of them to make a small army and they have a kingdom and a bunch of businesses financing them. We need to find out where King keeps his records and find out what his planning.." Said Bubblegum.
"I believe I can help with that."Said a voice from behind.
Everybody turned to see Tobe standing before them.
"Who are you?" Asked Bubblegum.
"Tobe Ishida. I'm a ninja and I can help you get into the room where King keeps his files. Like you I'm suspicious about his actions. I've seen many thieves and criminals in the area working here and I suspect that King is some kind of criminal leader." Said Tobe.
"Thank you. Your help will greatly be appreciated." Said Bubblegum.
"Investigation Time!" Cheered Finn.
"You go on ahead I'm going to take a look around and see if I can find any clues." Said Simon as he walked off.
Tobe lead Finn, Jake, and Bubblegum into one of the casino bathrooms and went into the ventilation duct. Tobe lead the group through the duct and into King's private office. The group then went about going through the file cabinets and desk draws trying to find anything that would indicate that King was a criminal mastermind, but all they found were a bunch of plans about starting a chain of theme parks and hotels in other kingdoms. It was perfectly legal. Bubblegum slouched in a office chair looking defeated.
"I don't understand. I...had a feeling King was hiding something, looks like his not."
The search had turned up empty, unfortunately for the heroes their entrance into the office hadn't gone unnoticed. Buffered the Butterfly was in one of the room's corners and he he pulled out a tiny walkie talkie that connected him to Toronto.
"Boss we got intruders in the office!"
"Keep them there I'll be there shortly with reinforcements." Said Toronto's voice.
"Understood." Said Buffered as he put up his walkie talkie and pulled out his laser gun.
In another part of the castle Toronto put up his walkie talkie and turned to the Business Men, who were doing some accounting and drinking coffee.
"Business Men we have intruders in the office, alert security and gear up!" Said Toronto.
Businessman 1 pulled out a mace, while the other three Business Men pulled out a katana, a ax, and a shield and spear. The Business Men and Toronto headed off to King's office, they were soon joined up by Bucket Knight and several gang members from the various gangs of the Syndicate.
Inside King's office the heroes were fixing to leave, when Buffered flew in and started firing his laser at them shouting like a lunatic. Tobe pulled out his swords and deflected several laser blast. After a few seconds Tobe swung his sword real hard creating a gust of wind that knocked Buffered out of the air and into a wall. The heroes decided to leave using the office door, but when they opened it they were confronted by Toronto and the forces he brought along with him.
"Gangway!" Shouted Jake as he made his hands giant size and knocked all the security forces to the side to allow him and his friends to run through.
"After them!" Shouted Toronto.
Bucket Knight poured a bucket of water on himself and grew to twenty feet, he let out a battle cry as he and the other security forces chased after the heroes.
On the castle grounds Simon had bumped into Huntress Wizard. Simon was the second highest member on the Wizard Council next to the Grand Master Wizard. Unlike most Council Wizards, Simon was kind and listened to everyone who approached the Council. Huntress Wizard respected and trusted Simon. The young female wizard explained what she was up to and that she believed the Secret Society should be arrested for messing with dark magic, when they heard a loud shouting. They turned to see Finn, Jake, Tobe, and Bubblegum being chased by several security forces.
"Oh boy. I thought something like this would happen." Said Simon as he put on his crown.
"I'll help you save them." Said Huntress Wizard as she notched an arrow to her bow.
"Thank you." Said Simon.
Huntress Wizard fired a arrow into the air and it turned into a large net ensnaring several members of the security force. A Hooligan with a makeshift flamethrower using a lighter and a can of hairspray laughed like crazy as he charged towards Finn. Simon fired a big glob of snow burying the Hooligan.
Simon and Huntress Wizard went to join the heroes side and formed a circle. The security forces surrounded them ready to fight. It was by a stroke of luck that a band of slightly drunken Marauders walked by and saw the groups ready to fight. If it was one thing Marauders loved more thin drinking and partying it was a good fight. The Marauders cheered crazily as they attacked the startled security forces and a all out brawl broke out!
On the music stage the Scream Queens stopped singing to look at the brawl.
"Looks like trouble." Said Django.
Marceline and Lucinda nodded in agreement as they watched the brawl, soon other people were joining in the brawl to. Marceline saw Bubblegum fall to the ground and get cornered by a couple of Slider Guys.
"Come on!" Shouted Marceline as she flew off the stage to join the fight.
Lucinda sprouted her wings and flew off after Marceline. Django just shrugged his shoulders as he leaped off the stage and jumped off of people's heads to reach the fight. The Slider Guys closed in on Bubblegum ready to pound her, when Marceline landed behind them and slammed their heads together knocking them out.
"I got to say it Bonnie, I'm surprised to see you in the middle of this." Said Marceline as she helped Bubblegum up.
"Thanks. I...know it's crazy." Said Bubblegum.
"Look just find someplace safe to lay low. I'll deal deal with these guys." Said Marceline.
Bubblegum nodded as she went to go find shelter. The battle was heating up and some how the Secret Society had been dragged into the fight. The wizards went about blasting Marauders and Syndicate forces with magical energy. Forest Wizard laughed as he blasted a group of Maunders with magic.
"Hey buddy up here!" Called a voice.
Forest Wizard turned just in time to see Django fly through the air and kick him in the face! Forest Wizard crashed to the ground dazed. Django pulled out his guitar and the instrument turned from its normal gold color into a steel metallic color. Django charged forward swinging his guitar sending whoever he hit flying.
Bufo saw the undead musician and tried to launch a sneak attack against him, but before the toad wizard could do anything Lucinda landed behind him and picked him up. Bufo shouted and kicked his legs in the air. Lucinda just smirked as she threw Bufo into a group of Candy Goons. The werewolf dusted her hands off and raced into battle.
Finn and Jake were trying to fend off the Business Men, who weren't happy to see them. The zombie like creatures were apparently still mad about being fired and later frozen in an iceberg. Businessman 1 swung his mace at Finn, who barely dodged the blow. Jack stretched his body around avoiding the swings of the other Business Men. Finn and Jake retreated back a little as the Business Men closed in, suddenly there was a zap and the Business Men were frozen in a block of ice. Finn and Jake turned to see Simon giving them a brief thumbs up. The adventures returned it and went back into battle.
Marceline bumped into Ash. The wizard gave Marceline a smile. Marceline just glared at Ash and kicked him between the legs! Ash's eyes went wide and he let out a pitiful sound as he dropped to the ground grasping his groin. Marceline smirked and continued on with the fight.
Huntress Wizard found herself facing Bucket Knight. The archer fired several explosive magic arrows at the large knight making him stagger back a little, but he continued on. Tobe suddenly appeared and charged forward slamming his swords into Bucket Knight's lower thigh. Bucket Knight shouted in pain as he stumbled onto one knee. Django appeared and fired a burst of energy from his guitar that slammed into Bucket Knight knocking him onto his back. The massive knight laid on the ground unmoving. The three warriors ran off to continue fighting.
Bubblegum was hiding in a ticket stall, when all of a sudden the little roof was blown of by a red laser blast. Bubblegum turned to see Laser Wizard making his way towards her ready to fire another laser. As he fired Finn suddenly leaped in front of the ticket booth a and deflected the laser with his sword.
"Your not hurting Bubblegum creep!" Shouted Finn as he charged at the wizard.
Laser Wizard fired several more lasers at Finn, but the brave warrior deflected them and kept moving forward. Soon he was face to face with Laser Wizard. Finn slammed his fist into the wizard's face and knocked him out. Finn went back to Bubblegum a look of concern on his face.
"You alright?"
"I am thanks to you Finn. You really are a great hero." Said Bubblegum as she stood up.
"Thanks." Said Finn as he blushed a little.
The fighting was still going on, until there was a loud thunderous clap. Everybody stopped fighting and turned to see The Farm standing with a larger number of security forces. King, Lemongrab, Cookie, and Toronto were with them. King stepped forward to address the crowd and eyed Bubblegum.
"I heard that a group of people broke into my office and then assaulted my forces. This is rude and unacceptable." Said King.
"UNACCEPTABLE!" Shouted Lemongrab.
"I should arrest you Bubblegum. You and your friends have committed several criminal acts in our kingdom, but sense your royalty I'll simply have you leave." Said King.
Finn and Jake looked like they were going to protest, but Bubblegum stopped them.
"Fair enough will leave." Said Bubblegum.
"Good." Said King.
Bubblegum leaned in close to King.
"I'll be watching you King. If your up to something I'll find out." Said Bubblegum as she turned to leave.
Finn, Jake, Simon, Tobe, and Huntress Wizard followed Bubblegum out. The fighting sopped and the Scream Queens went back to the stage to continue playing.
Finn, Jake, Simon, Tobe, Huntress Wizard, and Bubblegum went their separate ways home after Bubblegum thanked them all and Simon told Huntress Wizard he would look into dealing with the Secret Society.
On a nearby hill Crimson watched them and smiled. Bubblegum's paranoia would be even higher. The masked villain would have a little nightmare potion cooked up for Bubblegum when, she got back to the Candy Kingdom. Crimson laughed and teleported away.
A few hours later the Secret Society was leaving Castle Lemongrab, they were walking through some woods, when they heard a caw. They all looked up to see Crabbit sitting on a tree branch. Crabbit flew from the branch and landed on a lower tree branch. There was a flash of light and Maja appeared before the startled wizards.
"Hello wizards." Said Maja.
"What do you want?" Asked Ash.
"I want to help my fellow magic users become stronger." Said Maja.
"And how can you help us?" Asked Laser Wizard.
"By getting you the tightest wiz biz of all. The lost system of Antediluvian magick." Said Maja.
The wizards gasped. They felt themselves drool at the thought of having all that power.
"How do we get it?" Asked Laser Wizard.
"Go to the Capitol Building in Wizard City and break into the vault. There you will find a box that contains the weakened form of a being know as Bella Noche. Tell him what you want, and he will tell you how to restore him. Once he is restored he will show you the way." Said Maja.
"Why are you telling us this?" Asked Forest Wizard.
"Because your not like the other weak minded fools, who call themselves wizards. You have ambition and your willing become stronger not matter what. I have faith in your capabilities." Said Maja before she and Crabbit vanished in a flash of light.
The Secret Society looked at one another and all exchanged smirks. Soon they would be the most powerful wizards in the universe.
Maja and Crabbit appeared in their home. Maja let out a chuckle.
"All to easy. Those wizards are easy to fool."
At the Candy Kingdom, Bubblegum was retiring to bed, unbeknownst to her she had taken a nightmare potion. Bubblegum fell asleep and had the horrible nightmare about Ooo being in flames, but this time there was a new image. Sitting on a throne surrounded by destruction was King. The man laughed evilly declaring that all of Ooo belonged to him. Bubblegum woke up screaming. Crimson stood outside the bedroom door listening to the princess scream. Satisfied with his work Crimson charged into his cloak and teleported to the secret lair. The masked villain then went about making a plan to eliminate one of Ooo's mightiest and wisest protectors.
Simon Petrikov.
To be continued.