Chapter 35: Chapter 36 Reunited
Chapter 36 Reunited
By: Major144
Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. This is just a story for fun.
Crimson was in his magic lab working a particular nasty project. Before him was a tiny box that contained a tiny light pink square. Crimson closed the box and headed out of the lab and made his way to one of the lower levels of the lair.
The room he entered looked like some kind of zoo filled with monsters. There was a monster known as Heart Beast, that resembled a human heart and had a glowing skeleton arm, next to it was a creature known as Brain Beast, that resembled a pink brain with glowing blue eyes and had snakes coming out of it to serve it as limbs, and next to that was a strange creature know as Wall of Flesh, a creature with peach colored skin that resembled a wall and floor, with two eyes, a mouth, and arms. The creature next to the other monsters was the biggest in the room. It was called the Giant Goo Skull, a massive humanoid skeleton creature with a giant green org of goo in it's chest and had chainsaws strapped to different parts of its body.
Crimson went by the monster cages and approached a smaller cage. Inside the cage were three beautiful women with light green skin, with cat like eyes, dressed in white tops and skirts, with ribbons wrapped around their bodies. The creatures were know as Fruit Witches and they were extremely deadly. The Fruit Witches saw Crimson and their appearance changed. A small black creature with red cross shaped eyes and mouths full of fangs popped out of the of the all the Witches' heads and hissed at Crimson. The Fruit Witches glared at Crimson with dead white eyes. Crimson eyed one Fruit Witch that had short red hair, he turned to address the witch.
"I have a proposition for you. I have a certain wizard who needs to die and I've decided to let you have a go at him. If you succeed I'll let you and your sisters free. Do we have a deal?"
The Fruit Witches stared at one another making weird sounds. Then the red haired Fruit Witch nodded. Crimson waved his hand and the Fruit Witch was teleported out of the cage and stood before Crimson.
"I have something to give you. The wizard I need you to kill is called Simon. He is very powerful and I believe if you fight him directly, you would surly lose. Lucky for you I have just the thing you need to get close to him." Said Crimson as he pulled out the box and opened it.
The pink square shot out of the box and wrapped around the Fruit Witch in a pink cocoon. After a few minutes the cocoon became smaller and took on a more human shape with different colors. In the Fruit Witch's place stood a human women with light pink skin, with auburn hair, dressed in a green sweater, jeans, shoes, and glasses. The women looked exactly like Simon's dead wife Betty!
"What...did you do to me?" Asked the Fruit Witch in a voice that sounded exactly like Betty's voice as she looked down at her body.
"I disguised you as the wizard's wife using my magic. I will tell you want you need to know and you will use your charm to get close to Simon and kill him." Said Crimson.
The masked villain then teleported them to his office. Crimson went to his desk and pulled a Demonic Wishing Eye medallion. Crimson indicated the disguised Fruit Witch to sit and wait, he then teleported away.
In the Ice Kingdom, Gunther was walking around, when Crimson appeared before her.
"Dark servant I have a gift for you." Said Crimson as he handed Gunther the Demonic Wishing Eye. "Soon Simon will be no more. I have a plan to destroy him, but incase something goes wrong you will be tasked with destroying Simon. Your my backup plan."
Gunther bowed and Crimson teleported back to the lair. The masked villain walked over to the Fruit Witch and put his hand on her head. There was a flash of red light and Crimson removed his hand from the Fruit Witch.
"I've given you knowledge you need to pretend to be Betty. Now it's time to send you to Simon." Said Crimson as both his hands glowed with dark energy.
The Fruit Witch was encased in a sphere of black energy and teleported away. Crimson turned to his crystal ball and took a seat. He was going to enjoy this.
At the Ice Kingdom, Simon was in his lab creating several sun amulets for the Fire Kingdom. The old wizard was planning to give them to the Flame People, so they could walk around freely and not set anything on fire by accident. Maybe Simon could convince Flame King to release Phoebe from the lantern after he gave the Flame People the amulets. Marceline had been sneaking into the Fire Kingdom using her invisibility powers to visit Phoebe. The thought of the little Flame Girl trapped in the lantern saddened Simon and he was going to do everything in his power to try to free her.
Simon became interrupted from his thoughts by a loud whistling noise, he went over to the window and saw something fly from the sky and crash into the ground a few hundred yards from his mountain home. Simon put on his crown and flew out to investigate.
There was a large smoking crater where the object had landed. Simon landed on the ground and approached it. As he got closer Simon saw what appeared to a person. Simon got closer and his mouth hung open in disbelief. The person in the crater was Betty, but that was impossible! Betty was dead! Simon had seen her die, yet there she was.
"Betty?" Asked Simon in a shaky voice.
"Simon...?" Said Betty as she sat up on her elbows.
"Betty!" Cried Simon as he ran forward and wrapped his arms around Betty and kissed her cheek. "Your...alive, but how can"
"It...was my love for that brought me back...Simon. It took me...hundreds of years of searching, but I found a way to return." Said Betty.
"Let me get you inside and you can tell me everything." Said Simon as he reached down and picked Betty up in his arms.
Simon turned and began to walk back to his mountain home carrying Betty. The old wizard missed the evil little smirk that briefly a appeared on Betty's face as they entered the mountain.
In the Underworld, Death was tending to his garden, when all of a sudden he stopped what he was doing and looked up. Someone very important was speaking to Death. It was the voice of the Cosmic Owl.
"Death I need you to bring someone back to life."
"Lord Cosmic Owl. Who do you wish to be brought back to life?" Said Death.
"The human known as Betty."
"To what may I ask do you need Betty to be brought back to life?" Asked Death.
"The wizard know as Simon is in great danger. Dark forces have created a false Betty in order to make Simon lower his guard and kill him."
"But why bring Betty back to life? Why not alert any of Simon's friends and family?" Asked Death.
"They will not reach him in time and I think it is time to reunite Simon and Betty. Simon has proven himself to be a kind and humble person, he has earned the right to be reunited with the women he loves."
"Very well, but might I ask why your so interested in Simon's well being?" Said Death.
"I have observed Ooo and all the people who live there. Simon is a pillar of goodness and humility in Ooo. If he were to perish, the rest of Ooo would slowly fall into chaos. There are others who possess the same goodness as Simon, but they lack the wisdom he has. They will try to save Ooo, but their lack of knowledge and wisdom will be their downfall. Simon must live so he can pass on his wisdom to the others, especially Finn."
"As you wish, but what of the wives of the Lord of Good and the Lord of Evil and the Flame Queen? Betty has become good friends with all of them and she would probably wish for them to be brought back to life also." Said Death.
"Their time will come, but now is not the right time."
"It shall be done." Said Death.
Death raised his hoe in the air and Betty's spirt appeared before him.
"Lord Death." Said Betty with a bow.
"Betty. Simon is in danger and your the only one who can reach him in time and save him." Said Death.
"But...what can I do? I'm just a spirit." Said Betty.
"Your going to be brought back to life." Said Death.
Betty looked at Death in shock.
" life? But what about Linda, Grace, and Flame Queen? Will they be brought back to life?" Asked Betty.
"There time will come, but right now we must hurry. I will send word to Linda and Gwen to alert their daughters of what is going on." Said Death.
"Alright." Said Betty.
Death's hands glowed white with energy and Betty was enveloped in a white aura.
"Thank you Death." Said Betty before she vanished in a flash of light.
Death then went and alerted Linda and Grace about what was going on and told them to tell their daughters what was going on and to get them to head towards the Ice Kingdom.
Above the plateau where Betty's grave was a white beam of energy shot out the sky and raced towards the ice coffin with Betty's body in it. The light hit the coffin and exploded leaving Betty's body out in the open. For several seconds Betty's body laid there doing nothing, then it sat up coughing! Betty's eyes opened and at first they appeared dead, but color returned to them. Betty took a deep breath and put a hand to her chest and felt the thumping of her heart. She was alive! Betty stood up on shaking legs and took one step after another. A determined look appeared on Betty's face.
"I'm coming to save you Simon. Just hang on." Thought Betty as she started to move faster and headed towards the mountain home.
At the mountain home Simon and the fake Betty were sitting in the living room. The disguised Fruit Witch was releasing a invisible fruit toxin that was making Simon woozy. The wizard sat on a couch next to the Fruit Witch and his eyes were sagging a little, soon the Fruit Witch would kill him. From the shadows Gunther watched showing everything she saw to Crimson back at the lair.
The Fruit Witch saw that now was a good time to finish off Simon, she stood and faced the wizard, her hands tightening into fist.
"Hey fake get away from my husband!" Shouted a voice from behind.
The Fruit Witch turned around startled to see a women who looked exactly like the person, she was disguised as, except she was wearing a white dress and carrying a staff. Before the Fruit Witch could do anything, Betty swung her staff and hit the Witch in the head knocking the Witch to the ground and making her face scrape against the coffee table. There was an odd ripping sound followed by a thud as the Witch hit the ground. Betty turned away from the Witch and kneeled down next to Simon. The wizard starred at Betty.
"Betty? What's...going on?" Asked Simon in confusion.
"Simon I'm the real Betty. That person, who you thought was me was a fake trying to kill you, but I'm here and I'm going to save you." Said Betty as she leaned forward and kissed Simon on the lips.
Betty stood up and turned to face the imposter. The Fruit Witch staggered to her feet to face Betty, revealing that some of her disguised had been ripped off by the coffee table. The left side of the disguises face had been ripped off exposing the Fruit Witch's true form underneath. The Fruit Witch let out a hiss as she ripped off the rest of her disguise showing her real self. The vile creature flew forward and tackled Betty and sent them both flying into the kitchen knocking over several pan and plates. The Fruit Witch pinned Betty to the ground with one hand as her other hand turned into a claw. The evil monster raised her claw up to strike Betty. The human shot her hand out and grabbed the nearest thing laying nearby. A frying pan. Betty swung the frying pan up and hit the Fruit Witch in the side of the head! The Fruit Witch flew off of Betty, giving her enough time to scramble to her feet. Betty charged forward hitting the Fruit Witch several times with the frying pan, until the evil being laid on the ground bruised and dazed. Betty dropped the frying pan and headed back to Simon, who was now starting to fully recover from the Fruit Witch's toxins.
Simon grabbed Betty and kissed her passionately on the lips. The Fruit Witch staggered to her feet with a look of absolute fury on her face! The Witch screeched and flew towards the couple. Simon stepped in front of Betty putting his crown on. Simon's hands crackled with energy and he unleashed a powerful burst of lightning that struck the charging Fruit Witch! The evil creature screeched in pain before it's body disintegrated into ash.
In the secret lair Crimson starred at the crystal ball in disbelief. What was the meaning of this? A women that should be dead had suddenly returned back to life and ruined his plan! Oh well Crimson still had a back up plan the only difference now was that there were fixing to be two people dead now instead of one.
"Gunther. Kill them both!"
Back at the Ice Kingdom, Gunther's eyes were glowing bright red, she stepped out of the shadows and activated the Demonic Wishing Eye that hung around her body. A few seconds later there were serval more penguins in the room surrounding Simon and Betty. The penguin copies were green and carried swords and spears. Simon and Betty looked around in confusion. Gunther stepped forward and the dark entity in her that was the true evil spoke.
"Simon and Betty, my master has given me orders to eliminate the two of you." Said Gunther in a cold metallic voice.
"Gunther?" Said Simon.
"Simple mortals, I am an entity that was simply possessing this creature. I was simply spying on you, until my master gave me the order to kill you both." Said Gunther as she waved a wing and ordered her copies to attack.
Simon grabbed Betty and flew over the heads of the penguins. The penguins threw spears at the retreating couple, but Simon deflected them with a wave of ice wind. Simon and Betty flew up the stairs leading leading up to the master bedroom. The penguins chased after them. Simon laded and set Betty down, he then used his powers to create a massive snowball and sent it rolling down the stairs knocking the penguins down like bowling pins. Simon then created a massive wall of ice cutting off the penguins from the master bedroom.
Gunther glared at the ice wall angrily and decided to change strategy, she gather her copies and went outside. Gunther tapped the Demonic Wishing Eye, the penguins gathered around her, and began forming a massive monstrous body out of the penguins. The Penguin Monster stood about thirty feet tall. It turned towards the mountain home and began to scale it. Simon looked outside and saw the massive monster climbing the mountain and heading towards the top. Simon turned to Betty.
"Betty I need you to you hide in my closet. I'm going to try to get rid of this creature." Said Simon.
"Simon...please just be careful alright." Said Betty as she kissed Simon on the lips.
"I promise I'll return." Said Simon before he flew out the window to fight the monster.
Simon began firing tiny burst of lighting at the monster, but it seemed to have little affect. The monster swung a massive arm at Simon, but he managed to dodge it. Simon was trying to figure out what to, when he saw two shapes flying towards the mountain. It was Marceline and Lucinda.
Marceline and Lucinda had been hanging around the Candy Kingdom, when they were visited by their mothers urging them to fly to the Ice Kingdom. They said that Simon was in danger and the cousins took off. They saw Simon flying about fight a large monster that seemed to be made out of penguins. The cousins flew over to Simon.
"Simon are you ok?" Called Marceline.
"I am, but this monster is to strong. I have an idea to take it down, but I need a little time." Said Simon.
"Leave it to use." Said Lucinda as she transformed into her werewolf form.
It was an odd sight to see a werewolf with angle wings. Marceline changed into her giant bat form and the two monster flew forward to attack the Penguin Monster. Simon flew up into the air and started to wave his arms in circles creating a mass of thunderclouds. Marceline and Lucinda dive bombed the Penguin Monster hitting it with their super strength. The monster slid down the mountain a little and roared in pain from the attack. The Penguin Monster tried to strike the cousins out of the air, but they avoided the attack.
"Girls get out of the way. I'm bring on the heavy stuff!" Called Simon.
The girls flew away from the Penguin Monster. The monster looked up and saw the mass of thunderclouds sparking with lightning. A feeling of fear went through the monster as Simon waved his arm downwards and a massive bolt of lightning flew downwards and stuck the Penguin Monster dead center knocking it down from the mountain and sending it crashing to the ground. The Penguin Monster was smashed into a bunch of penguins. Simon flew to the ground followed by Marceline and Lucinda, who were back in their human forms. Gunther laid on her back moaning. Simon reached down and yanked the Demonic Wishing Eye off of Gunther, he then froze it and threw it to the ground shattering it. The penguin copies vanished in a flash of light.
"So what do we do about her?" Asked Marceline as she pointed at Gunther.
"Let's question her. Alright tell us who you work for." Said Simon.
"You will get nothing from me fools! I know none of you have the heart to harm an innocent creature that is simply being possessed." Said Gunther.
"Your right, so there's only one thing to do." Said Lucinda as she clapped her hands together and closed her eyes.
"What are you doing?" Asked Marceline.
"I'm expelling the evil entity that lives in that penguin." Explained Lucinda. "Evil spirit by the powers of light and goodness I command you to leave and fade into nothingness!"
Gunther's body shook as she let out a scream. The red eyes faded and a black orb flew out of her body. The orb screeched as it disintegrated. Gunther looked around confused and wondered off.
At the evil lair the crystal ball was just showing static. Crimson felt his rage boiling as he clenched his fist in anger. Another perfect plan ruined! Crimson ripped off his mask and let out an animal like snarl as he fired a blast of red lightning at the crystal ball blowing it to bits!
"Those wretched heroes are going to pay for ruining my plans!" Thought Crimson as he put his mask back on and went to come up with a new plan.
At the Ice Kingdom, Simon was taking Marceline and Lucinda up to his room for a surprise. Simon went over to his closet and knocked on the door.
"You can come out now it's safe." Said Simon.
The door opened and Betty walked out. Marceline starred at Betty wide eye and then she flew over and embraced her. Betty returned the embrace. Tears fell out of both their eyes. Lucinda just stood there and smiled enjoying the tender moment.
"Betty...your alive! I've...missed you so much!" Said Marceline.
"I've...missed you to sweetie. I've been watching you grow up and your mother and I are so proud of you." Said Betty.
Lucinda stepped forward.
"Betty...can you tell us if my and Marceline's mother are going to come back to life?"
"Death, told me that Linda, Grace and Flame Queen, would be brought back to life, but it wasn't yet their time. Death brought me back to life to help save Simon. I'm sure the others will be brought back soon enough." Said Betty.
"Right now we're a family again." Said Simon as he walked over and hugged both Betty and Marceline.
Lucinda watched them hug. Marceline glanced back at her.
"Come on and join in cuz! Your family to, so join in on the moment." Said Marceline.
Lucinda smiled and joined in on the family hug. It was a emotional moment for all of them. A loved one had returned and news of the coming return of other loved ones brightened everyone's spirits. There was nothing, but joy in the Ice Kingdom that day.
To be continued.