Chapter 36: Chapter 37 Anti Magic
Chapter 37 Anti Magic
By: Major144
Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. This is just a story for fun.
In the months that followed the return of Betty, everything was peaceful. Finn was incredibly excited to hear that there was another human in Ooo. He and Jake headed to the Ice Kingdom to meet Betty. They reached the mountain home and knocked, Betty answered the door wearing a green sweater, jeans, and shoes.
"Why hello there you must be Finn and Jake. Simon and Marceline have told me a lot about you two." Said Betty with a warm smile.
Finn and Jake immediately liked Betty, she seemed kind and compassionate like her husband.
"Why don't you boys come in and will talk." Said Betty as she let the two young heroes in.
Finn and Jake went in and took a seat on a couch in the living room. Simon was already there and Betty soon joined them.
"So what do you boys want to talk about?" Asked Betty.
"Well...can you tell us was like to die...and then come back to life?" Said Finn.
Simon looked like he didn't want this topic discussed and he was fixing to protest, but Betty raised a hand and stopped him.
"It's alright Simon, I'm fine telling them. They're just curious that's all."
Simon relaxed a little. Betty turned to face the two young heroes.
"As you know I died at the hands of the Lich. He attacked our home and gave me a terrible sickness that slowly killed me. I became weak and unable to move, it was a painful experience, especially for my husband and Marceline. They were unable to help me and they felt terrible. In my last few moments...of life I told both Simon and Marceline how much I loved them and to be happy and keep on living. Then there was a peaceful darkness and I died."
Finn and Jake took Betty's words in. For several seconds they digested this information. Then finally Finn spoke.
"What was Death like?"
"Death is a really kind guy. He may be in charge of the Underworld, but he is really compassionate and values life. Death allowed me and Marceline's mother to travel to Earth and visit Simon and Marceline in their dreams." Said Betty.
"What was it like coming back from the dead?" Asked Jake.
"It felt like I got woken from from a dream with an electric shock." Said Betty with a little giggle.
"Hey...Betty. Did you see an other humans in the afterlife...who might be my human parents?" Said Finn.
"I'm sorry Finn...I didn't see anyone who looked like they might have been your parents." Said Betty sorrily.
Finn looked sadly at the ground.
"Your parents could possibly still be alive Finn." Said Betty.
This brightened up Finn's mood.
"You really think so?" He asked.
"Yes, and one day I believe you'll find them." Said Betty with a smile.
Finn thanked Betty and he and Jake left to go look for a dungeon to explore. Simon and Betty watched them leave.
"A couple of nice boys. I do hope Finn finds what his looking for." Said Betty.
"I'm sure he will. If it's one thing I know about Finn he doesn't give up." Said Simon.
The two of them kissed and they began to tend to their home.
In Beautopia, Susan was walking around making sure that her tribe was doing good, when off in the distance she saw a Super Porp delivery robot flying away carrying what appeared to be a baby in a blanket!
"Baby!" Shouted Susan as she took off after the robot down a cave.
Unlike most of Ooo, Susan didn't trust Super Porp or it's mascot Cheryl. Susan had tasted the soda and for some strange reason Susan didn't like it and immediately spat it out. Susan decided to believe that Super Porp was bad and that Cheryl could not be trusted.
Susan pursued the robot into a large room not knowing it was a secret entrance to the Super Porp factory. A large metal door closed behind Susan blocking off her escape. Susan looked around confused not sure what to make of this. Then she saw the baby laying in the middle of the floor. Susan went over to the baby and took the blanket off revealing it to be a baby doll.
"Fake baby!" Shouted Susan angrily.
"Your a fast one." Said Cheryl as her face appeared on a TV on the wall.
"Cheryl why you want Susan?" Demanded Susan.
"My master is the one who wants you. Your an interesting case and he wishes to study you. Have a Super Porp day!" Said Cheryl before her face vanished from the TV screen.
A door to the right opened and out stepped the robotic figure of Blastronaut marched in pointing his blaster arm at Susan.
"Target sighted. Capture mode activated." Said Blastronaut.
The robot started to fire lasers at Susan, forcing her to run and dodge about. The big Hyooman raced towards the robot prepared to punch him with her massive fist. Blastronaut activated some jets on his feet and began to fly away from Susan. The Hyooman leaped into the air and managed to tackle Blastronaut sending them both crashing to the ground. Susan managed to get to her feet first and delivered a powerful punch to Blastronaut's head knocking him back a little. Susan charged forward to deliver another punch, but this time the robot was ready. Blastronaut caught Susan's fist with his regular hand while he violently clubbed her with his blaster hand. As Susan staggered back Blastronaut fired his shoulder blasters at Susan and sent her flying to the other side with a crash!
Susan laid on the ground moaning in pain, her arms were badly burnt. The the wounds started to heal themselves, until the arms were completely healed. Though Susan was healed she felt exhausted. Blastronaut slowly approached Susan.
"Requesting assistance." He said.
Something green and slimy emerged from the floor next to Susan and began to take shape. It was Hunny Bunny. The large slimy creature went over to Susan and wrapped his slimy body around her. Susan tried to break free, but Hunny Bunny's body was to gooey. Another door opened up and in walked Sylvester. The evil cat walked over to Susan, reached down, and yanked her cat hat off.
Instead of a fish like mutation, Susan was revealed to have a normal looking human face with a white and silver mechanical implants on the left side of her head.
"Let Susan go!" Shouted Susan weakly.
"Oh I'm afraid not. You see your a very special creature with some extra features and I enjoy studying and experimenting on special creatures like yourself." Said Sylvester as he rubbed his hands eagerly and let out a chuckle.
Susan then began to lose consciousness as the villains carried her away.
At the Ice Kingdom, Simon had purchased a couple of flying carpets from Wizard City. The carpets would allow Betty to travel around Ooo with out being in to much danger and it was an easy means of travel. Simon was going to take his carpet to Wizard City, telling Betty he was going to help deal with a group of troublesome wizards. The couple kissed and Simon headed towards Wizard City.
Simon reached the Capitol Building where he was met by Huntress Wizard. There also seemed to a large number of Wizard Police around the building. The carpet went to the ground and Simon dismounted.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"Somebody stole something from the vault." Said Huntress Wizard.
"Any suspects?" Asked Simon.
"I think it's the Secret Society, they're the only ones who would completely disregard the law and steal something incredibly dangerous from the vault." Said Huntress Wizard.
"Do we know what was stolen?" Asked Simon.
"Not yet, but the Grand Master Wizard is looking into it. I do know where the Secret Society is hiding out." Said Huntress Wizard.
"Show me." Said Simon.
The two of them hopped onto the carpet and Huntress Wizard piloted it to the outskirts of Wizard City.
Deep within the vault, the Grand Master Wizard was looking through all the contents trying to figure out what was stolen, he then stumbled upon an empty space on a shelf, the wizard glanced at a clipboard in his hands and his eyes went wide with horror.
"Oh crab! Those fools have stolen one of the greatest threats to magic! Bella Noche! If they restore him it's goodbye Magic!"
The Grand Master Wizard quickly went about alerting the entire Wizard Police force and all the Wizards of Wizard City to be on the lookout for anyone carrying a box with a green slimy head in it.
Deep below Wizard City, three members of the Secret Society stood before a box with a slimy green head in it. Stealing the head and smuggling it out of the vault had been a tricky task, but the Wizards managed to do it. Bella Noche the head asked the wizards why they had broken him out of the vault. Laser Wizard told Bella Noche what they wanted and if the head agreed to give them what they wanted they would restore him. Bella Noche grinned and agreed to the deal explaining he would grant the Secret Society's request once he was restored. The wizards agreed.
Bella Noche had the Secret Society gather a sword, a staff, a orb, and a goblet. On the day that Bella Noche was supposed be restored Laser Wizard decided to take some precautions. He ordered Ash to wait outside the caverns with a flying carpet. Ash complained, but Laser Wizard explained it was a good idea to have a emergency escape plan incase something went wrong and they were forced to flee. Ash reluctantly agreed.
Now Laser Wizard, Forest Wizard, and Bufo stood before Bella Noche with the items. Laser Wizard and Bufo put the sword, goblet, and orb before Bella Noche. Forest Wizard still held the staff.
"I must admit you wizards are quit skilled." Said Bella Noche.
"Thank you. Now do you remember your part of the bargain?" Said Laser Wizard.
"But of course. Once I am restored you will receive the lost system of Antediluvian magick." Said Bella Noche.
The wizards grinned greedily. Soon they would be the most powerful group of magic users ever and they could do whatever they wanted. It was then Simon walked into the room.
"Stop what your doing!" Ordered Simon.
The wizards froze and looked at Simon, not sure what to do. One of the most powerful wizards in Ooo had caught them in the act of releasing a powerful creature.
"Stop what your doing now and I promise you will receive a fair trial for your crimes." Said Simon as he got closer to the group.
Simon had sent Huntress Wizard to get the Wizard Police, while he tried to talk the Secret Society down. Laser Wizard glared at Simon with defiance.
"You can't tell us what to do old man! We're the future of magic and we will not let you stand in our way!" Snarled Laser Wizard as his hands glowed red with energy.
Bufo stood next to Laser Wizard, his hands glowing purple. Forest Wizard looked around not sure what to do. Bella Noche then decided to take charge.
"Bella Noche shall be restored!"
A beam of magical energy shot out and grabbed the staff from Forest Wizard's hands and dragged it close to Bella Noche. At that moment Huntress Wizard, Grand Master Wizard, and several Wizard Police blew a hole into the room. The wizard monarch's eyes widen in absolute shock at what he saw happening.
"You fools have doomed us all!"
"Your just jealous that we're going to get the lost system of Antediluvian magick and become all powerful!" Declared Laser Wizard.
"You idiots! Bella Noche will do no such thing for you!" Shouted GMW.
The head of Bella Noche was enveloped by dark energy and a new form was taking shape. A wave of dark energy shot out and hit Simon and the three Secret Society members making them scream in pain and fall to the ground. The other wizards ducked behind the wall to avoid the blast. The down wizards slowly got to their feet looking confused.
"I can't feel my magic!" Screamed Forest Wizard in shock.
""What gives?" Demanded Laser Wizard.
"Bella Noche is a being of pure anti magic. Y'all got played!" Said GMW.
"That witch tricked us!" Cursed Laser Wizard.
"Wait what witch?" Demanded Huntress Wizard.
However a moan from Simon, got the female wizard's attention and she turned to look at him and her jaw nearly dropped to the floor. Simon now had normal looking human skin, with brown hair. The blue skin, along with the long nose, white beard, and white hair were gone. The jewels on Simon's crown were now dull and dark. Simon groaned and looked at his hands in confusion startled to see that they were no longer blue.
"What...happened?" He asked.
At that moment the darkness that had engulfed Bella Noche had finally taken shape. Bella Noche was now a tall blue skin creature with long white hair dressed in a blue robe, with two black eyes. It was a strange and beautiful sight. Bella Noche chuckled evilly.
"Behold wizards the true magnificence of Bella Noche! Soon this planet we be completely drained of magic!" Shouted Bella Noche as a black box of energy appeared around him and started to grow and spread.
"Retreat!" Shouted Huntress Wizard as she ran out and grabbed Simon dragging him away from the approaching darkness.
The Grand Master Wizard and the Wizard Police began to retreat. A few brave and crazy Wizard Police Officers yanked their boots off and hurled them at the darkness in some kind of weird attempt to stop it, but it had little affect.
The Secret Society ran out through a side exit and raced towards Ash and his carpet. They all piled madly onto the carpet.
"What's going on?" Asked Ash in confusion.
"Just get us out of here!" Shouted Laser Wizard.
Ash did as he was told. The carpet took off and Ash glanced backwards in time to see a large square mass of energy rise out of the ground.
"What happened?" Asked Ash.
"We've been played! Bella Noche stole our magic and now his going on a rampage." Said Bufo.
"Maja is going to pay for this! No one makes a fool of the Secret Society!" Said Laser Wizard.
"So what's the plan?" Asked Forest Wizard.
"We can't go back to Wizard City right after what we did. Ash is the only one with magic in him, so our forces are weak. We need to arm ourselves with magical items and find a place to lay low for awhile." Said Laser Wizard.
"What about the woods where Maja lives?" Suggested Forest Wizard.
"Yes! Maja is bound to have a bunch of magical items at her place. Ok we head there break in, steal her stuff, and take our sweet revenge on the witch." Said Laser Wizard as he pulled a black dagger out of his belt.
Though the blade didn't have any magic in it, it was still a deadly weapon meant for killing. Laser Wizard grinned with the thought of killing Maja. The Secret Society headed West towards the woods where Maja lived.
Back at Wizard City the inhabitants were desperately trying to prepare a defense against the spreading anti magic darkness. Simon was sitting on a bench looking sick. Every now and then Simon would burst out into a serious of coughs. The Grand Master Wizard glanced over at Simon gravely.
"So...what's the plan to deal with Bella Noche?" Asked Simon as he tried to get up.
"Simon...your in no condition to help fight. I think you should take your carpet and head back to your kingdom." Said GMW.
"I...might not have magic, but I have other skills." Coughed Simon.
"Be as that may, your not in any fit condition to fight or help plan out an attack. As ruler of Wizard City I'm ordering you to return to your kingdom." Said GMW.
Simon reluctantly agreed and got onto his carpet and flew back to his kingdom. Grand Master Wizard and Huntress Wizard watched him fly away.
"He doesn't have long to live dose he?" Asked Huntress Wizard.
"I'm afraid not. The magic that kept Simon alive for so long is gone. Simon only has a few hours at best. Bella Noche will destroy us all." Said GMW.
"Isn't there anyway to stop him?" Asked Huntress Wizard.
"Bella Noche won't let himself be sealed again. I have Ron James working on double negative magic potion, but his working with limited resources, since his lab was destroyed." Said GMW.
"Will just have to keep fighting until we figure out a solution." Said Huntress Wizard as she went to go help the defenses.
At the Ice Kingdom, Simon had arrived. Betty went out to greet him and let out a gasp of shock, when she saw him.
"Hey...Betty." Simon said weakly as he almost fell off of the carpet.
Betty managed to catch him and dragged Simon into the mountain placing him on the couch.
"Simon what...happened to you? You...look like your old self look sick." Said Betty as she placed a hand on Simon's forehead.
"My...magic is gone. A creature called Bella Noche took it away from me." Said Simon.
"Ok you just wait there I'm going to make a few calls." Said Betty as she picked up a phone and made some calls.
Thirty minutes later Finn, Jake, Marceline, Lucinda, and Django were in the living room gathered around Simon. Betty filled them in on what happened. They all looked sadly at Simon. It was sad to see someone who was once so full of life and joy, being on the verge of death. Marceline looked down at the sick form of Simon and the weeping figure of Betty. This wasn't right! Simon and Betty were back together after being apart for a thousand years. They deserved to live happily with one another after all they've been through. Marceline came up with a crazy idea.
"Simon I'm going to change you into a vampire and save you." Said Marceline as she extended her fangs.
"" Said Simon.
Marceline took a deep breath and bit into Simon's neck! Jake fainted as everybody else watched Marceline. At first it seemed like Simon was getting better, then he immediately became unwell and a blast of black lightning exited his body hitting Marceline knocking her away from Simon!
"What the Glob happened?" Shouted Marceline as she got to her feet.
Simon still looked the same. Django approached Simon and studied him closely.
"There is a lot of anti magic in Simon's body. There's so much of it that it will instantly reject any magical change to his body." Said Django.
"Your saying...we can't turn Simon into a vampire to save him?" Asked Marceline.
Django nodded his head sadly.
"Or a werewolf?" Asked Lucinda.
Django nodded his head again.
Everybody looked at the ground defeated. Simon coughed weakly. Finally Finn spoke.
"So Simon, just needs his magic back and this Bella Noche guy has it. We just need to destroy him and free it and Simon will be ok."
"That could work, but we need people who don't possess magical powers to do it." Said Django.
"Well I'm going. So that makes one." Said Finn.
"I'm coming to." Said Betty.
"Betty...don't..its to dangerous." Gasped Simon.
"I'm going Simon. I'm going to save you and everything is going to be alright. I promise" Said Betty as she went over and kissed Simon on the lips.
Betty picked up a staff and summoned her carpet. Finn and Betty jumped onto the rug and flew off towards Wizard City.
At Wizard City things were looking grim. The anti magic had changed to a monstrous black mountain and was continuing to spread. Ron James's potion had failed to stop the rampaging mass and the wizards were desperately trying to hold the spreading mass back with very little success.
Deep within the mass of anti magic Bella Noche stood in the center controlling everything and using his powers to scan the world outside. Bella Noche sensed a large amount of evil energy miles away from Wizard City that sent a chill down his spine. He had sensed the same evil energy along time ago and knew who it belonged to. It was possible one of the few beings that frightened Bella Noche. The anti magic being was sensing the energy of the Lich!
Bella Noche had a feeling that the Lich was somehow responsible for his release and now he wanted Bella Niche to serve him. Bella Noche knew that to go against the Lich was an instant death sentence. Whatever the Lich wanted Bella Noche would obey.
Finn and Betty flew towards Wizard City. As they flew between the valley wall's they saw Tobe standing on one of the walls. Finn shouted his name and Tobe nimbly jumped off the canyon wall and landed on the carpet next to Finn and Betty.
"Tobe you seen what's been happening?" Asked Finn.
"I have. That creature is an abomination towards nature that will upset the balance of the natural order. It must be stopped." Said Tobe.
"We can use all the help we can get." Said Betty.
A few quick introductions were made between Betty and Tobe as they finally reached Wizard City. The group started at the mountain of anti magic with both looks of awe and horror. They flew in close and the carpet was zapped of it's magic. The heroes quickly leapt off and grabbed onto the mountain. They began to scale it, until they reached a small cave and climbed inside. They crept forward until they reached the center and saw Bella Noche. Tobe decided to attack first, he reached into his belt and hurled several ninja stars at Bella Noche, but a wall of anti magic popped up and blocked the attack. Bella Noche opened his eyes and glared through the darkness at the intruders.
"Foolish mortals! You dare enter the sanctuary of Bella Noche and attack! You will die painfully!" Hissed Bella Noche as he waved his hand causing several spikes to shoot out of the ground at the heroes.
The three heroes quickly scrambled to escape the deadly spikes. Tobe threw several more ninja stars at Bella Noche, but he just blocked them with another wall of anti magic. Finn jumped forward swinging his sword, but Bella Noche knocked him out of the air with a tendril of anti magic. Betty managed to get close to Bella Noche and hit him in the head with her staff. Bella Noche staggered back and glared at Betty, he summoned another tendril that knocked Betty to the ground and yanked her staff away snapping it like a twig.
"You dare strike a superior being of existence? You are either very brave or very foolish women." Said Bella Noche as he looked down at Betty.
"You hurt my husband! His dying because of you!" Hissed Betty.
"Your husband is of little concern to me. I will drain all the magic of this world and no wizard or mortal will stop me!" Declared Bella Noche.
"I beg to differ!" Shouted Tobe as he leaped into the and hurled one of his swords at Bella Noche.
Bella Noche knocked the sword out of the air with one anti magic tendril as he swatted Tobe out of the air with the another. The sword landed on the ground next to Betty. The human looked at the sword and grabbed it holding it with two hands. She faced Bella Noche and charged forward thrusting her sword towards Bella Noche's chest! Bella Noche saw Betty thrusting her sword forward and only had time to let out a scream as the sword pierced his robe and went through his chest!
Bella Noche collapsed to his knees as black liquid exited his wound. Betty, Finn, and Tobe stood before the dying creature. All around them the anti magic mountain began to shrink and disintegrate. Bella Noche looked up at the heroes.
"The...great Bella Noche...brought down by...a group of mortals. humiliating defeat. many years...of waiting...I was finally freed...only to be a boy, a ninja, and...the wife of a wizard. Truly...the fates...must be smiling on you...this day." Said Bella Noche.
"You hurt someone we cared about and you put the world in danger. You need to be stopped." Said Betty.
"I...suppose...that makes sense...with your way of thinking. But...let me tell you something. The destruction and chaos...I would have caused are minor to what is coming...there is a great darkness in this world...and it is simply biding it's time. When it makes it's move you will face utter annihilation. You...will face your worst fears and you will feel utter despair." Said Bella Noche.
"What is this great darkness?" Demanded Finn.
"I will tell you no more, but this. A my hands would...have been a mercy compared to what is coming! So says Bella Noche!" Said the anti magic being as he ripped the sword from his chest and tossed it to the ground.
Bella Noche let out a dying laugh as his body melted into black slime and evaporated. The anti magic mountain exploded into a bright light returning all the stolen magic.
Miles away in some woods the Secret Society got their magic back and they let out a triumph laugh as they went back to looking for Maja.
At the Ice Kingdom, Simon's breath was becoming more shallow, when a bright light hit him and he returned to his wizard self. Marceline let out a cry of joy as she threw her arms around Simon and hugged him. Lucinda joined in on the hug. Jake and Django let out a whoop of excitement as they fist bumped one another.
At Wizard City Betty, Finn, and Tobe stood before a crowd of wizards who were shouting with joy for the ones who vanquished Bella Noche. The heroes were lifted on the wizards's shoulders and carried through the town cheering. Finn and Betty finally managed to leave and return to the Ice Kingdom, where they were happy to see that Simon was back to full health.
Betty ran over to Simon and embraced him kissing him passionately on the lips.
"I love you." Said Betty.
"I love you to." Said Simon as they shared another kiss.
Finn and the others just smiled at the couple.
Back at Wizard City, Crimson observed the repairs the Wizards were working on. Though Bella Noche had been destroyed, he had served his purpose. The wizards were now going to work harder on increasing their own defenses making them a force to be reckoned with. They would be a powerful force in the upcoming war. Crimson smiled and teleported back to the lair.
To be continued.