Adventure Time:Family By Major144

Chapter 37: Chapter 38 Hunt


Chapter 38 Hunt

By: Major144

Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. This is just a story for fun.

At the secret lair Sylvester had an unconscious Susan strapped to a to a table. The evil science cat pulled out a scapulae and made a little cut on Susan's shoulder. Sylvester watched with fascination as the wound healed itself. The cat then pulled out a syringe and extracted some blood from Susan to examine under a high tech microscope.

"Well. Well. What do we have here?" Said Sylvester as he looked through the microscope and studied the sample.

The blood looked perfectly normal except there were tiny bug like robots swing alongside the blood cells. Sylvester glanced over at Susan.

"You are just full of surprises. A mechanical implant that sends out command signals to a bunch of nano machines in your body that keep you healthy and heal you whenever you suffer an injury. That explains why your so big and strong." Said Sylvester as he walked over to Susan.

The unconscious girl didn't respond. Sylvester went to a computer and pulled a cable out, he then attached the cable to the mechanical implant in Susan's head. Sylvester began typing onto the computer.

"It would be a shame to see that marvelous technology go to waste. Lucky for I know what to do. You just let me do all the thinking for you Susan. I'll just suppress your will and you'll be right as rain. You'll never have to worry about anything ever again." Said Sylvester with a chuckle.

It was at that moment Lightning and Hydro walked into the lab. They glanced at the unconscious form of Susan.

"What is going on?" Asked Lightning.

"Oh I'm just finishing the latest work on your new teammate. Her name is Susan and she'll be fighting alongside you. Say hello Susan." Said Sylvester.

Susan's eyes opened up and they glowed bright red.

"Hello." Said Susan in a robotic voice.

"Um...hi." Said Hydro.

Sylvester undid the straps on the table and Susan stood up.

"Welcome to the team Susan. I have a feeling your going to fit right in." Said Sylvester with an evil smirk.

At Wizard City repairs were still going on. Huntress Wizard was in a discussion with her grandfather the Grand Master Wizard. Huntress Wizard wanted to take a force to go after the Secret Society, who had been last spotted heading to the woods West, where Maja lived.

"Grandfather please allow me and a small force to go after the Secret Society and capture them. They're the ones responsible for releasing Bella Noche and I also believe that Maja was involved." Said Huntress Wizard.

"Be as it may Artemis, I can't spare anyone right now to help you, we've taken many casualties and I don't want you going off into dangerous territory on your own." Said GMW.

"I'm not a child. I can hold my own against anyone!" Said Huntress Wizard.

"I know that, but you are still my granddaughter and I will not allow you to run and put yourself in danger." Said GMW.

"Grandfather something big is happening and Maja is apart of it. She told me herself that she was working for someone extremely powerful, who is planning something terrible. We need to catch Maja and find out what she knows." Said Huntress Wizard.

Grand Master Wizard digested Huntress Wizard's words.

"Perhaps I can help."

GMW and Huntress Wizard turned to see Simon approaching them.

"Simon good to see you back to your old wizard self." Said GMW.

"It's good to be back and I couldn't help overhearing the current situation." Said Simon.

Huntress Wizard filled Simon in on all she knew about the current situation.

"This is a troubling situation. Very well then I will accompany Huntress Wizard and I will gather some people to help." Said Simon.

"Simon there have been many losses in Wizard City. I can't afford to lose the second highest ranked member of the Wizard Council and my granddaughter. Why are you doing this anyway?" Said GMW.

"It must be done sir. As a member of the Wizard Council and the King of the Ice Kingdom it is my duty to help protect all of Ooo from dangerous dark forces. For the past few years I've sensed there's been an evil presence in Ooo that's been working in the shadows. Maja and the Secrete Society our are first big leads and we must move quickly before we lose them." Said Simon.

"Very well Simon, you make a good point. Just be careful." Said GMW.

"Who do you have in mind to join us on this hunt?" Asked Huntress Wizard.

Before Simon could answer Tobe appeared. The ninja had been helping out with the repairs, when he overheard the talk about the hunt.

"I will gladly accompany you on your hunt. Those foolish wizards are in league with dark forces that must be stopped." Said Tobe.

"Glad to have you onboard." Said Simon with a nod. "I'm going to make a few calls and gather some others and will meet you at the Western Woods tomorrow"

"Sounds good to me." Said Huntress Wizard.

Tobe nodded in agreement. Simon took flight and headed back to the Ice Kingdom. When he arrived Simon began making calls to Marceline and Finn asking them if they would help out with the hunt. Marceline agreed saying she would love to hunt down Ash and beat the crud out of him and that she would bring Lucinda and Django to help. Finn agreed saying it sounded like a good adventure and that he would bring Jake along to help. Simon hung up the phone and turned to see Betty.

"What's going on?" She asked.

Simon explained the situation. Betty went over to a nearby closet, pulled out a satchel and started loading bandages and other medical things into it.

"What are you doing?" Asked Simon.

"I'm coming with you guys. Your going to need someone with medical skills incase one of you gets hurt." Said Betty.

"Betty it's dangerous insisted." Simon.

"I can look after myself Simon don't you worry. I want to be with you and the others so I can help." Said Betty.

"Very well there's no arguing with you my queen." Said Simon with a smile.

"No. We're in this together." Said Betty as she kissed Simon on the cheek.

Betty went back to packing, with help from Simon.

Miles away in the Western Woods, there was a large house that floated in the sky above a lake. This was the lair of Maja and her pet Crabbit. Maja was currently home looking at two items in her collection one was the T-shirt Bubblegum had traded for Hambo and the other was a golden tiara with red gems. Maja put the tiara on her head and looked at herself in a nearby mirror. My what a dashing figure she was with the tiara, Maja looked like royalty. The name Maja the Sky Queen did have a nice ring to it. Once she awaken the Sleeper and helped the Lich, the very universe would belong to them and she could be whatever she wanted.

Maja took the tiara off and studied it. Though Maja liked how it looked on her, she sensed a great and powerful magic inside the tiara, so far any attempt to get the magic to work for had failed miserably. It frustrated Maja that this magical item refused to obey her. Maja placed the tiara on a pedestal and turned her attention to the T-shirt it possessed the emotional energy Maja need to increase her powers and awaken the Sleeper. Now all she had to do was locate the powerful being.

Crabbit flew in and landed on Maja's shoulders. Maja petted Crabbit.

"You know Crabbit I just realized that I'm pretty much the only member of the organization that doesn't have a single minion to boss around. I mean I have you, but your more of a pet and a companion to me then a minion. Crimson has his wizard guard and his monsters, Sylvester has his mutants and robots, and those guys from the Fire Kingdom boss each other around, but I have no one. I need some minions of my own." Said Maja.

"What about that little group that lives in the woods?" Suggested Crabbit.

"You mean that hag witch and her two goons. No they're too pathetic. I need some minions who at least have some skills." Said Maja as she walked off with Crabbit to think.

Below in the woods three figures were camped out around a small campfire. The first was a wannabe conquer know as Tree Witch. The witch had skin that resembled tree bark, her hair resembles foliage, and her nose resembled a twig. She also had emerald green and black eyes and brownish-gray hair only on the sides and back of her head. She wore a tattered brown cloth with small patches of dried leaves.

Next to her was a deer named Stag, who resembled a normal male deer, but he had two human like hands. Next to Stag was a monster known as the Swamp Giant. The monster The Swamp Giant had mud-covered legs, with bulky shoulders that had mold and fungi. He has a single left arm that with spikes, his right arm is separated into three smaller limbs. He wore the skull of an animal as a hat.

For days the little group had been living in the woods. Tree Witch told her two companions that they were going to take down Maja and steal everything she owned. Tree Witch said taking down Maja was their first step in taking over Ooo. Stag and Swamp Giant went along with Tree Witch's plan thinking they would get something valuable out of it.

"Rest easy my minions for soon we will take down Maja and we will begin my wicked reign over Ooo!" Laughed Tree Witch.

"Oh so you know where Maja is. Would be so kind as to show us the way?"

Tree Witch and her group spun around to see Laser Wizard and the Secret Society standing a few yards away. Tree Witch was fixing to tell the wizards to scram, but Laser Wizard knocked her flat on her back with a laser blast. Before Stag or Swamp Giant could do anything Forest Wizard used his magic to wrap some tree roots around the two of them. Laser Wizard walked over to Tree Witch his hands glowing bright red.

"Now witch tell us where Maja is otherwise things are about to get nasty." Said Laser Witch as he pointed one of his glowing hands down at Tree Witch.

Tree Witch was overtaken by fear and quickly told the Secret Society where Maja lived. Laser Wizard stepped away from Tree Witch and Forest Wizard released Stag and Swamp Giant. The Secret Society marched off through the forest, while Tree Witch and her companions ran for their lives trying to put some distance between themselves and the band of wizards.

At Maja house, the witch received a visit from Don John. Maja and Crabbit greeted the fiery wizard.

"What brings you here?" Asked Maja.

"I was curious about where you live and I come to check your progress with the Sleeper." Said Don John.

"I have the magic need to awaken it. I just need to locate the Sleeper. How are things in the Fire Kingdom?" Said Maja.

"Good, but I can't wait to overthrow Flame King and put Prince Pyro on the throne." Said Don John.

"I see. What do you plan to do with the princess?" Said Maja.

"Perhaps, when she is older I will make her my wife. She is quit a fine looker." Said Don John.

It was at that moment a ringing sound began to happen.

"What's that?" Asked Don John.

"My alarm system." Said Maja as she conjured up a crystal ball that started showing images of the Secret Society making their way to the lake. "It appears I have some wizards to deal with." She said as she made her way to the exit.

"This should be interesting." Said Don John as he followed the witch.

At the lake the Secret Society were arriving, when Maja appeared hovering before them.

"If it isn't the society of idiots. Are you mad at me because of that Bella Noche thing?" Said Maja with a grin.

"You bet we are! We are now fugitives because of you! Now eat laser!" Snarled Laser Wizard as he blasted a laser at Maja.

The laser went through Maja and she vanished. It was a trick! Before any of the Secret Society could do anything a cage made of lightning suddenly popped up and surrounded the group. Maja appeared from behind a tree laughing. The witch clenched her hands together and the cage started to get smaller crushing and zapping the wizards. The Secret Society cursed and screamed as they were zapped by the cage. It was then Maja got an idea.

"Wizards swear loyalty to me and I will spare you. You have nowhere else to go and the only other option you have is death. What will it be?" Said Maja.

Ash was the first to swear loyalty, followed by Forest Wizard and Bufo. Laser Wizard reluctantly swore his loyalty. Maja laughed in triumph and banished the cage. Don John appeared from behind a tree clapping with approval. Maja looked at her new minions with satisfaction. Her forces had greatly increased.

At the secret lair Crimson was in the monitor room looking at the TV screens. The masked villain soon learned about Simon and Huntress Wizard's plan to go after Maja and the Secret Society. Crimson quickly called Sylvester and told him what was going on.

"So what should we do?" Asked Sylvester.

"I think it's time we show these so called heroes, what they're dealing with. I want you send your elite forces out and ambush them. Kill everyone except Marceline and Lucinda. I want them alive. The others are of no use to us." Said Crimson.

"Very well. Are you going to send anyone?" Said Sylvester.

"I think I'll send my wizard guard to aid you and your forces. Now I must call Maja." Said Crimson as he pulled out a large red crystal from his cloak.

A ghostly image of Maja and Don John appeared before him.

"Lord Crimson." Bowed Maja.

"Maja I have just learned that your cousin and Simon are gathering a little group of heroes to hunt you down and question you. We going to send you some help and you have my permission to kill everyone except Marceline and Lucinda. I want them alive." Said Crimson.

"As you command. I just recently hired four new minions, who will make the perfect bait for an ambush." Said Maja.

"Finally I get to kill something!" Laughed Don John.

"You have special permission to kill Simon, my dear Don John. Make him suffer and burn him to ashes!" Said Crimson.

"With pleasure." Said Don John.

Crimson ended the call. The masked villain and Sylvester then went about gathering their special forces for the ambush.

Soon the hunting heroes would become the hunted.

To be continued.

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