Adventure Time:Family By Major144

Chapter 38: Chapter 39 Wind and Ice


Chapter 39 Wind and Ice

By: Major144

Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. This is just a story for fun.

The next day the heroes all met out in front of the Western Woods. A few introductions were made between made and Huntress Wizard stepped up to make a little speech.

"Alright everyone I thank you for coming. As you may have heard a horrible monster named Bella Noche was recently released onto Wizard City, but thanks to some of the people here it was stopped and Wizard City was saved. However the ones behind the releasing of Bella Noche are still on the lose and are currently hiding in these woods. Our mission is to capture them. The names of the criminals are Ash, Bufo, Forest Wizard, and Laser Wizard. We are also after a witch named Maja, who I believed was the real brains behind Bella Noche being released. So let's go in their and get them!"

The others nodded in agreement and headed into the woods. Betty adjusted the grip on the staff she brought and loosened the blue hoodie she was wearing. This was going to be her second adventure and she was going to do everything she could to help.

At Maja's house the Sky Witch was watching the heroes progress through her woods with a crystal ball. Maja chuckled evilly. Those foolish heroes were going to walk headlong into the trap as predicted. With the forces the organization sent the heroes were destined to be destroyed.

"I'm going to enjoy this." Said Maja.

The heroes marched Simon and Huntress Wizard we're having some small talk.

"Artemis what is your real beef with Maja? I know your cousins and I'm curious to what happened between you two." Said Simon.

Huntress Wizard let out a sigh.

"Several years back Maja began doing emotion experiments on people and wizards. At the time I was dating a guy named Hunter Wizard, ironically his real name was Hunter. I loved Hunter and he loved me back. Unfortunately Maja was testing one of her experiments on Hunter at first he had mood swings, but a few months later he and the rest of Maja's test subjects became raving mad and went on a rampage through Wizard City. I was forced to shoot an arrows through Hunter's heart and...kill him. Maja was later revealed to be behind the mess and she was banish from Wizard City. I vowed that I would make Maja pay for what she did." Said Huntress Wizard as she griped her bow hard.

"I'm sorry for your loss Artemis. I know what it feels like to lose someone you love." Said Simon.

"But you got your loved one back." Said Huntress Wizard bitterly.

"Yes after being physically separated from one another for nearly a thousand years." Said Betty with a angry tone.

Huntress Wizard was slightly taken back this news and the angry tone from Betty. An apologetic look appeared on Huntress Wizard's face.

"I'm...sorry, I was completely out of line. I had no right to say that to you two."

Betty calmed down a bit.

"That's ok. You were just upset because...of your loss."

"It's...just whenever I think about Maja I get filled with anger, she betrayed me and the rest of the family. Maja needs to pay for what she did." Said Huntress Wizard.

"And she will. But killing Maja right now won't solve anything, we need to question her and learn what she knows." Said Simon.

"Fine, but after we are done questioning Maja, I'm ending her." Said Huntress Wizard with a cold look in her eyes.

Simon looked at Huntress Wizard with concern.

"Artemis killing Maja won't bring back Hunter. It will only make you as bad as Maja herself."

Huntress Wizard just glared at the ground and didn't answer. The group continued forward.

A few hundred yards away near the lake underneath Maja's house several villains were gathered. Sylvester had arrived on the scene with his personal forces and Crimson's wizard guard. The group was made of Lightning, Hydro, Shark, Blastronaut, Hunny Bunny, Sleepy Sam, Bouncy Bee, Grub, Hood, and Fury. Susan was also there now wearing purple colored shorts and a indigo colored tank top.

Maja, Crabbit, and John Don walked forward to inspect the group followed by the Secret Society. John Don had ripped the sleeves from his jacket to reveal bulging muscles, making the fire wizard a more terrifying sight. Sylvester stepped forward to speak with Maja and Don John.

"The troops are ready and I have the perfect strategy to eliminate our enemies and guarantee our utter victory."

"You seem pretty confident." Said Don John.

"We have twice the numbers and I assigned at least two members of our forces to gang up on each of the heroes. I also have a surprise or two incase something goes wrong." Said Sylvester.

"As long as I get to kill Simon, I'm fine with it." Said Don John.

"You will." Said Sylvester.

Don John grinned evilly. The ambush was ready.

Half an hour later the heroes were arriving at the lake, they peered from some bushes and saw the Secret Society sitting around a camp fire. The heroes pulled out their weapons and steadily spread out and approached the wizards with weapons and magic drawn.

"In the name of Wizard Law, you are under arrest." Said Huntress Wizard.

The Secret Society looked up at the heroes and began chuckling. The heroes looked at the wizards in confusion. Suddenly Sylvester appeared before the heroes grinning.

"Who are you?" Demanded Finn.

"I am Sylvester the Science Cat. Master of science and master strategist. I will be the one who will be organizing your demise." Said Sylvester.

"You and what army pal?" Said Jake.

"Oh this one." Said Sylvester as he pushed a button on his wrist computer.

The rest of the organization attack forces suddenly appeared behind Sylvester. Jake's jaw dropped to the ground in fright.

"You just had to ask?" Said Marceline as she gave Jake a glare.

Sylvester waved his arm forward and the enemy forces charged forward. The heroes held up their weapons and faced off against the enemy.

Django faced off against Forest Wizard and Sleepy Sam. Django pulled out his guitar, but Sleepy Sam shot out his tongue and yanked the guitar from Django's hands. The undead musician tried to leap after, his guitar, but a bunch of roots shot of the ground and wrapped around him pinning him to the ground. Forest Wizard grinned with triumph.

Jake found himself facing Hunny Bunny. The magical dog was wondering how the video game character escaped from BMO's system, when Hunny Bunny threw a glob of his body at Jake pinning him to the ground.

Tobe faced off against Blastronaut and Bouncy Bee. The ninja deflected several laser blast from Blastronaut's gun, when Bouncy Bee suddenly charged in from the side and tried to impale him with his spikes. Tobe leaped over the charging insect and Blastronaut fired a laser blast and knocked Tobe out of the air knocking him to the ground. Tobe staggered to his feet and let out a roar and charged back at Blastronaut and Bouncy Bee.

Marceline faced off against Ash and Lightning.

"I can't believe you would stoop this low Ash. You really are a butt." Said Marceline as she flew at Ash.

"You mean babe! What's with all the hostility?" Said Ash as he fired a fireball from his wand forcing Marceline to fly away.

"Well let's see you gave my teddybear to a witch behind my back and then you unleashed an anti magic being and nearly killed Simon. Now your working with some crazy evil organization and are trying to kill me and my friends. That pretty much makes you a pretty terrible person and a really bad ex boyfriend." Said Marceline before she shot towards Ash, slammed him against a tree and pinned him.

Ash looked at Marceline in fear one hand quickly covering his crotch in fear expecting Marceline to give him a painful kick in the sensitive area, but before Marceline could do anything Lightning appeared from behind and blasted the vampire in the back with electricity and made her release Ash. Marceline turned around and tried to attack Lightning, but he knocked her down with a blast of electricity. Ash staggered towards Marceline and looked down at her.

"Not so tough now are you?" Said Ash as he kicked Marceline in the chest.

Marceline groaned and glared up at Ash. The wizard just laughed nastily. Lightning just starred at Ash's behavior with disgust. Lightning clenched his fist a little as Ash just continued to laugh and taunt Marceline.

Lucinda faced off against Hydro and Bufo. Lucid charged forward, but Hydro fired a spout of water and trapped Lucinda in a sphere of water, before the werewolf could do anything, Bufo used his magic to levitate several rocks and started slamming them through the sphere to hit Lucinda. They did this for a minute and then Hydro collapsed the sphere and dropped a battered Lucinda to the ground.

Huntress Wizard faced off against Maja, Crabbit, and Hood. Huntress leaped around dodging lighting burst from Maja and Hood as she notched an arrow to her bow and fired. Maja used her wind powers to swat the arrow out of the air and sent Huntress Wizard crashing into some bushes.

"Face it cousin, you and your little band of heroes are no match for me and my allies. You know my offer to join us stills stands." Said Maja with a smirk.

"I will never join you!" Spat Huntress Wizard as she stood up and fired another arrow.

Maja dodged the arrow and shook her head.

"Oh well I guess will just have to kill you."

The fight continued.

Finn faced off against Susan and Laser Wizard. The young hero was shocked to see Susan was indeed human and that she was fighting alongside the villains. Susan charged forward and slammed a fist down towards Finn. The young hero managed to dodge it and got a good look at the mechanical implant in Susan's head. That must be what the villains were using to control Susan! Finn turned to glare at Sylvester, who was standing on the sidelines with Shark and Grub.

"What did you do to Susan you sick freak?" Demanded Finn.

"Oh are you talking about that mechanical implant in her head. I had nothing to do with that lovely piece of technology. It was already in her head when I captured her. It's really quit remarkable." Said Sylvester.

"You brainwashed her!" Snarled Finn as he dodged a kick from Susan.

"No I simply hacked her mind and surpassed her will. The sight of such advance technology being wasted on such a simpleminded creature disgusted me. I'm putting the technology to better use and Susan is much happier now that she has someone else to do the thinking for her." Said Sylvester with a grin.

"I'm going beat you and force you to give Susan her will back you psycho!" Declared Finn.

"Oh you will be doing no such thing, you see I have you all figured out. Your going to lose this fight." Said Sylvester.

Finn was about to charge forward, but a blast from Laser Wizard forced him to retreat back. Sylvester just laughed.

Simon and Betty found themselves facing off against Don John and Fury. The two fire wizards shot fire blast after fire blast at Simon who quickly raised an ice shield to block the flames. Betty stood behind Simon not sure what to do.

"Betty I need you to get out of here! It's to dangerous!" Shouted Simon as fireballs pelted his ice shield.

"I'm not leaving you!" Shouted Betty.

"Betty please you have to get out of here and get to safety. Then I need you to alert the Wizard Council and the Ooo royals on what's going on." Shouted Simon.

Betty reluctantly nodded and began running alongside the lake towards the woods, when Sylvester, Grub, and Shark stepped into her path.

"I'm afraid your not going anywhere my dear." Said Sylvester.

Betty raised her staff ready to fight. Sylvester just laughed.

"Oh please your the weakest member of that party of heroes and you honestly think you can take us? I'll admit you were lucky to beat Bella Noche, but your luck runs out here." Said Sylvester with a point of his finger.

Grub fired a fireball from his crown that exploded next to Betty and sent her flying into the lake. Simon shouted Betty's name and tried to run to the lake, but was forced back by Don John and Fury's flames. Shark was fixing to dive in after Betty, but Sylvester waved him off saying she wasn't worth the effort. The three villains went back to watch the fight.

Little did they know that the lake possessed a magical portal at the bottom that lead to Maja's house. Betty sunk through the water her ears ringing, when she looked down and saw the portal curious as to what it was Betty swam towards it and went through it. Betty then found herself falling through the sky towards a house. Betty freaked out and shot her hands towards the house and managed to grab the front door and open it. Betty crawled inside and let out a deep breath, she stood up and looked at her surroundings, she saw pictures of Maja on the wall and guessed that the house was Maja's home.

"Maybe there's something in here I can use to help the others." Thought Betty as she went exploring.

Down below at the fight a gem in Maja's pocket began to flash with red light. This was a magical item that alerted Maja of any intruders in her house. Maja looked at the gem in confusion and then glanced down at a battered Huntress Wizard leaning against a tree.

"It appears someone broken into my house. I'll finish you off later cousin." Said Maja as she teleported herself and Crabbit away.

Huntress Wizard staggered to her feet as Hood moved in to take her and continue the fight.

Up in the house, Betty was still exploring, when Maja and Crabbit appeared before her in a flash of light.

"So your the one who managed to break into my house. No matter your no threat. Crabbit why don't you deal with this one." Said Maja.

Betty turned to Crabbit and watched in shock as the tiny black creature began to grow and change shape. The Crabbit was over six feet tall and it now had a tall muscular humanoid body. Crabbit cracked his knuckles and moved towards Betty. Thinking fast Betty charged towards Crabbit taking it and Maja by surprise. Betty dived between Crabbit's legs and took off down the hall.

"That's right run! Your a powerless weakling who can't do anything. Your friends and family will die soon enough and then you'll join them in the afterlife!" Laughed Maja as she and Crabbit chased after Betty.

Betty turned a corner and went into the first room she saw. The room she entered happened to be the object room. Betty stood by the door and listen as her pursuers went by. Betty let out a sigh of relief as she looked at all the stuff in the room perhaps there was something here she could use.

On the ground below the battle wasn't going well. Finn looked around and saw that each of his allies were in trouble. Finn needed to turn the tide of the battle somehow. He dodged a blast from Laser Wizard and came up with a crazy idea. It would attract more trouble to himself, but it might give some of his allies the break they needed. Finn took off his backpack, reached in, and pulled out BMO.

"Hey Finn." Said the little gaming consul.

"Hey BMO sorry about this, but I need to use you as bait." Said Finn.

Before BMO could ask for what. Finn held BMO up high and began to shout.

"Hey look who I got!"

Everybody turned to look at Finn. Sleepy Sam, Hunny Bunny, and Bouncy Bee narrowed their eyes at BMO as the word REVENGE flashed through their minds. Sleepy Sam dropped Django's guitar as he and his two friends stormed towards Finn and BMO with a crazed look in their eyes. A panic look appeared on Sylvester's face as he shouted commands at the three villains.

"You idiots get back into formation, you'll ruin the plan!"

Sleepy Sam and his friends ignored Sylvester as they chased after Finn and BMO. This was just the relief that the heroes needed. While Forest Wizard was distracted Django managed to detach his right hand. The hand scuttled across the ground towards Forest Wizard and leaped into the air forming a fist that hit Forest Wizard square in the jaw knocking him flat on his back. The hand then went over to the guitar and strung the strings firing an energy blast that hit the roots and freed Django. The undead musician reattached his hand and held up his guitar, he turned to face Jake and freed him from the honey with a well aimed blast. Jake stretched his limbs and gave a thumbs up to Django.

Tobe was deflecting laser blast after laser blast from Blastronaut. Tobe reached into his sleeve and pulled out a ninja star. The ninja then threw the star at Blastronaut and stuck the turret on his right shoulder. The tiny gun sparked and exploded knocking the robot to his knees. Tobe charged forward swinging his sword as Blastronaut tried to bring up his gun hand. There was a slicing sound and Blastronaut's gun hand went flying off! Tobe followed up with a slash to the robot's chest and a blow to the head with his sword handle. Blastronaut fell to the ground with wires sticking out of his chest and his head filled with cracks.

Sylvester realized that the battle was slowly turning out of his favor, he quickly raised up his wrist computer and tapped a few buttons. A few seconds later two dozen Iron Owls flew onto the scene to join the battle. Django blasted a few out of the air as he raced towards Huntress Wizard's aid. Though the female wizard was only fighting one opponent, she was slowly loosing. Hood closed in on Huntress Wizard ready to finish, her off when Django appeared next to him. The undead musician wrapped both his hands around his guitar as he swung it like a bat and sent Hood flying through the air and crashing into a tree. Huntress Wizard thanked Django and the two of them began to fight the Iron Owls. Grub and Shark soon charged in to fight the heroes.

Lightning watched as Ash continued to insult and kick Marceline. This whole situation felt wrong to the mutant and he was starting to question his allegiance with Sylvester and the organization. It just felt wrong. Lighting walked over to Ash grabbed him by the shoulder and yanked him away from Marceline.

"What your problem man?" Demanded Ash as he glared at the helmet wearing mutant.

Lighting replied by giving Ash an uppercut and sending him flying and landing at Sylvester's feet. Both Marceline and Sylvester starred at Lighting with wide eye amazement.

"What are you doing? Your on the same side!" Shouted Sylvester.

"It's a side I don't want to be on anymore." Said Lighting.

"What?!" Shouted Sylvester.

"Ever since I woke up and started working for you I felt like I've been on the wrong side. What you guys do is wrong." Said Lightning.

There was a thud and Sylvester turned to see Bufo laying on the ground with Hydro standing over him.

"The same goes for me to." Said Hydro.

The two mutants stepped towards Sylvester, who raised his wrist computer to give a command.


Lighting and Hydro stopped walking and toppled to the ground unconscious. Sylvester glared down at them.

"Miserable disobedient creature I'll fix you and show you whose in charge."

"Your not taking them." Said Lucinda and Marceline stood up and advanced towards Sylvester.

Sylvester looked at the two cousins in fear as he reached into his lab coat for one of his backup plans. His hand came out holding a syringe with neon green liquid. It was a experimental chemical created from the Lich's Well of Power with a few chemicals Sylvester had added into the mix. Sylvester looked down at the moaning figure of Ash and stabbed the syringe into his back injecting the chemicals into him.

Ash screamed in pain as his body began to shake violently, his veins bulged out and his eyes turned neon green. Ash slammed his fist into the ground as his muscles began to bulge to ridiculous proportions. His shirt was ripped to shreds as he grew to about sixteen feet tall. Ash titled his head back and let out an animal like roar.

Marceline and Lucinda stared at the transformed Ash in shock before changing into their own monstrous forms and charged at him. The three of them crashed and began to battle as Sylvester watched.

Meanwhile at Maja's house Betty had come across a tiara on a pedestal. She studied it closely and couldn't help thinking that the tiara made her think of Simon's own magical crown. If only Betty had a magical item of her own or had some kind of fighting skill, she could help the others more. Betty just sighed, she then heard the door of the room open and heard someone enter. Betty grabbed the tiara and ducked behind a chair. Maja and Crabbit came into room and looked around. Maja saw the missing tiara and a scowl appeared on her face.

"So now your a thief? Alright I know your in this room somewhere so I'm going to cut a little deal with you. If you promise to come out and return my tiara I promise to let you go. It's a fair deal and I'd take it if I were you." Said Maja.

Behind the chair Betty studied the tiara. So it did possess some kind of magic. If it didn't Maja wouldn't be trying to cut some kind of deal with her. Betty took a deep breath and put the tiara on her head, she felt a cold sensation go through her body.

In the Underworld, Death was working, when he saw the red flower that was Betty's life turn a little white and crystal like.

"It seems those two are truly soulmates." Said Death as a little smile on his face.

Back at Maja's house Betty stood up from behind the chair and faced Maja and Crabbit. Maja saw the tiara on Betty's head and scowled at her.

"Take it off."

"No." Said Betty.

"Then I'll just kill you and remove that tiara from your carcass!" Snarled Maja as she fired a burst of lighting at Betty.

Betty raised her hands and closed her eyes expecting to be burned and electrocuted. Instead she felt a cold sensation and heard a gasp. Betty opened her eyes to see a wall of ice in front of her. The wall then crumbled and Betty saw Maja starring at Betty with complete disbelief.

"What? How can this be?! I've been...trying to unlock the power of that tiara for years and you just simply put it on...and it grants you its powers. No! I will not stand for this!" Roared Maja in rage.

Crabbit charged towards Betty attempting to crush her. Betty quickly raised her hands and a powerful gust of wind shot out and sent Crabbit flying and crashing into Maja. The Sky Witch cursed as she tried to wiggle her way out from underneath Crabbit.

"I can't believe it, I have magic!" Said Betty as she glanced down at her hands in amazement.

Betty noticed that her skin was looking a little blue, she glanced at a mirror and saw that the ret of her body was turning blue and that her hair had white streaks through it. Betty studied herself in the mirror as Maja finally managed to wiggle out from under Crabbit and face Betty.

"I'm going to kill you and after that I'm going to kill everyone you care about!" Roared Maja as her hands crackled with lighting.

"I won't let you harm anyone I care about!" Shouted Betty as her hands crackled with lighting.

The two of them shot lighting at one another and their blast pushed against one another. For several seconds they seemed evenly matched, then slowly Betty's lighting began to push Maja's lighting back. A look of panic appeared in Maja's eyes as Betty starred the Sky Witch down with determination. Maja desperately shouted spell after spell to increase her power, and push Betty's attack back but it had no affect. The lighting hit and there was a tremendous explosion that practically made the house collapse in on itself before bursting into flames. The wrecked house fell from the sky and headed towards the lake below.

On the ground everyone except for Ash, Marceline, and Lucinda stopped fighting to look at the falling house. The house hit the lake creating a huge wave that splashed down on everyone who was fighting. The water greatly weakened Don John and Fury allowing Simon to knock them both down with an ice blast. The heroes quickly recovered and went after the villains.

Huntress Wizard fired a net arrow that trapped Laser Wizard and Shark, Django fired an energy blast and knocked Bouncy Bee out of the air, Tobe delivered a strike to Sleepy Sam's head and knocked him out, Jake slammed a giant fist into Grub knocking him to the ground, and Simon froze Hunny Bunny with a freeze blast.

Ash was still fighting the cousins and it didn't look like he was slowing down. Marceline dodged a punch from Ash and got behind the wizard grabbed him and flew into the air. Ash trashed around and tired to break free. Marceline flew downwards and slammed Ash into the ground. The vampire let Ash go and got up. Ash sprung back up and backhanded Marceline knocking her to the ground. Lucinda charged forward and slashed Ash across the chest. Ash punched Lucinda and sent her crashing to the ground. Simon and Django came forward and knocked Ash down with a energy blast and a lighting blast. Before Ash could get back up Jake made himself big and slammed a giant foot down on Ash.

"Take that jerk." Said Jake.

Jake's foot began to shake as Ash threw the magic dog off of himself. Ash stood up and was prepared to continue fighting, when Huntress Wizard appeared from behind and fired an arrow that exploded into a thousand mini arrows and pierced Ash's back. Ash let out a grown as his eyes turned to their normal color and his body shrank to it's normal size. The wizard fell and landed on his face.

"Hmm. It seems I still need to work out some kinks in the serum." Muttered Sylvester.

Finn was facing off against Susan. The larger human slammed both her fist down at Finn, but he dodged and jumped onto Susan's back wrapping his arms around her neck. Susan tried to reach back and yank Finn off, but he avoided all her grabs.

"I don't want to fight you Susan! Stop it!" Shouted Finn.

Susan slammed her back into a tree trying to scrape Finn off, but Finn just gritted his teeth and held on. Susan slammed her back against another tree, but Finn continued to hold on and began squeezing Susan's neck. Susan began having trouble breathing and she became dizzy. After a few minutes she collapsed onto her knees and fell to the ground. Finn released his grip and stood up looking down at Susan with an apologetic look. The young hero then clenched his fist and turned to face Sylvester. A look of fear appeared in the science cat's eyes as Finn approached him with a look of rage in his eyes. Before Sylvester could do anything Finn grabbed him by his lab coat and slammed a fist into his face giving the villain a painful bruise. Finn then began angrily shaking the science cat and making demands.

"Give Susan's will back you psycho cat or I'll really put the hurt on you and take a couple of your lives away!"

Sylvester just let out a weak chuckle.

"How predictable. A dumb kid thinks he can make me do whatever he wants by hitting and threatening me. How unoriginal. It should be obvious that I will do no such thing." Said Sylvester as one hand shot into his lab coat and brought out a taser.

Sylvester slammed the taser into Finn shocking him and making him let go of Sylvester. Both hero and villain fell to the ground. Finn groaning in pain as Sylvester managed to drag himself to his feet. The evil scientist glanced around at his forces who were either unconscious or capture. Everything looked lost. Jake was grouping up the villains using his powers. Sylvester considered retreating, but Marceline and Lucinda appeared on either side of him. Sylvester raised his hands in surrender.

At the lake pieces of Maja's house floated about. Simon was flying over the water looking franticly for Betty. Suddenly a couple of figures splashed out of the lake and collapsed on the ground nearby. It was Crabbit carrying a battered Maja, who was carrying Bubblegum's T-shirt. The villains were breathing hard and they looked exhausted.

"I have you now Maja." Said Huntress Wizard as she stood over the sky witch with an arrow notched to her bow.

Maja just glared at her cousin with venom.

At the lake a large white sphere bobbed up to the surface. Simon studied the sphere and realized it was made of ice ant that there was someone in it. Using his powers Simon pushed the ice sphere towards dry land. He then put the sphere on dry land and used his powers to peel it open. A semiconscious women fell out and Simon quickly caught her. It was Betty except now her skin was fully blue, and her hair was long and white. It took Simon a few seconds to realize that the women in his arms was Betty. Simon starred at Betty in confusion wondering what happened to her. Then he saw the tiara on her head and everything made sense. Betty opened her eyes and looked up at Simon.

"Is...everyone alright Simon?"

"They are. How are you doing?" Said Simon.

"I'm...ok. Different but ok. do you like my new look?" Said Betty.

"Your as beautiful as always my queen." Said Simon with a smile as he leaned in and kissed Betty on the lips.

"Why thank you for the compliment my king." Said Betty with a smile.

Simon gently set Betty down on her feet and the two of them starred at all the defeated Villains. The unconscious bodies of Susan, Lighting, and Hydro were separated from the rest of the villains. Finn had recovered and stood with the others facing the captured enemies trying to decide what to do, when suddenly the sky flashed with red lighting and Crimson appeared before them.

"Crimson!" Shouted Finn.

"Hello heroes I must say I'm both impressed and annoyed. You manage to beat some of our elite forces. It seems my master strategist underestimated all of you and now you have another powerful magic user on your side. Well this day was certainly full of surprises." Said Crimson as he glanced at all the heroes.

"What are you doing here?" Demanded Tobe.

"I'm here to collect what is mine, the members of the group I'm with and their minions. If it makes you feel better some of them will be punished for their failures today. Tata." Said Crimson as he used his powers to teleport himself and all the villains except for Ash away.

Ash had his knees to his chest as he muttered and shook with fear.

"Darkness...despair...death and flames...all in my body." Whispered Ash.

Finn looked annoyed that the villains got away, but on the bright side Betty gained a great amount of magic and they captured Ash. Simon suggested taking Ash to the hospital in the Candy Kingdom so they could figure out what was wrong with him. Finn agreed and they marched out carrying Ash.

Marceline was walking alongside Simon and Betty. The vampire took in Betty's new look.

"So what do you think of my new look?" Asked Betty.

"It's awesome and now you and Simon really look alike now. Your the king and queen of the Ice Kingdom!" Said Marceline with a smile.

Simon and Betty smiled back.

It had been a tough adventure and though the heroes had not accomplished their original objective, but one of their own had received a powerful gift and they had managed to capture at least one of the wizards they had originally been after. However the heroes sensed that there was still trouble brewing on the horizon and only time could tell when that would happen and if the heroes would be ready for the challenge.

To be continued.

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