Chapter 39: Chapter 40 Children of the Apocalypse
Chapter 40 Children of the Apocalypse
By: Major144
Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. This is just a story for fun.
In another dimension there was a place called the Time Room. The Time Room was a giant floating menger sponge. The Time Room resided in the center of the multiverse and was home to a power deity named Prismo.
Prismo was a giant pink shadow like being with blue eyes. Prismo kept track of time and space and the Time Room served as a meeting place for the most powerful of deities. At the moment Prismo was watching his universal TV, the deity was currently watching a dimensional earth called Aaa. The dimension was similar to Ooo, but everyone there was reverse gender. On the screen a girl named Fionna the Human was hanging with her sister Cake the cat, Marshal Lee the Vampire King, and Lucas the Werwolf King. Prismo enjoyed watching all the different universes they were all so unique and told a different story.
Prismo became distracted from his TV by a glow nearby, he turned his head to see a date on his universal calendar. Prismo studied the date and saw that there was going to be a important meeting of the gods today. Prismo turned off the TV and conjured up a large meeting table and several chairs. Now he just had to await the gods.
The first to arrive was the Cosmic Owl himself, the massive golden bird fluttered in, took a seat at the head of the table, and began to change shape. The Cosmic Owl became a gold skinned man with a feathery beard, glowing white eyes, dressed in a brown robe. The man looked at Prismo and smiled.
"Hello old friend."
"Greetings Cosmic Owl it's good to see you." Said Prismo.
"Yes it is I just wish it was during better circumstances. Is the Evil Dimension still sealed away?"
"It is. Been sealed away for billions of years." Said Prismo.
The Cosmic Owl seemed relieved at that news.
"Good. Hopefully it will stay that way."
"You think End is coming back don't you and his going open up his dimension and spread his evil?" Asked Prismo.
Cosmic Owl sighed.
"I can't keep anything hidden from you old friend. Yes I believe End is returning for his revenge and to finish what he started all those years ago. End goes by a different name now and his been sneaking around and planing to restore himself to full power."
"Well that will certainly upset the balance." Said a new voice.
Prismo and Cosmic Owl turned to see a man in grey business suit and tie walk in. The man was very odd looking, his right side was all white, with a blue eye, while his left side was pitch black with a red eye. In the man's right hand was a gold staff with a scale on it.
"Balandar Abadeer, Lord of Order and Chaos." Greeted Prismo.
"Cosmic Owl. Prismo. Good to see you both I couldn't help, but overhear your conversation. Are my sons in danger?" Said Balandar.
"For the moment we don't think so. We've asked them both to attend this meeting." Said Cosmic Owl.
At that moment a pillar of darkness and a pillar of light appeared in the room. Hunson stepped out of the pillar of darkness and Lawrence stepped out of the pillar of light.
"Hunson. Lawrence." Greeted Balandar.
"Hello father." Said Lawrence.
"Hey dad." Mumbled Hunson.
"My sons I've asked you to attend this meeting for a very important reason, but first we must wait for the Four Horsemen." Said Balandar.
The gods took their seat and waited. The first to arrive was Death, he nodded in greeting and took a seat. The next to arrive was Famine, he resembled a skinny man wearing a brown tunic. Then Plague arrived, he resembled a pale man wearing a lab coat. The last to arrive was War, he resembled a large man with a bald head, wearing a black jacket, red sunglasses, jeans, and army boots. War had a large sword strapped to his back and two pistoles hung from his belt. Everybody took their seats and then the Cosmic Owl stood to speak.
"Thank you all for coming. I have gathered you all here to discuss something important. I believe that the war that caused the destruction of humanity in universe 1 was caused by an evil outside force."
There was muttering from the other gods. War stood up to address the Cosmic Owl.
"What do you an outside force caused the war to happen? Weren't the humans separated into groups of good and evil by their ideals. After all war is fought because of people's different ideals."
"Normally that's the case, but I'm afraid a evil force we are all familiar with is behind it. That evil is plotting to restore himself and finish what he started all those years ago." Said Cosmic Owl.
"Your referring to End aren't you?" Said Lawrence.
"I am, but I believe he goes by the name Lich these days." Said Cosmic Owl.
"Wait...are you guys referring to the guy the Nightosphere and the Lightosphere amulets came from?" Asked Hunson.
"We are." Said Prismo.
"Huh? I don't see what the big deal is. Shouldn't that guy be greatly weakened? He'll be easy to waste. Just give me and War a few days and will track him down and wipe his sorry butt out of existence." Said Hunson.
War grinned with approval of this idea. Balandar looked at his son with disapproval.
"You will do no such thing my son. The Lich is still incredibly powerful and should not be underestimated. Besides you and War would probably cause more trouble on earth then solve it." Said Balandar.
"Your no fun." Muttered War.
Hunson just pouted. Cosmic Owl spoke.
"For the time being we do not know where the Lich is or what he is planning, until we have more information I think it would be best if both Hunson and Lawrence starred in their realms for the time being. Meeting is adjured."
The gods stood up and the table vanish. Cosmic Owl took on his animal form and flew out after saying farewell to Prismo.
Balandar was with his sons.
"Man this stinks! I'm not afraid of some big dumb skeleton. I can take him and I can go to earth whenever I want." Said Hunson.
"I will allow you to visit earth, but I forbid either of you from searching for the Lich, you have what he wants and you must stay away from him." Said Balandar.
"Understood father." Said Lawrence.
"Yeah whatever." Muttered Hunson.
"I have one last request of you two." Said Balandar.
Hunson and Lawrence looked at their father.
"I would both like you at some point to bring both your daughters to my place for a family dinner. I would love to my granddaughters and hear their life stories." Said Balandar.
Hunson and Lawrence nodded their heads. Balandar smiled and thanked them before vanishing in a flash of light. Hunson and Lawrence said their goodbyes and returned to their realms.
Death, Famine, Plague, and War were chatting. Death and War were telling Famine and Plague about their children. Apparently War had a daughter named Gearga who lead a powerful anti war group that traveled the world and stopped war from happening. Though Gearga was an incredibly powerful warrior, she preferred to find more peaceful solutions to situations. Gearga and her group only fought when it was necessary. Though War and his daughter had different opinions about fighting they still love one another and War was proud of his daughter.
Plague and Famine were impressed by what they heard. They wished their own children were a bit more adventurous, but they still loved them all the same. The Four Horseman soon said their goodbyes and they teleported away. Prismo looked around then turned on his universal TV and went back to watching Aaa.
In Ooo things seemed to have calmed down. Simon and Betty now both had ice powers and they were happily ruling over their kingdom with a just hand. The rest of the heroes went to the hospital to have their wounds tended to by Doctor Princess. Tobe was one of the few who received the most injury. The ninja tried to leave the hospital, but Doctor Princess pushed him back into the bed and insisted that he needed to rest in order for his wounds to heal. The ninja reluctantly agreed.
Finn was blaming himself for not being able to save Susan. Simon came and told the young hero that it was alright and that they would get another chance to save Susan. This put Finn's mind at ease.
At Castle Lemongrab, the kingdom had greatly increased in power and popularity. King had recently hired the knight Sir Slicer to be the commander of the royal army and he had hired Party Pat and the Party Bears to be in charge of all parties and celebrations in the kingdom. The Party Bears created a shrine to the Party God. The shrine was decorated with balloons and streamers. It also had pizza, chips, and soda set out for offerings. This pleased the Party God and he graced Castle Lemongrab with his presence and made sure the kingdom had good luck and parties.
Then there were a few things started to happen around Ooo. In City of Thieves a strange sickness had occurred making everyone incredibly sick and even killing some of them. Bubblegum and Doctor Princess went to investigate with help from Finn and Jake. Django decided to come around and help out to. As they were tending the sick a strange young man wearing a lab coat walked up to Django.
"So your Death's son?"
"I am." Said Django.
"I'm Phil son of Plague."
"Can you tell us anything about this sickness?" Asked Django.
"I can tell you it was made by science and isn't natural." Said Phil as he turned around and walked off.
Django told this information to Bubblegum and Doctor Princess. The two of them worked hard to creat a cure and managed to cure the people that were still alive.
A few months later a famine happened in the Wildberry Kingdom. The once massive and bountiful gardens of berries were dried up. Bubblegum went to investigate followed by Finn, Jake, and Django. At the kingdom, Django encountered a skinny teenager.
"I'm Fredric son of Famine. The gardens were poisoned by some strange green chemicals and it made the land useless." Said the teenager before he walked off.
Django told Bubblegum the news and some new ground was made into a garden. The Candy Kingdom then delivered a bunch of food to the Wildberry Kingdom to help them, until their new garden was ready to provide them with food.
Months later the Gnome Kingdom was planning to attack and invade the Slime Kingdom. It looked like a war was fixing to breakout. Finn, Jake, Simon, Tobe, and Django were went sent out to the Slime Kingdom to prevent the war. As they got there they saw a bunch of heavily armed Gnomes fixing to fight a bunch of Slime People. The heroes were fixing to rush in, when they heard a loud vroom sound coming from the right. Everybody turned to see a large looking tank like vehicle come barreling down towards the Gnomes and Slime People. The tank was blue, with wheels instead of treads, and it had the word Peace painted on both sides. The tank stopped between the two groups and the hatch opened.
Out stepped a women with long dark hair, dressed in a blue tank top, cargo pants, boots, and jacket that hung like a cape on her shoulders. The women had a sword at her side and a look of command about her.
"Gnomes! Slime People! Stop your fighting! War will bring you nothing but pain and misery! I am Gearga leader of the Peace Protectors and we have come to stop you from waging war!"
"Like will listen to you!" Snarled a Gnome as he pointed a shock spear at Gearga.
Gearga swung her sword and sliced the Gnome's weapon to pieces. Then Gearga moved about slicing several more Gnome weapons to pieces. A bunch of Gnomes and Slime People came and surrounded the women. Gearga didn't look worried.
At that moment two more figures popped out of the tank. One looked like a bunny women and the other looked like a frog man. Both of them were wearing similar outfits like Gearga. The bunny girl pulled out two guns that looked like megaphones and pressed the triggers. There was a loud screeching sound that came out of the guns and made all the Gnomes and Slime People drop their guns and grasp their heads in pain. The frog man pulled out a remote control and pressed a button. A hatch opened up in the tank and a giant magnet popped out. The frog man pressed another button and all the weapons were picked up by the magnet.
"Whoa! Those guys easily disarmed all those soldiers." Said Finn with admiration.
The Gnomes and Slime People turned to Gearga with anger in their eyes. It looked like they were going to attack her with just their hands. Then the back of the tank opened up and a huge monstrous figure stepped out. The newcomer was eight feet tall and covered in green scales wearing the same outfit as the bunny girl and the frog man. It was some kind of dragon man! The Gnomes and the Slime People looked at the dragon man with terror. The dragon man grinned showing a mouth full of fangs.
"You lot could either go home or you can fight me the choice is yours." Said the dragon man as steam bellowed from his nose and he gave the soldiers a frightful look.
Both Gnomes and Slime People ran away in terror. The heroes came down to meet the new group. Django looked at the women and grinned.
"Long time no see Gearga."
"Good to see you to Django." Said Gearga with a smile.
"You know this chick Django?" Asked Jake.
"I do. Everybody this is Gearga daughter of War. Gearga this is Finn, Jake, Simon, and Tobe." Said Django.
"Nice to meet you all. Allow to introduce my team. The bunny is Momo, she is our communications and stealth specialist, the frog is Slippy, he is our mechanic and tech officer, and the dragon is Drake our muscle and heavy duty officer. Together we are the Peace Protectors. Our goal is to stop war from happening and protect the peace." Gearga.
"Awesome!" Said Finn.
"Now if you excuse us we need to set up a meeting with the leaders of the Gnome Kingdom and the Slime Kingdom." Said Gearga as she lead her team off.
The heroes followed the Peace Protectors and soon they were having a meeting, with help from Simon and Gearga a peace treaty was made between the Gnome Kingdom and the Slime Kingdom. Afterwards the groups exited the kingdom. Finn was telling the Peace Protectors about all the adventures he had been on. Gearga was impressed and she asked the young hero if he wanted some hardcore training from her. Finn agreed along with Jake, Tobe, and Django. Finn told the Peace Protectors where he lived and they agreed to come to the grasslands and train him.
The next day the four heroes meet with the Peace Protectors at the Grasslands. The heroes were given strap on weights and they were told to do some laps, stretches, and then practice some fighting moves. The training was hard at first, but as the days went by the heroes became more accustomed to the training.
Finn was exited with the training and his new increase in skills, but he felt like something was missing from his life. He had accomplished many heroic deeds, defeated several villains, and saved many lives, yet there was something important missing. The young hero then compared his life to Jake and Simon's life. They were accomplished adventures like him and the only difference Finn could see was that they both had wives. Jake had his wife a Rainicorn named Lady and Simon had his wife Betty. Both Jake and Simone had a women to love and share their lives with. When he was younger Finn thought the idea of love was gross, but now he was 15 and he was curious about love, he still had feelings for Bubblegum and thought it was time to express them to her. Finn made a vow to go to the Candy Kingdom tomorrow and tell Bubblegum how he felt feeling confident that she felt the same.
Finn and Jake went into the tree fort and retired for bed. Finn dreamed about expressing his love for Bubblegum and going on a date with her. Little did the human know that fate had a different plan. A plan that would free a young princess in a far off land and create a powerful bond between a human and a fire elemental.
To be continued.