Akame Ga Kill - Garou

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: My Meat

"Garou had been living peacefully for the past few days. Eating, hunting and training had become his routine. Currently, he was in the middle of woods training, practising his martial arts stances, techniques, and movements. He had been training intensely for the past 2 hours. Garou stopped momentarily looking down at his hands only to frown.

"Since I came to this world, I barely felt any improvement in my strength and my skills are still the same. That won't do!! At this rate, I would never reach my previous strength when I became a true monster. "Garou grumbled to himself in frustration.

Clenching his fists as he continued, "If I want to improve faster, I will need to find strong opponents. But where should I look? DAMN IT! Most of the trash I've faced so far have been below the level of weakest of the S class heroes I faced back home."

Garou decided to head back, he decided he would look for information about the strongest fighter in the empire later on. Hopefully, they would be stronger than those weaklings he'd faced up until now.


Inside the orphanage, Himiko had a broad smile as she watched the children jumping around excitedly as each of them just received a new set of clothes which made them really happy.

Since Garou's arrival, the children and Himiko didn't have to sleep with empty stomachs or work grueling hours just to receive a tiny portion of food. And now, they managed to buy new clothes for everyone thanks to Garou's overhunting. The meat and inedible remnants of animals and dangerous beasts sold for a good price. With the money obtained, they even had enough to fix the decrepit orphanage.

Himiko was extremely grateful to Garou and happy with his company. Her first impression of him was that of a bloody demon. She was genuinely terrified of him and didn't dare to look directly at him in fear of his anger. When he decided to stay with them in the orphanage, she nearly cried in fear. Fear for both herself and for the children's imminent bleak end. Now, she felt foolish for thinking like that.

Garou had only acted violently in the first place for their sake. Yet, she thought of him as another monster. A thought that made her really ashamed of herself. She wouldn't say she understood Garou completely, but she knew him enough to speak confidently he wasn't a bad guy. In fact, he was a pretty decent guy with a terrifying face.

Himiko would feel some pity and sadness for Garou, his life must have been hard with that scary face of hisShe even believed the reason for his violent temper and seemingly always in a bad mood because of that. He must have suffered throughout the entirety of his life, which also contributed to his immense strength and skill in battle.

In her mind, Garou was now a good-hearted young man with a scary-looking face that made him look like a middle-aged man.

"Hey, Himiko!!" Garou's call pulled Himiko from her thoughts.

"I'm going to take a shower, take my clothes for cleaning," Garou said

Himiko nodded to Garou slightly as she looked at him. She couldn't help but think about Garou's body. She had to admit that his body was perfect, his body was by far the best she had ever seen. She blushed slightly thinking about it, as she remembered watching him training with his upper body being naked.

The children who saw her blushing slightly started whistling and laughing, earning her attention. "Himiko loves Garou !! Himiko loves Garou" The children sang while laughing.

Himiko's face instantly turned bright red as she screamed in embarrassment "No, I don't!!! Stop messing around or no dinner for you tonight !!!!"

The children stopped singing but continued laughing, much to Himiko's anger.


The next day, Garou was preparing to go out on his morning hunt when he was stopped by Himiko "Garou I need you to come with me today to the market. I need you to help me carrying the merchandise" Himiko said

"Take the children with you" Garou replied

"It is too heavy for them. Besides, you would get to eat tastier food if we bought everything I needed today" Himiko said with a sly smile.

Garou frowned slightly but still agreed to her request.

Hours later, Garou was standing in the middle of the street market. The people who congregated there were frightened away by his intimidating presence, almost as though he was a scarecrow for humans. He was one of those who would never regret the consequences of their actions regardless of the result. But now he did, he had been shopping with Himiko for hours, that woman entered and bought from almost every shop, and now she went to buy some kitchen tools and spices and asked Garou to wait for her. He had been waiting for at least 15 minutes which angered him to no end.

Moments later frightened residents came running out of the store Himiko had entered. "The 3 beasts came back!!! They are causing trouble with everyone they see!" one man yelled. "we gotta get out of here. We don't want to be caught by them. Especially that cruel giant, Daidara!!!" another man stammered. Garou heard others around him talking about the three beasts and the trouble they were causing. All of the talk had a similar theme, they are dangerous and should be avoided.

Garou thought of Himiko and the possibility of her being caught by them. He decided to check on her, so he picked up the goods they bought earlier which were lying on the ground near where he stood, and moved toward the shop Himiko entered earlier. Moments later, Garou found Himiko. She was sitting on the ground crying while a giant man stomped on broken jars in front of her while laughing loudly. Behind the giant, a middle-aged man with long grey hair and what appeared to be a little boy were standing wearing similar clothes. The middle-aged man was smiling lightly while the short one was laughing loudly and pointing the surviving pieces to the giant. Seeing the situation unfolding, Garou walked calmly toward Himiko and spoke, earning her attention "Himiko, What the hell happened here?"

Himiko looked at Garou and sobbed "I bumped into them when I wasn't paying attention. They said they would make me pay and the big guy smashed everything I just bought."

 Garou narrowed his eyes and said "that's fine just buy replacements"

The giant laughed as he said "Hahaha …. Well looks like we got a sensible and brave one here" earning smirks from his companions.

Garou and Himiko ignored them as Himiko said "But these were the last of these spices in stock. This was the only store in town that carried them. I won't be able to repurchase them until next week!!!"

Garou widened his eyes and asked hastily "wait, you mean the special spices you need to cook the meat?!" and Himiko nodded lightly.

Garou dropped all the goods he was carrying and turned toward the three. The three beasts felt a violent and dreadful aura locked onto them. It was similar to their general but far more intense. It was as if every fiber of their being screamed danger all at once.

"Good, very good!! You three useless maggots ruined my menu for the coming week. When I'm done with you, you will regret being born in this world!! Not even your own mothers will recognize you!!" Garou said with a tone radiating with malice and threatening for a horrific end.

It was at this moment, the three beasts knew instinctively they had fucked up big this time.

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