Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Weird News
Inside the imperial palace, A young and gorgeous woman was walking through the hallway. She wore white clothes accented with black, her long blue hair matched her eyes perfectly.
Her steps were slow-paced, giving a feeling of confidence and strength. Those who didn't know who she was would be attracted to her and might try to court her at first sight.
The woman entered a vast room, where a fat middle-aged man was sitting at the side of the dining table. The man was munching away at meat of some sort gleefully, even though it still appeared to be raw.
"Hello prime minister, it has been a while," the woman said as she continued her approach to the table as the man continued eating.
"Oh general Esdeath, Welcome back, congratulations on your victory in the north. Hope the battle and the northern hero were good enough to entertain you" the prime minister said.
"It was enjoyable, but the fabled 'hero of the north' was nothing special. I don't know how that weakling got his reputation. At least I had the chance to torture thousands, I even learned new torture methods" Easdeath replied with a slight smile.
The prime minister looked at the sweet woman before him and shivered slightly. If not for him being sure this sadistic woman would never betray him given that he provided her with people to satisfy her sadistic hobbies, he would have never dared to sit in the same room with her.
"Excellent news, general! Now that you are done from dealing with the north. You can focus more on the issues inside the capital city" The prime minister said before continuing with his meal.
"I assume you mean Nightraid?" Esdeath said
"Correct, these rats started to become really annoying. They are killing our allies inside the capital city. Moreover, just a few weeks ago they assassinated my dear cousin" The prime minister said as his face contorted with rage.
Esdeath smiled slightly as her hand extended to a wine cup on the table. Sipping from it, she said "It seems my old friend Najenda has been active while I was away."
"Right again, General! Now that you are here, we will finally get rid of these vermins" The prime minister said in sinister anticipation.
"Since first hearing about them, I already had a plan to dispose of them" Esdeath replied confidently.
"Oh!! That's great, I would like to hear this plan of yours General Esdeath." The prime minister said with a cruel smile then took another bite.
Esdeath was about to reply when the door was knocked, she frowned slightly at the interruption. Looking toward the door, she said "Enter."
A soldier came in, the man stood with a mix of fear and respect while Esdeath said coldly, "I said not to interrupt me when I'm sitting with the prime minister. For your own sake, this had better be important."
The soldier gulped and said "I'm sorry, General, but I have to report news regarding the defeat of the three beasts."
"hmm? Very well then, speak" Esdeath said.
At the same time, in Night raid hideout. Everyone except Lubbock and Sheele who was now dead were sitting in the dining hall eating their lunch, when a frantic Lubbock burst through the doors.
"You're late, I was about to eat your share" joked Leone.
"No time for your jokes, I have important news" Lubbock said hurriedly.
"Let's hear it then" Najenda ordered
"Esdeath and her 3 beasts have returned..." Lubbock said to surprise everyone with the exception of the clueless Tatsumi. All the assassins became serious upon hearing that name. "Ummm… who is Esdeath? I've heard you mention her before" Tatsumi said
"Huh???!! Country bumpkin through and through!!" Mine said disdainfully. Tatsumi was both angry and embarrassed upon hearing her words.
"Tatsumi, Esdeath is one of the empire's generals, and the one claimed to be the Empire's strongest warrior" Bulat said
"Right, That woman is by far the most dangerous enemy we have in the empire. In fact, one of the reasons we don't dare to attack the empire directly is her. That woman by herself is as powerful as an army!! Moreover, under her command, a relatively small army consisting of the best of the best. It was said her army could defeat hundreds of thousands easily" Najenda said grimly.
"I thought she would take longer to return since she was attacking the north. Did the north really fall so fast?" Leone said with a distraught tone.
"This isn't all of the news, there's more" Lubbock said from the side.
The assassins looked back at Lubbock who continued "Her three beasts went to take a walk in the capital's streets..."
"Ummm…?" Tatsumi again interrupted them with an embarrassed look
The assassins sighed while Bulat said "They are the most loyal soldiers she had in her army. They would only listen to her and only her. Moreover, all three of them are bloody sadistic monsters who carry strong Teigus."
Tatsumi nodded while Lubbock continued "As I was saying, they went to take a walk. However, unfortunately for them, their walk ended with all of them being beaten to the brink of death. They won't be able to leave the hospital for days" Lubbock was about to laugh remembering the details.
"What !?!? How?" Najenda asked, while the other assassins had similar shocked looks covering their faces.
"...because they ran into Garou" Lubbock shivered slightly when mentioning the name.
Back in the palace, Esdeath wore a similarly stunned expression "Encountered silver-haired man ?!" Esdeath asked. "Yes General, all of the witnesses said he beat them with his bare hands" The soldier confirmed. "Was this man part of Nightraid?" The prime minister asked from the side
"I'm not sure sir, but I think he is not as he didn't kill them. If he was, why did he killed them? He just brutalized them publicly." The soldier stated.
"How and why did the fight start?" Esdeath asked, interest having been piqued.
"According to the eyewitnesses, the three sirs bumped into a woman in a shop who was in their way and broke her spice jars. She then began crying, and that's when he appeared and spoke with the woman. The woman told him the spice jars were broken by sir Diadara, at first he was calm and told her to buy more spice jars, but the woman said they wouldn't be able to buy spices again until the next week as they were out of stock, it was then he exploded with rage and attacked the three beasts" The soldier said, not believing his own words. Who would attack the three beasts over a few worthless jars?
Both the prime minister and Esdeath stared at the soldier with mouths agape, Esdeath's appearing to be opened wider.
"Is this some kind of a joke? It won't go unpunished!" Esdeath shouted angrily as she didn't like the idea of a lowly soldier attempting to play jokes with her.
"No!! I swear General, it is the truth." the soldier stammered in fear.
"Then tell me, what is the state of Liver and the rest" Esdeath ordered.
"Sir Liver suffered a few bruises, and the bones of his right hand were crushed. His hair was torn out of his scalp violently. Most of his ribs are broken as well. Sir Nyau had his flute inserted ... in his … rear while his head was buried ….. in sir Diadara's ass. Sir Diadara had it the worst, however, aside from sir Nyau's head, his face is unrecognizable as his nose, jaw, and all of his teeth broke. Also, both of his arms were snapped in numerous places and tied into a knot." The Soldier was fearful as he spoke. He didn't know how Esdeath would react to his words. The injuries of two of the beasts were too shameful to be said. And seeing the stunned faces before him, the soldier felt like crying.
Esdeath kept staring with a weird expression, she didn't know how she should react, for she had never faced or heard of something like that.
After seconds of silence which seemed years for the poor soldier, Esdeath spoke "Such ruthless and humiliating methods! Truly impressive! I would like to meet this person! I believe we have so much to discuss"
Esdeath was smiling madly as she spoke, the soldiers shivered while the prime minister started coughing. The Prime Minister looked at Esdeath as a terrifying thought passed through his head. A male version of Esdeath laughing wildly as he tortured people alongside Esdeath. One sadistic freak was already too much for his weak heart!
In Nightraid's hideout, the assassins were looking weirdly at each other.
"It might seem weird and illogical considering they are our enemies and we should be happy for their misfortune, but I sympathize with them. No one deserves to encounter Garou!!" Bulat said as he shivered remembering how Garou handled him.
The other assassins who had the misfortune of meeting Garou face to face, even Akame nodded in agreement. While Najenda's face palmed seeing their reaction. She didn't know whether to laugh or be angry.