Chapter 44: Chapter 44: Payback!
"Captain! Are you sure you want to torch an entire town? Isn't there a more reasonable way to deal with this situation?" Jack asked.
"I always knew he was crazy." Rei interjected. Though she did so in a way I wouldn't hear her.
"Leo, this isn't like you. I know you're angry right now. And justifiably so, but still that's a little extreme." Celeste said nervously as she tried to reason with me. "Think about the innocent people who would get caught in the destruction. You aren't really serious about destroying the town are you?"
I sat there for a minute and thought for a second. I let my anger get the best of me. I knew I couldn't just set Dressrosa on fire because Doflamingo took one of my crew but I was so enraged I thought about it.
"No, I'm not going to burn the city down, but I can't let this go unpunished." I said firmly.
"Of course, Leo but we can think of a more restrained plan." Celeste said as she put her hand on my shoulder to try to comfort me.
"She's right, you can't go getting emotional. I need you to stick to my plan." Law said as he and the Straw Hat crew arrived.
When Law arrived he debriefed me on his plan. I didn't really pay much attention to Law's plan, half because I saw it already on the show, but half because I wasn't really planning on following his plan.
"Now that's a great plan Traffy, but I'll take it form here." I said interrupting him mid sentence. "It's a great plan, but there's one problem it's a stupid plan and I'm not going to do it."
"W-What, what are you talking about? Doflamingo is a dangerous opponent we can't just go in recklessly." Law responded.
"You, can't. Listen I was all for going along with your spiffy little plan, but the goal posts have changed. He took one of my crew mates. That means I have to get her back, AND I have to hurt him really bad. That's just the way it has to be." I said.
"But-" Law tried to retort before I interrupted him again.
"Listen, you can go along with your plan however you want, but I'm going to go on a rampage all on my own." I told him. "And this actually helps you out in the long run."
"How could that possibly be helpful to me?" Law asked.
"Because while I'm knocking down his gates how much attention do you think he's going to pay to you guys?" I asked.
"That's… actually a pretty good point." Law said as he thought about it.
"Exactly, you guys should be relatively free to do whatever you want, you should be able to execute your plan pretty easily." I said.
"Fine, we'll go with that but be careful. Attacking Doflamingo head on like that is bound to be dangerous." Law said.
"You must not know who you're talking to. The only thing you have to worry about is whether you'll get a chance to take a shot at Doflamingo before I beat him like a rented mule." I said.
"Hey! I want to be the one to beat up Mingo!" Luffy said pouting.
"That's up to you. I say it's first come first serve." I replied.
After that we all went on our separate ways to execute our plan. I started my role off my waltzing up to the front gates of the town.
"Knock, knock." I said as I demolished the gate with a single swing of Samehada.
"Bankai! Kokujo Tengen Muyo!!!"
I climbed up to Tengen Muyo's shoulder and shouted down.
"Doflamingo has something that belongs to me! If he doesn't return it I'll burn this entire city to ashes! Doffy! Come out and face me! If you don't return what you took from me there will be bloodshed!" I shouted down to the people in town.
At my words the people in town started to panic and flee. This is exactly what I was hoping for. I wanted the people to evacuate so there would be no collateral damage in the battle that was about to ensue.
"When I heard that Isabella was kidnapped by pirates, I never expected that it would be Buster D. Gaileo's crew. And I certainly didn't think that he would just bring her back to me like this. I'd even had the Navy put that ridiculous bounty on her to her back. If he thinks he can just take her from me he's got another thing coming!" Doflamingo said with a twisted smile. "Pica do something about that piece of trash stomping around my city!"
"Yes sir!" Pica squeaked. He then merged with some buildings try to match the size of Tengen Muyo, but it was useless I instantly threw him into the ground, shattering the stone around him.
Eventually, I made it to Doffy and kicked his doors in and challenged him to a dual.
"I think it's about time I pay you back! Let's get this over with already ." I said impatiently