Anime Lottery System

Chapter 45: Chapter 45: Doffy Defeated?

Doflamingo had a history with Isabella. Apparently she grew up in Dressrosa, when her parents died, he took possession of the rights to her music career. In other words she was under contract to him and he profited off her music. He used this influence to control her life completely and used her as just another tool to make himself money. Two years ago when Isabella joined my crew, we put out a story that Isabella had been kidnapped so she could get out of her contract. Though at the time I didn't know her contract was with Doflamingo.

Doffy started a search to track down where she was, and eventually found out she was in my crew. That was when he had his connections as a celestial dragon to put out the bounty poster of 500 million and only alive.

Despite how strong I had gotten, Isabella was still afraid of what Doflamingo might do to me and the crew if she didn't go with him that she went with him without a fight. Realistically, Doflamingo was no match for me, but she had spent her childhood being terrified of him. She was too traumatized to realize that someone could actually beat him. To her he was the unstoppable monster that haunted her nightmares.

I'd suspect that the "accident" that killed her parents was likely orchestrated by Doflamingo himself so he could get custody over a talented musical prodigy.

Back to the present, I had just crashed into Doffy's palace and was face to face with him.

"You have something that belongs to me, where is she?" I asked with a piercing stare.

"Hahahaha! She belongs to ME! I bought her and I OWN her! You cost me a lot of money over the past few years after you took her. I'll work her to the bone to pay that debt off." Doflamingo said with a mocking laugh.

"You're going to regret that you scum." I said while I cracked my neck and drew my swords. "I'm going to feed you your teeth."

"No! Wait!" Isabella shouted as she came into the room. "I don't want to see any of you get hurt because of me. These last two years have been a dream come true. I've seen so many things and had so many experiences that I never thought I'd be able to have. I'm so grateful to you Leo." She said with tears streaming down her face.

"But, you don't know Doflamingo like I do. He can hurt you ways you can't even imagine. So please just leave me here." She said as she started sobbing uncontrollably.

"You heard her! She herself told you to leave! So get lost loser!" Doflamingo spat out before cackling some more.

"Bell, you've got it completely wrong. First of all, we would have come here regardless of whether we had ever even met you at all. And second, my crew mates are all the most precious treasures that I have in this world. I'd never let them go no matter what. If you're in trouble,"

"I'd march to the ends of the earth!"

"I'd go to the deepest depths of the sea!"

"I'd walk through the flames of the sun!"

"I'd do anything to save one of my friends! So don't think you can make me walk away so easily! You should know me better than that after all this time. So don't waste your time crying. I'll have you out of here in a second." I said.

"But-" Isabella started to say.

"You don't trust me even after all the time we've spent together? I thought I told you, to be on my crew you have to have guts! So conquer your fear right here! Right now! Tell me Bell! What do want from me?" I asked.

"I-, I-," Isabella couldn't bring herself to say anything.

"Hahahaha! How touching! But she won't go with you! Now that she's back in my grasp I won't let her go again!" Doflamingo said as he sent his strings out to wrap around her.

"I- I want to go back with all of you! Please save me Leo!" Isabella finally cried out.

I immediately cut through all the strings that he sent towards her, and put my arm around her. She then started crying into my chest.

"There, that's all you needed to say. Now, you don't need to worry anymore. Why you ask?" I said while Doflamingo sent an attack towards me. I easily blocked the attack and said, "Because I am here!" I said with a confident smile. "Now just sit back relax and watch me wipe the floor with this fool."

"Right! You can do it Leo!" She said with a smile that beamed like the Sun poking through the clouds.

Doflamingo's demeanor had changed after he saw that I wasn't going down easily. "Don't think you'll be able to beat me so easily!" He screamed as he launched another attack to which I floored him with a punch.

"Shut up, can't you see we're having a nice moment here? You don't matter anymore." I said dismissively as I looked down on him on the ground. I then drew my sword and raised it above my head. "I should cut you to pieces for everything you've done to Bell." As I was about to swing I felt Isabella holding me back.

"Please don't. If you kill him, you'll just be stooping down to his level. You're better than that!" She said.

"Yeah you're right." Said as I sheathed my sword. "But I've still got a score to settle with this guy. I'm going to punish him." I said.

"You sound awfully confident, but wait until you-" Doflamingo seemed like he was about to say something before I cut him off with an uppercut. Doflamingo was sent flying up into the air and tumbling head over foot.

I jumped up and grabbed him behind his legs and had him stacked on my shoulders upside down.

"Kiniku! Buster!" I howled as we crashed into the ground. As Doflamingo as laid unconscious on the ground I grabbed his leg and lifted it up while I covered his shoulders. "Yuma! Start the count!"

Yuma had followed me into Doflamingo's palace, at my order he started counting. "1!…. 2!... 3!…." He shouted before ringing a bell, and raising my arm in victory. Me and him ended up sharing a good laugh at Doffy's expense.

"T-They just beat Doffy, and they're just treating it like a total joke. I've never seen a more humiliating defeat." Trebol thought to himself.

"See Bell, he's not so scary after all is he?" I asked her.

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