Betting on the Jackal

Chapter 25: 24th Race - How to Charm a Ruffian

As the rest of the first day passed, I caved in and ate some of the food Ceres gave me. It so happened that I was hungry, after all.

When the bell rang, announcing the end of our lessons for the day, my fingers were covered in ink. As I looked at all the notes I had written, I kept asking myself how to come we had seen so much in just a day.

"You better review everything we saw today." Professor Bel spoke with one foot out of the door, turning back for a brief second. "Ah, almost forgot. I should tell you to enroll in some electives, or something. If you don't know where it is, go to the administration and ask for instructions. Do it by 7 pm, today."

That's right…Emrys sent me a list of the electives.

I opened his message again, going over its content.

My eyes popped out of their sockets, not due to the electives themselves, but the ones teaching them.

Professor Arke Hesper, the genius alchemist who owned almost all the alchemy shops in the kingdom.

Professor Pan Petras, one of the greatest tamers in the world and owner of the number-one breeding facility in the country.

Professor Taliesin Morr, the man who wrote all the books used in Flight Theory, and some of the best race playbooks ever written.

And the list went on.

It was tempting to just go ahead and try to enroll in every single one of them. But as a student in reinforcement class, I only had time for two. So I had to choose well.

"Hey Vex, do you know where we go for this elective thing?"

"It's in the main building."

Ceres blinked once, her tone amazed. "Wow, you really know everything…"

I didn't respond.

Though she didn't ask, she followed me anyway. From where we were, it took a good ten minutes for us to get to the administration, and by the time we arrived, there was already a line.

A very lengthy one.

I hope I can enroll in the electives I want…

"Is this…a line just to ask for information?" Ceres' crooked smile shared the same fears I was trying to conceal.

"...I think we can also enroll for the electives here."


Oh, indeed.

None of us had the privilege to miss the electives classes. Yet almost all freshmen had gathered here, and spots were limited.


At this rate, I will be lucky if there are any spots left.

Ceres had her eyes shut tight as if she was thinking, her eyebrows frowned.

"Hm…yeah, this won't do. Let's try something else." When her gaze met mine, any trace of fear or anxiety had disappeared. "Follow me."

As she whispered those last words, she grabbed me by the hand and started to lead us all the way back.

"…what are you—"

She shushed me, eying our surroundings as if we were under surveillance.

"It's best if others don't find out."

I got even more confused.

I was about to pull my hand back and go back to the line, yet her eyes, they had confidence enough to make me pounder.

To make me certain that she knew something.

"Can you at least tell me where we are going? And also let go of my hand."

She smiled at me while apologizing, letting go of my hand right after. Then she leaned closer, whispering next to my ear.

"I saw the professors' lounge on our way here."

I furrowed.


The devilish grin she gave me was enough to know she was not just any breeder.

"There is more than one way to enroll in the electives."

And her words made me certain that she knew at least one alumnus from Ergos.


"Oh. You are a surprise."

Standing in front of us, blocking the door, was Professor Arke.

"Professor Hesper, if I may, it is an honor to make your—"

The woman scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Save your speech. If you are looking for Pan, she's not here."

"H-how did you know I was looking for Professor Petras?"

Professor Arke adjusted her glasses, her gaze carrying a tedious glow. "Taking into consideration your gossiper brothers, you know you can enroll directly with the lecturers. And judging by how your mount is a crossbreed—and how young he is—you want to attend Pan's electives," she sighed, massaging her temple. "I was about to go after Pan either way since she owns me some samples...fine, you can tag along."

Ceres jumped, screeching with joy.

"Yes! Thank you! You are the best, Professor Hesper!"

"Yes, yes…just follow me quietly." At last, she noticed me, her eyebrows rising for a second.

"Oh, you also came. Interesting. Who did you come to see?"

I clenched my fists, suddenly feeling a lump in my throat.

Although I was still lacking in many ways, there was one area in particular that I needed to improve. 

That I had to get better at, fast.

The moment I said the professor's name, Arke's face was covered by disgust, her lips twisting.

"Ah, him. Fortunately for you, that buffoon only knows how to waste time in the lounge."

She stepped forward, freeing the passage. Yet right before she left, she glanced my way one last time. Almost as if she wanted to say something.

Then she turned and walked away.

Ceres looked at me excitedly and gave me two thumbs up, her lips mouthing two words before she rushed after Professor Arke.

'Good luck'.

Well, according to Angus, luck was also a skill.

I stared at the open door for a few seconds before forcing my feet to move.

The Professors' Lounge was built in a way that the first thing one would see was a wall. Yet as I turned left and walked down a small hall, the room opened as if I had just discovered a cozy hidden lair.

It was incredibly spacious, with bureaus spread out among piles of books, scrolls, labeled flasks and bottles—either empty or filled with colorful blends. Drapes fell from the huge window with elegance and poise, and even with my boots, I could feel how soft the carpet was.

The space reeked of power and money. Two of the things I no longer had.

True to Professor Arke's word, the lounge was almost empty. There were a couple of professors talking in a corner, who raised their eyebrows as soon as they saw me, and a man sleeping with an open book over his face on the couch. No one else.

As I entered the room, the two professors became silent and walked out of the lounge—eyeing me sideways as if I were a walking epidemic. I made sure the acid laughter that burned in my throat remained soundless. I knew what Ergos was, for whom—reactions like those shouldn't come as a surprise.

Before I was two meters close to the couch his voice reached my ears, the sound gruff and dry.

"When will a man be able to sleep in peace here? Every time there's someone bothering me about something…"

The professor didn't move, yet the annoyance in his voice was more than enough to make me shaken.

Those were the moments when I realized how bad I truly was at communicating with people.

I cleared my throat, clenching my fists briefly.

"Sorry to bother you, Professor. I heard I could enroll in your electives directly with you."

The man raised the book, just enough.

Just enough so that his one eye could pierce my own, so that I could feel the sharpness of his gaze deep into my skin and bones. A cold stare that left me frozen in place, with a void opening in my stomach.

"I was half expecting you to come find me. Yet unfortunately, I don't want you. So leave."

I clenched my jaw, my face flushing as I muttered the courage to speak again.

"…Professor, I know I'm lacking right now, which is why I want to learn from you."

He laughed, covering his eye back with the book as if we were done talking.

"Of course you would want to learn from me. I'm the best. Yet as I said, I don't want you."

"B-but if you give me a chance, I can prove that I—"

"I don't care whatever you think you can prove, and I'm not in the mood to waste my time arguing about it."

"But professor, I'm ready to give my all to succeed here, so if you just let me—"

The man raised the book again, his voice burning as his eyes filled with irritation.

"Hey. We are done here. So unless you want me to kick you out for getting in the way of my sleep, you better walk away and find someone else."

I bit my lips, my nails digging into my skin enough to draw blood.

My feet began to move, turning to the side as the taste of utter defeat spread into my mouth like a ruthless poison.

I knew what Ergos was. An academy for the elite—the very best among the greatest. A place where they gave spots to people like me and Emrys almost out of a favor. Only we walked with clothes drenched in our tears, sweat, and blood. Kissing their feet while begging to please them.

A place where anyone who lived in places where the sun couldn't quite reach had to be faced with shame.

I was starting to leave, just as Belenus Kairon told me.

But by the next time I blinked, I had closed our distance and was grabbing the book that covered his face.

"Tell me what I need to do, and I'll do it."

"Hah? Did you even hear what I just said?"

There was more anger than surprise on his face. Still, the professor didn't move from his spot.

I leaned a bit closer, hovering right above him.

"Oh, I heard you loud and clear. So perhaps you will do good to listen to what I have to say now."

I saw pure rage burst in his crystal green eye, his fist inches away from striking me in the face. Yet his hand stopped midair the moment he heard my next words.

"You know I'm not from around here, don't you?"

Professor Belenus blinked as if he couldn't process what I had said.


"I slept, ate, shat, and lived my life in the place you all pretend doesn't exist. Because it's too dirty and ugly for you. And you are right, the underground lacks many things. But I learned a lot there. Met plenty of people."

For the first time since we met, Belenus Kairon smiled.

And it was both vile and amused.

"Are you threatening me right now? Me? The one person that can make your life here a living hell?"

I put my arm on the couch's arm, right beside his head. I didn't know why I hadn't tried this approach from the start.

Whether I wore Jackal's mask or tried to live as Vex—this was the kind of talk that suited me best.

"I lived through hell already, and whatever you are thinking? Ain't it. So give your best shot, and I will give you mine."

The professor finally showed his shock, staring at me as if I had grown four more heads.

Then, he started to laugh.

"What? You are telling me I'm prohibited from kicking you out of the class? To cheat and pass you in all exams?"

I held the book tighter in my hand.

"I already told you—I want a spot in your electives. You said so yourself, you are the best. And I need to get better to get to where I want. You can kick me out if I fail your lessons, but you better give me fucking chance. I didn't go through all the shit I did to fail the exams because I couldn't do the lectures I wanted due to some classism shit."

Something sparked in Professor Bel's eyes, his smile widening.

"I guess she was right about you…"

I furrowed.


The professor ignored me, standing up. I immediately took some steps back, having the book snatched out of my hand before I noticed.

Then the man looked at me from head to toe, analyzing me.

"Looking closer, your physique is not half bad…you used something, didn't you?" When I couldn't control my surprise, Belenus laughed. "What, you think I can be fooled? Most idiots wouldn't be able to tell the difference, but muscles gained from alchemy are just not the same. You may be fine, in the beginning. But eventually this difference will catch up to you—always do."

"I-I only did it because I was out of time…"

"Hm. Let's see, then."

He walked past me, walking toward the door.

Leaving me to stare blankly at his back.

I shook my head, following him in the next moment.

"Does this mean I can enroll in your electives?"

"This means I will give you what you want."

Professor Bel turned toward me, and even though his eye was covered by the eye patch, I could almost sense his gaze on me.

Piercing its way into my mind.

"You were desperate to prove you don't stink. I'm giving you the chance to do just the thing. But if you fail, you can cry and threaten me as much as you want, there will be no turning back. No matter how shitty your life at the underground was, or how well connected you are, you will be gone by the end of the day."

Around me, it was as if my blood froze only to run in my veins even faster. More alive.

The man grinned, a wild glow crossing his eye.

"Is this good enough for you?"

I clenched my fists, my body growing hot. My heart racing.

"More than enough."

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