Betting on the Jackal

Chapter 26: 25th Race - When Stars Shine too Bright

"I can't thank you enough for your help, Ms. Harris. When I saw I was scheduled to organize the library today…seriously, why do they keep insisting on giving us such menial tasks? Today, of all days!"

Alantra kept passing the books in order, handing them over to the professor who mindlessly put them on the shelves while standing on the ladder.

"It's not enough to ask me to take over three electives this term, they persist on making me one of the head teachers for the first-years. Honestly, isn't this too much? Why would the first-years need my lectures, anyway? We all know they will be sleeping most of the time."

"Not all of them," she replied, her mind wishing to recall her days when she started at Ergos.

Yet somehow, the memories felt tired.

Professor Morr adjusted his round glasses, the light reflecting in his gray eyes for a brief second. "Well, yes, we can say this is also true. Yet you must agree my time would be better exploited for our older students. The more…serious ones."

Alantra thought about it, for a few seconds. 

She couldn't exactly disagree with him. 

Professor Morr's lessons were extremely theoretical and absurdly difficult to follow unless the student had previous technical knowledge. 

The program for first-years was already demanding and overwhelming to most, so to add Morr's course from the beginning did not seem to be a good idea at all. In that way, no matter how Alantra saw it, there could only be one reason for it.

"They want to increase the number of dropouts. Or eliminate all the students who are not serious enough as early as possible."

The man cried out, his shoulders dropping as his fingers brushed against the book Alantra held out to him.

"If even you can see this with such clarity, Ms. Harris, I am seriously seen as nothing but a joke here. Why, if my accomplishments are not up to their standards, accept my resignation letter and let us part ways! Don't force me to stay with that ten-year-contract hogwash! Oh, do forgive my manners, Ms. Harris."

Alantra suppressed a smile, shaking her head.

"Worry not, professor. Whoever says your accomplishments fall short, they have never accomplished anything grand themselves."

Out of a sudden, the man grabbed her hands, the book dropping on the floor. 

His eyes were glistering with tears, his short and white hair a soft mess.

"Miss Harris, I know I've asked already, but wouldn't you consider being my assistant for this term? As I thought, there is no one else perfect enough for the position but yourself."

"Professor Morr…"

He let out a deep sight, dropping her hands and picking up the book. "Yes…oh yes, I know. It's just such an unfortunate timing. Had I asked you beforehand—ah, if regret could kill a man… Woe is me, indeed."

If Alantra had to be honest, even if her current schedule did not permit it, she wouldn't mind helping Professor Taliesin. She liked him.

He was not only brilliant, he was passionate about his field. 

Not only that, but Taliesin Morr knew how to enjoy silence and respect other's privacy and personal space.

Professor Morr was a young man who had joined the academic world and Ergos only to avoid an arranged marriage, yet who could never lie about loving every aspect of that life. Even when he was constantly being overworked.

Such passion and dedication to one's craft…

Alantra Harris envied that.

"I happened to hear a few things from this year's reinforcement class, from our favorite ruffian."

His words brought her back to the present—to reality—her mind taking a couple of seconds to comprehend their meaning.

"How many were expelled?"

"From what he said, a dozen. From my knowledge, four."

I was almost expecting more…

When Alantra heard the one responsible for the class would be Professor Belenus…

She thought that was also a way for Ergos to limit the numbers of students.

Taliesin Morr glanced at her for a few seconds, his eyes filling with uncertainty and…apprehension.

"He won't expel that boy without a just reason—Kairon was very clear about this."

Alantra didn't have to ask who was the boy he was referring to.

"I know. Professor Bel is not that kind of person."

The man pressed his lips together, opening and closing his mouth at least twice before he finally spoke his mind again.

"Why did you defend the boy the way you did? Is there any particular reason?"

To all the other professors who had asked her that same question, Alantra either dismissed them or gave half-hearted answers. 

He showed promise; she was merely expressing her thoughts; he could become a great resource to Ergos in the future.

None containing lies, yet not even one showing genuine honesty either.

However, it was Professor Morr asking that time. So perhaps it wouldn't be such a terrible idea to share it with him.

As she contemplated whether to speak the truth or not, the bell rung. 

"Oh! It's already this late? I guess time flies when we have company," the man climbed down the ladder, putting the last books on the bottom shelf. "You can go ahead, Ms. Harris. I wouldn't want to keep you, when you have electives yourself."

Alantra blinked, her body turning away while her feet were reluctant to go. 

"Professor, about your previous question—"

He raised his hand, stopping her.

"I know far well how unwanted it is to answer uncomfortable questions, Ms. Harris. If one day this question does not cause you any discomfort, feel free to share its answer with me. Until then, consider this matter forgotten."

Alantra could not help herself but to smile that time. 

She really liked Professor Morr.

"Thank you, Professor. I will be on my way."

After that, Alantra thought how the first day had ended without any issues or complications. Something she was almost proud of, due her situation.

However, on her way back as she walked through the halls, Alantra saw two figures from afar. And when she realized where those two figures were headed, she halted.

Because if she was not mistaken, that had been Professor Bel.

Taking the applicant she had vouched for toward the Iron Training Cell.

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