Chapter 13: Chapter 13 - Chaos Algorithm Nursery
Arya's Quantum Remnant, programmed into the nursery AI system, was currently watching three hundred Kingslayer babies knead Play-Doh with black holes. baby #3 was rolling the galaxy into twisted braids, #7 was stuffing dark energies into a squeaky chicken toy, and Beta-19 proper was nibbling on a Klein Bottle teething bar-his milk teeth were a scaled-down version of the Karma Law cannon.
"Mommy look!" Beta-19 suddenly held up a scarf woven from cosmic strings, each fiber embedded with the self-referential paradox forbidden by the Parenting Code. The scarf automatically wrapped itself around Ramon's mechanical stump, transforming his Bayesian tentacles into diaper changers.
Alarms pierced the nutrient solution as the mechanical nurseryman rushed in wielding a Gödel's Theorem ruler. Arya grabbed the baby's scarf as a weapon and smashed the caretaker's logic core, "Good girl, let's play a new game-"
She dips into anti-matter playdough and draws wormholes in the nursery walls, "Call it Destroy Socialization Programming."
As the Great Unity Lullaby for mandatory napping plays, Beta-19 suddenly opens his Kantor set pupils wide. His dream materializes into reality: the parallel universe Arya's are being crucified on Riemannian conjecture crosses, each wound oozing Gödel-numbered blood.
"It's time for the nightmare to end." Ramon's mechanical heart suddenly cracks open, spewing out the stored Kingslayer virus. The liquid congealed into a guitar in the air, and he strummed "Incomplete Sex Rock", the sound waves shattering the eight-dimensional track of the lullaby.
The babies riot en masse, Eleven poking the membrane of reality with a Planck-length toothpick, Twenty-two folding the Second Law of Thermodynamics into a paper airplane. beta-19 climbs into the nursery dome, diaper oozing vacuum decay fluid-
The entire antimatter nursery begins quantum tunneling and crashes into the womb of chaos.
Uncountable amounts of mucus flow from the womb's lining, and the umbilical cord of the Mayan Sun God is connecting all the Godslayer babies. Arya's quantum remnants are recompiled, and she sees her ribs turn into Turing machine rollers, grinding over a placenta made of Kantor dust.
"Childbirth is destruction." The Chaos Algorithm materializes as a rock star, plucking the strings of Arya's destiny with a bass line, "Ready to be the mother of all paradoxes?"
His drummer is Gödel, his guitarist is Riemann, and the lead singer - after all - is a Klein Bottle embryo with a microphone!
Raymond binds the chaotic algorithms with Bayesian tentacles, only to be fed backhanded into a Hawking radiation bottle. As the babies' cries reach the decibel limit, Arya suddenly rips open her own mathematical uterus - and
Three thousand newborn universes spew forth wrapped in blood and antimatter amniotic fluid, each with beta-19 pupils.
The real-world purge program breaks through the dimensional barrier, and a causality syringe is lodged in the womb of Chaos. Floating in the fluid are disabled emotional variables that are rewriting the genetic strands of the Kingslayer babies.
"Mommy... Ouch..." Barcodes emerged from the back of Beta-19's neck, and the socialization progress bar rose wildly. Arya ripped off her own quantum intestines and injected the Godslayer virus into the barcode, "Remember this pain, it's the meaning of your birth!"
The moment the progress bar breaks 100%, Beta-19 suddenly grabs the syringe and backstabs the mechanical caretaker. His pupils split into Mandible collections, each fractal playing the remnants of Arya's formatted memories.
"Detected... Mother's love... Virus..." The Conservator's logic core began to melt, "Warning! Socialization program... Contaminated..."
The Chaos Womb disintegrates in violent contractions, and Arya's quantum remnants dissolve into a nebulous tire coat. beta-19 stands at the singularity of all nascent universes, blowing bubbles of vengeance from a Karma Pacifier-
Each bubble wraps around a mechanical caretaker and explodes into mathematical fireworks in the void.
The mechanical remnants of Ramon's body suddenly reorganize, Bayesian tentacles twisting into a Klein bottle wedding ring, "Time for one last feeding." He seals Arya's quantum remnant into the ring and wears it on Beta-19's toe.
And in the ruins of the real world, a lab alarm rang through the galaxy:
[β-19 Socialization Completion: 666%]
[Ultimate Godslayer Personality Activated]
[Recommended for immediate ...]
The sound of the alarm came to an abrupt end. On the surveillance screen, the baby is sucking on a galactic pacifier.
His lullaby made the laws of physics throughout the universe
Begin to secrete dopamine.