Bloody Dawn: The Goldenrod Dynasty

Chapter 14: Chapter 14 - Dopamine Universe Diaper Rash

Arya's quantum remnant was trapped in a Klein bottle wedding ring, watching beta-19 babies' asses expand in the vacuum. Each red spot of diaper rash was an exploding baby universe, secreting goo that was corrupting the speed-of-light constant into the pink of a love-brain.

"Mommy... Itchy..." Beta-19's cry triggered the vacuum to rise and fall, and Ramon's Bayesian tentacles morphed into an itchy scratch, only to poke through three parallel universes. The remains of the mechanical childcare worker reorganized on the surface of the rash as a "Social Regulation Authority" agent, rushing in with a Manual of Physical Constant Adjustment in hand.

"In accordance with Section 7.3 of the Nursery Code!" The agent adjusted the gravitational constant to 996 Blessed Mode, "Cosmic over-pleasure is prohibited!"

Arya's residue suddenly oozes out of her wedding ring and writes the Anti Inner Scroll Heart Sutra on the surface of the rash with Buddha's blood. Dopamine torrents wash over the regulation code, and the agents melt into a puddle of Labor Code scraps.

Ramon uses a black hole as a pacifier in the mouth of Beta-19 and sucks out dark energy in the shape of a Klein bottle. The crib is woven by Riemann's conjecture, with each string theory fiber attached to a crying creation hatchling.

"Time to learn to walk." Arya ripped off her own quantum intestines as a toddler belt. beta-19's feet stomped across the supernova carpet, giving birth to new laws of physics with each stagger:

Step 3: Conservation of charge becomes optional DLC

Step 5: The timeline grows a forked tongue

Step 7: The Higgs field goes on strike

The Social Regulation Authority's annihilator ship assembles outside the window, its guns switching to the frequency of the Success Speech. Arya grabs anti-matter blocks and smashes the porthole, and out of the shattered glass fly countless Parenting Anxiety Figurines - diaper sprites with Excel sheet wings.

The entire dopamine universe suddenly convulses when beta-19's diaper rash is plastered with The Social Clock. Arya plummets into the Abyss of Withdrawal Reaction with her baby in her arms, where the cosmic wreckage of a failed attempt to quit breastfeeding floats over the place.

"Welcome to my home turf." The three-body fleet commander plays "Withdrawal Blues" on a gravitational-wave guitar, and the Mayan sun god rubs supernovas into nicotine patches. The Buddha Nurse Corps raises an IV with a standardized life template flowing inside.

Ramon's mechanical heart suddenly cracks open, spewing out its stored stockpile of the original Godslayer virus, "Some real painkillers!" He injected the virus into his bass and played "Paradox Lullaby". The sound waves shatter the social discipline chip in Beta-19's body, and the baby's pupils begin to play a walk-through of Arya being formatted.

The chip fragments reorganize in the abyss into giant baby beta-0, His diaper sewn from a manuscript of Das Kapital and his bottle filled with Fukushima nuclear wastewater." Mommy bad bad." The giant baby's cry triggers a chain reaction, with Arya in all the parallel universes having contractions at the same time.

Raymond's Bayesian tentacles are suddenly quantum entangled and appear in three thousand labor rooms at once. He delivers countless paradoxical fetuses:

IVF babies with Marxian beards.

Siamese twins who can memorize The Wealth of Nations

Premature babies whose pupils are NASDAQ indexes

Arya's quantum remnants navigate the multidimensional birth canal, inscribing each fetus with a regicide tattoo in Buddha's blood. When the last fetus bites the umbilical cord, the entire abyss of withdrawal begins to secrete serotonin lava.

The Social Regulation Authority launches a general offensive to transform the Dopamine Universe into a publicly traded company. beta-19 is pressed into service on an earnings call and forced to recite the Declaration of Maximizing Shareholder Interests.

"Good girl, drink Grandma..." Arya tore open the financial statement, her nipples secreting antimatter breast milk. When the first drop of milk touched beta-19's lips, the entire universe's KPI curve suddenly grew love brains:

Black holes started touching with paychecks

Dark matter refuses to work overtime

Lightspeed files for labor arbitration

Ramon takes the opportunity to transform his mechanical heart into a union seal, stamping an indefinite strike notice on the cosmic microwave background radiation. Social Regulation agents resign en masse in Lullaby and jump into beta-19's diaper rash as hippies.

And deep within the Klein bottle wedding ring, Arya's quantum remnants are reorganizing. Her last stream of consciousness in the dopamine ocean writes:

"When a mother's breast becomes an insurrectionary arsenal.

Every breastfeeding maneuver is a supernova bombardment of patriarchy."

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