Chapter 15: Chapter XV - Breast Milk Arsenal Uprising
Arya's quantum mammary glands were pumping through the void, secreting antimatter breastmilk that was soaking the Nasdaq into a sponge. beta-19 sat in a stroller made of striking black holes, crushing Dow Jones cookies with her little pink hands, the crumbs transforming into a meteor shower of Labor Code amendments.
"Mommy look!" Beta-19 shoves an S&P 500 pacifier into the mouth of a statue of the God of Capital, and the stone statue suddenly vomits up countless microcredit contracts. Raymond's Bayesian tentacles rolled up the contracts and folded them into paper airplanes, and the compound interest formula on the wings was corroding the gold coating of the Federal Reserve building.
The suited thugs from the Social Security Administration are coming in with KPI missiles, their warheads inscribed with "Blessed 996 Ultimate." Arya rips open her nursing bra, and a torrent of breast milk spews from her nipples, soaking the missile into a flyer for the Lay Flat Manifesto. The ink on the flyer suddenly revitalizes into a colony of profit-seeking ants that eat up the overtime system.
As the Capital Entropy Increasing Beast swallows three maternity leave universes, Arya's quantum womb suddenly collapses into a military fortress. Waves of uterine contractions morph into air-raid sirens, and the amniotic moat swims with figurative electric eels of the Maternity Insurance Ordinance.
"Attack formation!" Ramon transformed his mechanical heart into a war drum and struck out the Anti-Alienation March. Breastmilk howitzers fire in unison, exploding mushroom clouds of The Childcare Allowance at the point of impact. beta-19 sits on the Cervical Throne, maneuvering with the umbilical cord:
Maternity Leave Black Hole Devouring Performance Review Form
Breastfeeding Leave Pulsar Crush Nail Punchers
Parenting Allowance laser dissolves 35 year old optimizing terms
The Capital Entropy Increasing Beast's compound eye suddenly projects millions of copies of the Struggler's Agreement in an attempt to format the Uterine Fortress into a Womb of Bliss. Arya's cervix suddenly dilates, spewing out stored amniotic fluid from the Kingslayer, and the Protocol ink dissolves in the amniotic fluid into union membership cards.
The Capital Entropy Increasing Beast summons the Time Authority Agents, dark shadows personified by The Big and Little Weeks System, who are entangling the Uterine Fortress in overtime time chains. beta-19's pupils suddenly split into a matrix of Labor Arbitration Act provisions, each law transforming into a laser blade that cuts through the chains.
"Taste this!" Arya transformed her mattress heat into a heat cannon, shattering the Time Authority's "Voluntary Waiver of Annual Leave Guarantee" shield with a single blast. Ramon's Bayesian tentacles took the opportunity to insert themselves into the core of the Capital Entropy Increasing Beast's double-entry bookkeeping method, injecting The Paid Sick Leave Virus.
Suddenly, the entire battlefield was dragged into the quantum realm of the earnings call. With every pore of the Capital Entropy Increasing Beast broadcasting quarterly earnings estimates, Arya's breastmilk suddenly mutates into a short-selling report, soaking the P/E ratio into a bubble diaper rash.
As the GNP heart of the capital entropy-boosting beast stops beating, Arya's uterine fortress begins to hyperfrequency contractions. Ramon uses the Minimum Wage Act transformed into a birthing clamp to hold the new value system embryo being born.
"Push!" The midwife corps of Bayesian tentacles cried out in unison. beta-19 bit the umbilical cord of the earnings data when the entire dopamine universe suddenly went silent - the newborn value system baby opened its eyes, its pupils swirling with the iris identifier of the Universal Basic Income.
Suddenly, a myriad of Flexible Employment Agreement corpse worms crawl out of the wreckage of the Capital Entropy Increasing Beast. They burrowed into the newborn's fontanel and attempted to write The Odd Job Economy into the primordial genetic chain. Arya rips off her own breast tissue and weaves it into the swaddling clothes of The Flexible Employment Agreement, "Here's Mommy..."
The cry of a new value system baby triggers a vacuum phase shift, and the entire antimatter Wall Street collapses into a union building. beta-19 sits on a breastfeeding throne and crushes the striking black hole into a union insignia. Arya's breast milk flows between galactic spiral arms, forming Collective Bargaining Agreement canals that span light years.
Ramon's mechanical heart suddenly cracks open, revealing the Klein bottle hourglass inside - the backward flow of grains of sand is reorganizing Arya's quantum remnants." Time for one last feeding." He embedded the hourglass in Beta-19's crib, the bed rails growing out of the bumper bars of The Commons of Production.
And in the cosmic microwave background radiation, Arya's remnant was writing the inter-dimensional Constitution of Labor in breast milk. The direction of polarization of each photon is recorded:
Eighth Amendment: black holes are prohibited from being set up as weekly transfer containers of size and circumstance
Article 13: All dark matter has the right to paid annual leave