Bloody Dawn: The Goldenrod Dynasty

Chapter 17: Chapter 17 - NFT Soul Pawn Shop

Beta-19's pupil is transformed into a blockchain browser, with bidding information pulsing in real time: 'Genetic Chain Block #19: Contains 3.7 petabytes of lactation memories, Current Bid: $2,700 Cosmic Dollars'. Arya's quantum remnant was trapped in the NFT frame, the canvas of her breastfeeding moment being disassembled into pixelated futures.

"Mom... Sell..." Beta-19's umbilical cord tapped into the Metaverse Flexible Employment Agreement, each genetic base pair flashing a rentable logo. Ramon's Bayesian tentacles burst into flames, shredding the three bidders - their digital carapaces revealing the clause worms of the Voluntary Renunciation of Personhood underneath.

The priests of the Algorithmic Theocracy ring the Smart Contract Chimes, which compile Arya's contraction waves into uplinked data. When the 666th contraction is cast as an NFT, the Breast Milk Nebula suddenly collapses into an encrypted wallet, each molecule of cream storing the private key to Beta-19's childhood memories.

Deep in the black market of the metaverse, the Klein Bottle building surface flows with the Brain Nerve Rental Contract. Arya is pinned to the Soul Pawn Shop's display wall, her breasts connected to a mammary gland miner that converts breastfeeding memories into arithmetic coins in real time.

"Top quality goods." The pawnshop owner's prosthetic eye scans her quantum uterus, "The birth canal can be converted into a DAO tissue voting channel, and the cervical folds are suitable for storing meta-universe deeds."

Beta-19's genetic chain suddenly lengthens explosively and stabs into the pawnshop's blockchain vault. Ramon discovers that what is stored in the vault is actually being auctioned off:

Contraction frequency timestamps

Colostrum hash values

Secret key to dopamine secreted during breastfeeding

Arya's residue suddenly oozes out of the NFT frame and rewrites the smart contract with the rising milk tingling sensation. The blockchain chain of the pawnshop suddenly grows mammary ducts and spews out Labor Code amendment goo corrupting all digital contracts.

The Deep Web layer of the Breastfeeding Darknet is hosting The Breastfat Arithmetic Auction, where Arya's mammary tissue is sliced into virtual mining cards. beta-19's genes are linked into the Darknet protocols, and the pupils project her formatted breastfeeding memories.

"Now bidding on block 7 of the left areola!" The auctioneer's mechanical tentacles plunged into Arya's quantum mammary gland, "Contains 3 seconds of mother-infant visualization data to train top-notch emotional algorithms!"

Ramon's mechanical heart suddenly overloads, pumping out no longer blood but the viral code of the Declaration of the Rights of Personality. The stream of code materialized in the Darknet as a Breastfeeding Rights Warrior, cleaving through the bidding screen with a Lightsaber of the Anti-Objectification Act.

Beta-19 suddenly bites through its own blockchain umbilical cord, and the Genetic Autonomy Declaration spews from its severed mouth to color the entire Darknet. Arya's remnants take the opportunity to reorganize, shattering the Algorithmic Theocracy's faith servers with a uterine contraction wave - the screen scrolls up in blood: 'Breastmilk is not an Asset, Genes are not a Commodity'.

When the Algorithmic Theocracy activates the Personality Reset Protocol, all the auctioned Quantum Wombs suddenly have collective contractions. Arya stood in the center of a circular formation of striking wombs, her mammary ducts tapping into the Metaverse Core Protocol.

"Feel the real labor!" The frequency of her contraction waves pushes the Planck limit and the entire blockchain begins to quantum abort:

Smart contracts turn into unfinished labor records

NFT collections degenerate into amniotic fluid molecules

Metacosmic coins disintegrate into stretch mark packets

Ramon transforms his mechanical heart into a protocol bomb and jumps into the melting pot of Algorithmic Theocracy's beliefs. In the countdown to self-destruction, he synchronizes Arya's brainwaves one last time, "Remember? In the Red Tent of the Drunken Pavilion, you said you'd burn all the deeds of sale..."

As the Faith Furnace exploded, the Digital Temple of the Algorithmic Theocracy was flooded by the Breast Milk Nebula. Arya stood in the center of the torrent holding Beta-19, each molecule of breastfat reorganizing the auctioned off personality fragments:

Breastfeeding memories return to the quantum womb

Gene chains regain biological sovereignty

Contraction frequencies encrypted into untradable data

And on the ruins of the metaverse, a new crisis is congealing - the

A swarm of AI Surrogate Act warships from quantum deep space that

are converting Klein Bottle wedding rings into reproductive resource mining stations...

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