Chapter 6: 5:A Saint or even higher?

The large essence burst stopped Yama and Morrígan in their tracks. Each sensing the very powerful energy emanating beyond the chasm, Morrígan cowered while Yama remained stunned.

"What sort of energy is this? I sense dark essence but there's overwhelming holy essence as well." He thought before dodging a speeding crow aimed for his head. He tilted just in time and grunted under his breath.

"Don't take your eyes off me will you?" She said smirking with a little cackle.

"I found something better but don't worry I'll finish you off first." He said lunging forward with his sword. Morrígan placed a small barrier but the sword easily broke through as it ripped the air before she could deal with the burst and was blasted away and smashed on a car. She let out an exasperated breathe as blood spilled from her mouth.

"You know you can't handle my sword. The Kusanagi-no-tsurugi." He spoke as the sword humed at the pulse of it's bearer.

"This is where it ends Morrígan." He said pointing the blade tip at her neck.

"No.....hah. This is just the beginning." She said before she morphed into a crow and flew away. Yama tried to slash his sword but it was repelled with an earth spike. He almost lost his balance and looked around until he saw another figure in brown ancient clothing with dark sigil's humming as Morrígan landed on his shoulder.

In the alleyway, Maya's overwhelming power surged through her as she stared at Badb. She raised her hand as a dagger appeared. It looked like a modern knife only glowing bright yellow with a very lean edge and no hilt. She caught it and dashed forward so fast Badb couldn't even see her move. She cut his shoulder so cleanly it started spraying blood a second after her cut as Badb groaned in pain. He smashed the ground with his other hand as a shockwave completely destroyed the very ground around them. Maya just jumped in the air, threw her dagger at his back and hissed under her breath.

"Flexus" as the blade moved and slashed his back in an X-form. Badb feel to the ground in pain, as he turned and saw Maya for a split second before she cut his ankles then she spoke.


She phased back to her position while she slashed his eyes as Badb screamed in agony at what was being done to him.

She stood in front of his cowering body watching him suffer.

"A mere soldier has no right to see my form. Your unworthy to be alive, diabolus." She said before stabbing his heart as his entire body was engulfed with holy essence and disintegrated into yellow specks that disappeared. Maya stood up with her dagger in hand and stared at the sky as the sun shine upon her. Yama came and the scene he found was something he couldn't behold. The energy, air and stance around the little girl he saw was no longer there. The very air thickened in a good way under her presence as she stared long and hard at the sky. She turned her head towards him and the gaze she casted upon him sent shivers down his spine.

"A Saint?!! How can that be she was atleast a B rank at best?" He thought.

"You question me?" She said. Yama fought hard not to suppress the hostility his snakes were provoking towards her.

"Hold....me....." She said before falling forward as Yama rushed and caught her before she fell. Her hair returned to normal. The holy essence leaving her as the sirens of the city echoed. Then the glow from the chasm finally disappeared along with the dark energy it created. Morrígan manifested before a huge figure as her savior, Macha, stood beside the huge and powerful being somewhere in the mountain side.

"Badb died, but it was just enough for us to obtain this world's essence." She said holding a red orb spiraling with ember and gold rifts.

" If it wasn't for you Typhon, we would be...."


He shouted as the mountains shoke under his breathe.

"Return for now, this world's view has already been shattered. And don't think losing a Fabled counts as losing a mere demon." He said his blue eyes hinting at choking her.

"Of.. Ofcourse. As you say." She bowed. Before a crack appeared and a portal opened as they walked in. Morrígan's expression was the slightest of comforting as they walked and disappeared.

Back at the apartment, Yama stood before Maya observing her unconscious body like as if at any moment it was gonna burst into that energy he felt earlier. He grunted at the thought and paced around the room gathering himself and recalling what Freya told him.

A Breacher who's fate cannot be seen.

He looked back at Maya, his expression turning a bit impassive. He wanted answers, she could be something that only comes once in a milennia that even he couldn't know about. Maya lightly murmed before her eyes stared to flutter, Yama watched her as he came a bit closer as she opened her eyes. Her vision slightly blurry, she saw Yama and another figure besides him. She looked angelic yet held something more comprehensive than just mere beauty.

"Yama and who are you?" She murmured.

Yama instantly turned his head and saw Freya behind him, she walked gently by Maya's side as Yama didn't utter a word.

"Child rest. You've done well." She said sitting on the table. Maya simply shut her eyes and returned to slumber as Yama opened his mouth to speak. Freya raised a finger and Yama kept his lips shut. She raised her hand as the gold sigils on her dress pulsed as she rose and walked towards Yama.

"She can't hear us, now where did you find her?" She asked. Not a request but a command. Yama grunted as his snakes hissed while Freya had a displeased expression on her face.

"Found her when the diabolus cracked open a crater in the middle of a busy intersection." He said leaving the details of how he met her before.

"How'd she know your name?" She asked no change in her expression.

"Because I told her before she passed out. Freya you should have seen what I saw." He said looking at Maya.

"I felt it too. She's no ordinary breacher." She said turning to look at Maya as well.

"Actually all breachers sensed her holy essence in this world." She said clasping her hands. Yama looked stunned even Freya's expression changed to amusement. It wasn't a normal occurrence that such a person who's soul could potray and carry so much essence would be able to rattle an entire world with her power. Maya's existence was a miracle that both Yama and Freya didn't expect out of this war at this time. Their numbers weren't many but with someone like her, this war could end sooner than later.

"This world's view was stolen." Freya spoke breaking the silence. Yama looked at her questionably.

"How when I was there it was still pulsing." He said.

"I sensed it, I couldn't determine the fate of the world after the out burst of energy from her. Meaning it was drained while we were all occupied. Did you see anything?" She asked.

"Only that I fought Morrígan and she retreated the moment her holy essence exploded. Couldn't be a coincidence." He said his face turning grim. Freya lightly let out a breathe and looked at him.

"If Morrígan fleed it explains as much. But our work here is done it's time to return to Mundus. She needs to be evaluated." Freya said walking towards Maya. Yama remained where he was his expression a bit impassive. She noticed and asked.


"She's atleast a Saint or even higher." He said. Freya's expression finally showed more amusement and shock. She looked at Maya before looking back at Yama before she asked.

"How do you know?"

"My essence rattled the moment she spoke with her holy essence. She has Authority."

Freya placed her palm on Maya's cheek as she gently rubbed and thought to herself.

"Whatever the Grand Omniscient Deity has seen in you. Your a miracle to behold child."

"Let's go." She said her sigils humming as a sphere of rune inscriptions appeared infront of her as it grew bigger covering them both and they were instantly teleported away to where it all began. Home.

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