Chapter 11: 011: Argost Realm.
Error ...
Pov: Erra...
New sentients detected...sending communication beacon...
Error sentient beacon detected request Demon Prime for connection...
Request accepted...detecting location...
Location located trunk of the Ygdrasill tree....further accurate scan mutant ant outpost... frequency resembling old long deceased signature Erra location pinpointed sending portal to beacon...
Gate opening...
From it a sentient ant humanoid resembling a mix of sentient and ant features...
Greetings I'm Erra ...
Brother...said Natha her form now purely Sentient but more demonic she came to him and hugged him...
Sister look different... he managed to say suffocating in his sister's large frame...
She pulled him at hand look more natural...what happened to you...
I was brought here by ...
Me...I apered next to them...
Dimension lord...said Natah...
Welcome my devil' Demon is dealing with some plans for Incursions of other realities while you with the resident ant,s will build up defences the anto-M.t.cytes are well groomers of the tree but they need to become great defenders as well..teach Errase brood and allow some of them to assimilate in the ranks of the Demon Sentients....
Yes Dimensional Lord...
Yes Master Sanguinis...
They went to do that...and I wached from the side...a sentient disk rose and settled itself under and above the human ring and the Equine ring....making everything more secure.... Eidolons were made into gardener,s and other troops were adapted...for further purposes ...
A combination of many factors came to make a blend...homospaient Antocyte ...the first of theyr kind...and a pain my my ass ..
Eyes opend slowly....
Before me there was a few kneeling creatures....
They seem humanoid...chiton wearing and armour...all in colors of black and shades grey...
They bowed and claimed...
Ow lord were you esoteric worshipers we have many rituals to conduct lord of ours...
Who are you....
We are the M.T.Cyte Antosapient,s we claim the glory of basking in your great and terrible light...of you great power and terrible wisdom...
You're my cultist,s...
No lord of Argost Realm were your admirers and worshipers...were not a cult...
Religion isn't my forte so... call whatever you want you mad Antocyte,s and no rituals witout my express permission...
To you in your name or for you?...
Don't try to bless me or my stuff don't annoy others with your rituals and lastly can record me but don't forget to put it in detail and on paper I want to have a good record of how things go...keep a eye on the hole Argost dimension and call me if anything that wold threghten me happens ..witout my permission....
Yes our lord...
Huff...I feel you're genuinely worshipping me I'll give you all a boon for this one time...
As I said that hand became blurry as I allowed em the ability to cross through the lairs of this realm...and allow them to develop the same abilities as the esoterica of dagon .... in-between space slipimg....
They bowed and left...only two remained to guard my 13th room...
They were silent as I requested them...
By the end of the day I felt them rotate three times...and by the seccond week...I felt them be in the in-between they held books witch were slowly filling ...these books were special as they are a atom thick and very durable...they hold papyrus's on they sides for if I want to read....
They're rituals were made for any small or big actions....from waking to bathroom rituals...they're basically maids and butlers...for this form...I felt theyr growth some rituals were given to them able to modify my realm slightly like they give it a suggestion and after a while it answers...
By mimik outside realms...
They started recording link,s ..I checked over ...or modified ..
Recoding them as well...
Esoteric...I said using my third body...
One apered ...
Yes Lord...
This is my son Cristian he is to be kept a eye on specifically....along with my mate,s two of you shuld act as theyr asistance...
We agnolege and understand Realm Lord...
They bowed...and left...why do I call one they ..simple that one body was made out of many Antocytes merged into one...
They're very unique...and mine...
When did I consider them mine...
I shuld prepare a worship place...yes I know we' the three settled rooms....I saw them make a meditation room a sacrifice room and a work room...
Few weeks and I felt them like a virus they spree every each way ....under my control and automatic response system...
I smiled I felt them argue with Nightmare...they managed to convert some of the the Castle...quite funny ...the esoteric transmission is universal...and can be turned back...
It's a friendly transformation....
They started using technology and magic to allow theyr use of powers to be smoother...unique sentient forms were seen to become evident....
Pov:10th ..
I looked behind the army of demon,s bearing the researched Oroboros mark,s...
Uppon receiving fatal dammage they wold be sent back in the Argost dimension to recover.... the mark's are able to be replied ... And fixed if desired to be permanent....M.T Antocyte cores can easily be settled back in new body,s....
The gate was settled....the invasion force was redy...waht else...
Settle the one way barrier yes...that shuld do it...i smiled and sent them through....the army of demon sentients ran through they wold adapt and fight back...
This conquest was fun...
Many were colected and brought over...
What world you may ask...
I found a kill la kill world....the intelligent fibers were absorbed by the demon sentients and new better disguises are now on the well the esoteric faithful have now new garb, well Cyn she had done her new body...night now was again next to me...
Brother how do I look ....she asked with her red dress...
Beautiful how is the living threads?...
Theyr behaving nicely with our natural output theyr well fed and able to make more ...theyr well used...
How are your friends...
New drones have been settled for protection they having twins..
That's are you doing..
With this modem I'm well above my predicted upgrade level...I'm not bound by the realm or by you ...and this allows me to grow ....but ..I want to course some havock I made myself a disguise....want to go as the demon lord and his sibling?...
Fine...I don't see why not...
Yupee....hehe...I'll treat them to shreds and munch on they're amigdala...
Pat...pat...she was pated on the head and like a cat she nuzzled into it...
You're quite adorable....
Thank big bro....
Ahe started hopping around...and then with a spin and the sound of fabric weaving and integrating...before me Cyn was no longer as the icon of sin was present...a sexy female...demoness...wings of fabric horns red as fangs and claws...she was armourd and stable...
I huffed and my form folowed to tranform as well...
A giant of red black spikes jutting from my back....forming a pattern...I held myself in a hunched posture making my back hors more prominent as the black V.V. Argost mask bore a jagged edge smile..
My claws took his form in mimicking fashion...
Greetings and Hellows to all of you of wow,s ....
The voice ma hest posture and form...but red and black and demonic...hehe...
Redy little one...
Yes big brother....
We arrived at the rift...
We emerged on the other side...
On the side of the attack we arrived....
Guardians the devil's grabbed and brought over the civilians...
Some were saved...but as our hellish invasion came to be...there was another invasion....flaxan,s...
We argued and the heroes arrived...Cyn went on a butcher's rampage on the flaxan,w and then I got to the portal...minimized it and sent it to my reams spot were we started to absorb that dimension they love in...a slow absorbtion of the Flaxan dimension dimension is bigger so they're spilled more effectively into the time rules are under my complete management they didn't die of old age...
The demon wave went to subjugate the dimension...simple to have it more speedely transformation over...
The tech was absorbed...meanwhile...while looking at the gate....the heroes were bewildered...I just took the other army and then poketed the portal....I saw Cyn vore a flaxon or two....while they were alive and screaming...
The heroes were bewildered....
How...the hell...said the newly arrived Omniman....
I looked up ...tilted my head ..tapped a device that aurfesed on my wrist...
He was curious as I pressed the big red crimson eye they saw me glow in red and two disk's collapsed on me...
I transformed....
Before them stood a horned version of Omniman....full red and black clothes that have armour over them...
I smiled...a rather jagged smile...
Redy for the fun little ones...
I said as my form grew in size...
Omniman shot at me with high speed he crashed on my chest and was bounced back...
Hehe may have been strong but now ..I'm the strongest here...
I smiled....
As mark and Atom eve prepared theyr attacks and hit me...
He he I chuckled as Invincible broke his hand and atom eve,s blasts were absorbed into my body ...
I swong my hand and had Mark by his neck...
This mark,s costume is rather familiar...
So I didn't jaw opend and I bit his head off....
Then gian more smart atoms...yummy...
They were bewildered they just saw invincible be consumed...
Then they saw me grab Nolan.... His eyes went wide...he used his historical strength .. bearly making me budge...I bit bis through out...and then ate his bitting heart...
I was done consuming the two and the others except atom eve was killed eaten or beaten the shit out of by Cyn...
I came to Eave...she was attempted to teleport off...
She was struggling....
They saw a strand of matter enter her ...that was one of my hands turned coild around her soul...and with a swift crush was absorbed in the hand...merging with it...she stood there motionless....then flames or red colore burst ...she turned into a it..a demonic avatar... Done with my new atom mage ...I sent it back I need it for my new 15th body...
That one needs a core...andi it will do nicely....waht I can untill now is limited ...but with a strong core ...options well open up...if I can use more then insticts...
I turned to meet Cecil....I tilted my head as a gunshot hit my chest...
He noted my sentients having alwredy made a orbit around the world...
What are you planing...
You're no fun little brother....I leaned and then transformed again... As next to him the demon that plays as a detective showed up...
You're no demon....he said ..
You're right ...abysal ..were Argostal...
Argostal demons never heard of such a thing ...
Right new dimesions form eavry each day...
You're a dimensional lord...
Got it I said that my form shifted...back in my healthy gaster form..about the size of Cecil...a lab coat and hands all over my frame....
Well let get this done....
Said Cecil....
Yes little brother...
Why do you call me little brother...explain to me we aren't even the same species...
Simple ...we are in another parallel world brothers...a accident happend and I became something else....while you staid here and protected the world and faild ...
Then hipoteticaly why are you here...
Simple... I'm taking over...this planet is under my protection...from outside forces...
Why would you do such a thing...
The heroes are dead...
Eve as well...
Well ..they were bothersome ..the barrier is settled ...hold this remote ..
What is it ..
The demon sentient barrier...that was activated such as from now ..
They saw red lines fade...
Ugh...was that ..
The barrier activated... And none butt human can pass through it...
What of Viltrumite,s...
He asked....
I ate the only two on this planet...burp...
Sorry theyr cells are still active...
Complete absorbtion....they saw my form burst and restructure my 10th had finished it's shift..
I look better ...don't I little sister...
Yes big brother...
Who is she...
Her name in this form is sin...she is a silly creepy crawly... she's cute ..
Hehehe...head tilt...thanks big brother ...
I patted her head...her form still demonic and taller then me...
They were bewildered by the Sintetic voice...
Is she...
Living Data ...
That's ...
Were going to use this world as a resting place...
Your personal vacation place?..
Yup see how you get on us if you need help there is a panick button...
He said ..
But with who are we dealing with...
Next to me a gate opend...a form really familiar formed...
Done with the barrier...
Yes me ..
Got job me...
You're...I'm 12th edition of myself I do look more like you...but younger and more handsome I took more after mom...
He...fine ...who is the kid...
Chris....this is another of your uncle's he is Cecil the guardian of earth another reality he is my big brother...but as I'm older now he is my younger brother...
Hellow I'm Christoffer....
His eyes went wide...
Hellow little old are you...
Four ..I'm four since I gained my awereness...
He looked at me...
He is born by soul fusion a part of my soul and a part of ...
Me...said Elanor dressed nicely...
Nice to meet you and congratulations on being a Uncle...
Hehe ..this can be nice ...
He heard from the demon...
Why...he asked him..
A realm lord that was once your brother...he is reliving his nostalgia and he shuld help stabilize your planet...with ease...since he want a place to reminisce and relax this place will become calm...
Nodd ..
I finished the preparation,s and I smiled...
A home formed ...and I rested...
Big brother big brother they have tasty food here...
Yes they do ..
How are the drones integrating?...
Really well surprisingly one drone per famaly unit...the first two generations may not like it but from there they will get used to it...
Expected...settle a cycle and have a drone work with Cecil...were not heroes ...
Yupee...this will be fun...we got some more researchers...
Leavey arrived ....and he is serching for the mark and Omniman...
He is...
Yes...send him to me...
I shifted in the form of a healthy gaster Viltrumite....eyes almost closed I had a blaster behind leave...
Ugh...who ...what are you...
I'm W.D. Sanguinis I'm a monster you're valuable...
What do you want of me...
Mark,s that are not good I want you to teleport them to me...
I'm hungry....
If not...
I can have my youngest sister skin a pupetier that corpse of your's....if you want I can help with your estetic form..
A trade then ..
Then he saw two hands in his body...his heart cold ...he felt it the shift..and reformed...
I'm back...but I'm not changed...
Estetic leave estetic...
He saw my mark like form retracted...just a healthy gaster...form...
Get it...
Yes fine..the dead is settled...
Many marks came through one by one they were killed and absorbed...a massive amount of Viltrumite atoms were assimilated by the end I was spreading the. Through my hole 13 bodies...
The fusion was smooth and far reaching my cells in the next body's had mutated....making them smart atom's...
Huff...this is nice ..I said in a perfect gaster body ..compressed turning back to my slimmer form...I look just right...I smiled my mouth seeming human...
More beings started to cross over...came visited and turists..a new currency became they saw the system working only in the boundary of the demon sentients barrier ...
That shuld do It...
After a while I saw Argost open more links it's me ....but that me is acting quite funny...
Throw a grenade in a zombie world hehe ..funny ..
The explosion was fun...
We sa Undying butcher and then clean...and sleep...Kat always with her..
More were both...
A economy of emotions...hehe works...hate is now trending...
Well we're was I yes...let's do this ..
I opend a claw and pluked a strand of pure refined hate personal resource I drank.... the hatred flows through me... And I opend by eyes slowly hate flowed from my eyes and maw...
They were bewildered...
Love what is that...
Ow hate liquid concentrated hate...
And you shouldn't tuch it...
I don't want you to feel it ..while I am born in hate...I reveal and relax into it...while you will just snap can't snap if you're alwredy dust...
She shiverd ..she felt it I wasn't joking...
Relax I'm doing so...hehe...
She saw hate dry and flake ..good slowly flowed ...
What is that...she asked...
The only thing I can feel for you...
Yes ..darling...
No that your love...
Yes ..but don't tuch it nighter....
Why ...
Did you note it's not flowing like my hate...but it is very slowly....
I moved to a seated position and she saw drops fall and hit the ground....
Gulp...did that hit the ground like a bullet...
Yes my love is so dense and heavy wold crush any other....
So don't tuch it...
Fine do you do that...
I'm part monster killer and Chara bowth can expell excess hate I can do it with other emotion's as well becoming and I can bottle them....I did made a glass bottle and
Filled it with two drops of my was then turned in a that glowed gold...
You can feel it by holding it don't tuch the liquid though...
She did and she felt it the warmth.....
It's nice...
I made a bid holding a drop for Cris...
He liked it was turned in a pendant as well...
Is that safe...
Yes ..he is part me he can handle it .
Ok ..she said naively....
I smiled and we continued our relaxing day...
I smiled ...this is the future....
Eleventh as he calls himself....started showing me a future witout bending or spirits...but the things they did without them ... amazing.....
Not really impressive....if technology is advanced enough it's indestructible from magic.... so...
I made her look up....she saw the red grid around the planet....
A barrier to keep the planet controled and's technology....
Yes it's as magical as it's magic technology a virus and star fish...
It's Amalgum magiteck....
Yes ...and alive...
How do they feed ...sunlight the light the world do's not need it's they food...a web of information....conected to the drones...around here...
Sir a coffee...
Nope it's for her ...give me the desert...
Shure sir..
Sniff sniff ....this is ....nice...
Yup tasty too ...
I bit into a chocolate ball...condensed and Concentrated...the simbiote decomposed it with ease....fueling it better....
My fiber simbiote hybrid moved to form new growth,s...
What are you turning into...
In producing a armour not like yours...this one will be permanently settled on this me...
Who will I be with night self...I was here to get you accustomed to your body and ease you ....
She saw the eleventh transformed fully turning into a red around thing....
And 9th take his place...
That body has jobs I can't take care of... so I'm here...
You don't look any different....
By design all me,s esthetics are identical while theyr intrinsic,s are more complex with each're a 9th rank being...
What dose that...
Were more compatible....our sense's are matching we can feel things more equally.
What of Elanor?...
She has a 13th and a 9th body she is well...
Fine...she said ..hugging me and she felt it return back...
How's my brother...
He,s doing well...
Thanks for it...
No problem that is your resort like this is mine ..and Elanor has her own....
Three world's to explore outside the Realm...Argost..
Yes ...
Thanks ..and ...she hugged me...
I smiled...
Were is Elanor...she asked...
With 13th on a beach ...
Can we visit...
You won't be able to observe em...
How not...
Theyr 13th dimensional beings...they're hard to spot...
Fine then get us to a beach I want to relax as well..
Pov: 12th...
And now gentle men and gentle woman.... were opening the next gate waht will it be this time...
I opend the slide on the door..
Wohoho.... this is pretty interesting.... Ow you want to see as well I'll step aside then... I did and they saw it...
The vew of a stellar place...
This is the world of Spore...
It's a complex world... everything here evolves changes and's filled with random worlds...
Were not touching it...
Becouse it's boring...
And so we lock this one for later....
Next door is redy...let's open it...
I uncovered it ....
Reveling a Garry's world..
Uhu...I settled the Data and ...we saw the server's...and we settled to two servers...
A TTT server and a the hidden server...
We had pached this server,s to our own system allowing players...this link was sent to the games box...
Well that was easy...good play and fun...I said...
The link seald to the internet
I turned to the side ..a rift was distabilizing
I came closer moved a barrier and settled it to the door...
I weekend it just enough to to let it through....
A creature of tendrils and maws...a Shogoth...
It landed down...screamed and moaned looked and glared screamed of dark things...and then sobbed and squabbled ....
It spoke in inteligente English...
Please I peed the to save and shelter thy lone one...
I looked over it ..looked behind it...
Show me you humanoid form...
It gave the equipment of a nod...and it shifted ...a humanoid female formed she knelt and bowed her head to me...
Accept this contract and you shall become a resident ...
She looked up took the contract wached and wred it ...after witch she wrote her name...
She felt the barrier give way...
I thank you Dimensional lord...
You and your children will automatically be bound by this contract don't reproduce excessively and if you want a job you can check the nightmare castle shuld fit your esthetics...
I thank you again sir...
Don't mencion it I'm sealing this link and sending it to the other ones with such unstable signatures....
She nodded as she saw the system and she was sent the hotel...
I saw few others...
I settled em each with a barrier and allowed em to come breach through....
Orc...elf...and beastman ....three different species ....all different requests...
Orc!... Wraaagh!....die invaders!...
Elf...fuck a Ork!...
Beast...ow god not another one...
The Ork was turned to green mush ...with a flick...
As the door was sent to the wat section...
They looked at me...
What are you doing here and the reson...
Were the blood elf,s we require magic to live....we opend a gate to a dimension full of we may survive...
How many....
Four thousands left...
Sing the contract and I'm sending you to newly arrived section of my dimension from there you can figure out how thing work here don't bother my ants or I'll personaly deal with you...
Shure we thank you...
He saw the contract...he was not that happy but they have great freedom he went to send the news...
I nodded...
What of you beast man...
I'm of the panda tribe we request sanctuary upon you lands ..we can pay in labor and our various expertises....
This is your contract reed it in fool and then have your people sing it ..once they singed it the link will allow traversal...
I thank you ..he bowed and left...
After a few days I started seeing elf,s and pandarian,s ...settle up all over the place...
Some elf,s found themselves requesting to join the world tree caretaking operations....they had a partner given and they wold help ....
My eye,s open slowly...a pale radiance emanating.... This body it's of a worm...
I's coils be around the whole realm...a soft hold...
I feel tem my lower bodies functions...
They have theyr own wills and desires...I see them ...I adore what they adore ...I hate what they hate...theyr me but I'm not them...
Like branches from my whole...
Theyr me but I'm not them...
I am here...I see I will grow and evolve...I slumbered outside time space and everything....I now woke the first is pulling on the strings...only I can feel...
My room I removed it and settled it they may not open it ..again..
I will move this realm safely in my body...time to travel...for them it will be as nothing changed...
For me evrithing has... And I don't mind...
Roots spread through my massive frame...the tree it grows...a simbiotic relationship moss grow,s through me....
The comfortable void even as if flows through me flowing to the pool and out ..I feel the need to surface...
I slowly started to swim up in this vast see of black...and white patches....I arrive slipping through dimensions undetectable... Unseen and unheard ...I felt the edge of this zone of void...
I arrived dug myself out...of the soil witch I enterd in...
I'm now somewere else....matter made out of energy.....I crawl on the dirt...on the hollow ground....I smell and all I tayste is dry eradicated and inhospitable ....
My void flows and allows me to enter back under earth...I am digging...consuming and growing...fertile soul left in my wake...I keep consuming fuling and making the unclean useful....
Ten eyes now look uppon my with lust one with delight one with annoyance and one with blood thirst the last theyr filled with curiosity ...I felt a soul flame aproch this was the curious slowly nudge into my back... seaping and settled itself uppon fused with the moss...making a pattern on my back...a two headed one head had a eye the other not...
After this the other four tried to do the same...but it didn't work...I didn't allow them ...
They were angered greatly so they fused the energy's and tried to brand themselves on my chest...they were surprised when the hole energy's moved going out of they're joined control and forme themselves on my chest as the hollow circle with arrows neatly pointing in all the directions approximately four big arrows and four smaller ones ...this simbol a fixed in the moss and took a black color...
I huffed ...I felt them...they felt my mind and tried to influence me...they couldn't get much out of me for now...the flame of will was allowed deeper in the tree...
It found my other incarnation,s and saw humanity along with others....he was now we're and he won't disclose it to the other four ...he realized what I am ...a leviathan with a hole different Realm inside myself....
And my supposed cleaning is me absorbing the negative energy in the ground for my own growth...
He is the emperor he is connected to his other fragments...and he sent a prophecy....
So that I may not be deemed a threght...
Two word sent to his sisters of war ..
The immigr of the pale and radiant worm...
They saw it with a crown as it's maw ..a two headed eagle and a black mark on its back...protect it...
While the Ruinous powers sent theyr soldgier in a mad dash to find it...the radiant pale worm take it and make it of the chaos...
2 years after....
Terra holy terra was now renewed healthy and the hive city,s lower levels were empty....
Demihumans humans and other now we're sent to farm....
They during the years of serching for the pale one...had not found yet...but somehow....terra was now verdant water had condensed and filled the seas...even if barren of minerals the soil is rich...and fertile...a great brown coverd worm was's large....big enough to swallow a hive city...but it would never get close to them... humans astartis and the mecanicum were stumped ...whenever they wold try getting closer the worm wold move out of the way .. the Packers had felt the emperor,s flame upon the beast as well the taint of the Chaos whole ....a thing of great power....but it's impossible to aproch....
They noted guardsman and lower ranks brush imposible close to it...only to find nothing....
Chaos forces tried many times to attack the newly renewed Holy Terra... atmosphere is perfectly safe if not a little polluted still but the plants are adapted to such thing....the greenery grew out of nowhere...
They said it's a sing from the Emperor.... Even if they remember the pale radiant Worm...any hulk ships wold find themselves cleaned of chaos taint...
Chaos marines that arrive to earth they found theyr home once more...they wold discard theyr armours and tools...they wold find a settlement and retire ..
The Chao's taint wold be from the moment they arrive on terra blocked... effectively severing the chaos lord's hold from them...they wold fall asleep and wake up renewed....mutations wold dry and fall off...turning to nothing.....
Psikers can contact outsiders....they can with ease use the worp the flame of the emperor burn,s brighter....the worp space around Terra it was demon or god couple move it...a entety it's symbiotically working with the Psionic Beacon on the planet....growing like a root system....
A sole colossal trees roots started slithering digging through the golden thrones mecanisms replacing incorporating and removing the sacrifices themselves....with pure worp energy....
This the Holy Terra now is no longer in the Worp proper but now in a new bubble of influence...
The emperor's's form is being enveloped by the roots fusing to it and forming a wooden visege of the young and strong one...a Emperor Ent is forming....a soul flame burning in his eye...the mecanicle one glowing red...
The his Oracle spoke...for in a long time he had a vesals to use...
I looked and my form was fit...gigantic I swallow and recycle heal the world...
The large's nice...
But when they got closer I wold condensei would become small just as a Needle... I can shift my form....
At will...
When they were awere I was near a guardsman I was small...nearby waching unseen ....