Chapter 10: 010:Azula
She did and saw a devil.... made from the muscle lines ...
How ...
She asked with curiosity...
That is the extreme expression of the humanity as predators ....this body is made to fight...kill ....butcher and eliminate them my guide ...I smiled and patted her head....finish the routine we stayed long enough here...
She finished the preparations and we were done...
She got clothed and the servents bowed then told of the todays agenda...
She nodded and folowed them...I was floating near her...
A spar...she crushed the prepared foe ...
Didn't harm them as I helped her ...
I was next to her...
Come battle with me...I asked her...
She then said to them..
I will practice with a Gost partner...she said...they nodded...
And I came down...switched my lab suit I to a skin thight suit...
I smiled and bowed...
They saw her bow...and then started to attack...they saw it the fight and the rezistances...they believed truly someone was fighting her...
As she came to a tie...I nodded and took flight again ...
She huffed ..and noted her back had ripped the training clothes... reveling the bear muscles forming the demonic face...
Huff...she went took a shower and redressed with something more casual...she had been seen ...
She asked me...
Did they see my tattoo...
No that's only for our view...
Only the muscles?...
Fine...she muttered...
We meet him...her father...
She wasn't afraid he felt it....
Daughter waht changed about you....
Azula say what I say I want to show you something funny...
She did a small nod...
I used my power to make her eyes glow...our voices were as one..
Ozai you disappoint me...kill my brother ...his grandkid and harm your own're a disgrace to us the royal family of the Fire nation....
What's the meaning of this Azula....he screamed in rage....
You killed my brother with poison.... isn't that right....I said...having the image of his father gleam with energy...he saw it emerge from Azula...she stopped speaking...she saw him as pupetiering the light construct...
Ozai jumped and sent a lighting to hit his flowed and hit the contract the lightning move and was held by him...Azula saw a hand of mine extend and move and the lightning folowed...
And then with a flick of my fingers I made ozais father shoot back the lighting that struck Ozai and burned out his ki pathways....
He fell alive...
In the fire that now was burning him...
Go end granddaughter....said the illusion she saw me no longer controling it..... I huffed and turned to the spirit...
Get lost...
I said annoyed....
Yes great spirit of death...
Yea yes go rest or whatsoever....
Azula saw her grandpa vanish he gave her a smile full of sorrow...
And mouthed I'm sorry....
This broke her...just a bit...
We will fix her...I thought as I head Elanor,s voice bowth of us... me... connection is fixed...she has fully assimilated the sample...I can help out from here...
Great now she has a proper woman in her life...
She was bewildered...she now hears voices...
Love want to send a offshoot body here...I think she thinks that she went insane...
Shure darling...
She said and a gate opend a closed ..forth a woman came ...silver hair and eyes and normal clothes...
Hellow love...Hellow new girl...
Azula was bewildered....
Were getting you in our our,s...we got some many things we can do ..
Said Elanor...
It's a hassle keeping him satisfied he may be made out of bones...but the one that counts is always ready for raugh steamy cuddles...she said with her tongue long and inhuman licked Azulas cheek...
Azula blushed and spluttered....
What...I'm...not even got a boyfriend before...
It doesn't matter...we both know we want him...he,s ours and said to Azula...
Witch she fainted..
Love you overdid it...
She's young she will get used to it in time..
Right love...want to complete this world...
I'll take Ozais form...I said as my hand enterd the corpse and took control of it...
Dammage healing...the doll was just there waiting ..
I smiled and had then prepared the things that was needed...
Preparations was complete...
Pov: W.D. Argost...
I smiled...and made a bow...
Greetings my beloved viewer I know it has been but a day but I return .. what pitty ....let's get this done then...a rift...
I finished saing as the barriers were redy...and with pull and thug the curtens opend...
Now...I saw you're fans of the zombie world, I have decided to do something fun...
I opend to show them...
This is a guided who you may ask .by me my dear friends... this is my gift..
They saw a couple ... Enchantress zombie big belly ...with Thor fully around in the destroyer suit... seemingly hole...
But not...
You see the child in her belly is a byproduct of my work...dear's a avatar of mine... A zombie avatar... It's going to come out soon...
I smiled then made a forwords motion...
They saw now a child with the enchantress ...a boy...he was not human...
Teeth lips...a zombie in all but... behavior as this zombie grow,s...
As you can see...he is growing and as a Asgardian he has a natural talent...that is a personal dimension ...not ours dear viewers but it's close...small and useble...
It's a Minecraft world...of his own...
This little ones name is Steve Thorson ...
Mom ...
Yes my little muncling?..
Steve said as he brought out a wood sword axe and few other tools...
Wow how did you do that...
My talent it's alive...
Ow great news what dose it do...
Personal dimension there are animals and other things...
Ow... useful indeed...dose it have animals?..
Let me check...I said and found a pig ..I killed it and took the fresh meat...
I settled down the pig body ... freshly killed...
She blinked...
That looks fresh ..can igake a bite?...
She cut a bit into it...and ...
Yup this is good food...she said...
We can give it to your father...we don't need food...
Nod.. I can start a farm and make more for him...I said with a smile..
Good boy Steve ..
Can you call me by waht Loky calls me...please mom...
Shure thing Brian...
Herobrine....I corrected...
Hehe...heroes are long gone son...
Said Thor as he saw the pig carcass...
Is that...
Yes it's from Herobrine,s divinity....
He said with a smile...
He used his experience in gutting and then preparing whild game...
He ate...I took a leg...I like to chew on bones....and the marrow is good for tried to heal me ..make me look less undead like she uses her charm's...
Thor is her husband she was bitten while bearing his child the birth was strange...
Thor was in the armour for a long while...using it to stay safe..keep us safe...and blast any other heroes that may try to kill her and me...
My little Hero come here he said...
I did and hugged his armored form...
I then went to rest while mentally started building a a zombie in that world I work at night and dig at day time...
They saw this new live show...keeping them busy...
Huff...good like this I have more time...
Mistress redy for more planets...
Yes... it's been a month...
I opend my claws... .I felt great power... I smiled and was woken ...
Fine opend the door...
She did ..
I claimed through my white fur form...dressed with the sides laced making it hug my form.. I felt the celestial corset and horns mach...
A gate opend....
Before me stood the world fated to end..
I came closer to it...and emerged on the other side as a Gass giantess...
She moved her hands ..and the world was getting dissolved ..slowly ....the previous powers were deconstructed remade into thing Gass of destruction....
What world is this...
It's the G fall was ruined by it's whipped...
The rest of the universe shaterd...and was rendered to null...
Time baby , Axolotl, Bill...they now were present they saw me...
I was done ..the ferry emerged and they saw me leave ...
Great evening is gone now...
Said bill...
I will remake it all bill turn the remains into we can restart it...
Why not trn back time..
Asked time baby..
Becouse the past don't exist you idiotic infant....
You can't tell me what dose or doesn't exist....bill...
Let's do this then...
Said bill ..
He did swalowed it all then the energy was gatherd up and made a new big bang...
I was gone alwredy....
Were is this...I asked...the fey...
Mistress were in the adventure world ...
Great...let's turn it to dust...
They saw me form loome over the vampire infested world ..
I grabbed bonny and a few more...they were sent over to the masters world...
Done with that I began compressing and destruction of the world...
Once it was turned to dust...I laughed...and turned to see Prismo...he shiverd ..
Pov: Prismo...
Yes Hellow I need a total whipe out of a field timeline...
Yes globe is indisposed for the current milenium....
You're sending someone...and I shuld await some missing peaces....I can make up for the pices with ease... nothing is inreplaceble there....
Yes thanks...
Now to watch the show ...
A gate opend ...and a large mist flowed from it....I saw from the ground perspective...she a large white being... resembling a white Gost with a corset and horns resembling a multicolored space...with stars and such suns or planets...
The planet was crumpled to a ball then it crumbled to dust...gone forever....
I smiled and then noted her eyes ...glowing ...she then left ...she had taken the gum elemental Marceline and a few others...beings I can replicate with ease....
I checked and started to repurpose this new free space...maybe I can move theyr world here...yes I can work with this ..
I said with a smile...
That one was spicy....
Mistress are you fine... one I'm still peckish...
Yes ..
She opend a new gate...
Here my mistress....
I went through it...keeping my humanoid sized and shape...
I foot tuched the ground....
I then saw hi...
Aster ow I'm sorry...
What for...
This world is on the list...
It is...I'll claim the ones I want the ...
Shure plese do hurry I'm feeling pechish ..
Astar moved claimed all the ones he wanted and moved them to the Argost ream...
Then he as well folowed...
Good then...time to burn....
She said calmly....the hole world was turned to ash ...
Done...what next...
A little brake I feel the Omniverse balance hold...
Alright...gate...I said and opend a one way to the TARDIS room....
Time to rest then..
I took my place and slept...
Pov:Aster ...
Well guys your world is gone now you're remanents and youre free to live here...
I showed them the seccond lair of the tree...
Well no other beats like you..I shuld remove this form gaster form reformed...
Huff...the time we spent together was nice enjoy your life's...
I nodded...
Goodbye for now..I have to do some things...12th is calling me...
So what do you want to do next Azula...
I want zuzu back...
Clap...alright...we can make this a journey let's call your friend's....
May and ty Lee....
She added helpfully....
Right darling....I hugged her...she leaned into the genuine affection I have for her...Elanor had dissolved her form for now...only acting as a voice ....
I took fizical form...
A sole servent...looking any special...
Master I teased ...redy for your trip my cute master...
We took animal driven transport...
We went through the way and arrived at the circus....were Azula hugged her...she asked for her help..still learning how to not be a stuck up someone's rear...
I helped ...
Hug her she needs it...
Tay Lee,s eyes went wide....but did so as she was looking at me...
Tay Lee saw that she truly needed it...
Whore you...
Cal me Nyc my masters servent....
Who else's she is the curent acting Fire lord...
But her father ....
Just a doll for now...were still figuring if she wants to take rain or let her brother to do that...for now squiz her harder....
Lee did so...and Azula was heard...not sobbing...but shake....
They got up...
After a couple days ...we got to get Tay Lee
She was hugged and introduced to me...
This is my servant he isgoing to come with us were hunting for my zuzu...
Did Ozai order it...
Asked Tay Lee...
No....I did I want him back...things have changed....
May gave a Nod..
This is great Azula got a boyfriend...
Pft...hahaha...I laughed.... she's not my girlfriend that doesn't fit...air bender tribesman...
They looked at Tay Lee...
Did you think all of them are dead...the non benders with the air bending still in theyr blood the next generations will awaken theyr inheretence maybe by the next generation or something....
They looked at me...
What are you ..sakes Taylee...
They saw my teeth shift to sharp... inhuman ..teeth.. as I spoke...
I'm Azulas noting else is important for you to know...
And shifted back to being human....
Tay Lee was shivering...she felt it just for the moment....
May asked...
What are you to Azula...
Her mate...she is my seccond first is with my other self...this me is the 11th my 12th is with Elanor ...manifest...Shure love...
They saw a older woman form...from nothing....
Hellow I'm Elanor Nyc,s first mate...
She went and hugged Azula...nuzeling her in her chest...she clamped her hands on her...
Azulas....Taylee was about to say...
She's ours...and no longer like you...
They saw the shift...
Part spirit?...
No something else....
But still our friend....
Yes ...she said...let's get my brother....
We went to rest...for did her friends...
We had taken drakes...for the travel...
Iroh and Zuco were now in a resort...
I felt it the need to check on the Avatar...
So you want waht to do with me...
Have you taken the spot of a tenno. ...
Why wold I ever do something like that...
Simple we need a tenno...the void is outside we just have to settle you to do the deal ...then bring you back...
Ugh you're in redible...what will I lose...
Nothing were going to keep a back up here...
Pov: Zariman ten zero
The ship enterd the transition....accidents started and I saw him..
I came to him he asked...
What of a deal?...
He asked...
What are the conditions...
Immortality power and freedom....
Fine...I said...
We shuck hands...he condensed my being into two...the Drifter and the Tenno...
The me that remained was in the void....a world formed and I took my seat...
As the tenno...I have taken a human form...
They recovers us...
Tests started and then I searched and found her...
Valkyer...she was fully bestial...
I came met her...our resonance and then I transfered within her...
I took the place...I have learned the schools and made one for my own uses...the Void Demon school...
We are wepons against the Sentients...I had gotten my hands on many of theyr cores...I also figured how to hack...I had taken a sole sentient ...and started upgrading it ..feeding it cores and matter ...growing own secret base was made from that first one I feed it the kuba I hunted ....
Then when the time for the great sleep...I slept...with the only order for my creation was to get me when I am to be woken did ..
A army of my unique sentients came...brining me the armour wepons and my hound...
I patted her back...
You're well...
Yes master ... is the Demon Sentients...
Were loyal and powerful we didn't take over the system but we have our claws in many places...we got the kuva and we are fertile...they said...
Good how are the protocols I gave you..
Intact...they said...any offshoots?...
Yes five...they were ripped by the tenno...
As expected....were moving our base to my big is it...
Planetary size...we gatherd the materials and build it in secret...
Good...let's is Ordon Cares...
He is head of operations....
Good his operator is returning...
Any news of other sentients...
Yes the Tau are coming ...they will claim sol...we found it in balance...they will not...
Expected...I said...
Let the tenno manage it...
Alraight....come this way ...Master...
They all glow with the glow of my void shilding...
I met the three other tenno that joined the path of the Demons...
Rap tap tap rap tap tap...sai Rail in his Harrow....
Hellow I'm pleased to see you again Demon prime...
Long time no see Demon priest...
He bowed..
Hehe...this is nice a reunion...
Demon Jester Mirage...
They will never see us coming....
Said Demon Ash...
Right ..
Any new recruit's....
No theyr just waking said Ash...we will be hunting for more tenno recruits once they master theyr tenno path,s...
Fine..Ash...I said...
Jack why the serious didn't we have a good time...
Keep that name out of our work time...
Yes can always call me Tessa ...
Not now jester ...'re adorable...
Rel is everything redy for the surmam and the recruitment...
Yes...all preparations are redy the rituals are done...and the faithful have shifted from mortals to our demon sentients....
How are the preparations?...
Were gonna dance prince ..said Jester...
Red and bend them to fragments!...said Ash...
The Sirman will be completed send the invitation,s to the tenno ...
Yes Demon prime...
Natah...I said...
Yes Demon many have completed the path,s of the tenno..
Five and more are working towards that goal... is Lotus and Margules....
They are still keeping them safe as she can...when father will try to use me the safeguard dormant in the Demon Setadel will awaken and I will be resurrected as a independent entety while keeping this unit with the Lotus and Margules...
Thank you Demon Natah..
My pleasure to do everything that is needed to keep the stability of our children and family....
I nodded...
Stalker will soon turn to a father....Jade will fade and be reborn...I will go to take a cerebral scan and a frame blueprint scan ...we will invite them once theyr son is born...
Jades essence will be colected and kept safe...power of the Guardian...Jade...
As well the Protector Stalker...did you colect the gift of your father...
Yes Demon prime..
Thanks...that will suit well as a thing the tenno will worknto collect...
Hehe...yes...and so we will be able to monitor them...
Yes ....may I ask what of the ones that will take the job's from the enemy...
Grinier , corpus they are the only ones that can get the Tenno to fight us...
Yes...said Ash
Alright....said Jester
As it comes...said Ral
Good let's get this going then...I said...
We left on the ships ..and with the fleet redy ...arrived in the Cetus planes...
The ship settled itself down...the Grenier started to prepare and send waves also the corpus were contacted...
A quest and two alerts popped up...
Pov: tenno Excalibur..
Lotus:Tennow new alerts have apered do check them out theyr time sensitive...
Ordis: operator a new quest has been awakend do take a look over it's time sensitive....
He looked at the navigation and saw a Grinear invasion mission and a Corpus invasion bowth sporting generous bounty's...
Then the quest...
Hellow little brothers and sisters were preparing a Sirman and await your arrival as friends or enemies the void Demons will stand...and not fall...with senseriti Demon Ash , Demon Jester , Demon priest and Prime Demon.
Demon syndicate now aviable in the orbiters...
The message came out...
How do we get standing?... Excalibur was curious...
He checked the syndicate...
A shared purpose Ballance in the system join the demons and prove them right to fear your power to access the syndicate you must complete at least one tenno path .. rank grows with the completion of the tenno path,s...
Excalibur had filled the tenno paths all of them...
Then he pledged himself....
Worning a new path has been awakend ...
Congratulations you have reached the fifth rank...chose five gifts...
He saw them...
With one special Demon Argument....for each frame...he saw his own....
Demonic blade..
Effect:Grants x100% CRIT chance and 100% Tau status Chance
For those threghths beyond the sole system....
He smiled....he likes this argument...
He then saw some unique information packages....
The endless energy mod path and such...
Excalibur went to mod and settle the given information...he smiled and took the quest...
Waypoint set operator redy to fight...
Yes...let's do this Ordis....
Travel was fast arriving to the plains of eidolon....
They saw legions of corpus and grinier seage wave by wave the podium...three waves of one force then three of the other they have a understanding....the tenno they higherd were few....
While the defenders were more the expected....
Ral gave boosts to the hole battle zone and sent waves of chains blocking enemy minions and tenno alike...
Ash was teleporting from battle zone to another ..bringing death behind his wake....
Mirage was sustaining a sole orb that shoots the lazers cutting many of the enemies....
Her dubbles shooting and cutting at near enemy's....
And for me....I was boofing them and making energy and life orb,s stockpile in the pool...while boofing theyr attack speed armour and slowing the enemy's in waves...
I got protess Dropper one of my first hunts my conclusive cry was sacrificed for this build...
Our first demonic ability is simple it's modeled after Equinoxes duality it's called the devil that takes the same breath your take...or allows for the Warframe to do a set of preprogrammed acting as the buff and energy support...or to fight alongside the tenno..
While I in my tenno form can use my second ability.. which is called Demonic power....allows the operator to share 50% of all the modifiers from their warframes in their extended affinity range... Including mod,s bonuses....
What are my mods?...
[Prime Stretch] [Prime Continuity]
[Umbra Intensify] [prime equinox]
[Overreach] [Umbra steel fiber]
[Umbra Vitality]
[Argument:Versatile combatant](Allows the use of abilities in versatile manners like Histeria making sole spikes anchoring the frame to their position and making jumps/ landings and spins couse damage , Rippline to be used from both wrists and can pull up to two enemies at a time or pull a enemy or allays with yourself, and allows the slowfield to not expand keeping the energy consumption low.
Aura:[Prime Dreamer,s Bond]
Exilus: [Prime Cunning Drift]
The wepons as well have prime mods...I'm not adding them just for your awereness...
The surmen took five hours...corpses pile up around the scene ...five new members joined our...Sindicste ....
Excalibur, Mag ,Volt , Trinity and a Nekros.
They three had the highest mastery of theyr Paths...
The cirman ended as the matter we colected was stored the corpses wepons and equipment they all sent after us...
The Enemy Tenno left...witout theyr minions complete....
Out ranks gained finve new Demons and the Sirman,s now will be even more fun...
I said to the ascending tenno on the platform...they turned to me...
I greet you brothers and sisters I'm demon Prime the head Demon...we will tech you the way of us the Demons...most of our path,s abilities are passive but also have your argument,s...and I see you sport the armour set,s as well..
Great...let me say this straight...I'm taking the Hole origin system...
What...they were supposed...
This planet was now will vanish in roughly one day...were going to do this for the rest...
Trinity broaght her hand up...
Yes ...
So you're taking the hole hell?..
No my personal dimension...I'm a Avatar of a great being...this vesal and form...I'm a monster...of great power and speed ..
What do you mean...
They saw me emerge from Valkyrie form...
Not a tenno...but a skeletal being...
I'm the monster Aster a avatar here to colect this universe's gem...this universe ..
They were supposed as ghostly hand,s plucked em from theyr frames...
How that possible...
They were children....
Now're bound to our Sindicste level five and below are valued let me empower I did with my sentient demon's...
I smiled...
Then the gate opend behind us...this is my home were brining them my main body ..they will orbit the tree with the sun in its branches next to the rest...
You mean that tree is ..
Bigger then the hole system here...yes...I've been settling everything...I'm claiming evrithing here...and my sentients will join the races in that will become guardians and reversed beings...Natha made Shure to prepare you for this...
Yes the mimik sentient princes ..she is known as Margules and Lotus...
They were shocked...
Soon after the sentient invasion she will split for her other two identities and that shuld be it...
They reenterd the frames....they felt now different....
They're more powerful...more then before...
I huffed .. you're going to recruit the rest of the tenno...
Make a dojo ...I'll help with the building of it...
Yes Demon prime...
They said...
Good...I have to deal with some unexpected situation....I'll return here in a short period of time...I said entering back into Valkyrie...
I saw the gate open...
And I walked through the gate...i settled it to the side and saw the next mission ..I have to fight a enemy to prove something.... summoned the young lass...
I turned to Sanguis ..
Seriously you need help with him of all things...
Yes he chanlanged me to combat I don't want to destroyed the world and you're better at fighting....I responded as I looked at the creature...
Huff...fine...time to kill I guess...
I smiled and ... Valkyrie,s helmeth shifted reveling a maw...or razer teeth....I filled Valkyer reservoirs with my ki..
This being is a old fashion worrior...
He resembles Thor...but no hammer but he wields a sword...
I activated my silent Histeria...
Transparent energy coverd me as I shot kick on his...face...
He winced and backed off..
He brought his blade and hit down with force he tried to cut me in half...
I was smashed into the ground....
Haha she faild...
I didn't respond as ..then he screamed...
As claws impaled his legs...folowed by a rippline to his face and two legs kicking under his chin...cutting in it...he took two steps back...
I made a back spin and two lines were cut in his chest...
Hit the ground on all four as I saw behind him a bolder I sent a rippline and pulled it to hit his stunned ass...
The bolder bashed his back...and he he stumbled forwords...I shot tow addition riplines to some debrees to the side ..I used my hands to swing and throw them at him ..
He cut one in half and the other broke in contact with his body ..
Next moment I used my Warcry and had him in my small perimeter of slow ability...he was then suprised as I started doing fast and painfully deep cuts ..over and over and when he managed to retaliate he was always weekend....
I make a few leaps and using the rippline I did a dinamic entry boosted by the rippines retracting ...messing his face further...
He was nocked out...bleeding and hur ..
I smiled...this was fun...
Now we're was I...
I took his was a great sword for me but for him a normal sized one...I shrugged ..
Prepare the isolation barrier as the planets will soon be moved over...
Right thanks....I was collecting the last ingredients to have the proper space in the realm...
I brought the space and settled the gravity fields...
I colected the tech the enemy held...c
Finished with the device...I turned to see time flow faster in the origin system....the new war ended the Zariman was found..and settled...then the many sirmans were completed....
The man in the wal tried to stop me....he faild..
I moved the origin in the branches of the tree...and they now resided in my realm..
Pov: zuzu...
I and iroh escaped before my sister came...
One of the servents said...
Shuld we chain the prisoners....
She glared at me...and they escaped...
Why wold you confuse them she held my coller and angry asked me...
So we can extend this trip they can make for a good chase hehe...
She huffed....
Were going after them...
She said..
We got after them...
Iroh figured this wasn't a chase....he figured when the sole person that said chain them was just a servent the guards did nothing....and Zuko misjudged....he was enjoying the travel....
We kept going after them...
When they made a tea shop at the Bang sing SE they heard of the news....
Fire nation stopped theyr expanding and now will take time to work with the things they have to grow...
I we were in the tea shop....
So can I tie him up...I asked Azula...
Zuzu was bewildered.....
Why dose your servant want me tied up?...
No clue ...I had to punish him when he made the chains remark...
So you really were there to bring us back...
Yes....father is dead...the doll that is acting as him right now won't fool the elders for a while more...
Gulp...father's dead...
My bother....then who is next acting Fire Lord?...
Iroh isn't permitted as he is a white lotus I said smilingly...
And my Azula can't she isn't human anymore.....
What...iroh asked...
That leaves little Zuzu here...he needs to take up his responsibility and rule his people ...I'm getting tierd of this play game..
Who are you ...
Current acting name is Sanguis Nyc W.D. ..
Shiver....they were surprised...
My form wasn't human...nighter Azulas....I was hugging her she was on my lap...blushing...May was next to Zuko...Tay Lee was there...
So you're Azulas....
Master and owner she is mine ..I said
How can you own her..asked Iroh...
She accepted my power she was then irreversible changed...
And now she is yours....he asked...
Then a female form formed hugging her from the side....