Bright, Brighter yet utterly Dark

Chapter 9: 009: Undying idol.

this flames burn with life...they saw from afar as the hole planet was healed the infection was burned out...then Undying returned took of her armour and fell in the bed dry and co fortable she went asleep...still streaming...

I smiled and they saw me pluck mount ebeth ....out of that world...I settled it in the ygdrasill tree...a hollow of it...

And then managed a teleportation spot and figured I wold settle them there...

That planet was left alone..

Theyr magic needs feed by the tree,s emanations they will evolve...

The barrier was broken...

And the saw themselves on the branch of the tree...alone..

Well untill the greetings cometee came and told them theyr new situation...

They saw the new system...and the hole stream recorded by world that we visited...

It was stable...

I turned to the side I felt... angry....

The link collapsed....everyone saw it...

I turned with a restrained control....

Sorry it seams this live stream will take a break...please do visit again... it's a unexpected situation so I didn't really expect it...bye for now ..

I said with a smile...

And the life stream ended... Undying,s link continued they could hear her heart beat while asleep ...


Elanore confessed her insecurities....of that she feels she will change and she is scared....

Be honest will you leave me if I lose this's stuffy restraining.... Will you hate me ...I know you will...the other me do say stuff like your with me only due to the kid ...or due to how I look...please

She said...and this was just a bit of her hands around her soul...

I'm disappointed ....

In me....

Yes...for how smart and clever you are honestly I don't know how naive can you be...


You're never escaping're never going to be taken or made to believe you're not my love....


You didn't figure it out yet did you ..

What ...that I'm ..

You're the only one I can love....I'm being nice to Arthur and the rest only becouse Chris and you see them as family....if I could I wold turn this hole dimension to Ashe's and have a small hut in this hole dimension just the three of us...I felt I will lose you ..but telling me you're going to molt that means you're like me....

Like you?... fear being alone....I fear having you ...losing you would hurt more then if I didn't love you as much as I could and then you die of old age...I wold have been able to reminisce about you wach over our son...but don't care if you lose your body we can make billions more...what I'm in love with is you... yourself ....not flesh no ordered atoms and molecules but your will soul and ANIMA ....I want to see this shift ...

I'm scared...

You better be ....

What ..

Even if it kills me twelve times over I won't let you leave it down if you die ..

I will go to the gate's of death and take you back....

She shiverd....I don't...I won't lose myself...

She said...

Then she closed her eyes ..the room was isolated and kept stable...

Her form started to mutate.... thighten woke and all my bodies went dormant....all the will brought fourth the system went into stasis nothing moved...for an hour ..

She transformed into a mass of Technicite with energy hair from her eyes glowing light blue with radiation.... emanating...she saw me in a different light...

How many ...she asked...

Half of them were always here close to you...I only needed them when things got really dier....

All that anxiety for nothing....

Of course only you can put up with a guy that has many bodies and ....

I'm the only girl that can handle your posesive self...

Right... Says there girl that wrote all over my third body...

Property of Elanor....

Come on I tried to not write it were it's visible.... let's get this form of yourself more refined...

I pulled out a grinder and a polisher device ..

I need you to cooperate...

That will sting...

Yes but you need to look presentable not overgrown....

Ugh...I'll reserve the right to polish that form of yours myself...

I'm alright with this seat...we want to keep you as close to your core as possible....

Yes my hair ...

I got behind her and starting weaving the energy strands and settling them in order.n..compressing and settlement looked nice... .ordered not was the whild tecnocite growths ...avoiding sensitive spots we settled the form to be her original with a simetric design ...she huffed as the settled pathways will guide the next growths.... she looks divine the growths were flooded by energy turning to strands of power ...she manipulated them to become vails over her form.. .fitting... for the Technicite Anodite..

Glowing a comfortable ozone blue...

She moved to then settle this 13th form...she used the power she had and formed a fragment of Technicite into a blood of flesh and attached and strands shot connecting to my eavry seam's...and then the flesh freaked out...

It started to envelop me hole....

A humanoid crysalis...

It shaterd reveling a human form...but this wasn't the tecnovirue she had anymore...mine was fully infused with magic...magitechnovirus it polarized with my form and the rules assimilated them into one...

Two eyes orbs of black...cleared to show two red printed and grew to my lower magical in nature...she was suprised...

And huffed...

Time for the makeover...handsome...

I took a seat and she formed energy sizors and other tools...

When we were finished had alwredy passed the hour...everyone was back in working order the system was taken under the m.t.Virus in my Body... .this 13th now is permanently bonded with this strain...witch I called it the m.t.strain...

Love were redy...

I nodded and the seal collapsed...we arrived to the room ... Christopher was with Aunty Aio...we apered out of nowhere...

Hellow Aoi...

It' makeover?...

From behind me Elanor showed herself...

Guess who is now accepting her new power....asked Elanor...

As she came to revele herself...

Cris went to hug her the reassurance she desperately craved...

You look osome...she said.with a smile ...came closer to hold her hand...

How come this happend...

Her soul isn't like yours or other humans...the technovirus became her new body while her soul had overgrown her previous she molted like a butterfly....

So she will keep changeling...

Over time from now on...the virus is Tring to figure out how to keep her it's awere if it doesn't it will die...

Her power's have expanded and her control over the virus as well...she is greater then before...

Aoi shiverd...

Bad Elanor no peeking...said Aio as she pulled a spray bottle and waters Elanore face....

Ok ok...I'm sorry I just need some's my first time...and I can feel at how easely is to use my power,s now...

It's in her nature that's why ...

I pulled bandana ...

Elanor you're not used to your powers sensitivity so ...wear this...

She took the bandana and settle on her hosrdhead and tied it behind her head...' I don't hear but with my head...

Yes it's a safety mesure I also use...she saw the ring on my hand...

Why the ring...and not the ...bandana?...

You're powers are from your head...mine are from everywere so I made a magic barrier bound to the ring...I will be going back to rest in my dimensional room you can visit but my lower bodies will be active...using this body is at my limits with all the others held in sleep...

Alright...but send me the higher level one..

7th will do four our I traction,s...the five to three will be I can use 11th and 10th more ...

Alright thanks dear..

So 9th 8th and 7th will be around the house...

Yes I shuld be able to use 13th soon I've just managed to wale my will in that's slowly accumulating and growing...

Great ...she said...waht of 12th...

System duty's just as usual....

Alright love...said Elanor...

How do you call that form ..asked Aoi to Elanor...

Sanguinis calls it Technoviral Anodite ...I'll call it my Anodite stage ..

Cool let's show it to the team...

Shure... Let's do that...

She was they met the team Cris in her hands hugging her close...

Pov: 11th W.D. Argost

Hellow gentlemen and gentle woman my name is W.D. Argost and today were reveling a new link...I said with a charming grin....

Were the hell were you old coat?...

Ow my waht harsh words miss idol...

Well let me tell you....the mate of your dimensional lord had a surprising growth spurt she is now as unkillable as me...

What the fuck dose that mean ...she asked...

I mean she just ascended to become energy and still hold a solid body ..she is now more powerful than ever before... my dear Elanor is now strong enough to fight with Nightmare on her own...and I'm not boasting I had to seal us in a room so that she won't couse trubble in my Realm my mistake...

Well that's nice to hear she won't die of old age...

Right ..then I have alwredy settled the next barrier set...let's see were we end up this time shall beloved odience..

I felt them get exited...

Then the rift opend...

Ow this one is friendly for all ages I present the world of Kid and Cat...

They saw a cat and Kid ..

They were roughhousing....

Now I'll be taking a copy....of the cat well alien cat...

I did...the cat was now in my's black eyes steering in the audience's....

This little bugger is a literely death mashine...but with my powers it's tame and loyal...we will start a production line for the Cat,s....

I smiled and patted it ...

As it leaped off to unding resting it's head on her she was relaxing on her back...

She's saw it ..

And patted it's head...

It purred and the platform shuck..

I'll be dialing the purring down though ...I don't need earthquakes everywere...hehe...

I moved to sea through the portal snap closed...

I shrugged...I then snapped my fingers the next gate was redy with the barriers...

As of late I figured I can just have prepared multiple barriers just more them in place and activate them...I had been multitasking and the hole podium is covered with the barriers redy for moving into theyr place ..

I settled the seal and ripp...the gate was redy...

Ow this is I treating...ow you can't see I'm sorry this is a third rank world...just some can see...

I smiled...and extended my hand through the gate...and pulled back a small bioform...this world is called...scorn and it's a world were living beings are nothing but fule...

The ones at lower ranks shiverd...

I shrugged my hand as the bioform died...and returned to nothing....

Were collecting this world into its entirety....I spoke...and then ...they saw me grab it plucking it from the spot it stood in...I moved it to orbit the tree...

It's a new world we will remodelate and use the biotechnology as our own...they will help with bioengineering....

I spoke calmly....

Then the rift shaterd nothing...

Redy for the shuld be fun ....

I said as I settled the barriers new sport in less then a minute...

I opend the door ...

And we saw....


Well we're close to a world of snow..or it's just winter...

Let's travel a bit...yes here a house In the woods...a boy we see...he is crying...why...let's take a closer look shall we my dear viewers....

We did and there was blood..

Shuld we save them...or just do nothing I asked...for save...I need a lot of pitti and for nothing indifference dear viewers....

And...the votes are in ...pitti...

I claimed through the feet made a crunch..

Ow Hellow over there ....

Who are you...

She snapped at me..

Hellow I am W.D. Argost I'm a healer...I've been wandering and was told I could find coal of good quality here...but I seem to have arrived at a rather unpleset time...may I take a look at them maybe I can help...

He was disbelieving...

I wold appreciate...the help...

I nodded...I opend my cloke and white and blue centepides extended he saw them emerging from the specimen jar,s I have...they slithered and connected to theyr napes...I checked for how long theyr were gone...not long and the cold kept them well...

I came closer...

What are the scentapids ?...

A rare species of nere centepides they can facilitate my diagnostic by allowing me personally to feel the damage...they have a change to survive while the girl is alive...but not normal...


Yes...her...carry her over I will start to patch them up...

Shure...he saw the nerve centroids return to the jar...the ones from nezuko...

I started checking and then adding germ killing solve...after witch I used theyr hair sterilizer of bacteria to tie up theyr wonds...shut..I had used muscle relaxants so they don't open theyr own wonds after that I used the nerve centepides to restart they hearts ...

When they were stable I settled them up and added a solve over the sued shut keep bacteria out...and then added a special fake skin...that will trick the body to heal safer...

There they shuld be fine in a couple months time...

I looked as he was wreseling with his demon sister...

She trned to me and I grabbed her by the wrists... she tried to move... I tilted my head ..

Aren't you a fistie little human girl...

Nezuko...she turned to him...

What is I decide to hurt hi....

She hissed to me...'re still there aren't you...good let's see how much of you is still there...a scentepid conected us...

Hunger blood... gloves are the problem I see...

I used a jolt and she fainted ..

She is fine...just need to wash the blood of...

I went to do that with snow...

Then I returned and she was holding her head...

What did you do to her...

She had amnesia forgot things...

I helped her recover some surfece stuff...

She was having trubble but fixing hereslf...

Good she is back in control...well...we're were I yes coal...I want some quality coal mad eout of this...I said as I bought out a special branch...

The boy nodded...

What is this branch from ...

A special place..I want to see if you have the capabilities to make coal out of it ..

He took it ..and fell on the snow...

It's heavy...he said...

Of course it's heavy it's a branch from a world three...the emotions I felt coming through were incredulity...

Next to the portal Unding sayd to the viewer...

Were going to spend some time in this dimension just for the fun of it...all will be recorded and once it's done were closing this door...for now just enjoy the show...

She on her lap...resting...

I wached the boy try hard to carry it ..

He brought it to a stone stove...he settled the branch inside...and then went to chop wood outside...I had went to the kitchen to prepare stew with meat and others...Nezuco went with help out...during the time the sun wasn't out...I gave her a umbrella to block the sun...

She thanked me...

The emotions were many complex...

After a week in here no more then a hour outside ....yes there is a time difference....more like I slowed them up to make this less boring...

They had woken up alwredy....I brought the food and we fed them...Nezuko wore a bite proof thing...a chee toy to be more specific...she can chew on it when hungry and then just that...she won't eat...

After a while we heard a nocking...I opend the door...

And they went wide eyed...

And took a step back...

I tilted my head...

What is the problem..I asked...

Are you a demon asked ..

No I'm a doctor...

Why the claws and the fangs...

Gloves and's hard to work when you have slippery hands due to blood and blood in ones eyes...

I said...

They were dubiously looking at each us your hands...

I did took the gloves off reveling knocked and bandaged hands...

The masks....

They wated to order...

This stairs on...


I don't like gems...and taking the gloves off is a big consesion alwredy...I reglived myself....well there is a demon here but she's tame...

A tame demon that doesn't exist...

Nighter good doctor's but here I am...don't be incredulous...

I said ...with a annoyed tone...I'm tending to patients here don't bring the blades inside...or I will be forced to through you hand...

I said ...they didn't listen...

Tried to go after the demon...they were out in a blink of a eyes...

What did I say?...

They didn't give up...they wold be thrown in comicle position's....

They were panting....

The boy saw me handle them with ease...even as I'm hunching myself and lowering my hight by bending my knees...acting smaller then I truly am....

They began to gloves...they had been used to grab and take the baldes...when they decided to use them on me...well one was using the blunt side..

They were weponless...then my hands move din my I stored them..and my hands came out empty...

Well then now that you're weponless come in...don't move the four patient,s as they aren't up to move about without opening theyr wonds...

They gulped..

The female wanted her blade...

I tsk tsk tsk and then said..

Not until you intend to leave...then they will reaper ...don't try hurting the girl with the gag....

They looked at each other....

And gave up...I turned back to get the soup bowl...I went to the patients to feed who want...and clean those who couldn't...

Easy work...even more with magic...

I turned to grab a pitcher of the boy worked on the branch...he had done good...

I smiled and saw it yes with the air he breath in the Furness he was accelerating the coal formation...

I smiled...

At the end when the branch became solid coal...I smiled...and when he presented it to me...his famaly was alwredy moving...still...

I smiled...checked it and held it with my hands claws he noted...

The two left by the time they figured Nezuko was truly tame...

I used my hands to crush and compact the tranfomed using my might and compressed in a thin cristaline blade...I brought out a pouch of Mony and settled to the side...

Here is for you...I said to the boy...

I left..

Well let's fix this world...I said with a smile...

Plucked the leader and settled them ...

I have now mikle Jackson japonese version....hehe...I laughed...and had him sent over with the demons....

All settled in a box...big as a room...all of demon kind but nezuko....

Quite easy work...

They were surprised bewildered fearful...

I smiled and dropped some food in the corner of the room they all were left a room ....they had access to the system...isolated and settled ....

They tried to get out no luck...

I smiled and said...and this cube is our new live ceries...the demon box...let's see if they just kill each have chat access...good luck...I'm not taking them out...

I closed the link and took my seat...

Unding was still petting the Cat...

Well we're taking a brake I'm saw but a hour of condensed I formation I spent a couple months....ok...

The response was mixed...

I shrugged and waved goodbye for now ...


The rift was opend...a one way gate to my Realm...I saw a gold clothes undead arrive here...

He was losing power from his side...

Sentury....I muttered....then my g blasters formed a hole dome....he was wide eyed....

Then my blasters well ..turned the being with the power of millions of exploding sun,s was whipped out by the power of countless blasts....he was turned to nothing....a pile of ash... nothing....I checked for the virus gone nothing I then sent it to the ethirial de decomposed to atoms...

I cleaned my hands it was done...

I then saw more zombie on the other side of the rift....

My skeletal form came through the portal.... barriers fell on the other side...sealing the hole shut...not seald or permanently bound....but under my control...

I saw a hole world of zombies ..they turned to me and then looked at More meat..

They saw the gate behind me close...

I gave a rawr that resonated in all of them...all the zombies....and then with a large pop,s they burst .....this planet,s zombies burst to nothing...

I laughed.....this is doomed...

I picked five siringes Valkyrie, Dante, Titania and Neckros all four strains ...I walked to find four hosts...

Dante was settled in Stark he was still alive...

Neckros Hank pim...

Titania wasp...

None had the compatibility with Valkyr...

I saw them some zombies and techrot began to spread....began to course chaos...began to grow...

They used to use the power, fight and contain...

They managed to do it...

I enjoyed the show...keeping the hole conversion...I have gotten the Entraty change kit...

I had finished the hands in theyr souls...held them for research...

I was done...I arrived out the rift ..and collapsed it .. safely stored...

I opend my claw...saw a new link unstable...

Personally I opend it...saw a odd world...and then I felt a resonance resembling that of my Elanor...

I turned invisible...made my way to it...her ..

Training with fire...stances and discipline...

I landed made myself visible only to her in my human form...she noticed me...but ignored me...she noted I felt different then the rest...I wasn't dressed like them...I wasn't acting only observing...

She was weary....I felt few deaths I left plucking the souls out...she had the vew to some.

..of the reaper work...this worlds ripping is easy...I gave peaceful end,s...

She saw me arrive at a old man..he was going to declare something but then I began to smile...she noted they saw him grab his heart and die..of old age...

The process was simple...she began to understand what I was acting as...she left I got curious...and followed...

As she enterd her room I was on her bed...she froze...I smiled and she prepared...

I got up and walked to her panick gripped her small heart....she saw that smile when people were up to die due to accidents ...old age....many other...couses she presumed....

She took her resolve and used her flames she blasted me....

The fire licked my human was before her in my skeletal form red eyes glowing....with humor...she felt...

I am...

She was about to Speack...


I finished...


No you're just a mortal named Azula...

She shiverd....then stilled herself....

Who are you....she tried to deflect...

I'm Doctor Sanguinis....

You're a healer?...

I'm the curent regional acting death....

Her eyes went wide ....

There are more of you .. death brutal death...many ...I'm the unexpected death...

Gulp...are you...

No I'm not here for you...

She relaxed...a bit...

Then why are you here...

I got a's of power of losing this pesky humanity and becoming something more...a being of eternity and death...

She was curious and eager...

Can you make me the avatar....

No...I can make you a huntress ...a being that follows me...a being of steel flesh will take a will not be able to birth human,s anymore....but beings of your new kind...

What If I refuse ...

Then I will mark your soul and wait...untill you do since you don't want to the rest....

What's the benefits?...she asked...

A immortal body not unkillable but very hard to kill...claws and hysteria will turn to be your wepons....

Can I keep the power I have...


I smiled the bones cracked...and flaked off... bowth of us look like teen,s now...

I pulled the needle...I stabbed her chest with it...the transformation began aider by my sample of M.t.virus...ahe gasped pain...and change... followed....

I feed her the mass for the change...the energy and reagents....

She exhaled a red mist..her eyes glowing red...she was coverd by the thatherd clothes....fell off... underclothes were still on....



I found someone else with a similar souls as yours....and I gave her the Valkyre type grey strain of Entraty,s Infection,s I have one for each of them...I used three before I found her...

You did what...why wold you ...


Ugh...I can't believe you....

Are you upset...

No I expected this...

You did...

Yes I dream of many others of dose she look like?...she asked..

Black hair ember eyes and fire princess...

Azula ...that me isn't well...

She said...what shuld I do....

I asked...

Date her...


You're much to handle honey... I won't she is literally me..

I and a few are bound closely then I want to reveal but ..they act by themselves ...she isn't awere but now with the Valkyr strain she will be more receptive to others...

But for now have one of your bodies with her...

Will do....I said hugging her...

Romance her you slayed the biggest monster in my world now go slay that one as well...she smiled...


Don't look...

She said covering her chest and...'re mine...I said...


You accepted my're mine now and forever nobody can bully you...and now...let's get hings Azula ....

She blushed she felt me hug wasn't anything she was used to...he grew angry but couldn't stop me...

When you're strong enough to rezist I will do as you say untill then you're mine....I got her up and settled us in bed body she felt was holding her...

Were cuddling now...I said...she was suprised....and unable to fight back...

She felt it love... pure and simple emanating..

She could feel it care and ....why was she feeling it...

She looked at me ...who was hugging her...she saw her new seccond skin settle and fix itself comfortable she noted her privates hidden under a lair of natural do her chests...she felt calm...

Simetric fortable...she felt metalic studs slowly form.....helping with her mobility she chaneled her went through new paths...the rippline shot to her palm..from the didn't retract...she couldn't pul herself out...

She used Warcry ..her body becoming faster and more durable...for a short while...she then felt the third ability shout...

It consumed her send a conclusive omnidirectional blast...she didn't budge nighte I did...and lastly...she in her frentic struggle used Histeria she felt her hands turn to claws...her ki covering her hole body...she became a red siluette...

She shiverd....

Why...she said when everything she had was used up...she went asleep in my embrace....

By morning her eyes opend...she felt a chill in her heart...she looked saw her hands not claws...she chaneled the ki through those chanel's ...her claws emerged red things...her body glowing wasn't a dream...she saw him....hugging her waist...sleeping with a smile...she thought of gutting him..but she didn't....she retracted the claws and barrier...she was to curious of her new ...owner?...

She saw the servants come to the door she coverd her top...and narrowed her eyes...

Is the bath redy...she asked...

Yes mistress...they said ..

Prepare my clothes and settle them on the bed...

Yes ...they bowed and left to do that..

Azula got up and went to the bathroom she noted me just gone ... probably another death nearby...

She took the chance to inspect her body she looked normal but she felt them...the new growth,s over her body...she also seemed to have tattoos all over her form...on her back...a Valkyer tattoo black and white...a Valkyer seating on something one hand under he if on a throne pondering...legs opened reveling her chizzled body...she blushed...

As she noted the image slowly if alive...

She was growing as she barked out..


Yes my Valkyer...

I popped out of nowhere...

What..the fuck is this .she said pointing at her back...

That's the base Valkyer a reminder to know...and a display for those who look on your back...a threght display.. to be specific like a peacocks tail ...

Peacock?...she asked...

Right you don't have those here...huh...funny really all your animals are blends of base simple animals from were I know...


Want to know what's funny....

Grr ..

She was growing angrier...

Let's me say...your father is the reson your mom left...

She had her eyes wide...

He,s the reson Iron,s son died...your grandpa died why your bother was scarred and discarded ...and you you're his greatest victim...

Her eyes were shaking...

What did he do to me...

Indoctrination , mind whiping , drugs , ... hehe and a lot more...

She gulped...I opend windows...she saw them.....all of the things...made her ...grrr...and screamed...

She was now railing... no soul heard her...but me...she was hitting my chest...impacts witch made the room shake...

She huffed and puffed out all her Griff and get and rage...leaving a cold calculated being....


What exactly....

Show me this ...why make me awere... it's nicer when you're ignorant...

You're mine...she shiverd....and looked at me with a smile...kid ..and beneath it she saw it the rage she had... it's nothing...

Let me tell you how much I hate since I rememberd how you were wronged...

If the word hate...was written on each and every single wall of this house of yours it wouldn't be enough to represent how much I hate the man that claims to be your Father.. .as no father kills his brothers son father scars his son.... and no father...wold mess his dear daughter....if I was human ..and I'm glad I'm not...

If I was then...I wold have been dead hundreds of times over...

I smiled with joy and calm... I said...

And now I will have you murder him to shreds and nothing will ever recognize him...

She felt it my hands on her soul turned hot...but not uncomfortable....

And I pointed at the back of her...

That the tattoo isn't the threght display but the your vision for a moment....

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