Bright, Brighter yet utterly Dark

Chapter 8: 008:Dr. Sanguinis...

she said the last one opend for this month...

Arriving over....

I saw a happy world...I saw the Entety that would end it...I opend and sent a signal it mimicked that of the marker...and then the horror show apered....I swalowed the sun...taking it's spot...and sent the signal to the hole world...I saw it the world end...a massive covergence I sent the hole thing through the grinder and it ended...just prime matter was left...adding it to the equine ring and a bit to the human ring...

Having finished it was done...for a month...Toriel called back and she chose to rest in the new monument....she had requested a room and now took residence in the TARDIS Monument...the doctor and sexy has a great galery of art...a great hotel...many did come and visit took vacation and such here....the doctor is kept busy while he can't go through other adventures he can meet beings that do request for stories and such...

Pov: Eleventh...

More links to open...more things to gather... more space in the Anty shape void...


Cris just got his third birthday...he grows he,s adorable...yes he... that's what he decided.... lovely... Christopher is happy with his full name...

He is still growing... Elanor is happy and the rest found theyr peace...

Letty found a place with the did Arthur and Aoi...they got together...

Quincy still single found a home in the Equestrian ring...

While Amir is working with his beloved tech ..he had found the Doctors server's and started to unite the hole servers in the Anty the TARDIS as the core...he dose also help with the hotel...

Pov: twelfth

Most of my will is in this...body....containing it's natural abilities...

So this is the price for power...I muttered...annoyed....I can feel all the emotions hear the murmurs of theyr thoughts ....emotions bleed into my own...I assume them being they aren't....

Focus...started building up an a mandatory fortress with spaces to contain the emotions chanel's polarized to attract the proper emmorions....changeling them were they must go...pools of power... emotional energy stored...and lenz filtering it I to energy...

My own emotions kept safe inside...contained ....this's odd...I've expected greater strength speed but his's not that powerful... except that....a link opend in the room...a creature indestructible was crawling through the gate...

It gave a rawr...I saw beyond it ..

A child pressin a button....triggering it's screams...

It's a doll...

I looked on myself... strings held by myself...each tier awoken is a tear closet to the original but never ever getting close enough to arrive there...


Then I'll enjoy myself here...

The creature leaped to claw at me ....the twelfth me...the claw fazed through I grabbed the strings and cut...

The creature fell asleep dormant and unmoving...

I threw it back in the game I accidentally opend...I need to manage the system more...boons and guide them a little bowth in truth are boon,s but they have to figure out how to use them...I many San's and other inhabitants of the anty void saw it the loaded and the window said...

Welcome new update in progress...

Status active.....

Habitation settled ...

Welcome I'm twelve the system Admin and new Emotion lord you can now use emotion to traid for things...I they saw theyr own emotions quantified and managed...

Ainz was suprised..his emotion cash was surprisingly large...the suppressing passive was keeping him calm ...but they were accumulating...he pressed and settled the thrashole...the rest he liquidated into coins..his son was currently with him...

He noted Ainz relax...

Pov: eleventh...

I saw the update settle in well...

The two other stages above were still dormant...but redy...not awake ....I checked...they seemed just like me...untill they did anything passively...

I saw reality thirteens subconscious will...while fourteenth was shifting something else a higher level of it..I have no clue but they keep this void stable more concrete they shared two more rules...witch made things go smoothly...more then usual...

I was still opening rifts...the safety mesures kept the process slow...

Cyn just came by with her nineth dimension to keep me company her others doing one thing or another...

I huffed out a formed in a set of ten hands...

As the gate became concrete the other side tried to spill in void ...was held at bay by me ...then I plucked some ....passing through the gate I saw it shift and form a creature that screamed and bit at my blood...I difused the hand into this creature...a soul formed and took control....

The voidling yepped at me...snuggling into me..

It's still a corrupting force ....I saw it grow...shift and take a bypedal form...becoming a being...a knelt...

Then it turned to the rift and it started sifen the void... slowly growing itself up...a new avatar...made of void ..

A white shell forming over itself...a white exoskeleton...

Coved by a black robe...a male subordinate....I call him Nimik ...

Good...I smiled..

He took a seat and control of the void...she rested his hands on the link...a wall of white grew to contain the news void pool..

Were he will live in...I used matter to grow the wall and make chanel's a pool at the base and formed a cascade...

A cycle of void flow..

And a barrier to keep beings away...

A master of void was fomred and settled there...

I smiled and tuched the void it was as water...calm and un-intrusive.... Like a calm lake of black ink...

Ink was banned from it...

Pov: Nightmare...

Resting in my this new Anty void I felt something else... something dangerous....I got up...I saw a mountain...void was bubbeking into this anty it's not supposed to happen.... what's this anty's not supposed to allow void...and in it a being...a creature it felt new...but powerful....

This is some kind of joke?...

He said ..then he used the teleporter he saw a new location...

Dark void mountain...

He tapped it...and was teleported...

Hellow what is this ..

Pov: Eleventh...

A Hellow there Nightmare...

Don't Hellow you know what this is ..


Yes we're the hell are we ...

In my dimension....

His eyes went called it the Anty shape void...

Yes now I'm calling it just my's no longer a Anty void..even if it's white...and having void here I can settle a new balance.. thirteen and fourteen are settling this dimension in a different manner then usual...

Excuse me...

He said...

Simple this is now slowly blooming into a hole universe....well when I reach my 100th dimension...untill then I can't call it but a dimension....

Huff...fine...I want bubbles of void around the nightmare castle....

And white specks...

Yes...a cycle to make it like day and night...

Nimik can you do that...

It nodded...

It will be done...

A line started stretching and formed a dome around the castle with the doors and gates settled properly...

It looked like a nights sky...

Thanks...he said and teleported over...

Now he had a close to natural nights sky...

I had void settle to cover the sky...allowing the white background as stars slowly forming...and reforming...

I smiled...they all saw the shift...the sky is black the horizon now was back...and the ground white under everything...I settled with the others to allow the shift..the sky now is at day mostly white...while at night mostly black...with stars...a new process...

A slow one...of a twelve hours duration...

I took control of the form of Falengi..I was still in the beast stars..

I chaneled my strength and left that world..I opend a rift outside my domain I saw a bubble top of it black or white...round...and nice looking...

But it had a mask one with two eyes it looked like a blob of with a mask...

That's what my dimension looks's round...and ...I saw five more...each wearing different but definitely smaller in size..

I saw as twelve had the main will the orb shifted...taking a more linear form..

It looked like a twelve sided shape... curious...

But we'll...I sent the most on the will back to the eleventh ...the form was back only after the twelfth dimension was affecting the dimension,s shape...

I took the opportunity to bing back Falange back to his house in the beast starts universe he made quite the Mony ...and the production of supposed soya meat...a invention he developed...bowth consumable by predators and herbivore,s...

Resursed Datta research was being used ..along with a game that is connected to the dimensions drones...made by Cyn ...she wants more drones to be around so she is using the beast stars for formation of personality and base memories....this game they play is a lifetime ...

I she is enjoying the useful Data flow...

The next link was opening...

The barriers verified twice...I saw inside...a realm of red...and then one of metalic grey ..

I pulled out a hand... It's mine...I started a process to strip off my essence in a attempt to not have it posses anything on the other turned into a bubble...I then threw it ...

Will still controlling...I saw thru it the two black had...

Passing through I saw it a world...not that realm...

It moved with my control to consume any nearby matter...a puddle of crimson blood was before me...I jumped to assimilate some of the blood and I did...the DNA was assimilated and two small horns grew on the top of my head...

After a period of rest I felt that I was captured...

And settled in a specimen jar...

I saw through the glass and few humans wearing labcoats...and a black badge...

My eyes opend...I saw them...

They saw eyes black voids started glowing..two disc's..two patterns ...that they recognized.... curiosity was seen in my eyes...I used a sole tendrills to write on the glass in white a formula...then a equal sign to the word food...then under it..another formula witch equaled to hydration...

They took the change and started I producing them through a mask and tube...a couple days and they started throwing in coca-cola bottles and chocolate bars...

They saw my mouth...had formed did my small hands...

After a while I was half theyr size...and then my wings came out...eyes enlarged holding still the Scp logo without the letters...I have been communicating with others....

I was talking the curent contained entety,s ..

From the shy guy to Able and Kain ...

I was almost ready form larger then avrege humans...I felt I was stable enough...I requested the get a lab coat black t-shirt and shorts...

I was naked...all this time...

I smiled...and they opend the pod..water alwredy drained ...

I stepped outside...stumbled...and a guard helped me get up..

Huff...huf...'s bothersome...I said...a mind boggling human voice...

Making day- atsuover...for reference..just a bit thicker...

I had been handed a towel...I did a full body dry and then took the presented clothes...I fully dressed body then shifted...keeping my proportions I shifted to a human form..

They expected voice got a little bit higher...I got the pants tail tucked around my left long to middle of my spine..I was smaller now...about theyr size...

Hellow it's nice finally meeting you in person Dr.[Redacted]

My pleasure he smiled...let's go over your new duty's...Dr.Gaster...

I smiled ..and opend my eyes they still he'd the Scp Insignia... looking down...I noted my nail are white as paper teeth sharp...I'm still looking quite anomalous...I went to get a full body check up...they found my blood to contain a unknown compounds and that my eyes they may look like scp emblems but for them they look early unatural design...

They had taken videos with anty anomalous filters and they saw I described them...

I was settled as a doctor under bright..

So your Dr.G....

Yes and you're Dr.B...

Yes...I like that...said the woman...

So are you redy to conduct the following tests...

Yes I checked the documents and the Scp,s..

Alright first will be Scp 999...

As we enterd with 999,s next food packs...he came closer to me...I patted it's head...and I heard them pure...

Adorable...I didn't feel any effect though...a small fragment was assimilated...and I felt it slot itself for future uses...

I then a large gelatinous form of white keeping myself contained in the clothes and Bright was suprised...

Cool you're as well a scp....

Yes I'm Doctor Gaster Wingdings and I'm a shape shifters..

Cool...999 likes me...I patted theyr head and prepared to leave the packages...then we left for the next after repotting and debriefing and debriefing for the next ...096...we didn't get to see him but we did get to check the calibration and sensors to know we're he was...

Next was another...

Pov.: eleventh...

Well that will be useful...the samples of 999 will be of great value...

Now that I can make more...white joy jelly...

Addictive...and I can make em with other emotion's....with the twelve....good....

I opend the next one...

I have that one there on permanent duty when it retiers it will return...

The gateway was settled barriers and safety secured...I saw the dimension shake and then stop...I turned to see the TARDIS it was moved to make a more appropriate space...the hole dimension tilted for a moment...

As it may sound the hole space is settled in a triangle form...

The tree the castle and the tree...

While smaller things on the in-between of the three...this triangle's the core...the tree can waight as much as it needs...from there I settled the nazaricks stronghold in the middle...for safety,s sake a small ritual...and done..I like this form it's nice...

Yes...the portal....I turned to see Dr strange...

Umh...may I just close this link?..

He answered...

Fine...he nodded bewildered....

I collapsed the link...

Huf... wait did I just close a link to a world I want to invade...

I turned back...Tring to open it back didn't fucking budge...grr....

I broke the link...sending a blast of great power through it..

I huffed...this anger... wasn't mine...I looked and felt the source another link...

I ripped it open inside I saw a pink and black thing...

It rawred at me...I emerged and form shifted...taking a black and crimson form...marks and runes all over my form...I exhaled and white flames shot...bur ing at the hate entety...the system safety activated...transforming my hate and that of the energy into crystans and packed safely stored in my vault...

I kept eating at the creature u till it was nothing...I had gathers souls from it hate gave them shape and had then attack the hate thing...

When I was done I gave a rawr...and everything stoped...I felt another source...

My hand shot like elasticmans and brought fourth Chara...and then I ripped out Frisk...

Bowth alive...I reformed Frisks form coverd in hate... everything was wrong ...but then hate was slowly retracting ....slowly puling back...getting chewed out...the monsters souls revived were falling on the ground form shifted and was being reveled...not gaster...but a white humanoid siluette...feet on the ground...a doctor,s suit formed a crack formed were my mouth is ...cracks grew as I started moving slowly seeped from the cracks forming .

My patterns and then I turned they all were getting better...I saw gaster...I walked to suit similar to his...I smiled...

Then I said...


The skelebrotuers were suprised...then my form was shifted...became spectral and returned I got to the ....I need a name ...

Fine I'll crescent my world the Argost Realm...

And no it's not the slang realms...nope Argost yes...

Huff...I feel like I did something important...

My form clothes didn't mouth...two lip eyes furrowed and triangular...odd...but they can still lab coat shifted a little becoming more like a heavy?...a cloak formed over the coat...hiding my lab suit and making me a black dressed being...with the now blueish grey cloak and my white face with two sharp teeth..I lool like someone... something?... familiar...Argost...Argost...were do I remember that name now...

Snap!..I snapped my hands clawed pure white...I have no hair...Argost

Vincent Vladislav Argost...

This is... Megatooth shark skin...I looked at the cloke...incuregenle villain...hehe...this is fun...

I smiled I'll keep this eleventh as my Argost form...

Pish posh hehe...preparations...I hunched a little making myself smaller...and I smiled...

I tore opend the next door...

And jumped threw it...

Argost lives...I laughed and smirked...

I can't be as swave as him but...I made a bow...the people before me..were shocked...

Ben ten ...V.V. Argost and Animo...

Ow Hellow there...I said...with a face actually making the expression...I rose a bit from the hunchback state...they saw me buff chest ..I leave a inhuman laughter...

Bonjure little me..who may you be...

I'm Dr. Sanguinis and back from were I came from is my realm the Argost Realm...

A realm named after me...

I couldn't call it Slang Argost must do...

His eye twitched he sent his draconic hand to bite my head off...

I moved my hand and made it stop by strangling other hand grabbed his neck...

You may have a similar form to me but you're nothing....I shouted...

And dismemberd him...hands shot from under my cloke flew and enterd the many beasts and criptids...

Ow poor old yeti let me help you out ..push're so pitiful I said in rageful anger...the Saturdays and Ben saw me ripp out his heart...

Well this will do as a welcome back gift...

Hehe...ow greetings there humans...

Who are you...asked the Saturday boy...

I am the good old realm lord Sanguinis...I just happened to open a rift to this world...did this copycat do any illfiting actions to misrepresent me?..I asked...

He was fuled by the power of criptid life force....

Ow I can help with that...come show me my patient's....

I said... calmly my hands still held like claws...

They were scepticle but agreed...

Ow poor ones..theyr petrified....

I grabbed something from the cloke a vial of green liquid...

What is that...

Essence of life force...hope in a bottle literely....

I splashed the sculptures and they shown then came to life...

There done...that shuld be all yes?...

Yes we thank you...

Don't mencion it it was my pleasure...Benjamin tension...the Saturday and this end this show goodbye....I waved and went invisible....


Is he gone...Ben asked...

He heard in his ear...yes...he is gone..

He looked to the see the white mask of Argost ...witch fell on the ground...

Hehe...they head a small laugh...

As I returned back to my dimension....

I relaxed...

What a fruitful venture....

Ow...maybe I should do a the original...hehe yes good ideas ....good ideas...

I smiled and settled a live feed...and many more chanel's aviable...I smiled and tugged at the Datta streams...

I clapped and said ..

Welcome all to the first full time live channel from this moment on I will be showing my constant search of useful worlds for our dimension's growth...I've settled more rooms for any who want to do this and earn E.Coins they are the fraction of the emotions your viewers freely share by reacting to your's a existence of you're popular enough...

Now this is for all of you...gentle man and woman...three veils based by age and level of degeneration...simple said everyone can watch these life feed's.... anyone but..due to the barriers if you're not old enough or mature you won't be able to understand or react to them..they will not even show ...that doesn't allow you to just blast the sound to be a bother ..ok I will open the next gate... hopefully we got a new ruined universe to snatch whatever we can before it collapse,s...

I opend the barrier and they saw through the gate...and we saw together a planet....

Well it's not really visible from here let's get a bit closer...I said... teasingly...and with a magnifying motion we got closer...

We were so close we could see molecules....

Sorry a bit to close...I said calmly...then made a little bit smaller....

There...were is this...yes here....

Ugh...this doesn't look good for you guys...the ones at the first level of viewing...I mean ...the mite get a kick out of this....

This let me describe it a bit...

It's a planet many other's...but here we have undead....wretched poor creatures...flesh slots off muscle and bones....insects make theyr nesting into the worm rotting flesh...germinating and growing...developing and spreading...well let's take a more open vew..

As I expected this is a apocalyptic world...waht to take...waht to take...

I know...

I moved to the galaxy level and I they saw me grab the moon...I plucked it out...they saw me hold it...

So I'll take the moon isn't it cute little thing...well I will settled the place...

I'll have it orbit with our tree moon...two of them now ...they smiled and e.point grow...

I see some of you like the show...let's settle the next gate...shall we...

I asked..

Then I turned settled the barriers and finished the preparations....

There done with the safety measures...are you exited....I will always settle this as a courtesy so you may do your businesses....unlike I who doesn't need like you to do your own duty's....well poor ones.. that's it...

I extended my hands and opend the gate like curtain's....

Ow what do we have here...

I said in a curious manner...

It's a sight for sore eyes...yes it is...tsk tsk tsk....

Hellow there I'm Pinkie...said the equine....

Ugh... another one...I I got many feeling's....from the viewer,s...yes this is a dimension the same as the first ring around the world tree...were not claiming anything from this dimension as we alwredy have enough....

Whit who are you taking stranger...asked pinkie...

I turned to her and said...

With the viewers little one...

Ow Hellow I'm Pinkie pie nice to meet you...

Joy and amusement was sent through the link...

Theyr joyful and amused little one...they can send me how they feel...hehehehe...well...goodbye little one spending more time may couse trubble for your world...

Bye bye everyone.....

She waved as the curtains shut...

Well that was something....let's settle the next barriers and safety measures....I smiled ..

About a hour of time was passed for a thight seal...then the opening of the Vail..

And today we reveal....

Upps....I said as I was looking ...I heard a sound...hehe ..I don't think I can show this on the live broadcast it's third rank content...

But...with a filter or two...yes done ..

Everything was now Minecraft life...

I reveled ....Doom eternal but with the blood replaced by candy and wepons by candy versions...

While the third rankers saw the reality....blood demon guts..and the doomsayer....

In this dimension it's literally hell...and the Doom guy who kills them...

He saw me...talking to a robotic eye...

Ow greetings I'm W.D.Argast and we're waching through the many realms good sir...

He then asked...

Earth can you get to it...

The rough voice was brutal...

We can do that... come through...I extended a hand...he did then I tapped the screen and swiped the window arrived to closer and got the the roof...

Here it's your stop good sir...

He nodded and left...

That was a unexpected situation...I said as we returned to the hell dimension....

And we're going to snach these...I said...

As they saw the wepons similar to the ones doom slayer held them...

I dropped them through a portal...

We will research them and produce our own versions aviable to for the next link...

I closed the link and settled the next barrier,..a hour of brake was done...and are you redy I've felt something special beyond this one...

I smirked and opend a claw...a flame burst into it white...

This my dear viewers is a moat of infiltrates and fuses with any one being...

I opend the window...

This is a doomed genoaidle Undertale Alternate you see the human dies repeatedly by the hands of this Undying....she will be the subgect of this moat of power...

I threw it in the timeline as the timeline reset they saw the camera be on Unding...

As you see her kill the human she is growing more and more powerful...but as well lose grip over her own will...this is were I come in...she is the last being alive I will share some of my will allowing her to end that human forever...the timeline is doomed anyway so...

They noted the undying tranform...she had in her hand the humans hart...she ate it...and her transformation was complete...

Come forth Avatar of mine..her last words as herself was heard by everyone...

Thanks punk!..

My pleasure and welcome to my employee Undying Fin.. Hellow to you guys I will be joining this show as I'm no longer any normal monster I'm a Avatar I hold a fragment of W.D.Argast,s power...and as subsequence I am him...I'm the broadest of senses...

They had complex feelings...she smiled...thanks for the feelings theyr nice...

She then snapped her her armour switched to a white t-shirt and blue pants...she fell on the chair she summoned... shapely eye candy....she opend a book...

Well we will figure were we will throw you in...

Yes whatever...she shifted making her own chest move...she smirked...knowing what feeling started flowing...

I started she asked...

Why the protection,s isn't it better to do this raw...she tested...

Of you want diseases or crabs then yes you can go raw...but I like to be's safety for me and for all of you ..I said as the barrier was fully hermetic....

I smiled as the hands grabbed and pulled to the side...reveling a red giant planet...

Hellow there...this is the planet named Marce the red Giant...

We can see that you old coat ...

Yes you can see what is seams to be a red planet...if you look closely you can's not a planet...

I took a rock then threw they saw a meteorite shoot through...and try saw it rail back and open...

It's a ship eating giant mega flora....

Ist giant and mega a bit much...

Yes it wold i this form of mine is realto e to you guys...hehe...let me show you something.....I extended and grabbed the planet looked like a lotus to them...

See this is trying to consume my hand..but failing...since my form is not truly's but a protection...a trick of perspective...

I then clenched and crushed it...turning to pulp...

I left it to rail back...I dropped it back there..

See it's reforming and hiding...

Hehe...well that was fun but I don't find anything interesting time to close this link...

I smiled and the link was fully seald...

Old coat what was that for...

Excuse me...

I answered...

Why did you hurt the planet Eater...

He tried to bite needed some discipline...

I smirked and explained ...

Better kill a monkey and make as a example then the loyal dog...hehe..

I started the next barrier...and hermetic seal...

I smirked and saw the emotions rise..

I smirked and settled the mood...

Opend the link and I did them...

I mode in vew...this is the way it looks it's a infested world...

What do I mean by infested simple it's as I said ..a great pleague had coverd the we're going to render it to materials for our use...they same my hand extend and then like a coconut I broke it in can see the lairs core and more we're going to process the materials...I started compressing the material turning it into a ball ...then the other side...two orbs were visible...

This alloy is well useble...I brought them out...they saw the mountain sized metalic Masse's....

The metal shifted and tranformd into two large disk's...that shifted and formed two interlocking disk's to collapse if ever the barrier is broken...a safety measure and a stage...

I smiled and stop the stage the camera made a turn ...lasting a hour...and the next link was Redy...for use...

Undying got up...doing some exersizes to the the background...with a Livestream of her own...

She has a chat and requests...

I came to see them did you like the ture of my new stage...good..

Let's open the next door..shall we....I said invitingly...Unding was around just for any reason she was next to me holding her spear...she just finished her shower...during that she was not live...

They cheered as she became live again...

So this is our next vew...come closer take a look ...I said as Undying with the chat came to see ...

And they saw ...zombie tale...

Frisk went through the underground she bit forget and flowy with few others...

They saw Undying leap down in her white armour ..her spear shoot and ripped through the zombies...only to have the soul captured in spears...witch they floted to take theyr spot behind undying...the dust as well following and absorbing in the spears....spear after spear they I fected were colected...

Each spear holding half black souls...

The chat saw Undying the beast...she had clensed the hole underground...

Only to meet the royal guard with herself ...

Who are you and why is your armour similar to my own punk!...

Screamed infected Au Undying...sans and papyrus as well we're suprised when the helmet came off...a shark grey skin she looks exactly like Undying but with a white fin...

Hellow in Fin and I came by orders of my master to cleanse this timeline of excuse me I have to go to the surfece...she said...and just leaped over them...setting her helmeth and ran towords the capital....

We're she just passed through the barrier with ease...arriving at the mountains base...

A hoard was there...we and the viewers saw this ..millions of spears shot ripping through the hoards....she laughed and charged making the her white armour red ....then after a couple hours black...a black bloody armour...

She huffed and puffed and burst out in a fit of laughter....

The home bad castle saw the masaker...

They sent many feeling's...setting undying as theyr idol...

I had sent a shower over her fully...

As she returned ....I dropped a orb of flames in the forest...

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