Chapter 7: 007: links so many links...
Papyrus went all Vegeta used the orb...
Papyrus's drake came a red draconic creature it swalowed up papyrus rose to it's feet and he was up...on his feet a staff held in his hands...he moved against the Uzaru...and started pummeling the shit out of Vegeta...
Papyrus in his giant draconic suit laughed and bit the hell out of him...
When he was out...I smiled...and moved to grab him...he was tierd...I threw him in the pod and settl
ed it so⁴ we can go to nameck...
Why....becouse we could...
Everything is fine...
I then left the two brothers theyr devices...
Pov: 11th ...
I tore open a black thing...
The barrier was filled with a loud wail...
It tried to polute my settle itself in there...I felt it a higher dimensional being...
It's a parasite...
I grew inraged while the eleventh was purged and retired I woke as my twelfth....I was in the barrier...the scream recognized and then my form enterd the ling...
A creature so incomprehensible large was was screaming as it's universe was collapsing...I felt many corrupted beings...and one some who were not...I plucked them from's screen unable to reach them as they were stored in a bubble inside this bubble of death ..
My form was plugging the link...
I managed to take many souls and then with a snap...I grabbed it's neck with my will struggled...
My hand dug into the shroud of destruction....I then gutted it ..making it spill it's guts...and started growing weeker...started wriggeling...Tring to get heard outside this late...I had isolated it alwredy...a bubble inside a bubble ....inside a will never be heard eleventh is being atomically cleaned...
I opend my claw...and started compressing ...grinding this thing as my memetic effect is spreading developing and burst...I'm comemaing a full memetic attack...I made it week enough I started to polute it..
My code superior ....
It can't hurt me can't contaminate me as my rules are not it' has no clue how to fight back...
A month worth of virus had eaten at its being...
Ainz was worned and had settled many barriers and was given access to world item usage...
He was a seccond defense line the first being a pentagonal pattern using my nr 10 9 and 8 all able to use theyr capabilities to rivel a 13th....witch is not available...
Ainz was taken off for the time being...for the simple fact I told him I'm doing something impulsive dangerous and very very much done due to my nature...
By the months end...I had done it...
The hands held it in my palms closed...a seed ...
I consumed it ..
The remanents of this world turned to a illusion ....a thing...and then was swalowed as well this branch was consumed by me...
Having done it...I felt the three next me,s starting to absorb the energy...I returned to the room as it was sealed and my twelfth took over the systems function the passive sense...
Eleventh....and the other three were deactivated...and returned to theyr rooms...
I emerged back...
Good new...
I said ...
You did it...
He rose his hands and folowed the sentence by a dozen or more information diagnostics and helt based information gathering...
He shiverd....
You're fine...I think...he said...
The guardians were prepared...
He contacted by saing...
You're now a seed...a branch the new title're now a critter of the ygdrasill a consumer of time're the consumer of branches...the place we're world go when they die...
Cool...I don't feel difrent....maybe a bit peckish?...
I opend a link...looked into it and it was a Minecraft world...
I sent my hand to see it turn to mist one the other side ..I focused and it condensed...but I felt it without effort I will be just the solid mist came in contact with the matter it was absorbed into it...
I allowed my hand to disperse and it enterd the clung to a tree and it was transformed ..became a then under my hole management it continued to consume more wood...untill it reached the critical mass my hand can control ...I stoped it then I sent a few more hands ....the monsters grew and became more...consumeing more matter ...when I condensed the matter wold be transported in a nice pile over...
Ainz was bewildered....
Useful skill I'm not going to try getting it...
Good choice...
I said ...
I believe you shuld sleep...
Yes...this was exhausting...but you did right calling me...nice cute son waits me...
He said...
I opend my claw...then turned to the side
I felt something happen to my hands...
Pov: Sans and Papyrus
Friza dead...
Everything was fine...then ...
The two brothers burst into smoke...they ki still coming theyr body's....they were surprised....they felt it the mist...
They also figured they can't survive by themselves....
Sans is master of magic and science his body was still week...
Papyrus master of bone,s and training his magic wasn't as developed...
They hugged fused ....two third dimensional beings and orange...a muddled purple energy form was well reformed...
The surroundings were being consumed ...
Then In a rapid collapse the white matter compressed...making a orb...then from it bones grew and the symbiote moved and leaped to swallow the shite skeletal form....
Huh ...I have another true avatar...
I have both of theyr knolege and skills...the hydra and Drake fused as well....I this avatar...
I then looked around....this place isn't safe from me...I can't remain...
I decided and I called on them...
Goku ...and the rest came ..the voice,s unatural....but recognized....
I came to it...
I smiled...and met them once more...they saw the terrain unnaturally destroyed...
This world can't hold us anymore sans and papyrus were dissolved as they fused into me...I am leaving this universal set...
A final fight...asked Goku...
I went to a tree and gently passed my hand through it...
His eyes went wide...
He gulped....
Not a good iead...
Yup...I'm a black hole...I must leave...
I said...
Then tore the space and left...
The rift shit closed as it used any nearby space closed...seald...
Flange enterd the anty void...
I arrived...met my other self...
You're affected as well...
Eleventh said...
Yes... Falange said ..
Want to explore after we figure out how to turn it off ...
Yes I'm fine outside just as I'm in here...
My hand said...
It's strange were bowth us but you're more...not bound to the tier,s you can grow stronger by your own effort...
I'm stuck getting tricks and ascending the latter...
Why am I not bound by the same rules ..
Falange said...
Simple you're unique...
Figures my other me he finished to reajust ...
He looked at his hands...
Done he said...
Waht... eleventh said...
As he took a better look...'re a freak at for're...
Your avatar....I'm the only avatar...untill you find a way to do the same and but you're already figured it...
Yes...I have a swich on and off...not from 100 % to 1% or how you did was 0.01 percent just enough for seat for days on things .. witout consuming through the matter...
Yes...very fine control...
Want me to open a new link...
Yes please do it...
The door was opend ....and I took a look with Falange ....
We both saw a
I closed it and opend the next...
Origin system.....
Nope...said Falange...
Next...ugh...maybe...fine yes...I'll be there...
Good ...
Falange leaped through the gate...
I arrived somewhere...
Pov: Eleventh...
Well there he goes...
Pov: Falange...
Perfect landing...
I got form shifted to be bestial...
I look like a Armadillo....bone white and my armoured plates fomig a hole body armour...
I have a snout...cute... My chest was empty I wear just a pare of bagy shorts...
My tail moving slowly....
Claws sharp as well very sharp...this tranfomation technick belonged to the pig...but I refined it...sans refined it.....
I was now here...I claimed over the wall and got on a roof...
I turned and looked this is nice...many beats...many beings...I can grow ...
I turned to the side as a Pantera was being hostile...
He started running at me to sea me turn and lower myself to use my tail and shot the Pantera to the side...hitting a wall he was knocked out....
I walked to him ..I was met by a white wolf...he had came to stop the thing...
I saw him...Legalas...
Hellow...did you...
Knocked out...I stated...
Uh ..great I'll get him to the rehabilitation center...
Fine do that I will be you know anyone selling chocolate around here...
He,s eyes went wide...
Uh ..why wold you...
I'm not a dog...I'm fucking armadillo...I can and do eat whatever I I need a serthen compound found in chocolate to get my pigments back in order...
Uhu...a skin condition?...
Follow me...
He said
I did...he was suprised how easely I traveled...
I was rolling...with ease...jumping and leaping...
We arrived to meet the panda...
He was wide I landed...
Who's this legola,s?...
I'm Falengi I'm serching for chocolate...
You you have a death wish?...
He didn't notice my teeth yet...I smiled...
They saw my chompers...shape and proper gliming...the symbiote had occupied the interior of the's working as my body here...why isn't it dezintegrating...simple it's considered part of's not affected by me...
I talked with the teacher of Legalas...
He was curious....
What are you...
Armadillo....I smirked and said..
I've seen armadillo before you're not rude...I look like a Armadillo I smel and more ...I'm a armadillo....
No ...what are you ..
They bowth noted my checks keep stretching... the they cracked...and spider like webs formed on this shell...
It fell into fragments...
And was reabsorbed....the mostly beastial fomr was reduced to a human with armadillo traits...a brute form..
.therianthrope armadillo...
Well...this was funny anyway do you know we're I can get cacao?...
What are you....
Therianthrope base Armadillo I'm not from this world...I found no humans so...I have no clue were you guys sprung up from...
Humans...they went extinct very very long ago... what were they?...
Omnivore no claws fangs or scale no unique characteristics with sensitive stomachs and nervous system....they wold be classified as a epax if not prey... depending on what they have at hand...
The panda,s eyes went wide...
Ow... that's... anyway you're new to this world?...
Yea I just left my former world due to necessity....
What kind...
I grew to powerful....
His eyes were curious....
I saw a metal bar on the ground...using a little ki ...I made a metal marble...
They were shocked....
How is that...
I'm a strength is greater then the armour can't be penetraded by anything and I'm very fast...
He is...
Legolas said... remembering my form,s speed...
Will other be botherd due to my seemingly flat face...
No...there are those who have surgery to gain such features....
I smiled teeth sharp...they saw the fragments crumble to nothing...
Well fine then...
I said...
Pov: Eleventh...
That body shuld be able to refine ....well...back to linck...
Before I could do that....
A letter formed in my Anty void...
A letter?...
Dear mulch worm aka branch devowerer you have been noted to be inactive for a couple weeks we urge you to start again your job of pruning and sending the coliding verses back to mulch...
I blinked...
Ps...this circle is if you have sapience...
I saw it ...I traced and activated it...
Before me a small humanoid fey showed up...
Greetings uh ..why am i in your belly?.
Oy here... seem to be the main consciousness....I'm your guiding fey....are you redy to prune the rotting timelines?...
I tore open a link...
Ow you can open less thing I'm useful at...
We bowth saw a Undertale Au...
Toriel was fighting with the player...
I sent a hand..toriel absorbed she killed the player...she coffed...and crimson red... slowly spilled out if her eyes and mouth...
In this rabbit state she killed bulked and consumed the player again and prey being consumed by a higher predator....reset bite crunch splatter...rested gut crush slurp...
As the player reached -1 the reality shatterd and my new hand passed through the link...
Fey was shivering....
Uh ...m.master you're well awere of your purpose why wold you summon me...
Be F.Toriel,s guide do what you wold do to assist me...I have another body you may meet in the future...
Are you Shure...
She saw the female form complete itself...
A amazonian goat woman with sharp teeth and patterns formed around her...
Huff...that sucks...she said...
I'm toriel...I'm also your hand...a avatar....not you but contain your're setting me up to be a villain?..
No a world purger...not a villain you're necessary...
For what...
For my calm life...I'm not wasting time on worlds I don't like you have the memetic expertise ,I have, use the corruption and shatter those branches...
Shure ...boss..
Said the ferry ...
And attached to F.Toriel,s chest...
They used the wail of pollution.... effective through the link,s...and she turned to mist she went through the barrier...and she left...
Mc universe...
I'm a shallow grave a cloud of white slowly eroded the dirt and enterd the form a female...
X gene activated and then the exposed hand turned to claws with white furr...
The transformation processed to fully cover the deceased corpse...and next moment I got up with the small fey having emerged from the tattoo...
Pfew...were here...our mission is simple complete severing of this world from the tree...simple really kill all the supernatural beings...heroes and villains...simple ..I will assist with your destruction....are you redy miss toriel?...
I got up...dirt falling from my fur while other was being sent to the anty void...
I used my flames and made a grand explosion turning the hole forest were this body died...into nothing I've moved most of my matter transportation in my flames...for a ease of use...and range...
I walked out of the now round smooth creater ...
I felt two eyes on me...two more...and ...I figured two forces now are awere of my presence...this is going to be fun...
My fur collapsed on my skin transfoming in clothes ripped...and dirty...
I started walking slowly....outside the crater....when I was out I saw a portal open...
Outside came a pare a red helmeth wearing man...and a woman...she has ping energy ...they met my eyes... you know we're sabertooth is?...
I asked...
Yes...the man answered....
Good I don't care who you are but if you can show me to him I'll help you once...
Who are you to request ...
They couldn't say anything else as a blade of flames sliced right next to them eradicating its path...
Uh.....the woman with energy was frightened....magneto was now awere he is in danger real substantial amount of danger ...he felt and nope no minerals he could control in her body...
Fine ...he said .not showing his fear...
Come and join the brotherhood of mutants...
You got one deployment of me ...then I will do as I desire...
We can negotiate...
He hoped...
We left...the teleportation was fast...I burst in flames for a moment as we form was clean...clothes still ripped...I tied em to cover me up mostly....
Firefly go fetch Sabertooth...he has been summoned...
She nodded..and flew off...
After a couple minutes she returned...and then sabertooth larger and old came through the door...
What's the problem now...sniff sniff...this smell did mistique return...
They were bewildered...
My hand tensed and I made a leap claws brought up I started using them to scratch his face as my waist was strangling his thick neck...he was shocked lost balance and fell on his back due to the waight and force he was hit with as my claws draw blood and he was attempting with no success to get me off...he clawed at my back and he couldn't figure out who the hell was strangling him while clawing his face and smelled suspiciously like mistique...
Once I felt his body grow limp...I unmounted the beast...and started kicking his sides each hit a crack was being heard by the surrounding mutants...after witch I huffed and puffed and sat on his chest...hands stomped down by my feet having pinned him down ...
He came back to his senses....his eyes slowly opend and he tried to rase his hand,s and figuring he couldn't....he saw me....
He was bewildered while then he began to laugh....
That's my girl...he said...
Now what punkin waht will you do with your old man...
I was thinking of making you into a rug...or maybe just throw you in the sea impaled by many metal rods enough to keep you there for a long time...but I came with a better idea....
What is it...
Kill evrithing except for leave you here on a empty planet ....maybe then you will lose your desire for being so crule...
His eyes went wide...
You're not joking...
He said all the mutants felt it as well...I wasn't...
That will happen after the request you promised me...
I answered...
They saw my skin then poke out into many fur like strand's forming a unique shape shifting....remenising of Rogues scales transformation....taking the Form of Toriel wearing high hills and the robe that has the sides bound by a white robe a deltarune signature on the chest and white looks like two sheaths were bound at the sides by rope but made to fit underwere visible...just white fur...
My sout formed...visible my sharp teeth...and white horns...
You all may call me Toriel the caretaker of the ruins ....soon I'll take care of this ruined world...
I rose...hills leaving sabertooths hands...
And gradually getting cleaner...
The robes they resemble a bit a poncho that is fit forming and bound by white ropes ...I don't think I'm getting you the right description...uh...
Yes I figured the terminology....
Toriel robes that hase the sides laced up close to the armpits...with sleaves and the robes allowing complete foot movement....
Yup that's the mental image I'm leaving you with...toriel though...
Not knowing why she was thinking this way...
She stretched a little they heard bones pop and shift...
Better...she said... smiling...
Magneto saw her...but her face was coverd by a black shadow visible being her maw and eye...white...gleeming teeth and two wide orbs...
Everyone welcome Toriel...our new member of the brotherhood....
They clapped...
A bit off ..but they cheered as I defeated one of the oldest members....but didn't kill him...
I smirked and my claws retracted into the paws ..
I extend my hand...he extended his hand and I pulled him to his feet...
So you're a furry....
Said the lion man...
Hehe...good one..toriel is it...
Yes I like this name unlike the one you gave me.... you revived just recently?...
Yes something happened and my x gene woke...along with something I said...flame was in my hands...
I think I have became a avatar of some being or Entety...
The Fenix?...
No I'm not life...
I said as I grabbed his t-shirt...and it burned to nothing....
I don't spring life...
I said...
You just destroy....
Were will I be staying ...I asked Magneto....
I'll give you a room untill I will call on you...
He said...
I nodded I alwredy sent throughout the flames light a memetic started affecting the knolege of me started spreading accidents slowly grew ... abilities became cut out from theyr dimensional outside help...
Charles heard and saw more mutants course accidents...he learned of Sabertooths new daughter did the x man and then slowly they had accidents....
Theyr Dr .Beast figured it to late...he went on a unending rampage...
In his lab he seald himself in there...
Curt wasn't affected....he had worked hard to keep everyone safe...
Only to all of them to be called to the brotherhoods last attack...
They in desperation went to one last desperat plan...a pleague of bad luck...
Many mutants accidents...
While Daughter of Sabertooths was hurt but not killed...each accident around her allowed herself to survive...due to the regeneration ability...
Blink....was teleporting....they were met at the final battle ..curt was suprised to meet the little sister...
He saw her walk through the battle ...came close to him and gave him a hug...and in a burst of flames he was sent hole in the Anty void...
Like the time Rogue met me...she wanted to meet her daughter...
I saved her...
Now I have only one more or two...
I met wolverine....had him sent with x 23...and her little sister...I had seen and felt it the many other heroes...
I felt this branches bending to colide with another branch...
I saw the world convergence and turned into my gas like..form...
I saw the two branches colide...the world,s were destroyed....and I sent a houl ....a other world with rotten barriers resonated and opened...behind was left none...
Kurt , Raven, Logan , x23 and the younger sister was met with Eleventh...passed them to the new home...
A space in the pony land...
They met each other....
I settled them up...
I smiled and settled them up...
Who are you bub...
I'm the dimensional lord..I rule this dimension I took you out of that doomed world... settled you here...take care...don't become villains...or I will expell you ...
Don't hurt the pony,s theyr friendly...
I said and vanished...
Were here...
Yes master this world is a rotten's bound to colide with another but that one must be saved it's healthy...
Uhu...what is the protocol?...
Complete planetary whipe out.... ..
Cripple the guardians I ense erd alwredy the outside influence now you can do three a world eater...
Eat the world or doomsday device...
What's the name of the verse....
Twilight....if you destroy the planet you will destroy this timeline as theyr are the only sapient being's here...
I flew and searched for a body....
I seeped in a corp' this eliteration Bella died...
I seaped withing the corpse....and burst from the burning around....
I saw Him ...
Her vampire partner...
I was seen and he thought...a miracle...
But then flames Burt's and the human form crumbled reveling that of the Toriels...back in her dress ...with the DNA of Rogue and sabertooth intact...
I started bursting out in large bursts of flames...shooting down the great strength...digging down to the core...
A large flame elemental female form dug deeper and deeper down...the vampires were waching the world end...
The goddess of flames...immune to theyr abilities was digging to the world's core...
The cullan and the wolf tribe were sent off in a blade ...
Safely sent to the new seccond ring forming under the Equian ring...a larger one ...
Matter gathering...the wold consumed in the flame' nothing.... supposedly....
When the warld was nothing but the core....I crushed it sending it to be processed by Cyn...
I was there left a giantess of flames...
The energy was being absorbed and stored ..horns turned crystalline and reflecting the universe itself....the waist as well bearing the same material forming into a simple Corset over the robe's...
I look nice...she Snickerd...
Turning she saw the two reality colide....
The one with the earth I tact taking over the place we're the linchpin wasn't there...I saw it crumble as I landed on the planet flowed through the atmosphere...I landed...making a creator...
I flew and found out..this is a right timeline ...healthy and ...ow...they had twins in this timeline...
I opend the link to the anty void...and left...
Entering it I saw eleventh he was finishing another link...then sending it to the categorized world,s...
I saw a world was appetizing?...
I went to it and sent my shout...and the world link opend for me...I enterd and went to get there...
Landing in my Gass form I was told...
This timeline is isolated it's starting to rotten and sicken nearby timeline it's going to colide soon to another one..eradicate the world...
I saw this timeline...and then saw him...
He was trying his best to opend a rift so they may leave...
The TARDIS...the doctor was panicking...
He couldn't escape this world... safety mesure,s are keeping him here...nowhere to were to escape...the TARDIS was being assaulted by the angels...and zombies....
If I left it there they could dammage the TARDIS and disable the safety measures allowing it to leave and take with it the sickness...
I came down and took over a sole angel ..that shifted and then cracked open...I started to send bursts of great power ...the surrounding of the TARDIS was cleaned no other were getting close as the flame circle wold burn them no matter how fast or strong they wold burn...turn to innert matter...
Nock...nock nock..
The door opend slowly....
Hellow I'm the Doctor...
Fu fu fu...I laughed...he saw my form and was werry...
This world will crumble it's destiny...
What about me my time line..
Severed and seald off from the rest this eliteration of you will're discarded...
I am..still the doctor he said hopelessly....
Yes you are...but ....
I'm here to destroy...
What of me of my TARDIS...
I wold like to give you two to my subordinates...
What of my timeline...of the TARDIS...
You will be sent to the live your lifespan and the TARDIS will become a monument...
Fine....I ... accept...
I smiled and the rift opend they fell...
The man was sat in a space...
While the TARDIS started growing..
The vortex disapating only the sun was still active....keeping her living...her retirement...
When the monument was fully resized to it's true stoped...
The doctor saw it...from the seccond ring from the tree...he saw up...
My monument...
He said...
Then a door opend..
Hellow there I'm eleventh you are...
The doctor..the lonely one...
Expected....the TARDIS returned to it's original form...
Yes... isn't she a beauty.... ..I handed him a bracelet...
It's the bracelet bound to the several servers...
Yes this is the human lands..up there the equine ....then I have the monster server and then the bad server...pointing at the nightmare castle...and now there is the Doctors server witch you have become the admin....
I am a land lord?..
Yes with her as your partner...I said a robotic entety rose next to him...
My doctor...
Who are you...he asked...
Ow you're rode me through many places ..I'm Sexy...
His eyes went wide...
The temporal vortex is disapated...
Full planetary wipeout complete....
You did well....this reality is crumbeking...I e opend the next gate...
We left...
My eyes went wide red big outer rings with yellow and blue...yellow middle ring and blue inner ring bleeding into each other..
I smirked ....I am landing...slowly...on this rotting timeline.. what world is this...
My white form my purple dress and white chest mark...the white laced sides reveling fluff...and curve's...
I grabbed a fist from a being it flew at me...with great strength....the shild held...
Who are you...asked the man....
I tilted my head...
You're ...
I'm invincible the master of this world...
Blink're not the right mark...well Hellow I'm Toriel the caretaker of the ruined,s and then one that will bring this ruined universe to dust...
He saw flames burn...and a whip shot at him...he didn't dodge...
He was bysected...
The smart atoms sent somewere else...
He was dead...
I opend my claw and pulled to being...
Atom eve..I said...
Yes...who are you...
You have been chosen to survive this ruined world...
I am ...
Yes my master feels like you will be a nice member to the immortal famaly we have ..
Fine...I thank you...she said...
I sent her over to wolverines famaly...
I turned to see immortal....why didn't you take me...he was growing....
Be ouse you're a pest not a good idea to keep you...
I said as he became peaces dismanteling him to a sludge...
I turned to the side...and noted...omniman...he charged at me...
To fall to pieces....the flame net turned him to chukns...
Blood died my white fur crimson...
I smiled...
My red bloody fangs...
As I saw...many dead man upgraded ...with other monsters being teleported over...
I had em dismantled....
I brought up my hand and sent it down to the planets cover swallowing it...allowing the planet to crumble on itself....
Collapse ...and then vanish...
As the matter the orb of red matter...
Gravity having sent it down...crumbled ...all of it...easy ..I opend my I held the last man alive...
He looked to my side...why did you save me...
I just wanted you to witness...
The end...
Yes....this world is gone and your reality follows it quite simple relly...
I opend my hand and patted his sholder ..
Well goodbye....I said as I took out his heart....
Before he died ...he asked me...why...
Becouse I'm memt to nothing more...I have blood on my hands....and it will only's my hard feelings....
Master you did your quota for this month you can keep going or take a months worth of rest...
I'll keep hunting for a couple more rotten branches...then take a month for myself...
Shure master...this is the next...
She opend it...
What's the name...
Bleach.... destroy the hole planet....the rest will follow...
I did using my flame I swalowed the core...
I saw it crumble then stop...
Blink...blink...why isn't it falling...
I felt a force...repusion...
You're holding everything together....I said as I felt it ..a rift opend and I arrived...
The ones protecting the soul king were there...
Then they were corpses on the ground....
I walked to it...the gem...I turned it to fine dust...this reality distabilized collapsing in the earth that was collapsing through the orb of fire....the three dimensions were swalowed and expanded the anty void...
No soul was left uncleaned....
I saw the reality cracked and shatter...
Good...were next...
This way ...