Bright, Brighter yet utterly Dark

Chapter 6: 006: Buffering?...

We can use this as clothes materials ...

I completed..

Yey...he said...

Yes ..

Love can you help me buffer before we go to sleep...

Buffer ? a car?...Pomni asked...

Yes my bones and her carapace need look perfectly shiny and we'll ...

Carapace?...she asked...

Elanor used the transformation and she showed her blue full body suit...

That is her carapace...she is a weapon of mass destruction and my only mate...I said...

She smiled ..with a slight blush...

So cool...said Chris and Pomni agreed...

Well this was cute...I moved the tenth body back to the link,s as third took it's spot...

I felt three gates witch were abnormal....

First one opend to show a blob of tried to absorb and consume me....I blasted it to nothing....

The seccond ...had a fragment of the mashine god...I had it turned to dust...and casted in a ball..I threw that ball back down the link...the was a mix...a bio mecanicle thing...

I blasted it to ash ..

The three links closed and sent as marked dangerous...

I saw some other odd gates...the one I opend burst with confetti....I blinked it off my face and heard ....

Happy birthday!....said pinkie..

Blink blink....I smiled...gatherd the comfett in a ball and threw it to hit pinki...tiping her on her back...

Expected....I claimed some cupcakes and closed the link...I opend the next gate while munching on the cupcake...

The door opend to see a guy....

He looked over....

Want a cupcake?...

I asked...

He nodded....I flew over two.....the two ate...I got a box of food and settled it there...

Don't mess with me and I'll not eradicate all of you...

Yes got it Burp thanks..

He said....

I closed the link...

And opend the next...

It glows multicolored....

Opening the gate...

A multicolored mass...

I saw the eyes...

Glow ....

The being stoped...

Blinked...and ...Uzi...

Hellow I thought you were her for a moment...

Who I asked...


Yes...she sprung from my back...

The Entety went into panick and leaped back on a wall...

Ow you're progect panick..

Cyn said...

I gave up on that progect ...

You did...

Yes that progect had me ripp my code into I teligent virus streams witch you're infected're a threght...goodbye ..

She waved as I closed the link...

Gulp...tell me next time any idea you had must have been made in another world...

So is yours...

Let's tell each other when they try to bite us...

Shure...can I bite you ..

No I don't think your body is strong enough and will get destroyed....


She said with a giggle at the end...

If your body gets destroyed it isn't my fault....

Shure giggle..

I opend the next one...

A knife flew and impaled itself in my chest...

Blink blink...

I just recently cleaned this suit...

I my pathetic simbiote pushed out the knife and restitched itself....

Smiling I noted the enemy...

Frisk player and Chara...

She had hate flow from her eyes...

My face as well bust with crimson determination....and inside it hate flowed as well ..

I shot my hand and punted the kid back in a wall...

That hand vanished with the reset...but I felt it still...

I directed the portal and saw sans..he now was one eye cring red and black he was coffing....and the hate and dt fused with him...a piller of power burst...

Hehehe....this is about you....

Sans started singing wolf in sheep's the portal minimized ...and I saw them fight...

Each reset the red and black was being absorbed more and more by this Sans...

Tell me how you justify your crimes and nature....he sang...

Continuing to grow angryer and drain the kids the players and charas power...

Each kill more and more he transformed ...

You will pay you will play karma is going to colect your debt...


As he reached saturation the reality cracked...I pulled him my Anty void...

He was empty by now...this wasn't sans .. anymore just a vesal of my will a hand...the soul it was red and has no will...he gave up...even with this amount of Dt...he is of the fifth he can percive timelines...a body of the fourth...

I moved just a little of my will and he woke...

Cool...I said.. through him...

Hellow big me...he said with a smile...he looked normal but wearing black and red clothes...a lab coat of red...and inner clothes of black...

Scout...big me said...

Yup rogger big b....

He said ..

I opend the next gate...

It's a Dragonball verse...

I sent my Sans Falange...

Pov:Sans F.

I enterd through the big body keeping watch...I landed in a forest...the simbiote grew to mix with my clothes...

I was now dressed in my usual get up hoodie shorts shoes and shirt...

I moved serching....and after a while I found a building....

Small and shabby....

I got closer....then i met a young kid and old man...

The old man met me...

Hellow there stranger...

Hellow I'm Sans...

Greetings I'm Gohan this is my grandson Goku...I tilted my head...he was cute... any ideas were I can find a populated place...

Why ..

I need a get Mony and then food... mostly chocolate...and milk ..

If not?...he asked....

Meat...brain and bones....I said they saw my square ish teeth shift to those of carnivore.... can stay with us for a while I want to train with you for a short period...

Fine..I said...

Do make sure to show me were I can hunt..


I went a little down and settled a bone hut..underneth a hamack was formed...

The old man was surprised the construction was fast and out of nowhere did the bones come from....

I was woke by the old man as they were preparing to go to hunt...

I came along...keeping up easely...when the prey showed up they allowed me to grab impaling it from the ground with my sharp bones...

Blood started my bones were hollow and with chanel's we allowed it to drain...

Gohan used a knife to remove the large boards guts...I was looking carefully...

No other organs were extracted...

Goku had it on his back...caring it easely...

At the cam site...I made a bone spit roast after i removed hear brains and marrow...

With the simbiote...

We ate together...

So we're dose the meat go?...he asked..poking my belly witch was plush...

I moved it up so they saw black matter constituting my belly chest above the matter my from my knees down and shower to my fingers and toes my thicker then normal human bones...I pulled my gloves off...

The fingers more like claws ..

What are you so ... different....

Becouse in a monster...

Waht is a monster...

There are two types of monsters I know...those who look monstrous and this who I side are true monster's...the there are the ones that look and are monster,s I side and out...

But there are three...

Two types...I said...becouse anyone can be a monster...but it's your choice if you like it or not..

He felt a shiver down his spine...

Black coverd my hole body and as it left...I was revealed human... sharp nails...mix of herbivore and carnivore teeth along with black sklera and red eyes ..I looked different yet still myself....

This looks nice...Grandpa said...

The night was arriving with all the hassle and brussel of us eating ant talking...

Goku fell on his back and he noted one large blue ball...the moon..

I saw it as well...Gohan went into panick...and grabbed me and we were at a distance....I saw Goku tranform....I smiled...and broke free from Gohan...

Why didn't you tell me we have a werechimpanzee old man...

His eyes went wide...

But isn't he a bit to big...he asked...

Nah he has a tail and the body of a ape...he is a were chimp...

How do we turn him back...

Destroy the moon or cut his tail shorter...

Wont that hurt him...

Maybe his balance but nothing else...

He nodded...

I formed my gaster blasters and from them the necks of the Bone Haidra ...

A long serpentine body without claws a snake lower leaped and restrained the Giant Uzaru ....

I moved Swiftkey and cut his tail shorter ..about half way...

I smiled as I held the wriggeling thing...he was reverting back....asleep....

The hydra moved him down safely...

Then vanished in fragments....

Rendering into six heads...

Flowing around us...transformed and became a roof and bones to hold it above us.....

A home...bare bones ..keeping us from the weather...

I smiled and opend my hand...a fragment of my venom and threw it on him...

Simbiotic offspring coverd him forming new clothes...

And settled my mind and said...

The offspring I gave Songoku will act as his clothes will help him...

The old man gave me his thanks...

I told him..

Brains and organs of the prey meat and chocolate the foods that will feed the symbiote...

I smiled...I sat...relaxing...

Next morning we had arrived the...side...

Next day ..I talked with Goku...I told him if his unique traits....

And that he shuld train to gian conscious though during that form...I smiled...and said I will help and so will his new partner...

He noted the new clothes...shifting and returning back to how it was...

I laughed he was dumbfounded ...

We will name you Browler ...the simbiote nodded and claimed it this name...the saya. Traits being I printed and he gained Goku's lost memory....

A true sayan as a simbiote...

Opend the eyes...Goku felt it .. it's his will...

Broker?...he asked...

Yes brother ....

He answers...

Why do I feel like fighting everything?...

Becouse we want to fight everything...

Ow...can we fight everything....

Not yet brother we must train and fight grow and develop...

Said the fighting obsessed simbiotic offspring....

My boy...

Gohan said ..

Yes grandpa ....I'm fine...were fine...but we're growing hungry...were going to get some more food and return....

Alright my boy do hurry....

He nodded...

And ran...

This is fun....then I opend a eye ..I felt it the hunger is slowly growing....

I took the chance and said my goodbyes...

With the symbiote to cal on me when he decides to go ape...

I flew over with gaster blaster as my flying device...

Arriving I slept on the gaster blaster skull ..I sat there...resting....I got up...the pillow was nice...

I got back up ..

I landed...I did some research and found some delivery job's...

Yes many of them easy for me to mannage....

After less then a week I had enough Mony for myself....I then went to buy chocolate and ...some other things...and then I settled by to be the higherd bodyguard of Bulma...her father recognized she is young and she needs a safety power reveled made him Shure I can protect her ..

I left power there and then returned most of my will to the eleventh....while my third still with Elanore...

Time flows and I feel it ...

I smirked this link was transformed into a trinket on my fourth,s a anchor...

I looked at them...that one had...will work ...

I heard a voice...

Congratulations on the first thousand universe placed in motion ...

Congratulations you have brought 400 th of dimension to theyr end...

Congratulations you helped 600 universes to keep together ...and safe...

Rewords ...

Pandora's box.

Hydra axe.

San's hydra construct.

I opend Pandora's box...

It's empty....

Congratulations you opend a Pandora's obtained will bound inventory you have equipment to ten times your own it...

I flet the blueprint for the hydra construct....

I grabbed the's one headed....why is it called a hydra axe...

I tilted my head...

Then felt it equip...

Ow...this is cool...I said and looked at the newly opend link...I swong the axe and from it two smaller axes made out my energy shot...

The link was fortunately in a zombie the two smaller axes hit a zombie....they spit in four smaller axes ..and so on untill they're were nothing left...


I smiled...

What if I thought it...

I questioned...

And I did it left my hand several axes materialized beside it all the same size and caring the same momentum ...but when they hit something they split only twice...

This is broken...

I chukkled...

I sent the hydra as but her the zombie was funy...directing it blasting waves of zombies....

Yep I like these gifts...I extended my hand the axe flue back to the leviathan axe...good...

I cleaned it and stored it in my Inventory....

I like this...

The link closed the hydra turned to dust...and I sent it to the zombie dimension ....

I was curious why link,s broke...they ended that's about it....the other are active but at low intensety while the ones that are used frequently have been solidified ...

Good....and also bothersome as others can use em if given permission....whatever...

I teleported to nightmare...I saw many more "bad" San's I was in the crowd like a pink flamingo in a pigeon nest....

Everyone saw me ...

I walked through them like a ghost...they decided to make way....

I arrived to see king Nightmare....

Hellow again...he said ..

I came to check up on your little looks nicer then before want to take that privecy cover?...or are you still shy?...

Fine take that thing off but tell those star San's to not cross the boarder...

Figured I'll make a wall...

I wold apreciate that...he a good mood...

I nodded...

Then I left...the anty void a moment was a bit smaller then the kingdome of Nightmare apered with a fence...written on it was ...

We're here now don't cross the fence if you don't want to get into trubble...

I it was simple...

Some bad San's did decide to go in small squads to check the new surroundings....

They were all told the owner of theyr void had requested for them to not couse trubble as they knew don't soil theyr own home...if you can soil others and not get in trubble...

I shrugged

This is nice ..

I was pulled at my attention by Bulma....

So father higherd you as my me he did a good choice...

I turned to see two robbers ...ow...

Want em dead or just have all theyr bones broken Bulma?...

I asked...

Nighter bit the living daylights out of them...

Fine...I said as I grabbed theyr souls and knocked them out...

Wow ..waht was that...

Ki control...

Ki what...

The life force all living beings have...there is also magic...but you're don't have a ounce of it in your cute frame...

Are you flirting?...

No I'm stating a're cute but I'm not interested were not even the same species...

What do you mean...she asked..

I grabbed my face and she saw it ripp off...

See I'm a skeleton...

She was taken back...

You still can talk....

I ripped more and had my buddy retract ...reveling my skeletal form...

So do you want them dead...I asked again...they were bearly conscious at the monster that was smiling at them...

No you did your job perfectly....

I huffed ... disappointed....well that's that I suppose...were do we go now...

Dragon ball hunting...

Fine...I think I know we're is one...

I said as my human form reformed...

We're...giant ape mountain....I said...

Are you Shure we will be safe...

Yea...I know the ape...he,s friends with me...I do help him train you know...

You do.,


Let's go then...she pulled a capsule with a car...

Want me to carry those...

Fine..she handed me some heavy things she was just luging around like nothing...

I settled them in the inventory...

I she asked me how...I saing ..Magic...with a rainbow forming as I split my hands...


She was smiling...

We then drove over I was enjoying the vew...

And before we could crash the car I had pressed the brakes with a extra hand...

Bulma was fine she noted the hand floating there...


I got out....

Tworp how is it going...

Me and Browler are doing fine...

He said...with a smile...

And I can control that form finally....

That's good for you Goku....want to go on a Dragonball finiding mision...I asked...

Gohan came and was interested....

We then left off...not in Bulma,s flying mashine but in my hydra that now has wings...big wings good for flying...

There are comfortable seats inside...

I arrived at old man and had the turtle returned...

We staid for a little while then left dor the other dragon balls..

While my hand was doing that...I was opening and checking other worlds...for my work...

The link was settled and I saw Kratos...

My axe on my side...

He saw me...I took a look out...and then ...noted he had a bag of ashes...

He then asked...


Though the ashes from the highest mountain?...

I asked...


He answerd...

That's not in this must go in the realm of the Giants...there exists the highest mountain...

His eyes went wide...

How you know that...

Simple when you will find this world,s tallest mountain you will meet w tree that will tell you the the journey he will help you find the big mountain...

Yea ..and Loky needs the heart of the hell gate he is part whatever you are and he can't use his power's without consequences....good luck...I said as I left...the link seald...he,s eyes went wide...

I opend my eyes....huff...that was annoying...i closed the barrier ....

A safety measure...the hand I left on the other side went intangible and invisible....

I opend my claw...opend the link and saw....

Graaaa im Hatchet!....screamed the grey giant...holding teo Hatchet,s..

Axe...I said...






Good you're axe then ..

I am...?..

Yes axe San...


Then the link collapsed...

Hehe...that was funny now...I opened the next ...

Hellow ..a creatures said...I tilted my head...

Huggy... He was tall we'll built and next to him missi...

I used the morpfing and took the form of a white fluff tall huggy woogy wearing the lab feet in shoe's...

I smiled and said ..

Hellow to you too...I said...

They were surprised....but then asked me...

Can you help us ..were stuck here...

He siad...

It depends...can you guys be civilized?..

They nodded...

Good...I sent a hand and made it hold the barrier ..

I'll settle up some land for you guys to cultivate for food...and hosting ...have them go through the gate...then I will close the link...

I said as I enterd and the portal folowed me...

Come show me the way..I said...

They smiled..we left...I opend my claw ..grabbing something in the air...

I and them sent many to the other worlds...

They settled in a pile...when I felt no more ...I saw xoxnky prototype...he was alone now...

From poppy to everyone else ...I collapsed the hole facility over it....

I took some poppy flowers...for seeds...

I wached them look at my tree...the giant with a dirt ring...the castle to the side...and my home...

I opend my hand ...they saw dirt move and form a large plain...I made riding motions and they saw tree,s grow...plants grew and they were wide eyed...

I snapped my finger and settled a shop...

This is the credit shop... anything in this forest can be traded you guys can buy anything...and long as it's in my guys can figure out how to use that...

The forest will regrow once a week...good luck...

I said...and left...

Back to the wall...

Snap....I vanished...

I have returned to the link,s...still in the huggy woogy cover...

It's nice...I form comfortable...

The link opend...I saw on the other side...a wide eyed homelander....

You're...not ...real!...he screamed and flew off...on the other side...I saw Butcher and then Soldier boy ...turn and look at me...

They went pail...

T t the monster!...said but her and started running...I saw soldier boy narrow his eyes...

What do they see so scary...he was smug...

I tilted my head...and walked through the portal...he was pelvis level of hight...

I slowly smiled with my lips closed...

Butcher was waching me...with suprise...and then....shouted....

Run you idiot that's one of the things we bearly defeated...

I summoned more hands behind the portal ...they transformed in more of difrent colored huggy woogy,s...and kissi Missie's...

They enterd the vew and he charged me...

I grabbed and started to hug him...thighten and he screamed radiation spoiling off his maw was slowly opening...and then John hit us before I could take a bite...out of his father...

Butcher just ran for his life...with the power up...

Hehe...this is fun...

I thought as the rapidly coming army of fluffy things started invading the building...

Hugging the people in place they wold take a seat and rest ..unable to move ..

As they knew from prior experience the more they appse more they look as prey...

They relaxed and depending on theyr needs they wold be escorted to theyr necessity...the people were not Jhon or Butcher....

Soldgier boy managed to noir was also captured...and the other heroes....they knew better they aren't that strong...

My main body was surving the labs and rest...I had the Datta and compound research stored....

The two main v researchers were with me carried by the two missi kissis..

They were suprised when I started talking..a voice not fitting my fluffy aperence...

I snapped my finger and all but the three hand clones were turned invisible and Intangible....

I smiled and said...

Well I took the Datta and now I need you two ...make a choice..

But your...

I'm not the Entety,s you so kin and the ones you encountered are difrent...

I'm a monster...those are just clones...

Let's leave ..come with me be my researchers for future humans that will join me eventually I need to empower them to survive...I got the tech and resources but not the intellect...even if I'm start...I can't be omniscient that wold defeat the point...

I smiled ..

There is were you two come in...join me...

They saw my gaster form...a bit taller then but still here...

They were eyes wide ..

Jhon flew trying to him faze and be cot by his foot....his ankle...

I opend my claw...then swing him through the world...and I sent him flying... through the building not damaging it..

As one of my hands was still making him intangible....he was able to fly...

Then he flew back... through me and any other ..he was now intangible and we'll...he couldn't tuch anything...he was angry and used his Lazer didn't work...

He couldn't use it...

I smirked...and then continued ignoring him...

He was angry very ...he couldn't find the thing that was making him intangible...he was panicking... nobody could hear him...but only sea him...

He tried to bash against the world..then I removed the stability from the hand...fazing him from gravity and air...he started panicking...he was starting to tire since he felt it if he didn't fly he wold be left behind...

He was feeling dread...

They noticed Jhon was sweating....once he went unconscious I reengaged his gravity and air...

The hand holding him up...

So how about you joining me...I smiled and asked...

They both nodded...

The gate opend and set them safe...

I smiled...and settled the new lab...

I had more researchers...and with Ainz recently calling me I gates over...alone my extra hands acting as bodyguards and assistants for the two doctor's...

I feel it...I opend my claw ..the rift opend near Ainz...

She's due soon ...

I smiled...let me check..I said...

And was brought to her...I checked her with my scans...I used a pain surpresent ....and had her child faze out of her womb...with the cordon cut...she was safe so was the skeletal Incuby ...they resemble my san,s and simbiote form...

They were curious...I had a check for his instincts and yup he's fine ..

I smiled and had him wrapped up like a burrito...

And passed the young kid to Ainz ....

I smiled and did a overall health for her body ..she was fine...but this will enshure full health...

I smirked and saw him dazed ..going through rounds of emotional surpresent...

The guardians present were bewildered...

I took the boy and brought him to Albedo witch held him...

Ainz exe was still stuck...

I huffed went to his back and the guardians gawked as I slaped him behind the head...

He was brought back...the guardians didn't react ....and I coffed...

Stop Tring to brake your emotion control passive Ainz...I know your are happy but remember you're in charge don't get emotional...

Theyr eyes went wide...they understood....the son made the undead feel ...a great amount of some emotions...and he was fine...

I shrugged ..

Do take care ...and know that he is stable feed him monster food that will keep him healthy if he looks off or gives any signs he isn't know what to do...

Alright...thank you...said Ainz...

I vanished...

I felt a thug ...

Moving back...I took full control of my Sans F.

I was in the party were Goku,s brothers showed up....

He was detecting Goku's strength he was very powerful....he gave him the choice ...join earth or if he manages to defeat me...he will go with him but won't hurt earth as it's his adoptive world...

He huffed...laughing at the short man ...a little taller then krillan...

I smirked...and my teeth sharp...

I accept...

He said...


I said...

Raddits asked ...

What's up dog?...

Nothing much wast up with you....

I said as the z fighters felt the energy massing under the sea....

Raddits didn't pay it attention....

I then made a hand motion up...

And raddits heard great water move up...

Seven maws shot like lightening and bit Raddits he was shocked...and he was cot...

He showed and tried brakeing free red tenrils coverd it and then black scales grew and coverd the red flesh ...

Sharp teeth grew black and sunk in his body....

He screamed and burst to try and brake free...

He managed to get lose...but then he saw the black hydra leap and open mawed swallowed me...

I transformed....using the hole form ..and compacted...

I rose...from the sea...I smiled...teeth sharp...

Armourd in my black hydra armour....

I smashed my claws as my six maws on my back..

Raddits was bleeding he scoffed and charged me...

Hitting my body....hard...I didn't flinch as two tendrils moved and cut raddits chest...

The two tendril hit his Stomack and then grabbed his legs as I sent him to the water hitting it at such a high speed he spat blood....

Water is like a fucking solid wall...

I laughed...and moved my tendrils to smash him on the floor darkness my suit works and it's even more I have no light weekneses or trubble...

I laughed ..a monstrous one...

Goku was getting agitated he and Browler took theyr combat form...

Raddits was defeated the scouter was taken by Bulma...

She was messing with always...

I then was charged by Goku...we combated...rather fun...

I smirked ...and we clashed...

Multiple times...before we stoped ...why?...

Hunger...we were both hungry....

Raddits was really sweating by now...

Both of us are monsters....and he realized we weren't even serious...

I had Goku visit the north Kai...while I kept training on earth...I'm alwredy strong enough with this body to rival my fifth dimension self...

How you Amy ask...

Skill technick and absorb amounts of magic a ki...this body,s reserves have grown to rival my own lower dimensional Bodies...

I smiled...having a hand none the less be this strong I'm tempted to try the stunt again...

I returned most of my will back to the link eleventh dimensional one...

I opend the next gate....

I saw a papyrus...dibelif route...

I knew this one wasn't the winning route so to stop this world from being turned useless...I sent one of my hands...and the moment of the reset papyrus was feeling the boost...and then went berserk...

His construct wasn't w hydra but one sole wings...and rapid movements...

As before the players dt was getting consumed ....untill they reached lvl 1 ...the lvl the Lvl reached -1 then the dimension crashed...

I pulled him out .. seams my time is up...he gave me one last laugh...and said .

Thank you for helping me defeat them...

He laughed and I saw his eyes go blanck...

And fell like a puppet...I took control...and settled his new portion of willpower....

In the dragon versea door opend next to sans.f...

Papyrus.f as well emerged...

Brother you don't need to threght as it's me papyrus...

Said the taller skeleton...

As nappa was about to engage...

Papyrus had apered and grabbed Napps hand...

Tsk tsk tsk... it's not nice to interrupt two brother meeting blad fella...

He tichec his eye and sent him a kick...then when that was grabbed as well he opend his try and blast papyrus but he kicked nappa under his chin making him charre his insides...

He fainted...

Waht a rood fella he didn't even put up a fight...said papyrus...with a smile ..this time this papyrus don't have hate...just Dt...he is of orange and red...a great fella...I fell the fragments left in him still blazing he met his brother ..and he felt it even if fainth he was still him...

Brother long time no have you been...

Just fine brother...I've been bonely witout you...

Ugh! you know best I don't like your puns...they not very humerus...said papyrus as he stoped repeatedly his foot on nappa...making him bend like a shrimp ...untill he realized...he was stomping on Nappa...

Ow sorry fella let me heal ya a bit..

He said and he grabbed nappa by his chest moved like cloth ..very painful...

But he did heal him...but unfortunately he was exhausted...

Vegeta was bewildered...a bone man defeated his seccond in command...

Raddits was with the z they all had a simbiote dubble,s.

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