Chapter 5: 005: Cyn Alloy
I moved to check surroundings and found some more plants for her ... empty but full of use..
Can you do a harvesting of this surroundings...
Yes big brother it wold be a pleasure for us...
She smiled...her sharp teeth glinting...
The alloys she made is very useful she calls it Solver Alloys...
I like em..
I used the link to teleport her from planet to planet father a large amount of matter and then we closed the link for now...she was full...and sleepy...
I'll keep 50% for my next body's...
Shure the amount will be enough for my next progect...
Thanks big she left a bit more then that 50%...more like 60...
I patted her head...she made a rather cute purring sound...
I smiled ...and then she process her yeald of material...
I made the metal thin and then modeld it...'s dense as shit...
Simple ....I'm taking it by the atoms...keeping a uniform thickness of about a hair thickness....I modeled a empty orb...then made it bigger by making it hexagonal...patterns ...excess material used to expand it further....
This metalic barrier then I started to hold in my largest form...
Using my own disposable hands I coverd it...
Making a large white orb...
I smoothed it out and then comenced to fill with my determination once it was filled ..I forced it to cristalize...and it expanded but wait it's in a very enduring material....under the presure the cristal folowed the curveture and formed a giant orb of cristalized Dt...
Cyn the rest saw me....hold it...then they saw the orb start to compress...more and more....I was doing this at a far distance...
I was about done when the orb of compact and dense cristal reached the size of a moon ....
I huffed sweet slowly dripping of my tenth dimensional form...
Evrithing contained...
This massive amount of power is contained safely....
They saw me comenced to shock and spin this moon sized ball...I shrunk myself condensing my form as well...
Holding this I turned to the excess metal...that had slagged off the core I was forging...
I used the matter eater hands and started to energize the started forming chanel's and after a full charge I felt it ...the energy was slowly seaping out in the atmosphere....I gave a rule ...and everyone felt it...a pool at theyr wills...and then a slowly seeping feeling through them....
This is a determination's pure will ... anyone can access it and receive it's blessing but in exchange they will have to share with it theyr own determination....
It's a fragment of my soul....witch is occuping this hole anty void and pushing to expand it...further...
By now I can hold half of a young universe the base of it being ...even without the tree expanding and focused on the quality my soul enormous as it is is pushing the marriers to can't stop I started to contain that excess dt I generate in this core...
And share it with who want it..
The slag it was moved and made to form a stand for the moon sized lamp...near the glowed not with light but with determination....a will to keep living...keep going keep being're determined...
I smiled it looks cool...
I opend my claws...and looked there...with care marks were carved in the was being infused with my determination.....
I felt it diffuse and cover the fourth plain up ..
They are fine...
I then felt pain....
I moved to my third me,s perspective....
Ow...little Cris had learned to use gaster blasters...they blasted a hole through me...
It stings...
They were teary eyed...
I started healing...
They saw me keep breathing....
I got up...
I hugged em as I spoke...
Promise me you won't use this ability on others...
Shure papa I won't ...
It's for your safety your energy is to low for multiple uses....and you can hurt someone you care for...
I patted theyr head...
I understand papa...
I smiled...hugged them a little thinghter...and released em.
I'm happy you understand....
Elanor showed up after a little while...she noted the hole in the wall..
What happened she wiper asked...
They developed the bond to my blasters I told them to not use them since they can actually damage me...
Her eyes went wide...
I opend my shirt....and she saw the hole slowly was a ilusion before...this kind of damage takes time to fix...
I said I need to rest ..I went to the third room were my form started to heal at a rapid rate....
My seventh dimension was currently fixing link,s...
I moved to be more awere I was rather being poked at my diamand antena,s...a ant,s...
I opend my palm and patted the ant...I felt the mental link...
Hellow I'm Anthony the paragon of the colony....
Hellow I'm Sanguis this little dimensions master...and heating breathing hart...
It's it dangerous for you to be here then...he asked...
As a small ant ran through to be cot...
I think this one is yours...
Yes...thank you....
He said ..
So are you part of the planet?...
No this is a multiversal gate...I wold like to host some of your kin...a permanent fragment extended here permanently....
We can make a request up there..
I wold like it ..I can help a little in this world of your's.. how about you make a correct with me...
Devil's contract?...
A simple one help me get a permanent extension of your hive in my Anty void....and I give a couple of you phantom power's.....
You mean my guard?...
Yes....I said...
Fine...I heard multiple voices...
The extension you will send here will become self sufficient and will lose the evolution by the energy there in exchange for a gradual evolution we have here...
I sent my hands and had em cover theyr cores keeping em safe...
Theyr traits bleed through to me..this sixth form now had a alternate form...
They saw the disks collapse and my sixth,s form transformed becoming insectoid ant like...still dressed as a doctor...
Good...I said ..then I smiled...the feromones passed through....many more voice resounded...
Hellow little one...
I'm serchant ...
I'm sanguinant ...
Wow why were you not ant before...
Yes magic...
Can you teach me?...
I settled the door and gave it to Anthony....
Once you have prepared the settelers the guards will be able to open the gate...and send them through...I will make Shure they survive...
We thank you...
They said...
I took out Erra...and using this new ant template with his form I made the vesal...
What's the meaning of this...he said...
Welcome I'm Sanguinis you're name will be Erra were currently a hive of two....
We are... where' I have a sister...he asked...looking at his legs...
What is a ant?...
A colony species...I'm a multidimensional entety you're're a third dimensional ant with sentient heretige....
I'm a sentient ant...
Yes you're awere of pain...
Awere...what do you mean...that is what sentient mean,s...awere of pain need to grow into a sapient ....
Who are you to me...
I'm the one that made your vesal ...
Are you my father...
No he is in this coin I showed him .. you have mother?...
No I didn't get that lucky...
Let's revive him the ...
Erra saw another ant form...
I am the great and terrible Hunhow.....
Worker ant..
I completed...
Worker ant?...he asked...
And who are you to decide that....he asked ...
I made your body will listen and obey....
I Hunhow will not be the slave...
My antenna whipped him head...
I Hunhow!...
Disobedient children deserve punishment....
He hesitated....
I will take my...
How dare you discipline the great ...
Will you stop that ...
No I'm way older and...
You're but at the larva stage ...stop being dumb kid...
Father Erra said...
He said as they're antenas met...
I patted theyr heads...
You're now under me..
My form shifted...taking my monster form...
Now shift the ant forms are your base states ..but...
As I said that they now had monster form's...
Resembling theyr true form,s ..
Bowth the same size...
I felt lotus...stur awake again...
I called that body over...
Natah...said Erra..
Brother...she said as her form shifted...from the lotus to her monster sentient state...
They hugged...
I was worried your body in the origin system is being piloted by a false one...Pazu...I'm happy you're fine..
She huffed him..
Then glared at HunHow..
Father she said coldly...
I opend my hand and took stakers it has a additional one next to it with a smaller one as well...
3 more ant,s formed ....a red and black a white and green and lastly a small green larva...
Witch I was holding...
The two were desoriented...
Gulp...the child wa calm...I smiled and then the two ant,s went to greet each other...
I had em return to now monster frame forms....
Jade came closer to see the child in my hands...
I passed it to her...Stalker was angry and werry....
Well now with almost all of you here...I said ..
Welcome to the anty you're home least this versions of're all ant,s will work with the newly seteling ant,s...
Can I go with them?... asked Natah...
You're no a ant to!...I said as she transformed....
Haha...I ..
They all Hunhow was in the middle of a large hole...a big one...
Stalker was really... then he heard...
I'm fine... Hunhow said...
Well my mate is a ProtoFrame so are the uncle's of kid Chris....if any of you put them in danger....I'll do worse the remodelate some mountain with your face,s...
They nodded... somehow...
I shrugged... and called out...
Lua Solaria ....
The two Alicorns opend a portal and walked through...
I found some strong champion,s for the newly arriving sapient ant hive that I managed to procure and have them settle in the underground of your planetary disk...
I said...
They both bowed and Sol said...
Alright we will settle them were they will have close bonds with all the races...
What of the hive...
Theyr preparing ...
Good luck on living a close to normal life here...
I said and left...
I smiled and opend my claws they saw the gate form and open...I left to the place and continued with the link,s...I kept a eye on them...
Anthony came through for a couple moments...he sent the settelers...
I went to meet them...
He said ..and I made a pull at the energy from outside a lifeline if you may say...
He took a deep breath....
I saw the young ones enter... witout the energy was fading from them my own energy was settling them in...they woke with energy...
Folowed around scent got them to come to me..many and adorable...theyr prime specimens I saw a sole queen walk through as well she was at the smallest of stages ....she bowed...
Greetings my name is Crestiant the queen that was raised for this purpose...
I nodded...
You have a core let me help you swich energy's...I said and sent a hand grabbing her core and seaping the energy...she burst in a aura and within four moments she was now different the exoskeleton broke off...she emerged....a older taller woman...with a ant abdomen and armour...
She bowed...
Looks will be living in the Equestrian ring of the world tree...
They looked behind me...
You will start from the underground and there are several champions I rased to be your helpers and of them has a big head do smack Hunhow when he gets out of hand...
Alright Lord Sanguinis...
Anthony was wide eyed...
Can you make me a humanoid as well...
He asked ...
Shure but it will cost you...
What exactly...
I will be calling you for some jobs in other worlds that's about it...
Alright...he said.....
I smiled and saw him leave...
Finally my new minions have arrived...
I the great and terrible HunHow!...he declared at the queen...and then....
Why ...his leg twitched as he was flat on the ground...
Master worned me of your antic,s paragone HunHow....
As for you I thank you for your assistance in our settlement of the new colony of Antsapient,s...
We have great world ahead...first on the list food and water...go gardeners and builder's!...
She said and thy saw the many ant workers specialized in theyr work...
In a couple of weeks they were redy...and done ..
The castle was formed on the surfece...and patrolled ...slowly the new creatures were brought to the pony,s awereness as they were giant ant,s...trades and such were now prevent ..
As they expanded to go over the hole tree in matter if clean and prepare for further events...
I had during that time...
Attacked or not...
I inspect catalogue ...send to the according pile...
The drones have made theyr home properly....
I and Elanor...and Cris they are fine still..
I had managed to arrive at the lvl 12 dimensionally and Cyn from the previous level to about seven...her form is stronger...not as mine but she is able to do the alloy harvesting by herself...
I saw her once est the heart out of a was funny...
I smiled...
Hey hey hey ..big brother....hey...
Yes Cyn...
Want to go on another timeline?...
I want to slap another Arthur's ass...
He..fine...let's do Females timeline...
I said...
The door opend...and we arrived there...I felt her she was busy with Ainz and her other boy toys...from Nazarick...
We bowth took some disguises and we went to the place we're this dimensions hex homes were...
We arrived and Cyn wasted no time at all...
Arthur was suprised...his sword swong and beheaded Cyn...witch head was laughing her head off...pft ..hehe...
You two again...why are you bringing her here so often?...
Grouled Arthur...
Simple ....she asked me nicely while you hissed at me ..
I didn't...
He said ..
Are we done...
Close I want to see this world,s version of your mate...
What ..that beast isn't anyone,w mate...
He hissed ..
Elanore is my wife from were I come we have a kid too...
His eyes went wide ..Tring to figure out if I was ling to him...
I pulled my wallet he saw the family pictures...and that of Cris...
That' is she still herself...
Simple in that timeline you didn't give up on her...I as well didn't we had a cute child ...
He was shaking...
Then I ripped the picture off...
I arrived at her to see...she was fully infested...I took a scan and checked her soul ..she killed herself...and that's just the suit ..working with wath is left...just a infected monster....
Pitty she dose have nice proportions...
I shrugged...and left...Cyn wasn't that happy with that version of her sister in law...
She folowed me holding my hand the gate opend and we left...
I felt female sense us leave...she took a good look and found Arthur whining...
She scoffed and returned her mind to her pleasures...
We returned....Cyn was holding onto me now ..
Want to see what the lik,s throw at me...
I asked..
Shure ..that is always funny...
I opend a link...and the hand of a familiar vampire implade through my chest...
On the other side gripping a mass of red ..
You're not Alehombra....he said ..
You're not my dermatologist or sports teacher...I macked back ...
Well sorry he said with his hand still through my chest...he started to pool it back....I rose my foot and kicked him off me....this link is a keeper I'll set it up in my room..
I said..
Shure big brother...
I smiled and closed it for the moment...
I regenerated and went for the next...
Opening it I was meet by two blades coming down in a cutting motion...
They cot in my hands ..this girl..this dimension...
Cyn saw me shift to my matter eater gloves and the eleventh form...
I'll keep the fort big brother...
She said with a smile...
The messy scizer girly was captured by Cyn and played with as if she was a barby...
Not harmed ....but appreciated...
I smiled ..and they saw me emerge...
A creature wearing a labcoat...
I had stored the portal inside myself...
With a thug ...the hole unique equipment was taken...stored and settled ..I flew to the castle and took it as well...
I sent the materials over for Pandora to apraize and settle on the ones they want to keep ilas I marked six items as mine..
He is happy to apraze and analize fix and improve them...
I to like that aspect of Pandora...
I kept one though...the whisker string...I started equipping it through magic infusion ...making them part of me...of my tools...I Transformed two hands of mine into strings... woven with the dragon strings ..and reformed two white and silver gauntlets....this is nice ..a few more and I can probably produce perfect replicate,s of the strings...
The people saw this ...I turned to the dog...and the insane girl...
They were tied up...the next moment...
I impaled through the dog and got it's core...I ripped it out ..
Tilted my head as it was fully charged with my power bubbled and reformed I saw a small round dog shift into a skeletal one...a hound of the dead...
Then I smiled yelped at me..the only other of this gears was the humanoid one ..I shrugged...I feel also a girl ..she has one inside her that couses insanity...that one wasn't colected as I feel....
I turned to the castle witch was gone...I flew there on my new has a gaster board ...under it...allowing it to fly...
Hehe..I I flew down on a fat bastard....I beheaded him...and grabbed the small prince...he was frightened...
My hound hopped on the ground next to took a seat...and rested...
I looked in the kids eyes ..
Then I saw the frost fly at me...
It stoped as the hound gave a sonic bark...
She was nocked unconscious...
I had strings tie her up...
So kiddo you need a better teacher ..
I brought Entrati out...
And tossed him up my hands coverd it and transformed....he fell on his ass...
What in the name of the void...
He said ..calmly...
This is your teacher be a better king...
And entrati if you manage to improve this place as the kid taking the royal role ...I'll bring you out of this world...
Wait why
Becouse you're trubble...
Do as you're told or rot here and fertilize the planet...
Gulp...all for not...
The indifference is not able to return I've consumed it...
His eyes went wide...
I vanished with the death hound and arrived in the Anty void...
I sent herecles to be a guard dog for Chris and Elanor...while Cyn had redressed the cizer girl...
She was dispondent...
Your team is alive and there are no more of these things...I said pointing at her're the price you're now Cyn,s play mate...don't die...
I smiled ..
She shiverd ..
Yepee... Said're mine ...I'll take good care of you...hehe...
Mercy on me...
She whispered ..
Cyn took her to her home...
As I was about to open the next link I had a call from Ainz...
I require's about Albedo she is bearing my offspring....but something isn't going right...
I immediately teleported over...
And saw her ..
Here...I'll do the diagnostics...
They saw hands move to check for puses and a hand on her heart....
A minute passed...
All is fine...except the infant isn't absorbing the energy it needs to grow...
Waht...she has been eating more then usual....
Waht was she eating...
Normal food...
You mean...
With that body of yours and the dimensions rules...the kid is considered a half such he needs monster food..have her eat monster food...
Are you Shure...
Yes...when monsters mate one is the vesal were they develop and gain a body while the other has to sacrifice a pice of theyr body ..a rib a finger or scraps from multiple damages....they form the base ..with you two being higher tied beings that is accounted for...while her body doesn't generate normal magic but something else...she is keeping it alive with pure vitality....
Shef! food bring a lot of it to my room...he ordered though the call function...
Next minute it was brought and she was eating...
I kept a check and yes the magic was being funnaled to the infant...starting to grow...
This pregnancy will take longer then expected....
How long?...a couple month more...
Thanks for the help...
Said Ainz...
Don't worry buddy were bowth going to be dad,s now...
Cris is going to have a friend...have Albedo spend time with my Elanor so she can learn how to raise the kid...
That's a good idea...
Albedo is retiring from her position for the time of the pregnancy and first ten years of the young prince or princess development....
I trust you all to follow this order...
Yes Lord Ainz...
Albedo wasn't that happy but she understood...for theyr love...
I shrugged...
Call me if any other unexpected dumb complications happen...
As I left ... Demiurge asked for my help...
I came...and was met with the breeding pit...
I tilted my head...
Do you know of sex Ed?...
Sex Ed?...
Yes it's rather important since the system was revised....
Imcan you tell me about this sex Ed..
I pulled a book...and passed it to him...
The first part is for humans the seccond for monsters and the third for in-between,s..follow the indications and this problems shuld fix itself...
I'm greatfull for your knolege Doctor...
I shrugged may be smart but you're not awere of changes that don't fall under your experience...that's may visit Twilights librery don't course trubble that small disk shaped world is in harmony...even if you're Ainz,s subordinate I don't like chaos..plaus you're not supposed to go there...I'm using it for my ant farm...
I appreciate for the invitation...
I pulled a envelope give this to Twilight sparkle she is a unicorn pony...
Pony or unicorn?...
That will be interesting to see...
Dont expect to be taken seriously and don't kill or harm them they will use the power of friendship to defeat you... can that happen....
He jested...
I opend five windows...he saw them six use it banish multiple times stronger foes... magic...
Don't mess around this is my playground I've released my ant,s...he saw the sworm and the temple...
My hero units...
He saw the coin ants
And my sisters friends..
He saw the four Automatons...
He was with eyes gliming...
Can you help with the maid cz2128 Delta she is a mecanicle lifeform and these four seem rather compatible with her I see it...
You have to asc Cyn she is the mecanicle expert I'm more into soul based maters and magic in general I can duplicate some artifacts or items but theyr not perfect ....the deal with Ainz allows you to call on help so I can also ask for a small favore once in a while like claiming a world I like or some beings I shuld be awere of the small favors I ask...
Yes small...
He muttered under his breath...
The nazirick forces are pulled thin...but they make due...with theyr stogest forces...
And the recruits they got...
I tilted my head...
And he saw a gate form next to us...
I'm leaving I have a unwelcomed guest in my Anty void...
Good day to you as well sir Sanguinis...
He huffed...
Well Hellow Hellow friend...said the dope paichotic Tem...
I loomed over it...
Azriel ...
He was stunned ....
He started his body morphed...
And why do you of all things disturb my growled at me...
Bone hound...I said calmly....and it rose ...
Play fetch with it's corpse... screamed as the hound grew bigger red and muscular...he was as a behemoth...redy to punch the Temmy...
Before a hand grabbed the tem and backed off...
Hold up buddy...
He was hit by the full force of the hound....
They were shot through the link back to theyr crumbeking realty...
There was a being there tall and naive...
I ripped the rift closed...
Crain ....I said...with a huff...
I tilted my head to the dog witch shrunk and was teleported back to the house...
Useful I I left him a bone to gnaw on....
I looked at the next was being pried open forcefully....two clawed hands...
As it expanded the creature saw me...
My eyes glowed red...and they were shivering...
Finger lenghtening and face distorting...
I plunged my hand into it's chest...tearing out the core ... tried to claw at them as I finished decorating the code that kept it working...
I ate this code...merging with the one inside myself....allowing me greater assimilation abilities....I can assimilate more thurrowly tools and reproduce them...good...I used the strength I had and made two body's and then sent them in the Tf2 world ...had em go get me more connection,s and buy materials...exotic materials...hehe...
This is good..I settle the code and the memetic effect then seald the link...only for the two to allow return with the matter...
I checked a few more...and another had a glitch...i ripped it open....a entety came through....jagged and crashing...I contained it and then with a serge of mana it was held still...
I solidified the mana and it was stabilizing....
I found the soul and made a overriding code ..
The transformation process ..went at super speed ..the Entety was a clothes and white skin...the legs visible asahe looked as she was wearing a black one pice swim were ....with funny shoes and gloves ....long ears and big round eyes...
She was calming down....I sent a few pulses of power and she shiverd...
I lair by lair removed the barriers....
Untill she fell in the largest one...stable...
I pulled two hands and sent them to cover her heart...
She slowly started accelerating her breath,s...she felt it ..she had blood pumping through her...she needs air ..she blinks and felt the pain...she was sore...
And hungry....
I heard her Stomack gurgle...
After she finished he spoke of having hands in her chest...
She relaxed ....I dropped the last barier...
She was falling tow hand brought her to me..I turned to the was crashing....and burning.....
I got a chocolate bar and passed it to the jester...
She grabbed and opend it ..she ate it slowly...
Huff...I then looked at her ..
What's your name...she was sturtled...
I'm Sanguinis....
Like the Primark?...
You know Warhammer...
I played ... previous name was Blood...but it was to confusing...
I wold wreken ....were are we....
In my dimension it's a Anty void...
I was in the digital void...I was Tring to escape before everything crashed... something happend...'re now real...
My body....this is my new Body....
Yes it's a estimation of your previous one and some streamlining from my're now a Jester Monster...
Gulp....what do I eat...
Yes that bar is infused with magic...but as you have a digestive system you shuld be able to eat other things as well...
Hopefully.....but now waht do I do I'm alone..
Do you want to babysit my kid...
Kid...boy or girl?...
She asked ..
Kid they didn't develop any gender yet...
How dose that work....
Biology and magic clue personaly I was a human guy before I became this...
Her eyes widened....
I was human to...
Good ...want the job?...
We shuck hands...her outfit shifted...from that of a jester to a casual clothes....
This looks nice..
I heard her say.
Yea it incorporates the swimmer under to make you decent while also making you into eye candy...
She blushed...
Not the sexy way you're very cute...
Ow...cute candy?...she wandered...
You're a cinemon roll..
Yes...a goth cinemon roll...
She completed ....
I opend the gate and she saw Elanor and Chris....
Hello I'm the new higher babysiter... my name is Pomny the Jester....
She said with a smile...
Be weery she has panick stacks...
I don't...and how wold you know that...
She mumbled...
Understood love...I'll keep a eye on them untill I feel theyr safe together...Pomni how old are you?...she asked...
I'm about ...25 years old..I spent a couple years digitized and I don't know ..maybe 28 felt like I spent a long while there...but not more then five .. definitely less...
She was wandering...
Well dear you're adorable welcome to the hex I'm Elanor this little monster is my kid...theyr name for now is Chris...
I'm greatfull for being saved and for the help...
She laughed ..then poni figured something...
You didn't open your mouth while speaking...
Yes...I'm a telepath and my tongue is rather unusual....she smiled and pony saw the long tongue...she blushed....Cris ..pointed and said ..
Wiggle worm....
Then they opend theyr mouth as several emerged....not fleshy but white...
I as well brought mine out making a funny face....
Pomny was holding back a laughed....
She then did it as well showing her tongue witch was long as well but also broad ..and then she closed her big black eyes and then as she opend them the eyes were fully black...with golden circles...
How do I look...she asked...
Chris was clapping...
Elanor was smiling ..
I was as well smiling...then I said..
Goth cinemon roll....
She blushed ..
Chris went to hug her...
I opend my claw...then strings emerged and I formed a blanket one that won't tear at his episodes....just like any child he has tantrums nothing special.....just the usual...
I passed it to Elanor...
It's made out of my duplicated dragon whisker,s...they are very rezistant.....
Thanks love... She said...
She went to Chris and he was gigeling...
Elanor wrapped him up and tucked the cover in on itself....
The he tried to ripp it...
He couldn't....and Elanor was smiling wider ...