Bright, Brighter yet utterly Dark

Chapter 4: 004: Parallel self,s...

I shrugged....and felt it...six gates.,

Resonance cascade comenced....I'm the scenter...six gates floted to my vew....

Six difrent but also similar versions of me were now...looking at me...

I clam to be the younger said...

I'm the first you twirp...said the oldest looking...

Why all of you...said the female one..

Why are they arguing...said the shy one...

Shut it you motherfondlers !..said angry...

This is funny said the female one...

Why struggle...said shy...

Me and the femele stoic self...

I saw her better...that wasn't me..

They saw my hands glow and shoot through the portal...binding to the Entety....If she was me she would have tried to stop me...defend herself...she swong her own Frostmorn at my hands not used the many hands...she saw restrained and then I pulled form her soul was wriggeling a more advanced core...

My eyes looked and saw a large mass of things...her body went slumped and they were silent...I took her out of there...then they saw the matter consuming hand,s they moved and swalowed the hole bleeding in our six white shape void...

Holy fuck...said angry ..

Ow my...said shy..

Yey more to play ...said young..

Man that's not right...said old...

Lovely ...said female one...

I'm prime're all weeker versions of me as you don't have my foresight or strength...what dimension level do you have ...

Eight ..said angry

Nine ..said shy

Four ..said young..

Six ..said female

Nine ..said old



I'll give you nicknames...

Yey said young...

Young blood ..I said at his tall..

That's bull...

Napom blood

Ow that's good...

Female blood..

Something nice please...

Nice Blood...

That's a joke if I ever heard one...

Old blood ...

Then what are you then asked young blood...

I'm Classic blood...

Seriously female blood... nothing coller..

Pink blood , period blood ..

Stop it...I'll take the female blood...the other alternative are worse....

Good choice...

So what now...

What stage are you guys at...

Who has defeated the server entety rase you hand...

All but young blood rose ...

Young what is your status on that...

Not gonna touch it with an eight foot Stick...I destroyed that place..


Ainz you got your own?...

All but napom and female ...

I didn't make friends I'm alone...said Napom

Hehe...myne was a angel...not the skeleton he,s a close friend... Said female...

Huff...we don't know anything of her...I said holding the rapidly acclimatizing female me...

This one will be corrupted blood..

I said...

Gulp...I head from nice...

I shared some of my power and she woke...

She was panicking and afraid....

She hugged me...she wasn't there whole...

She was like puppet on stings...

She was hugging me...

Sorry it tricked us...

You're not a hole me are you...

She lowers her head..

No...I'm also solver...

Then you're Cyn blood...

Yes ..she said ... Her tongue emerged and she hugged me...want something to eat...

Her eyes yellow...

I got some sweets monster food...

She took a seat and started eating....

That's creepy...said female...

But cute as well...I said...

What else...old said...

Did you guys clean the link,s?...

They all nodded...

Good...what else...bill...

Close any of the g falls before a corrupted bill comes to consume you all ...

Rogger said young...

The others nodded...

Good...i said...

With a form shedding....they saw a red entety....

They each smiled and did as well...all but Cyn...she was just her not any other form...

She saw me eyes wide...

I'm the strongest I got my eleventh....

They were suprised....

And yet you're still so strong..

I'm me...

Still us ..

I smiled ..we returned to our base for ...well my fourth dimension while the rest at the form they felt more comfortable...

What do we do now ..I asked...

Nothing special...

They said...

I opend my eyes and they had different colores...


I felt the system bound and shared...

Theyr cube complexes they have no tree..but roots started making theyr way to constitute lesser trees....

I had to settle Cyn-fem-gaster essence in the third dimension....she felt it....then I prepared the conduit and ...adjusted for her wave link...

I saw in the next dimension her form was slowly constructing...then my seccond self saw as well her forming there...not any deeper..

She was by my side...

She was regaining more control.....

Female represents Lust...

Napom reflects my anger..

Youth my naivety....

Old seniority

Nice my panick...or shyness....if we are to follow his personality....


Cyn hugged my side...

All will be well...she me a smile...

Want to meet my kid sister...

She blinked... nephew!...yes yes yes ...she smiled...

We walked as my third dimension self returned to the room to rest and check over Cyn-Blood essence...

Slowly nurturing her integration....

As we met them...

Elanor was suprised....

Who is this....

She is my newly saved sister...


We are seven in total...said Cyn.G.


Yes I've recently learned I have alternative versions of myself this one had her void destroyed due to some consequences as such I claimed her as my sister and planted her core in my seccond room to keep her safe...

Elanor hugged her...Cyn.G...hugged her back...

Sister in law...Cyn.G.exe said....with her derpy smile....

Ow look who we have here little one...she said ..and took a seat next to Cris..

They were playing together....

I smirked as we two relaxed ..

Just for a short time... evrithing was fine...

Cyn.G.Exe had felt it her seccond body was redy ..she smiled and pulled a tarp she used it to the same effect as my morph disk's...and she was from bare robotic monster to now be more like her Cyn in Tessa skin...

Without blood...or limbs dangling.

..around ...she looked nice....a bit more human...with the emblem of gaster on her middle chest...

Cris clamped...

That's your fourth stage ..

Yes big brother blood I'm in my fourth dimensional form...

Good...have your third within the house and we can go outside to manage the link,s...

Shure big brother blood...

So you're leaving the wekest of your body,s with us ...while you manage problems outside...

Yes I have a job to keep the void safe and Cyn.G is happy to help...I can't allow her to take this job completely since she doesn't have more then the stage 3 and four bodies that work ...

We're fine big sister Elanor were ment to use more bodies unlike any base creatures adapted perfectly for one dimension stability that's why we return to our rooms to managed the incongruity between the stages...

Reality is laird love and we're here to manage em..

So don't worry were used to it...

We then said in perfect sink...

For those who we cherish we can do anything/evrithing...

I understand...and we appreciate it she said as Cris waved to us...

Our form's sinked and my third dimensional self emerged...

Aunty Cyn is sleeping so don't worry she will return soon...

I said...coming close to them...resting...playing ... simple enjoying this bliss...

She was worried but she hugged me...

Meanwhile and Cyn opend the link...

A axe was fling through and hit my head... got stuck...

I turned to Cyn...

Can you take it out...

Yes brother let me get a good grip...

She did and she removed it from my head...

We turned to see... Atreus...

We held the axe...hehe...

He extended his hand to try to retrieve it...

It didn't work....

Hehe Cyn laughed ....

I told her to keep the door safe..and I emerged...warriors were Tring to get to kretos....

I looked at the boy...

You're friends with him ...

I asked...

I'm his son!... she chose him what a fuckery fine...I'll help...

He saw hands move killing any who wold aproch...

Who are you....

Call me Sanguinis I know of your father from you frost giant heretiges...

I'm half frost giant...

Yes but don't use your powers or you may die little godling...

I will...yes...your hart is unstable...I can help but it will be a burden you will have to hold by yourself alone...

He looked at his father ...

Fine ...I'll play the price...

Welcome to the phantom family kid...

He felt in his chest a comforting cold...

Two hand,s holding on his being...

A comfortable cold...

I minimized the portal and formed a knife for him...

This knife is the gate to my home and it can be opend only by you..take care Loky son of the last frost giantess....

We worked to keep em safe ,when I felt kratos wake I and Cyn left...

Sealing the gate ...for later next to the house...

I smiled and with Cyn by mi side we continued to open the aviable links and categorizing em...

We opend to hear a screaming alien on the other side....

I zim!...

Shut the link ...

And opend the next...

Ow who is there...asked the clown...

Only to feel danger and tail back as a fist decked him out ..

Then the link was closed ..

I wached the next link be open by Cyn...she was hit by a pinkie come through....I grabbed her and then threw her back in her dimension....

We alwredy have a pinki we don't need another....

The door was settled next to that circle...were we sent the rest we found...

I cleaned her face and taystes the pie...yup tasty just as always...

She liked the last of the traces...

I went to open the next we were hit by a large jet of pressurized water...

I settled a barrier and had the water return to the water world...

I purged any germs and bacteria....

I had moved the portal and saw a facility and much more....we decided in conjunction to get some healthy specimens and have them inhabit the new sea under the roots ....a large accumulation of water...I had Ainz use his grand magic to form...with a settlement of the underwater habitats...I saw the animal's slowly get theyr bearings...

For fresh fish ..

We nodded...and with a bit of crono control they grew and settled...slowly adapted ..

We had the green thumb to start low amounts of fishing...

For now...

Ainz came to ask..

How is ...Hellow do we know each other asked Ainz to Cyn...

Hellow I'm Cyn big brothers little sister....

Hellow I am Ainz...have we met before...

Nope...not a chance I personally met you...scratch scratch...

She was scratching her cheek...

Big brother what colore do you like...she asked...

I like red and black....

Yey...Ainz what colore do you like...

I wold go for royal purple....

Hehe...gues what colore do I like...

Go on guess guess...she encouraged...

He hesitantly asked...


Nope...big brother what colore do I like guess ...


Yupeee you're right...

He laughed a little...finding her rather refreshing....

They talked for a little while then he asked...

Anyway I request your help with a situation in the conquered universe....

Yes waht is it?..

Knull a world enemy is being bothersome...can you help...


I said with a smile...

Opening the link ..we left...the other links seald...for now...

I arrived to see Midgard enveloped in simbiotes....

I took a deep breath and used a sonic wave to dislodge the symbiotes and gather them up was knull and his sole dragon ...he came flying at me with his necroblade...

I brought up Frostmorn and cut them in half selaing theyr souls in it...while the black blade was absorbed in the frostmorn....

Making it stronger...

Done...I'll return the underworld so the world's can function properly....

I would appreciate that....he said...

So that balde is now the underworld?...

Yes death bound runes for the underworld and the tree is expanding it's storege capacity....

Thanks for clarifying it...

No problem I'll be taking some symbiotes they eat brains and chocolate....week to sound and flames...they can be trained out of those two weekneses theyr perfect clothes.....

I pluked a hundred the weekest of them...

And stored them...

With access to chocolate....

I claimed a white black and brown one...

I bonded him to my bodies all of them...he was clam and rather submissive...

He forms my nice labcoat black t-shirt and pants with the brown shoes and about it...

Even though the morph disk's the keep shape and property,s...

I felt content from him ..

I will call you Agent ...

He felt happy for the name...

I was happy as well...

Arriving home I presented the hex Elanor and Cris with theyr own simbiotes....

One was consumed by Alex the shogoth...

Glutinous idiot...

Well I saw them fuse with ease and fix themselves properly....

With a safeguard for any white spikes...I settle those things safeguards and was done ..

I brought Cyn one...

She enjoyed the new partner she has ..she called her Tessa...

We opend the link and I saw a human...


Hellow ..I asked...

Who are you...

I'm David....who are you...

Call me Sanguinis...

Blood?... isn't that from Warhammer?...

I have no idea it's my name in a nicer way to say it...

You're name is blood...

Yes ...

That's cool man.....

Aren't you afraid ...I'm a monster you can see it ..white face no nose ...and my maw...just a cresent thing...

Yes but you're not hurting nobody....

Are you Shure... Hellow there little miss...

Hellow human...I'm Cyn...

Nice name ...I'm David...


Nice knowing you....

Ugh ..he grunted...then he transformed...

Becoming larger bestial...and ...I recognized he is a in jackle and hide...

He gave a small grumbble...

He was fixating me...

I had my hands shoot and restrain him...then I moved my hand in his chest ..grabbed his heard and I reconnected his mind to this form... said in a rawgh monstrous manner...

Sorry ..what is happening?...

He asked....

I'm oaching your soul to control your hide state...want to make it permanent?...

I wold owe ya much if you dose this ..

I want in exchange if you meat a girl named Wensday Adams call on the connection I want to give her a gift...

Shure I can do that...

Two hands held his soul together...

He exhaled...


See ya...I said and closed the link...


I moved the next and opend it...

How many were this...I forgot...

I saw a spear shoot and hit my chest... sliding by my heart...witch is protected the wepon was stuck...

I blinked ..and grabbed it then I took it out...

Flesh regenerating and fixing...

I saw on the other side a ship...

I blinked my eye started to grow brighter...

My hands moved and I you ked out of the sea many scuba guys...

I started shaking them annoyed really annoyed ...I emerged wait up from the portal...

As everyone heard me sweare and say...

You filthy things dare to fucking impale me through with a fucking metal stick!....

I made em so dizzi they couldn't stay up...

I turned seeing humans fish man and others....

My eyes glowing red...

I turned around...

Waht the hell are you looking at me ..mind your own fucking business....

I said I emerged ..I took my calmer form and set the portal to a small size...and stuffed it in my chest for safe keeping ..

They saw Cyn come out..

Sister what do you think of this world?...

Big...lots of water mind asking Ainz to join us....


Ainz I got a pirat world...want to join in the fun ...

Shure I was just finishing with reports...I'll take a guardian with ...

Shure .have Albedo take the slack...

Will do...

I smiled and saw a black gate as he came through in his royal skeletal form...

I am here...

He declared...

And following him came with him was Pandora...

Pandora how is the son of my fried doing..

Splendid with the news artifacts I'm taking care many marvelous new items...'re exactly like Ainz both are obsessed with your collections...

Cyn moved and hugged Pandora...

Ow who are you young miss...

Hellow I'm Cyn little sister of Sanguinis...

A pleasure making your acquaintance...

She smiled...

I opend my hand and got up a claw ....

Let's make a fling ship ill construct it out of my bones...I said as two gigantic hands formed a gaster blaster that then shifted and morphed into a boat ...I went up and took the maind seat...

The guys took spot...on seats to watch ...

I smiled and the buffled people saw us just fly off...

The fish man looked at Franky ....

Well I can say I saw everything....

The Marines were calling reporting the new beings that came here...

We were out ..

So guys I got information on this world it has swords and devil fruit that can grant powers but take away the ability to swim and makes one weekend upon in contact with water ...or the minerals found in the sea.... There shuld be some matter made out of sea minerals that has the same effect...


Nodd ..

Big bro .....


Can I eat the organs out of any annoying people...

Shure ...I said ..

It's that a bit ..

Ow yes the simbiote ....said Ainz as he himself had one...bonded to himself and so dose Pandora...

Want to be monsters....we can just do as we want....this hole planet has no high powered individuals....

Are you Shure...

Asked Ainz...

I feel there are very rare exceptions...want to try it out...


We arrived to a island it was filled with marines...

I and the crew jumped off...we were surrounded....

My hands moved and multiples about when the first five hundred showed up...I moved and shot to kill em...

Necks snapping and ripping ..

Cyn captured a bigger fella and dug herself inside him bursting out of his chest chewing on his a sequel...

I as well joined in this senseless slawghrer ....

Ainz and Pandora allowed they simbiotes to play and feed ..

We fought a panther guy....and some more ..

We were stealing many did the son and father...

We had fun...

We then boarded and went off...

Flying around ...we relaxed a few days....

And I saw the birds fly over...

Ainz was enjoying the taken food with us...

We all were relaxing...

The brid landed...I got a few gold coins...

It piked three and dropped me the bounty,s ...

I looked at mine...a few the rest...relatively with Cyn having the highest bounty...

I chukkled...

Hear eater woman...Cyn...

Father butcher and son butcher ....

Hundred handed doctor...

All beloved of having devil fruit,s and dangerous....

Ainz and Pandora liked theyr Fotos I saw mine was my face ...shape teeth tongue out and my red eyes containing two red hollow disk's the foto was of me ripping a chunk out of a heart...blood still connecting the two...

We smiled and I said ...

We're close to the candy's owned by a large woman with a larger famaly....her name is ling ling..

Is she japonese?...

No clue...

We can destroyed that island the woman is a enemy!...

Why ..

Reverse harem beach...


She wants to fuck one of each type of male for her army of children... ....

I opend my eyes....they were glitching...a little...then I grabbed a claw...


This world isn't it...

I said...

What's happening...?..

He asked...

This world... it's not affecting you guys as it's doing to me...

He..I want some more chaos....

They saw the energy and tranfome me...

They saw my form grow...the ship as well morphed....

I was being adapted to this world...

I immediately moved the ship to a island..

Passed control to Ainz for the ship and left the portal afixied in the ship


Cyn remained there...

She was enjoying the chaos....

I relaxed and sat...

Message...any changes...I asked..

Nope...the rest of us are fine...even Cyn isn't acting any different.... seams I can't leave the anty void...

For long periods but for short ones everything is fine...

Right...we arrived to the candy land...want something...

Find me someone that can make mochi and convince him or her to join us even if we need to take more people ....

Alright...a capture and higher mission then...

I was resting..

Then I felt a couple people come...

He the mochi guy...was suprised....

You look cool...I eyes just red dots...

Power and're fit...and who is she...

She is my sister Brule..

I came closer to her...and saw a scar...

That won't do...they as few hands glowing green aproched her face...

Removing the scar...

And you better start training like he dose...


I may have a mate but I won't say no to eye candy with good cooking abilities....

They blinked...

I'm your new boss...I'll have you and your buddies settle in the house course trubble to me or my mate and child and I'll rip out your heart,s and make your eat them..

They shiverd feeling the presure...

Until then welcome new subordinate do enjoy you life here...

This is for your habitation it's connected to my underground complex it was well live in my my kind...they did lived well...if you feel claustrophobic you can more here in the void ...or I can prepare some habitation near the tree.,

I said as they saw it tha tage tre...far away...

That tree...the dirt it ..

Planet sized dirt has a couple civilization,s on it...

They were bewildered....

Come I'll show you the homes...

I had em adjusted and settled the food matter food being very filling..

They were being assisted by the caretakers

...thought how it worked and such...

I wached theyr needed energy and such...they found theyr spaces around the hole waterfall....

They liked it...

I was told of Undying visiting...she was told of the new inhabitants...odd looking if not large...

I kept a pare of eyes on them...

Returning to the link

I felt them...

Ainz everything fine ...

Yes I've grown my army by many fold had higherd many minions and servent,s...


I said...

Take care...

Understood will...

I will see other links that seems safe enough for me...

Take care...

Will do...


I was redy and blocked the spill...claws maws and wepons hit the rift...the link shared with me the Datta...I brought up tenth as eleven took the administration role from him...

He took the spot of fourth and the hands of matter consumption moved to him... allowing him to use them...

I blinked feeling the familiar might ..and saw past the incomprehensible to see four lights of different colores bash against the barrier...purple green blue and red...

I got annoyed...and switched the energy to matter on the matter consumption device...

I used them to grabbed and pull the four essence's to form a condensed matter core...

Behind me...

They gave up retreating as they lost a part of theyr power ....

I felt it ....

Then I reversed back to normal the matter consuming gloves...

I sent through the link a highly pure mass of energy...acting as napom to any other...I sent the patchwork to set a lock to my other self,s....they may be sucepteble to them....

I had managed to burn a large space from the inversed four,s energy....

Goddess of restraint and prudence...

God of war shivery and respect...

God grandfather of family and purification....

Then the god of absolute knolege...

Out of the four reversed powers these four formed from the positive energy they now pull...together they started to work together to stabilize that worp...

I shiverd...the matter the matter eating hands produce is inherently neutral then when it goes back through it's inverted...and with the fragments that left the hands whit the blast they four formed...

Order gods...

I shiverd...absolute order....vs absolute chaos...

That worp is fucked...I collapsed the link.... completely then scrubbed it clean...

I stood there tierd...

Huff....theyr not my kids ..just mirrored reflection,s of the chaos gods...

Well next link...

I opend it ...a orc ran through with a axe...swinging at me....the axe stoped two inches from my face...I tilted and grabbed it by the handle...

Wraaagh the brute placed more force into it...moving it by no more then a inch...

Huff...I grabbed him moved him up and I had the axe ripped from his grip...

What's your name...I asked...


Listen to me Hatchet...

I'm Axe!...he screamed...





Hehe ..yes that's right Hatchet..


I then grabbed him and with great force tossed him back in the hole...then closed it...

Freaking barbarian's...

Ok next one...

I said and worked to open it...the barrier was preset and ...

Ding...I saw it deflect something blue and spinning...

It stoped then tried to grind on the held...I chukkled...

Then with a punch he was shot off...I grabbed two rings...then closed the link...

I like to analize and make more....

This took my attention as I started testing...and ...I managed to make black righs immediate one way gates...

That can be reused they're white...and I managed to use my hands to generate them...


I got now a two way portals..I prepared and made some that can be used by others...painted them black...and sent a couple to Ainz and the equipment...posible research material...

I smiled and returned to the link,s ..were I met Cyn...she was resting on a pile of treasure...

I used a right and threw the gold in a room while I brought Cyn on a sleep..

I returned to the....I'm tied to.... how much time I spent on the research?...four days...

I returned as well to the dimensional room resting next to Cyn...

Pov: third dimensional self....

Ow new toys...hehe ..but ...tierd...I used to much...I came with Elanor and Cris to bed ..

Hard day's....

Next day I woke...we did our routine...

And we saw Cris grow a little few centimeters....

Not much but nice enough...

They weren't leaning towards nighter gender....that may bring odd questions hopefully not...

I heard a being sing ..I listened and heard ..

A citizen, Murder Electric swing Cyn ....

Cyn herself was

Destine to a citizen,s murder...

I was careful to not dirupt her...

I liked her voice ..

Enicent eyes glow under my skin...

I apered singing with her in a duet...she was suprised...

Want to remake J V and N?...

I asked her ..

She was worried then nodded ..

Ok...we can make then body,s then you can uplode theyr Datta...

Thank you Big brother....

No much Hussle ...waht of Tessa or Cyn ..

Theyr here ..she pointed at herself....

I'm Tessa and Cyn...Cyntessa?...

But we like the Cyn ...I didn't errase Tessa and take over the body I murged with her...I was a Cyntetic drone gaster...I was rescued and something happend I used all we could do to save Tessa...this was the result...

Monster drones?...

M.Drones made for all kind of they are all dead...due to that blasted virus...

I'm alone..I have saved N , J and V....just them before I was taken control and it threghten control with them as hostages...

I have managed to fix em up...the symbiote was great help with Tessa's body...were now a complete blend...

Understood...I said...

I came closer and patted her back...

We switched to our stronger bodies and and arrived to my lab...

We're we started by getting the material and she printed the blueprints....I suggested upgrades...she nodded...

They came out perfectly she extended the cabeling...and we saw then boot up...

I used a hand for each as a core...they can be regenerated.... repeatedly....

Cyntessa was in her mostly human form only eyes witch are drone like...

J ran and hugged her folowed by N and V....

They saw her eye's open...

We're fine..

She said...

Waht of everyone else...

We couldn't get to them in time...

Can I check...who are you talking about...

Uzi and M...

I opend the time and folowed to the moment I pulled her in...I went beyond that and found them...

M and Uzi...

I impaled theyr chests and took the cores...

And teleported them to me in the future...

I had them at hand...

Sorry I couldn't get theyr body's....

The two cores woke and sturtled...

The pupel screamed ..Bite me...

And the other one didn't move...just shaking...

I said ..

M ...


Are you brother if Alex?...


Fragment right...

How did you...

Alex!...I made a shout and he ran to us...

Yes boss...ow that's...

Another you...he was in my sister's dimensional set...

Great!...he said...

He came closer and hel his other fragment they hugged and murged ..

He took the drone form...hoho...I like this...

Alex said ..


Asked J...

Here just a little name swich I'm Alex M is what Cyn named me..

She scratched the back of her neck...

Well...uh ..I have more time to spend with the hex...J V ..want to join in being maids's nice...

J smiled and nodded...V wasn't Shure but eventually nodded as well...

N was worried for Uzi..

We started making a clone body...

She then was set in it then the solver worked to fix her up...

She hugged N...

Make Shure they don't course trubble or I'll scrap them myself...I said...

Oki dokie big brother...Cyn she had done backups....even of M...

I smiled and gave her a hug...

Now go be with them for a while ...relax I have more links to analize...

I could eat a planet...she said ..

I'll serch for one that we don't care so much for ...

Thank you big brother....

I left to the link,s...

I went through some comic book worlds and arrived at a apocalyptic world....

I looked and ..yes it's close to empty...I puked the survivers and sent them over to Underground....settle with the hands and such ..

They took spot in hotland...

I expanded the gate and called Cyn witch had managed to build her fifth dimensional self...she came shot two null orbs and enterd in the stratosphere as the tendrils spread and consumed the hole planet... It was a special....

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