Chapter 3: 003:the Entety in the servers...
After the system was fixed up I felt a call...
A need really ...I said the guys a message as I prepared to open a newly settled gateway....
I used my fifth dimension body...
I enterd and was transformed into a spy ..
I spawned in the was fine...until I felt it the players were pretending ...waiting and then they stood...
I saw them look at me ..I ran ..
Acting scared...
Untill I found them distort becoming monstrous....I couldn't hold it in...
They stoped as I burst out in a hideous inhuman laughter.....
They didn't get any close...
I was hitting the textured ground cracking and making it flake...
I whipped my tests ..
Sorry ...I just couldn't hold it any longer...You see the thing is I'm not the prey here...
They were bewildered...
I pulled out Frostmorn they were surprised....then I swong it...beheading the heavy amalgamation storing the soul ...and rendering the account void...
The thing is ..I've been hunting you ..I've isolated this server for the two of us only ..
The chaise started...
I hunted them one by one...claiming its praise....I smiled as I cut a scout can't be faster then me...hehe...
I reduced the numbers to one...the doctor...
My sword cut through the textures of the ground....
Next to it's face...
You know something....I think I'll absorb you....
I said as my hand turned crimson it impaled and pulled out the Datta was struggling then I ate it ..
I felt it struggle and then fade .. murged with my soul... involuntary assimilation obtained ....memetic agents obtained...
The server was rendered to scrap and then to nothing....
Huff...I returned to the base...on the way I consolidated the tf2 corridor....I matte be able to get things from real world to me through some way I need just a host...a player...
I took the doctors form and enterd a new lobby....I played the part and found a one rich person...I sent him a invite ..
I made him infected and he started fusing with his character ..
At complete saturation I reveled my animated self..
I talked eased and used one of my hands to posses him out there...
I sent my body back home..I sent several hands through the guy...
I opend to look at the screen...
I turned and's his room...eyes glowing red....
I checked and yes he is rich ..and not famous....
I took the sunglasses and coverd my eyes ..
I checked the internet for the relevant Datta and rapid search of powers individuals....
This guy is in marvel...
I used myself as my contract to have full access to my powers...
I Transformed and started to check the world...invisible and intangible....
I found much to be desired...
I started testing ways to transport goods I used my tenth body as a recipient and prayer away some materials and sweets...
He was sleeping...
Then I stumbled in on Dr. Strange ..he was...following me .
I had alwredy made a couple more possessions ....I'm not getting expelled so easily....
I landed on a room eyes and mouth closed it looked as if I was face less only three lines making it as if I wore a mask...
Reveal yourself trespasser!...he demanded ...
My form became visible...
Identify yourself and your purpose...
I'm Dr.Blood and I'm testing...
Release the kid ..we may talk after ..
I'm actually sorry but I can't he,s my as if not unwilling host ..he is fine....
Horse shit!..
He was angry....
I don't see you release you link to life so don't judge so harshly....
He was about to shout ...but then he felt something grab his heart...
Ok then...I'll release him...but you will be my new able to use magic...hehe...
He saw me faze through and enter his body...
He tried to rezist...
He was bound with black chains in his mind scape...
I sent the kid back in his room...
He was sleeping...
I smiled....then using the portal ring I made a way to his sanctum spectrum....
Strange you returned quite fast...
Mordo right...
You're not strange?...
Sorry I'm another I went through the multiverse,s for assistance...I'm currently taking with this version of me...
I said...
Can you show me to the book of Grimm,s...
Shure this why....
He showed me the way. ..for a couple hours ...
I blinked ...
You're not showing me the way ...
No ..I finished making the circle you're seating in ...
He saw two disk's collapse on his strange,s form....reveling my healthy gaster form...
You're dangerous....I moved and had the hands I materialized in him grab his hart and soul...inserting control....
You're week...
Yes master...he answered....
We arrived to the locked room for the book I want...
I opend the door got the book and hands grabbed it and we're recalled...
The book of Grimm records many of the memetic codes and the way to forge them...the book itself has a memetic effect on normal people...I had the book in the hand of the tenth so he can study it and improve maybe reach the next stage ..for the elevenths wake..
I had Mordo do some shopping...while I in strange,s body started a little light work...
His experience is quite useful...done setting up some gateways ...I set a direct line form this marvel world to the anty shape void ...then when evrithing was done ...I erased the memory and set the basic memory of him wining and telling mordo to do some shopping...
For some reason...
I had now a direct connection I can survive without a host...
Plus I had to return the souls the Entety stole...
I had them take digital shape then transform In phantoms and settle them to take over theyr comatose body's in hospitals ...
They woke...
But they all have a cold feeling in theyr hands...invisible and intangible but holding thight to keep them ancored...
I now have a higher level world...
What shuld I do...
I know...
Message Ainz...
Yes Hellow what do you want Blood?..
I have a world of technology magic and super-powerd individuals are you up to conquer and drag it in my dimension's ?....
A planet worth of stuff....what's the catch?...
They have universe items...the gems of infinity and other artifacts....
We're ....he was getting exited...
All I want is something for letting you through....
Speak we can come up to a bargain....
There are heroes and you will be seen as a danger ...I want you to not mention me as I'm draining theyr resources....
I went to canada...set a portal and he started to summon the Nazarick...
It apered...
Good luck ..the ki to the portal to the anty void is in you...
Your hands...
Yes...anchor and empowerment...
I left...I have resources to plunder...
I got my hands on some materials ..and I saw it the chaos...the Ainz found of yggdrasil....and then started a systemic conquer of the nine hers as a subordinate....
I started resonating with the Ygdrasill tree...
I started to move it over... it's murged with my shape complex formed a larger more complex anchor for my realm...witch became the core...the nine realms were dragged and settled in the Anty ygdrasill shape complex void...
With nazarick controlling the nine realms we have more...
Ainz wanted to try to make more world items from the trees leaf's....nope didn't work ..not the same type of tree...
I felt it the connection the anty void is starts started condensing and slowly forming...a white disk acts as the trees's roots infiltrate space... itself as the's growing within myself it's simbiotic with me ..were murged but stay separated then I felt ...I can make a universe here in my white void ..
I don't ...I settled to have it instead reinforce the quality of this void grow it ...make it more it will take more time to do that in the future with a vast void...
This void is big...but not on that scale yet...I can see the seven planets representation on the tree nine's now part of me not a piller but a useful part ...
It answered to my request and it slowly started increasing the quality of the anty void keeping the planets to were they are ..
With the planets and the tree some infinity gems came ...I got them and threw em to Ainz...he figured they are useful...he went to search for the rest...
Eternity...death ....the Entety,s ...had split...
Forming eight avatars they settled in my Anty void...
I called on them at the roots...
They came...
You claimed that old parasite in my ankle...but with it I had to send a fragment to help with this dimension ....
You're not needed but I appreciate all of you coming...why the fuck are you here?...
They blinked...
Death said ..
I came to set a afterlife in that blade of yours....
Tribune came to say...
Rules I want i a copy of the rules to reinforce em ..
Ego ..
I snapped my finger and Ego was expelled back to rejoin his original body...
I came to do my duty as always....
There won't be so much for you to do untill I finish my Anty void can keep a eye on the realms in my dimension ...
Thank you ..
She said and left...
Next was specter...
Doing my job ...
I'm god here so you will be connected to me...
So shall it be ..he said ..
He went through a shift and looked different he left to exact my anger...
I looked at the Walther....
Don't peep on my girlfriend or I'll pluck your eyes out...
He shifted ... nervously...
Then the last Equinox....he was expelled here...
Don't do anything without my permission equinox or I'll purge you ...
He was shivering...
Fine...rules...there aren't any outside ordinary....
Here are the rules and the expected shifts in them with time ..the power sealing here in the void is off the roof and inside planets just like before ..
I will work to keep them as you requested...
I nodded ..
I brought out Frostmorn....
Death came to it and I fused her script on it ..
Souls started to flow through it then recycle ..
Good...this will work well call me if anyone tried to brake it....
I nodded she saw it vanish and cover my soul again...
She smiled ..
I was pulled to the side by Eternity....
We had a small talk and I had this avatar manage the upkeep of the tree holding my complex of shapes...simple gardener...
I felt the tree start work with the tenths system and take it's burden ...using it as a anchor to help grow ...
I wached and felt the shift was smooth ..
I feel it he is sturing .. Eleven is close ...but not there yet ..
We got updates...
I spent more time with Elanor ....she saw and noted the new entety,s and such ..
I smiled and was brought to awereness....
A cold world...
I grabbed onto it...this tunel opend for some reason....
I brought it through my heat ...restoring the world...
I felt life sings in stasis...
I felt a entety ..she felt my arivel...
She came forth and bowed requested for help she is equain in nature...a alicorn ...Luna nightmare....
I brought the planet in the Anty void ..the sun we made started heating the planet...
I moved having my many hands claim the corpses....I felt the sword shiver...many hosts flowed into it ..
With my strength I started to find a hundred of each gender of the many races ..they were well preserved in ice...had em revived the start of theyr races...then I felt the only sapient race that survived...the Changeling's....
They came to brake out of theyr silken home....
They are starving....
I opend my claws ..grabbed the queen,s...
They came up...
On my palm next to it the alicorn...
My eyes glow...
They saw the mass of corpses...
I had revived animals and plantlife...
My form titanic and red...eyes black voids and my mouth a cresen mark...
I was looking at the white alicorn corps...
I used my power and brought her out...
She took a deep breath and was week....
I looked at them...
I am the one that pulled your world...
They were still silent...
My eyes started to glow...
As the planet was unraveled to a flat surfece...I settled it to circle the world tree above the white platform....
I moved the newly rebirth tribes and the pony,s who were woken from theyr stay's...the changeling's were not set on the world...Luna and Celestia were surprised the core of the planet with the inner circle of it was condensed and then with a flicker a large orb of light was birth the seccond and third lair of the planet was turned in a moon...
I will trust you two...
And presented the two orbs...
But first I will bind you to me for power and guidance of how they shuld move...
They nodded...
I had two of my hands each hold theyr souls...
They felt a chill then started to get refreshing....
I opend my claw they noted two orbs of red...I brought them to the two orbs or red...
These are regeneration pods I will set you in them in a week you will wake fully healthy....the pony,s are safe and dormant they won't die of hunger or anything else in stasis will be active once you are ready take them and follow the rules...
They bowed and gave me theyr thanks...
I relaxed and settle em safe...
I felt Ainz call...
I left they were set in a branch...near theyr disk....
I arrived...
Blood I've prepared some goods for your use...
He said and then passed me five artifacts...
A gauntlet a spear a black sword...and a few more....
Then I felt with a ripp...the universe of marvel....the nine realms had acted as anchors and the edges were pulled back together ends folding and forming a bubble...slowly retracting...and arranging...
Distances became static...the world was being arranging and the energy was flooding in and then passing sweeping through the universe.....bound to my white void...but not inside...
I had the seven infinity stones work with the pin particles shrink the hole universe....
Stedely it grew smaller and smaller ....compact...
I settled the conversion gates and the universe was settled in the hole found in the ygdrasill...witch coverd it and slowly setting it in a self expanding on the inside barrier.....
It's safe....I opend my claw...claws...why claws ..I'm white hands turn to claws...
Why ...this isn't a monster or phantom ability....
I sent a cut...of high pressure broke off ....
Blood are you fine...
Uh...yea...I'm fine... something is happening...I need to go and sleep I haven't slept for a while...
Shure thing even I need to restore my mind through resting in bed...I don't get weekend..but my mind does get unstable ....go rest I as well need of it...
I nodded...
I came to my room Elanor resting alwredy...I came took my spot next to her...
I was stirred awake by morning..
Blood...can you wake up?...
Shure anything for you...
I smiled ...
Something happend to this...
She showed me the infant form of a half skeleton half human with Nyx body traits...
Ow...I wasn't Shure...but we're compatible...
Compatible for waht?...
Kids ....I needed to be Shure...I made a shell for you to infuse with power you took great care of it...
Yes it has a fragment of my soul your power fused with the data I left inside it...and the body was born just right....the soul hasn't diminished or get dammage...
Can it become our child?...
Wold you want it to be our child?...
I wold love to...
This will be a bit painful...for both of us...
What exactly....
I need to take a percent of your soul I'll need to bleach the one in it...then insert your fragment with a pice of my own...
That will be painful....
I can endure losing others...I can endure a little bit of pain...
I will be gentle...
I prepared and I plucked her fragment then stitches it close...
Safely ....
Uh...that sucks...not the nice kind...
It will recover over a week or so...
I'm alright....
Ok time for me...
I opened my soul and pluked the fragment I settled it next to hers as I scrubbed the soul in it...
Once it was bleached ..I settled the two start diffusing and murged....
I saw purple and red...form in their eyes...they are small...
Waht shuld we name them...
Yes they have no gender and it will take time to figure it can treat them like they have a gender they will maybe adopt and have that but it's low chance...
But the name...that must be neutral...
Alright...she hugged them....
Let's call them Cris...I said .
Theyr remind me of a character a fusion of frisk and Chara...
Her eye went wide...
Tears slowly pooling and she started crying...
What happend...
I was worried...
Nothing I just love that name...yes theyr name will be Cris if they end up as a boy then Christopher if they end up as a girl Cristine ....
That's lovely....I hugged them...
I'm really happy we met...
I said...
I'm the lucky one...
We slept the three of us...
Next day we woke...
The hex were surprised the young Cris was walking....they were jumping for uppsies at Arthur...
He smiled and lifted them...
Uncle !...
He was shocked ..
Are you Shure kiddo?..
They nodded...
You uncle me name Cris ...
Said adorable....
I opend my eye...
And came down...Elanor was still resting...
Kiddo were ...ow met uncle and extended family....
Famaly...?...the kid asked...
Yes...they are your uncle's and Auntie,s ...
They saw the kids eyes glow red and purple...
Elanor request we have the first try to become our first kid...
Theyr Cris ...I named them after Chara and Frisk they're just as adorable....
Yay....the kid said...
The small fling skull it was made out of my body ...and a soul fragment...I had it absorb her excess energy and hatch if we are compatible...if not we wold have adopted...
But lucks on our side...since we're biologically unable to do it with least she can have someone to keep compani when I need to fix things around...owning and managing a dimension is hard...
I left my third dimensional self I took over the fourth dimensional me...
I left enough of me there to not seem any difrent....and a tenth of my usual might...
I can't do it...why ..
I shuck my head...
Keep growing that way they will be safe...the only way...
The two have emerged alwredy....
Fine...that is good...they took control and management of the sun and moon....the pony,s and the rest are fine.....
The changeling's were set to the side and started a new reeducation and theyr new rules as this dimensions love I will have them act as moral support and such...spies and much more...
I opend my hand....the barrier is easy...I felt a ominous presence beyond this sole tether...
I turned and saw it the thing hit the was hungry for energy...a triangle...Tring to consume as much energy as possible to keep living....a threght...I injected a little energy...and seald the barrier back up...
As the energy enterd the bill...they went through a rapid state of mutation....
After a few moments of clawing and struggle bill was reduced to a more glitches....
I saw more bills be attracted to it glichi bills....
It grew...more and more...untill stoped I saw them leave ..
Didn't get attracted to it anymore...
I seald the gateway and grabbed it ..
Bill essence...
I felt's a sub dimension...
I decided and infused a bigger pile of hands into it...
Two hands formed...they looked as if made of gold bricks with black between them with a eye on each...
They are my new set of hands...a unique set...
I used them to crush the world line to Gravity falls world,s...
Huff...i set a primery lock on this dimension I don't need a uncontrollable bill around even worse a one forever hungry for everything....
These two dimensional hands can make matter into great efficiency....they closed together and formed a gold brick gaster blaster skull ..
I settled it in my tie... safely stored for use when needed....
I opend the next boundary watched through it and was blasted by two red beams....
I blinked the black on my face off....and used my matter eater hand and used some matter useless matter to blast the hell out of apocalypse....
I then ripped back the super heated slag of the glasses planet...darkside didn't get pulled in...
The mass of energy was condensed and split for the tree to consume ...
I set the matter eating hands safe...
I went to check the next...I was greeted by a purple pony ..I asked...
Did nightmare moon get reformed?...
Yes...why...she asked....I made way to revele her the disk around the large trunk...
They didn't I had to save em from the world freezing over...
She shiverd....she saw the hole of her planet...
I closed the portal...
I moved to the next...
I opend to see two planets colide ...I looked and with a yaink pulled some matter ....and had it be processed and sent to the tree...
Then I closed it...
Next...I opend the looking gate ..and ...a arrow hit my fourhead...
I blinked....looked up and grabbed the arrow...plucking it from my soft inside's...
I looked and they seem off...I tilted my head...
And looked inside was green arrow...
He was looking at me...he saw the cracks open ..I was gifting to my sixth dimensional the hands moved to form sholder pads with eyes...I took a large blade and my many hands started dragging me through the face in a large sound was heard...but ...the world was shaking a sound so low...that the world was shaking...
I meet superman....
Green arrow was fleeing...I saw Green marcian...I was holding the gate head tilted and looked at green arrow...then the frequency and wavelength slowed and lowered in a deeper sound..of a 19 htz ...and started to lower...I went after the arrow...Superman tried to stop me only to faze through me...and so did the marcian...
The sound setting them uncomfortable....
The arrow kept running being affected more then them...
They saw the gate helps open...they kept following me...not taking...they decided to grab arrow and fly him off...that didn't help much he was panicking even more...fear sweet tasty...I lowed the hertz to the point he saw illusions and then he felt his insides resonate....I saw him yelling and shouting....
They used the zeta beams...I was then bewildered....
They saw me look up form two disk's collapse on me...
Taking my Dr .Blood form the sholder pads moved to form my tie...
Superman was werry...
My chicks cracked...for a moment...then heald...
My hands moved and grabbed his sholder ..he couldn't budge...I had the arrow in my hand....I bent it...and set it on his it went through as he was zeta tubed out...
I had my eyes record as they saw superman teleport in with the arrow through his head ...
The panick was fun...I left...dissolving the two recording palms and sending em off...
Arriving I saw Constantine try to close the door...
I started the frequency and he ran ....he couldn't beat it as it will tear his insides ...
I enterd and zipped the rear close....
I like these deaf hands...
I arrived and saw....a demon was fighting my forces...
They saw me crack...and the demon saw the door close...
My way home....he said..
The crack spilled over and a swamp of red burst out and swalowed him up...
I set a microtest and then like a turkey I shot it through the hole to the other side ..
Then resealed it..
Few ..
I saw Arthur and Quincy they were hurt...not by much...I came and readjusted theyr injuries....
They healed I asked...
Any other outside ....
No....they asked...
Waht were you doing...
Checking and closing links's a constant thing I do so you guys don't have to deal with them...
They blinked...
Like we did before....
Yes it was a oversight... something out there sent that thing ...
I am sorry I was cot off won't happen twice...
No problem...want some help...
Yes the body I left with Elanor and Cris needs someone to keep the kid busy ..can you do that...
Amir smiled and ran off...
Arthur was worried...
Why not let us help...
You can't survive law based shit I deal with yes I'm not letting you deal with things I am awere you can't wold be crule...
Isn't it crule to just leave us here patrol...
The patrolling was just so you get used to the inhumans were going to get around so you don't freak out when you meet our more exotic it's adaptation threw exposure...
Simple and important as you're my family..
What ...why all the safety mesures?...
I won't let Elanor lose you ..I don't want her sad ..I want her happy and you all alive...I'm extending your "patrolling" to the populated zones in the first ring around the tree...
They blinked...
The turned and saw it...
How much is that...
A hole world it's now bound and it has two Alicorns as managers...tell them Blood sent you to check out the population....things are shifting ...changeling and growing...get used to the energy in the air...grow by making rounds...
They said...
I returned to the next link there are a few left...
Higher the energy quality here more other universes want a connection....
I'm filtering through them...but there are strong gates...
I saw a new one opend and spit out a creature....I flew it up...and brought it closer... said...
I tilted my head...
Alexander ....
What are you...
Are you connected to others...
N no...
This fragment of you will be shipped out if you're not going to be sinsier..
Ha it won't works I'm a paradox and ...
Not even that works in a dimension that is literely called the Anty void...I'm anty Blood meaning the previous you,s from the moment you came in here are erased...only this present you is here..
It shiverd....why....becouse I hate me aske you again...why are you here...
Grow stronger!...
Are you going to become a threght to me or my dimension?...
No I don't want to ...but I can't control everything....
Understandable but ...
I will make a contract with you...
What dose it intell..
A nonaggression pact any and all my allaies and dimension will not be a target to you and your others they will not be enemies of me and my people...
Waht do I get...
Access to a training room that has all dimensional sets...all you have to do is survive...
I agree ...
Good choice...Alex...I have Ainz and Nazarick here...Undertale little pony Au...and some Warframe 1999 my mate is Elanor and my kid is young scare em and I'll punish you....
Fine...I agree..they Transformed and took the form of a butler...
Who will I serve...
Yes I get more powerful as long I serve a master...I can slowly copy theyr capabilities... will be serving Aoi first then each other of my Hex six...don't mess with them ...
I understand....he gave a bow...
Aoi I will send a butler to you don't fuck him ..I will have him assist the Hex one by one he is a intern and a Shogoth a slime thing with maws and eyes...
She said...
I turned to the next gate...
With care I opend it hit me...
I blinked it off my face...and saw...a dragon...
I heard is it dead...
My eye twitched ....I made a spear and threw it blinding the lizerd....
As it wiggled and spasmed ...I huffed....then closed the portal completely....
Next portal opend ...
In jumped the Star San's ...
Hellow ...they waved...
Get lost I'm busy the me inside is more agreeable....
They nodded...
I opend the next...
Spikes were shot through...
I the hands grabbed em...
Eye narrowed...
A monster...
I'm the porcupine monster you sturtled me...
I will return this I sent the javalins back...impaling it...
Then snapped the door closed...
Marked as Saitama world...not to tuch...
Next...I saw a energy beam hit me...
Why is everyone attacking once theyr see a portal open...
Huff...I exhaled...and they saw me tears flowing down....
Uh...shit browskie....sorry ya startled me...said the parasitized sans...
I opend my had a now ash burger...
My eye twitched...
Fuck off shitty comic relief!...
As I set the matter eater gaster blaster to shoot and rupture this portal....ending this connection for all...
Huf...huf...fucking multicolored vomit...
I exhaled and turned to the next...I opend it and a water balloon...
I blinked the water off...
I snapped the portal close ...
I turned to the next...and opend it...
Hola amigo...
I closed this gate...
Huff... fucking monsters....
I saw a sans with a Mexican hat...
I opened the next.... outside there...
I saw a massive eye...
I blinked and closed it...
Not idea what that was...
I moved to the next and opend seeing...a cult...
We worship the one..
My eyes glowed and.....I asked...
Show me the ritual nave's!...
They stutterd and showed me the book..
I looked and wread...uhu...fine...
Yup...I can give power I want sacrifice... chocolate and other tasty stuff I don't care of the calory or toxin' it...
Fine I threw the book with the new modifications....a automatic ritual system...