Kenif  has been running for two days, about now and he could see his destination in the distance. But  before he could reach there he collapsed and passed out,  from exhaustion his body was smoking. When he awoke he found himself in a  bed so he tried to get up. Whoa there take it easy, a young woman in a white cloak said as she rush to approached his bedside. Where am i? Who are you? what is this place How long have i been a sleep?    .kenif asked. The young woman just smiled at him., aren't you a feisty one, so many questions all at once. but to answer your questions, you are in the  medical bay of the  Military of magic ,  my name is joss roaing, and i am a magic physician. Three days ago, you were found unconscious, by and outpost and was transported here. I am also the one that saved your life. She said blushing . I been in a coma for three days, i need to speak to who ever is in charge as soon as possible. Kenif said  with urgency.  Joss then slapped kenif on top his head. Have you no shame you almost died, do you even know why you collapsed, it's because you over exerted yourself. Using magic excelaration to run is fine, but you over did it, by  wearing that heavy armour. Now i think a thank you is in order. Joss said  with a pout. Kenif was Stunned in to silence. Alright that's enough Joss i will take it from here. A middle aged man wearing a red cloak said. So  Joss just walked a way pouting and blushing. Sorry about her, she is just a little overzealous. Permit me to introduce myself, i am known as the high enforcer bloodlun.  Now then,  tell me what is a Golden knight from grasslands, doing here. He said with a cold tone of voice as he, stared at kenif with his dark red eyes. Kenif got off the bed and explained the entire situation to bloodlun. He told him what Dragon eye had done, and what he is up to.Hmph. I never thought that little dragon eye, would ever have been so bowled as to challenge the authority of high house, and that will be his downfall . Bloodlun Said with a sinister smile. A chill ran up kenif spine as bloodlun spoke. Can you take me to the council now. Kenif asked. Sorry but i cannot, they are currently in seclusion, i don't know when they will be back, but my guess is that it will take

Twenty-one days for them to return. However you are in luck, i am the one that They left in charged. So i maybe able to  assist  you, but unfortunately.I can only spear one enforcer and (one healer for now, so when the council return. I shall speak to them on your behalf. Bloodlun Said .Thank you so much sir, Grasslands will owe you a debt of gratitude. Kenif said. Yeah yeah, Don't stand on ceremony, put your clothes on and go to the gate. I will have the one's that will be a companying you,  meet you there. Bloodlun said as he turned and walked away. kenif then looked down and noticed he was naked he was flabbergasted so he quickly put on his clothes and armor and rushed to the gate. Shortly after two more people Arrived. Greetings kenif it's been a long time hasn't it.  A young man wearing a Dark blue cloak said his name was Simon goodheart. Kenif just  looked at him then realized they met twelve years ago when he first came to high house. Simon it's you long time no see. The two friends shook hands. Excuse me I'm here as well, the young lady in white said she was joss. By the way kenif do you have something to say to me?she asked.  Yes i  do actually, i wanted to thank you for saving my life, and to also Apologize that you had to see  me naked. Kenif Said with a helpless look on his face. What...Why , fine let's stop wasting time,and  leave already. She said with her face blushing bright red. So how are we getting to grasslands since we can't run there.Kenif asked. Were going to fly there of course. Running will  take two days, hores back will take threedays, but if we fly it will take one day. Simon said (then he bused a dab). But i cannot fly . Kenif said helplessly.  Well of course you can't, idiot, your just human that's why , we have griffins to ride. Joss said rolling her eyes then she pulled a whistle from a round her neck and blew it . After that three  Griffins appeared, so they quickly mounted the beast and flew away. The  high house council were watching everything  from, there window. So it would seem the fool has finally made a move, but  there is no way he  can win. They are seven of us and one of him. One of the council members said then they all started laughing.

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