Back in Grasslands,  king Kaimany was, Addressing his people. He told them, they were at the brink of war So he urge them to flee, the kingdom for safety. However the citizens of Grasslands, chose to stand there ground, and fight back, and  on that day Grasslands forces rose from (5000) TO (10000). The next day, someone Rong the bell at the gate. It was a sign for danger. Commander Malleocrotus, there is trouble at the gate three  Magical beasts with figures on there backs  were spotted flying towards us. A Knight reported. In a flash kenyo got up and ran to the gate,when he got there, the three beast had already landed, and then He saw kenif hopping off one of there backs. Among him were  two other people, so he  went up to kenif. My son you have returned. Kenyo said with a smile. Kenif just scoffed at him. Take us to the King at once. I'm  already here kenif,  i was taking a lovely stroll, and then I heard Commotion so i came here. The king  said with a grin. Your Majesty. Permit me to introduce, the enforcer Simon Goodheart and The magic physician Josss Roaing. Kenif said with a smile. I have heard these names before, Simon goodheart also known as the master of lightning and Mis Roaing the demon of healers, it is and honor to have you here. The king said then he bowed to them. Oh no your highness,  there is no need to bow to us that is unnecessary, joss said as she went to help. him up. Very well as you wish, but we shall have a grand feast in your honor. I shall have someone show you too your chambers  The king Said with a grin. Then  they all started walking towards the castle. But then kenyo called out to kenif, there is someone that i want you to meet it's important That you do. Kenyo said with a pleadingface. kenif just sighed. Who is it now old man. Come with me and find out. kenyo said with a grin. So the two of them started walking, towards A guesst house. But When they got there, kenif saw two  familiar  face'sIt was lady jamia and her bodyguard yontin. When she saw kenif entered the house, she ran and hugged him and started crying.My boy, my boy, my dear boy kenifan, it's really you isn't it. She asked. Ken if was so Stun that he was stuttering. W....wha.... What..... What's the meaning of this? My lady my name is kenif and i am not your boy i just met you five days ago.  So jamia stop crying andjust  glared at  kenyo. You bastard! you didn't tell him about me his own mother. I did what was  necessary, to protect him. Kenyo said with tears in his eyes. Can someone tell me what is going on. Kenif asked with a frustrated tone of voice. Your parents are so emotional, so  i shall be the one to explain.  The kingdom of wolfect was the home of the most powerful magic users in the five great kingdoms the wolfects, and what made, them so powerful was the ability to transform in to werewolves on the night s of a full  Moon.Yontin said. This is nothing new everyone knows this it's common knowledge. Kenif said with a snea. Yes that is true, but did you know  it was forbidden for them to have children with outsider's . If your not of a powerful family, then that child must be killed, as soon as it's born. Now let's talk about a princess, that broke those rules for her lover. At the time he was a  young man,  in the Wolfect army and he was very weak but a hard worker. I saw his determination to prove himself, and i took him under my wing, at the same time i was in charge of  training the first princess. They met and started training together and , as time passed they became close then Good Friends and finally lovers. However it was a forbidden love, so they met in secret,   then one day the princess fell ill, when the doctor examine her he found her to be with child. She begged the doctor not to tell her father, because he would have her lover killed However unbeknownst to the princesse, someone, was eavesdropping on her conversation with the doctor. They swiftly reported what they heard to the King and he was  outraged, so much so that he sent me to find out who her lover was, and i was tasked with killing him. I already knew who it was, but instead of cutting him down, i chose to  help him to escape to the elf and troll  Forest. Then i killed a bear, smeared it's blood on my sword as proof that  i slayed him.Nine Months later the child was born, and by the laws of the kingdom it should be killed. But the princess in her weaken State, ran away with her new born. I enlisted the help of the elfs and trolls to find her, but it turns out they were helping her. Then they took me to her, and i saw the look in her eyes, it was the love of a mother for her child. So in stead of separating a  mother from her child, I came up with a plan that could work ,I asked the Elf's if they knew were the child father was. They said That he was in grasslands, so i told the princess to send the child to him, so that way he would be safe. At first she was a little Reluctant but in the end she gave up her child .But before she did that, she gave him a name it was, Kenifon Wolfect. But his father changed his name to protect him, he called him kenif Malleocrotus, that way no one would be able to find him, i am sure by now you understand that child is you. Yontin said. Kenif was so Stunned that he took three steps back, then he look to his father for confirmation. With tears in his eyes kenyo spoke. Everything Sir Yontin, told you is true. So lady jamia then pulled kenif in to her arms, and they both fell to the ground and started crying, at last  A mother has been reunited with her son after twenty one years. Later that night a banquet was held, to Welcome Simon and joss to grasslands. Then King kaimany Addressed his people again. My beloved subjects , tonight we shall eat, drink and celebrate and in four day's head's we shall be at war, However we shall stand our ground.  We shall not falter in the slightest. The Enemy thinks we are weak, and intense to crush us beneath their heel. However We shall not go down easy, we shall give our enemy's  a fight they will never forget, and if we die.  Take pride knowing that you Fought Valiantly, and  For the next three day's. Everyone's shall spend time with your loved ones. I created a barrier around the kingdom to make this possible. The king Said. Every one cheered and after that night, Grasslands was peaceful for the following three days

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