Class of Bravery

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Roomates

Kasume drags her feet as she walks down the hall, shocked at what happened in the auditorium. She simply doesn't know what even occurred. While walking, she actually looks up at her 3 classmates. The white haired boy, the sunglasses boy, and… a third boy. He has silky looking brown hair, with these soulful brown eyes that look ahead. He wears a white button down shirt, and expensive jeans. His brown dress shoes are shiny, looking to be new. Kasume feels herself staring at the boy, and shakes her head, thinking 'He looks like some trust fund baby…'

She's thinking to herself as the white haired boy suddenly puts an arm around her shoulder. "Hey! The names Kazuki Kurogane, the most useful one out of he rest of these losers!" He smiles, looking cocky. The black haired boy with sunglasses pushed him off of Kasume, sighing.

"Sorry about that." He frowns. "Kazuki is the definition of eccentric." Kasume smiles, shaking her head. "No, it's fine." She says. "You're… Ren Kageyama, right?" 'Why does that name feel familiar…' She thinks to herself. The boy starts to sweat a bit, stuttering. "Well, y-yeah…. But just call me Kage! Absolutely no one calls me Ren…" He stammers, panicing a bit. Kasume stares at him. "O…Kay…" She looks back ahead. "I'm Kasume, by the way." She smiles.

Kazuki whispers to himself behind her. "Kasume… what a beautiful name. Like a flower…" He smiles to no one in particular. Kage hits him in he back of the head. "Kazuki! Put a filter on yourself!" He sighs disaprovingly, seeming to despise he white haired menace.

Kasume looks at the brown haired boy. 'That must be Hikaru…' She thinks. "So… who's he?" She asks, even though she already knows. Kage frowns. "That's Hikaru Kobayashi. Im pretty sure he's here off of recommendation… so he didn't even have to take the tests." Kasume gasps. 'Recommendation? That must mean he's amazing…' Kazuki jumps into the conversation. "He must be a psycho if he didn't even apply. They just were like 'Hey, want free tuition at this crazy school?' And he was like 'Sure, why not?' That's just-" The boy rambles for a while.

Kasume looks back at Hikaru. The boy's brown eyes seem… dead. Like the lights on, but no one's at the house. The trio continues walking with Hikaru following at the back. They reach a single room. Marked 'Class A first year dorms.' Kasume opens the door. She gasps. "It's the size of my whole house!" She exclaims, shock pouring into her eyes. Kage is shook. Hikaru has a wide grin on his face. Even Hikaru looks.

The room is technically an apartment, with a kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 2 bunk beds, 4 desks, and a large closet. In the middle space there is a large round table surrounded by several chairs. "This… is a whole house!" Kazuki says as he climbs into the top bunk on one of the beds. "I call top bunk!" Kage takes the one under him. Kasume takes the top of the other bunk bed, with Hikaru taking the bottom. "This is amazing…" Kage says

"Yeah… I still can't believe it." An unfamiliar voice chimes in. Kasume looks down. Hikaru is the one talking. Kazuki falls off of his bed. "You can talk?!" He splutters, clearly in shock. "Since when?!" Hikaru stares at him, his blank eyes confused. "I always could… I just chose not to."

"I guess…" Kasume smiles, looking up before closing her eyes. "You learn something new every day.

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