Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Day 1
Kasume drowsily rubs her eyes before slowly sitting up. In the top bunk on the other wall, Kazuki sleeps soundly, snoring. Under him, Kage is sitting up, reading a book while waiting for everyone else to get up. Under Kasume, Hikaru lie awake in bed, staring at the window. Kasume leans down, calling out to the brown haired boy. "Did you even sleep, Hikaru?" The amber eyed girl asks, seeming a bit concerned and amused at the same time. "You look almost... dead..."
Hikaru looks up at her, half asleep. "I slept..." He murmurs sleepily. "For about 3 hours..." The brown haired boy rubs his eyes tiredly, deciding to sit up finally. There is a knock on the door. Kasume gets up to open it, and the door flies open before she even touches the brass knob.
In walks an older, blonde haired boy with red eyes, and a large scar under his eye that runs across his cheek. He wordlessly marches over to the unconscious Kazuki, and drags him out of the bed. The second his head hits the floor, Kazuki jolts awake. "What the-" He yelps as the young man pinches his arm in a harsh manner, slaps his face aggressively, and practically throws him. Kazuki, as flimsy as he is, manages to squirm out of his strong grip and scampers to hide behind Hikaru. The emotionless boy simply stares blankly at his newfound opponent, feeling no fear. His soulless brown eyes stare deeply into the boys own red eyes. They just stand like that, staring at each other for several moments. The blonde boy blinks. He shudders.
"Man, this kid's scary!" He chuckles softly. "Almost scarier than..." He points at nothing, then lets his finger wander a bit. Eventually, it lands on Kasume. "Than you. What, you confused?" As he sees her puzzles face, he laughs loudly. "Don't worry! I'm just messing with your head, Chisi! But..." His voice takes a darker tone. "You are a bit of an anomaly... a paranormal sight... at least for our eyes. "
"W...what do you mean?" Kasume takes a step forward. "I want to know... why I was undecided. Why I had to choose. It's like... like she knew I would accidentally choose wrong." The boy chuckles once more. "Well... we saw you at the exams. On the final one, we checked the footage. It was interesting. It was as if... your body was faking unconsciousness. Like your body was asleep. But your mind was completely conscious. We found you interesting... and because of that, we would've passed you even if you were completely unconscious the whole five minutes. Why, you ask; because, we simply wanted to know... how would a variable such as yourself affect our little experiment?" He laughs out loud, before turning around. "Change into your uniforms; they're in the closet. Come down to the conference room, and don't be late."
Kazuki speaks up, irritated by this boy's annoying antics."But, how will we know when to be there? And where is the conference room, anyway? You're not giving us enough information! How are we supposed to-" Kage shushes him.
"How did this moron even get in...?" The raven haired boy sighs. "Answer that question, please, sir." The older boy smiles. "With pleasure, Mr. Kageyama." There is a hint of a smirk in his voice and facial expression. Kage scowls. "Don't call me that..." Kazuki gasps, and whispers to Kasume. "I've known Kage for half my life, and he's never snapped at someone like that... not ever." Kasume shrugs, retaining her silence.
"Oh, is the little prince offended? I'm sorry, your majesty-" The older boy is harshly interrupted again by Kage."I thought I told you to shut up!" There is a collective gasp between Kasume and Kazuki. The white haired boy pulls Kage back. "Woah, there, Kage! No need to snap. We get it... we get it." Kage sighs reluctantly and storms into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.
Hikaru sighs. "This... is very concerning." Kazuki steps forward, addressing the older boy. "Mind telling us who you are, Blondie?" The blonde boy smiles. "As you wish, Mr Kurogane... I am Tamaki Hanizaki. Your instructor."
Kasume speaks up, confused. "'Instructor'? But you have to only be three years older than us, at most!" Tamaki smirks knowingly. "Oh, my dear Undecided Kasume. You mustn't assume such things, it's rude. And besides, you'll learn soon enough that once you find potential, you can become the strongest or smartest person in the world at any age. Now, hurry along. Your uniforms are in the closet." These are Tamaki Hanizaki's last words as he walks out the classroom.