The club prepared and rehearsed the songs for the music festival and it was really nice to see everyone so happy. The rehearsals went on smoothly but a day to the big event, one of the boys in the club got sick. There was nobody left to take his place as all the members had their roles. I had to stand in for him since there was nobody left to do that. The guy was Clara’s support singer so that means being in front of the stage during the entire show. Honestly, it’s been really long since I performed in front of a crowd. I’ve not done that since I left my old band. I guess I had to master up enough courage to do it then. I rehearsed the songs with Clara and finally the day was here. I was really nervous as I had not performed in front of people for a long time. The preparation for the music festival was really big. They had professionals decorating the school at the break of dawn. All class and club activities were suspended for the day. Clara, Crystal and I met and were walking around the school for a while. We went to the venue of the festival and the decorations were almost done. It looked really beautiful to be honest. It reminded me of how my mom use to fix up my room whenever I made a mess of it. she always use to scream and complain but did it for me in the end. A tear dropped from my eye subconsciously. The girls saw it and asked why I was crying. I got back to reality and said something fell on my eye and began to rub it. From the looks on their faces I could see that they could tell that I’m lying but I loved their habit of not prying into people’s business. Its what made me like being around them a lot. We walked away from the place and went to the cafeteria to have something to eat. We sat at a table and honestly, I did not know what to eat. I asked Crystal to get me anything since she was the one going to make the order. I dropped my head face first on the table and Clara asked what was wrong with me. I could not tell her I did not like to sing anymore and the reason I did not like to sing anymore was also a bit stupid so I told her I’m okay. The parents and guests began to arrive for the festival and I was seeing a lot of sophisticated vehicles. A helicopter landed in the school and a really beautiful lady got out followed by a man in a really expensive suit. I said wow and Crystal said “well I guess mom and dad came after all.” Clara chuckled and they asked me to tag along to go and meet them. I really did not want to but they really wanted me to come along wit them that they began to drag my arms as they walked. I agreed to go and they let go of my arms. I was really nervous of meeting their parents because I was a bit scared, they would be a bit mean to me but they were actually really nice. Especially their father. I respectfully greeted him and he responded like he was talking to his age mate. As we stood there, we heard another helicopter coming and even from the sky I could tell who it was. I got really nervous at that moment. I wish the ground would break into two and swallow me at that moment. It was a military chopper being piloted by my dad himself. My older sister was sitting next to him and his guards who were actual solders were also with him. The entire school population was now here to see what military head was coming to the school for the festival. The solders got out first armed with their M16 rifles and stood in attention position for my father. people said it was cool but my embarrassment knew no bounds. I began to wish that I would vanish from existence. my dad was surprisingly in a general’s outfit. I guess he was promoted again. My sister saw me the moment she got out and screamed little bro waving at me. I could not help but realize all eyes were in me at that moment. She walked over followed by my dad in his black shades. My sister hugged me tight and kissed my cheeks. I stood there still like a tree as all this happened. I was staring at my dad as he approached me. He rubbed his hand through my hair making a mess of it like he always does. I hated it when he did that but what could I do. he turned and hugged the father of the twins, they shook hands and hugged again. Turns out they were class mates in both high school and college. I walked to my sister who was with two of my dad’s guards and whispered “how did you know the festival was today.” I had not told her or my dad anything so the fact that they knew the date and time of the festival was shocking to me. She said the school sent them the invitation and they also knew I was also performing. I walked away with my sister and the twins as the guards followed us. We went to sit on a bench under a tree and the twins begun to ask my sister questions. They wanted to know everything. My sister even ended up showing them baby photos of me which was annoying. The festival was beginning soon so we went to prepare. We were all provided with suits and a dress that flowered from the waist to the feet and heels for the girls. This was all provided by the school. I was really shocked but got over it in no time. The event begun and as we were backstage, Clara and I were called to come below the stage. I guess that was where we were going to enter the stage from with the help of a lift. The lights went down and the announcer made everyone know the event was starting. Everyone took their seats and my dad was in the VIP seat on top with the principal and the parents of all the members of the club. Our microphones were fixed we were both lifted up to the stage together and Clara begun to sing while we went up. I don’t really know where I mastered up the courage from but it seemed all my fears disappeared as we sang out hearts out. The rest of the members were lifted in twos on different lifts. Everyone sang their parts and the audience was shocked we did not write a new song this time. They sang along wit us when they knew the lyrics of the song and how to sing it. In the end, everyone there was really happy with what the club did this time. The applause was endless with the principle giving a standing ovation along with the senior board members of the school, teachers, parents and the students as well. The members of the club could not hide their joy as it was the first time they’ve received a standing ovation from the principle for so long. everyone praised Clara and I for the great job we did but Clara said that it was a group effort and it was only possible cause we all did it together. I smiled at her reply and we went out to meet our parents. My older sister asked, “so should I take this as you are back to singing?” I nodded my head and she hugged me really tight. For the first time I actually hugged her back and this surprised my dad and sister a lot. I hugged my dad too and we talked for a while before they returned home. The festival was finally over and I was back to the gaming world.