“So, you are to write a song not giving a message about unity but the theme is to bring different things together to be one.” I asked Clara while settling her on a seat in the music room. She nodded looking at my face with high expectations. An idea suddenly popped into my head. I knew exactly what to do. Just as I was about to spill it, I had doubts about my idea. “What do you think I should do.” I was urged to tell her my thought again but I was also feeling it would not be right. Something in me kept pushing me to tell her so I decided to tell her what I had in mind. Before I told her, I had to ask her a question first. “So normally when the club write’s a song for the festival, do all the members get to sing?” I asked raising an eyebrow. She replied as I expected. When I asked why, she said that most of the members are only good with specific genres of music so those whose genres don’t fall in the song are not to take part in the song. “Do you understand what you have to do now?” I asked her with a smile on my face. She looked back at me with a confused face. I laughed a bit and told her she has to make a song which includes all the genres of music. She finally understood what I meant but there was a problem. Even she was not the best with all genres of music. We sat there contemplating for a while and she broke the silence by asking me to write the song. I told her I may be able to but I am not going to be able to do it. Its just that when I begin to write a song, I do not know where to end it. I will just keep writing and writing. She gave me a sad okay and turned to look at her shoe. I started hitting the drum and got carried away with it so I begun to hit it like a professional. Clara picked up an electric guitar and we started playing something together. As we played Clara came up with a crazy idea. We did not have to write a new song at all. All we had to do was make a mush up of all the genres of music. Uniting them into one single song. That was a really clever idea. I stood up and told her to let us do it. We begun to play and review songs of different genres. Picking pieces from different songs, we finally had a masterpiece. We reviewed the song ourselves and it sounded great to me. The only thing was that we have the other club members to accept the new changes made. The change of not writing a new song for this year’s music festival. We had some time left before club activities were officially over so I sat behind the piano and begun to play. I begun to splay more aggressively. I really needed to pour out all the bottled-up anger in my heart. When I was done, Clara asked if I was fine and I replied okay. I did not want to share why I did that with her. At least not at the moment. She also understood not to push it. So, we finally went out of the music room and met Mike on our way back. He was the leader of the Call of Duty gaming club. I heard their club had a lot of violence but it wasn’t my place to comment about. He walked beside Clara and for some reason, she held my shirt as we walked. She also did not talk all the way back to class. I wondered why she always got like that when she see’s Mike. I decided to stop thinking about it and mind my own business as usual. As the day’s activities were almost over, the head of the music club announced that all club members were to meet him after class. He also added that all are to come and it was compulsory. I wondered what he wanted to say though. Normally I would not mind getting kicked out of the music club but my curiosity got the best of me. After class, I went with Clara to the music club and we were a bit late because our Social Studies teacher was so consumed by the lesson that he did not realize his time was up. He dismissed the class immediately he realized but it was already overtime. When we got there, the head of the club had already told them about the changes made for the upcoming music festival. He had done the most difficult part of the job which was to get the club members to accept the changes made. He smiled at the two of us when we got there and gave the floor to Clara to address the members. He came to stand next to me an gave me a tap on the shoulder mummering a good job then left the place. I was glad he liked the idea of making a mush up instead of a new song and was also glad he managed to get the rest of the club members to agree and accept the new changes in the club.