The school’s music festival was almost here and all pressure was on the music club. Clara was in a lot of hot water since they were way behind schedule. The club usually had to write and sing a new song at every music festival. It was like a tradition of the school. I could not help but peep into her eyes when ever we talk. The special thing about Clara’s eyes was that her pupils changed color. She refused to tell me why so I did not push it. One day after school, Crystal asked me to help Clara with the music festival. I wondered why she would ask me to do that but then all she said was that her pupils are blue. I asked what she meant by that and she explained. “Clara’s pupils don’t just change colors. They change according to her emotions. If they are blue, it means she is distressed, desperate for help but I know she will never ask me. Even if she did, I won’t be able to help her cause music is not my thing.” I understood what she wanted me to do and so I told her not to worry. I was already part of the music club but I’ve never been to any of our meetings or rehearsals. Before I left, I asked what it meant when Clara’s pupils are green and red then Crystal replied that green was for shy and red meant she was happy. Now that was kind of weird cause whenever I was with Clara, her pupils were mostly green but sometimes red. Instead of the gaming club I began to visit the music club during club sessions from that day. Turns out Clara has been tasked with writing the festival’s songs. She was far behind schedule and I heard the club patron tell her time was running out as I passed by his office to get to the music room. Everyone was shocked to see me there and I could not help but notice how some of them looked at me weirdly. I made my way to sit behind the set of drums in the room and waited for her to arrive. As I waited, I heard to ladies happily discussing and celebrating how they’ve shifted all the hard work to Clara. I wanted to angrily call them out but I swallowed my anger and waited patiently for Clara to arrive. Finally, she did and they all turned their attention to her. They asked if the songs were ready and she replied negatively. Everyone reacted with disappointment and they all begun to leave. Turns out they had to rehears the song and that was the only agenda for the day but since the song was not ready, everyone left the music room. She had still not realized me sitting behind the drums as it was not easy to see if anyone was there due to its location. When everyone left, I saw how she slowly bust into tears and sat on the floor of the music room. She did not even realize when I approached her and was a little shaken when I touched her shoulder. When she realized it was me, she was a bit surprised to realize it was me but at the same time, was happy that it was me. She tearfully asked what I was doing there in the music room and I replied that I’m also a member of the music club. I helped her up to her feet and she hugged me and cried on my shoulders. I left her to poor it all out on me and I was happy she found that kind of comfort in me. I helped her sit after a while and she was now ready to talk. I asked her to tell me her problem and she said she just could not write the song. I was really shocked but she explained that it would be easy for her to write any song but during the music festival, the song had to go with the theme of the festival and in this year’s festival, the theme was about uniting different things to be one. I told her not to worry and that I’ll help her with it. She was so happy and I could see her pupils change to my favorite color, red. She hugged me out of joy and I don’t really know how to say it but deep within me, something wished she will keep hugging me like that forever. I realized the club patron looking at the two of us from the other side through the window and he had a smile on his face. He nodded his head when he realized I’ve seen him then he walked away. I did not really care whether that was an evil smile or a friendly smile but all I knew at that moment was that I was going to help my friend write the best song to have ever been sang at the school’s music festival.

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