As I played one day, I received a phone call from my sister who barely called me to ask me to meet her outside the house. I went out to meet her in her car waiting for me. She asked me to get in and I did so without question. As she drove I realized we are headed to the port and that could only mean one thing. Dad is back from the sea. My dad is a navy captain and is barely home and since our mom passed away, he comes home like once a year. My dad and I were not really close. Our relationship was more line enemies. We barely talked to each other. My sister served as the bridge between the two of us. I stayed numb in the car as my sister went to hug him. I folded my arms at the back seat and begun to watch tiktok videos on our way home. When we arrived, I walked straight to my room in order to avoid eye contact with him. My sister took a leave from the hospital to spend time with her family. I spent my time in my room like usual until my sister walked in and told me our dad wanted to speak with me. I walked out to see him sitting on the sofa and I sat on the one opposite to him. He told me about an upcoming exam and asked me to take part in it. I said okay and left without listening to any details. I went to my room and begun to play free fire as usual. The day of the examination came and I went to take it with 499 others. I was not expecting it to be so easy but when we were done, a lot of the candidates were complaining that it was too difficult. I understood them because I am extremely intelligent academically. Sometimes I feel like I’m smarter than Einstein himself. I walked home with my hands in my pocket and off to my room. A week later, the results were out and I was the top candidate among the rest. Coming in first place with a perfect score of 100. My dad was really happy with my score that he hugged me out of excitement. I really was happy that day as it was the first time he had ever hugged me in a long time. The next week, I received a letter from the organizers of the examination saying I’ve won a full scholarship to study at the prestigious Bright Academy. Students of this school always graduate to become great people in the country. I did not want to accept it but I wanted to make my dad happy so I decided to accept the scholarship. I was a little sad cause it was a boarding school and I could not take my phone with me meaning I could not game like usual. As my day of reporting got closer, my dad and sister got me everything I needed to go to school. And honestly I was kind of happy. I played a last game with my friends and told the goodbye. It was a sad game even though we won all our matches. We promised to play again when I returned from school. It was a really sad game day for me but I know it was for the greater good.

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