My dad had to attend a meeting so my sister was tasked with dropping me to the school and complete my registration. Bright academy was a school dominated by the rich in society. My family is extremely rich as well and my sister was an old student of the school and also the head of the student council during her time. It was pretty annoying because everyone expected me to be like her. The school concentrated not only on academics but also development of the students talents. Due to this, many clubs were formed in the school to help develop the talents if the students in the school. The school even had a video games club and this club was divided into groups of the various famous video games in the world. It had the call of duty squad, free fire, PUBG and call of duty warzone. Obviously I joined the free fire squad and regretted my decision later. This school was running the broken twins guild which was the guild I’ve been fighting since I began to play the game. I could not reveal that I’m the sniper giving them a hard time all this while so I decided to play the role of a new player. I created a new account with the name BT assassin with the BT standing for broken twin. I was introduced to their captain and president named Christabel but they all called her crystal. She was to teach me how to play the game and she looked really strict but whatever she was no match for me anyway. This girl had a lot of ego to begin with and since my first time meeting with her I was planning to stay away from her but I was really attracted to her. On my first day of class, I bumped into crystal in the hall way and apologized immediately but she seemed oddly nice. She run off without saying a word and dropped her pen on the way so I picked it up to hand it over to her in class since we were in the same class anyway. I walked straight to her in the class to hand her pen over to her but she said it did not belong to her. I told her she dropped it when she bumped into me this morning then she laughed and took my hand walking me to the corner of the class to the desk of a sleeping girl. I wondered who falls asleep in class early in the morning then crystal tapped her table making her raise her head from the table. I was shocked to find out she had a twin sister who was introduced to me as Clara. The teacher walked in and asked all the students to take their seat and the only empty seat in the class was the one next to Clara so I sat there. After two hours of studying physics, the class was finally over. It was finally time for breakfast and all the students walked out of the class. I was still seated in my seat when Crystal offered to show me around the school as I did not even know where the cafeteria was located. I invited Clara to join us but she refused to come she just told her what she wanted for breakfast and Crystal said okay and we walked out of the class together. She showed me all around the school and I finally got why this school was on top of all schools in the country it had all the necessary facilities well equipped and maintained. From Crystal I found out that Clara has a really shy personality and is part of the music club.

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