Crossroads of Fate (Naruto x HunterxHunter crossover) (Sakura centric)

Chapter 17: A new power known as Nen

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When Sakura, Gon, and Killua arrived at Wing's residence for the second time, they were once again greeted by the whiteboard that had become a symbol of their journey into the mysteries of Nen. Wing began another explanation, this time delving into the true nature of Nen, the power they would need if they wanted to fight on the 200th floor and survive.

He started with a captivating demonstration, plucking a bouquet from a nearby vase and tossing the stems at a clock's glass face. The stems pierced the glass effortlessly, letting water spill out.

"This is Nen," Wing declared to the awestruck teens. "Nen refers to the ability to manipulate your aura, also known as life energy. It is something everyone possesses, but in most cases, it is discharged."

Sakura couldn't help but draw a connection to her own world. 'So it's different from chakra,' she thought. Hisoka's mysterious abilities had always intrigued her. How did he turn simple playing cards into deadly weapons, and why was he so resilient against her chakra attacks?

Wing continued his explanation. "The ability to build up a shroud of life energy is known as Ten. With Ten, you can make your body harder and considerably slow the effects of aging. Then comes Zetsu, which nullifies your aura. It is effective for concealing your presence and recovering from fatigue. Lastly, there's Ren, a technique to create an especially strong aura."

As Wing stood before them, his aura emanating, they could feel it. It was like the air around them had changed, subtle but clear, like rolling waves.

"Can you feel that?" Wing asked.

"I can feel the pressure," Killua noted.

Sakura added, "It's similar to what I've felt when fighting Hisoka, but it's much more... passive."

Gon chimed in, "It doesn't feel dangerous."

Wing explained, "That's because I have no hostile intent."

Wing was genuinely impressed that Sakura, Gon, and Killua could sense his Ren. Normally, a non-Nen user wouldn't be able to sense Ren unless it was laced with emotions like bloodlust or malicious intent. He suspected that their unique upbringing and natural potential played a significant role. This display, however, made Wing hesitant about teaching them Nen. Once taught, it couldn't be unlearned.

Wing was also curious about Sakura. When he saw her first match, he wondered if she might be a Nen user, but Nen users could easily detect each other unless they used Zetsu to mask their aura. He had a nagging feeling that Sakura possessed a different kind of power, but he knew it wasn't the right time to confront her about it. Their primary objective was to learn Ten before midnight, which was rapidly approaching.

"Aura is an energy that comes from within humans," Wing continued. "This makes it effective against other humans. If you attack a helpless person with ill intent, you can use aura to kill."

Wing's statement struck a chord with them, especially Sakura. It brought into sharp focus what might have happened if they had continued to confront Hisoka's Nen without understanding it.

Wing shifted his focus to their training. "There is only one thing that can protect you from someone who uses Nen. You must also learn to use Nen. You must use Ten for defense."

Ten was the key to blocking another person's aura with one's own. Wing walked over to the wall to demonstrate further.

"If not," Wing released his aura, gently pressing his palm against the wall, which instantly cracked. Sakura, Gon, and Killua watched in amazement as the wall succumbed to the pressure. "Your body will be crushed."

Wing continued to educate them about Nen, explaining that while Nen existed within every person, very few could use it. Those who could be considered geniuses, prodigies, mystics, or superhumans.

This revelation brought relief to Sakura. She had been wondering if she could use Nen or if it was exclusive to this world, similar to chakra.

Wing raised two fingers. "There are two ways to awaken this power: the deliberate way and the aggressive way. Zushi underwent the deliberate method." He nodded toward his student. "He was a quick learner and trained hard. He was able to master Ten in a very short time, about six months."

Killua couldn't hide his surprise. "That's too long! We need to learn Ten and pass Hisoka's barrier by midnight."

Sakura was quick to realize where this was heading, Wing had mentioned the deliberate method but when Killua questioned whether or not they were going to be able to return to the 200th floor and pass Hisoka, Wing had said it was dependent on them.

"What about the other method? The aggressive one?" Sakura asked, "Would we be able to pass Hisoka if we use that method?"

"It depends on you," Wing repeated, "Can you learn to hold your aura within your body before time runs out?"

Holding out his hand towards the three, Wing said, "I will now direct my aura at you. This is known as Hatsu, which I demonstrated earlier,"

Wing assured them then that he would restrain himself as he had no intention of harming them. The same couldn't be said for Hisoka's intent. But he still had a warning for them.

"This way is perilous. I will attempt to shock you to awakening. Giving your sleeping body a jolt so you can learn Ten more easily. The reason I say your body sleeps is because your body's openings or micropyles, are closed, meaning that your aura flow is stunted. Therefore I will send my aura into your bodies to open your micropyles."

The way Wing explained micropyles, made Sakura think about the chakra system. There were points in that system that when hit with precision could either increase or decrease the flow of chakra through the body, but those points were as small as needles and precision wasn't' a possibility unless you could see through a person and there was only a handful of ninja who could do that. There was even a limit to how much chakra could be released due to the tenketsu or eight gates that restricted the flow, which sounded similar to Wing's explanation of aura and its steady flow from the body. Yet she knew that Nen was something different to chakra. Though she was yet to completely understand the entire manner of it.

Wing sighed, "Under normal circumstances, you would spend time meditating and discovering your aura's, while slowly opening those apertures. Even a natural talent like Zushi requires three months. However, you three could have done it in a week or less. Which is why I find it unfortunate that we have such little time to work with," The certainty Wing spoke with made it easy for the three friends to believe the unbelievable. However, they knew there wasn't much time to dwell on this either.

"I don't get it, but I say faster is better," Killua stated throwing his hands behind his head.

"It's more convenient at least," Sakura shrugged.

"This is a highly unorthodox method, from which you could even die if the person using this method were weak or evil." Wing warned. There was no intention to scare the three, but he needed to ensure that they completely understood what was at risk for taking these measures. He was a Nen master, and that was exactly why he needed to give them a proper explanation of Nen.

"But you're not weak or evil," Gon pointed out.

Wing sighed again, resting his hand on the side of his head. Killua then asked why he suddenly decided to teach them the true four major principles of Nen. The answer didn't have anything personal to do with the three, rather it was that at this point Wing didn't see that he had much of a choice. As Gon, Killua, and Sakura had made it to the 200 floor so quickly and Nen was going to be a necessity.

"On the 200th floor, everyone knows how to manipulate Nen. And they have a special greeting for any newcomer ignorant of Nen. A nen attack." Wing said, "In other words, they do what I am about to do but without restraint. They don't care if people die and those who survive are only allowed to pass, but there is a steep price. That's why I wanted you to be prepared,"

Sakura clenched her fists at her sides, she was relieved that Wing had stepped in before she or any of her friends attempted to make it passed Hisoka in their state. But she was certain of one thing now, she was ready to learn this power as were Gon and Killua. Wing believed that and said so strongly before ordering the three to remove their belongings and shirts so that they could start with the Nen initiation.

Sakura stood in front of Gon and Killua, her hands resting on her waist. Wing stood behind Gon and Killua, his palms resting at their back but more than an inch away from touching them.

She watched Gon and Killua's reactions carefully, they seemed slightly stunned, but unharmed.

"Now Sakura, I need you to step forward immediately after Gon and Killua. I should teach you all at the same time,"

Sakura nodded, waiting patiently. She couldn't help thinking that this would have worked better had it only been Gon and Killua, as it was meant to be. But she was here as well. Entering a story-no a world she wasn't meant to be in. With the way things have been going, she wasn't tempted to read the book either, rather she was enjoying these turn of events that were unexpected to her as they were to her friend's.

Sakura frowned when she felt a slight jolt, and looking back at Gon and Killua it seemed they were feeling more than that as they gave out startled cries. Wing had pulled back his hands and Killua and Gon were staring with their jaws wide at their hands.

"What's wrong?" Sakura asked.

"Can't you see it?" Gon asked, holding out his hands. "It's like steam's coming off our bodies,"

"I can't see anything,"

"Sakura," Wing called, "Hurry, I need to open your micropyles."

Sakura nodded, running over to Wing. She turned around, and Wing then placed a hand near her back. "You can't see their aura because your nodes are still closed, but this will open them, quickly."

She could feel a pressure on her back, despite that Wing hadn't made physical contact with her. Like something slimy crawling over her skin yet it wasn't. It was a different sensation from chakra, for one it was warm, not a comforting warmth, but an uncomfortable one that would eventually drive you mad.

And as that feeling grew stronger she was then also able to sense a familiarity in this. She could only think back to a time when her life was hanging by a thread after she had fought against the Akatsuki member Sasori.

A healing technique that was known to only one ninja from Suna village, Chiyo. The woman who had helped Sakura with her fight and who evidently saved her life; healing Sakura by giving her life force. And was also used in reviving the dead, but with a heavy price. Her own life.

When Sakura thought of this it was like catching a taste of sweetness or bitterness on your tongue after eating something new and being able to have a nostalgic sense of it. A familiar ingredient hidden among all the different layers. 

Like Gon and Killua, Sakura gave a startled cry when the pressure suddenly increased. Pushing against her back and then spreading all over her body before it vanished.

When she opened her eyes again, she was able to see it.

The 'steam' that Gon had mentioned before was now completely visible to her. Both Killua had Gon were radiating this white mist, as was she. And it was rapid.

"That is your aura or life energy," Wing told them. "You can see it now because the micropyles in your eyes were also opened."

"Um," Sakura swallowed heavily, "Is it okay that our 'life energy' is seeping out of us like steam from a boiling kettle?"

 Killua tensed, gaping at his friend's. "Isn't this dangerous?"

"Well this is your life energy if it continues to escape you will grow tired," Wing said with a passive expression and an equally passive tone, "If you expend your aura you will collapse from fatigue,"

When the three seemed to stray in their thoughts of worry, Wing clapped his hands sharply to bring them back. "Listen! It's not that hard! You must concentrate on keeping your aura within your body. Close your eyes,"

In a row, the three did as instructed, their eyelids closed, but the sensation of their life energy seeping away was still there. They listened further to Wing's voice; telling them to take a stance that would help them concentrate. Then visualize their aura flowing through them like blood through the body. As a physical matter.

Sakura's body relaxed, her arms hung at her sides, not completely limp but without tension. The flow of aura becomes more apparent, but also more controlled by her.

From the top of their heads to their right shoulder, their hand passes through the legs to the left side and continues up.

"Now visualize that flow beginning to ebb and hovering around your body."

Wing and Zushi watched in awe, as the aura that was once flowing so rapidly became calm, like flowing water as it settled around the bodies of the three. Suiting to their stature. As a thin; near invisible outer silhouette of their bodies.

It was common that a Nen master could easily sense the potential in others, but even so, Wing was impressed with the speed in which the three teens managed to master Ten.

Both are magnificent and terrifying.

"Slowly open your eyes. How do you feel?"

Gon opened his eyes, staring at his hands. "I feel like I'm surrounded by some kind of warm mucus,"

"Yeah, it's like weightless clothes," Killua nodded.

"Mmm, a nonexistent material shielding my body," Sakura murmured. Now she could feel the stark difference between this form of life energy and her own chakra. This was slightly warmer, but it had become a comfort. While her own chakra was cool and not clear, but a fading color. It also felt more solid, like a liquid that would flow through her. This was more like having warm air wrapped around her.

 "Now hold onto those images. Once you've assimilated them, you'll be able to use Ten in your sleep."

The room became heavy again, thick with danger and hostile tension. But it was only their senses that were touched this time instead of their physical forms.

"I will now use hostile Nen against you!" Wing warned them. His aura became tinged darker, almost violet. The whole room became darker before their eyes. Yet when they considered Wing's analogy of standing naked in a blizzard they realized something-they weren't cold anymore.

"Before it would have been painful for you to stand within this. If you're able to fend off my Nen, you'll be able to break through Hisoka's barrier!"

As Wing's aura grew stronger, Gon, Killua, and Sakura prepared for the worst. It wasn't long before they were hit with a layer of hostile Nen.




'Too soon,'

Hisoka repeated the phrase, sometimes out loud and others in his thoughts. He had finished throwing his entire deck of cards for the fourth time at the wall that night to kill his boredom. While he knew that the three youngsters wouldn't be able to get passed him, it still would have kept him entertained to watch them try. It seemed that they were especially convinced that they could recklessly walk through his Nen and if they hadn't stopped, he would have initiated them. And he'd probably have a hard time trying to keep them alive.

Hisoka wasn't a patient person, but he enjoyed the agony of the wait. And he knew that once Killua, Sakura, and Gon had matured, it would prove worth it. However, that wasn't going to happen if they tried setting foot on this floor and were killed by another Nen user. He refused to hand off his prey before the time was right for him to move in and take it.

Forgetting battles and the faces of the opponents he's defeated was a habit of Hisoka's. Once a toy is broken, what's the point in keeping any trace of it? Yet he still had vivid images of his fight with Sakura, the way he was forced to draw on his power if not to simply keep himself safe from her catastrophic power. Looking at things from a physical perspective, she appeared to surpass him greatly, but in terms of combat experience, she was lacking as well as her Nen which at this point wasn't even in her arsenal. Rather, another type of power that no one else possesses. One that allowed her abilities that would be limited to a single Nen user's Hatsu. She was an especially rare find, and as his prey, he refused to let her escape or fall into the hands of others.

Until it was time for him to strike.

It was only two hours before the reappearance of the three friends; walking in a line through the hallway. Their bodies now shrouded in aura. They had learned Ten and it seemed finally knew the truth about Nen.

Now it was time to see if they could wield it.

Hisoka released his Nen once again, laced with bloodlust and hostility; then did nothing but smile as they walked through the barrier, breaking to the end of the hallway, near where he rested.

"Welcome to the 200s," he greeted. "It appears I don't have to go ahead with the initial greeting. I can guess why you've come here." Hisoka met Gon's eyes, "You intended to train before challenging me,"

"Yeah. But I didn't expect to find you here." Gon admitted. His glare was strongly fixed. "But that saves me some time,"

Chuckling Hisoka warned, "You should be careful in your overconfidence to use Ten. There is much to learn about Nen,"

To emphasize his point, Hisoka drew his two fingers together, emitting aura, shaping spades and then a skull. "To be honest, at present, I feel no urge to fight you. However, if you manage to win one match in the 200s; I'll accept your challenge."

Warily, Sakura, Gon, and Killua watched Hisoka walk away from them without another word. Albeit keeping his message in mind as they made their way to the reception for registration. Oblivious of the constant danger that dwelled on this floor other than Hisoka.




When they got to the reception counter, the women handed the three forms to fill out before asking if they would like to sign up for a match immediately. She then further explained the dynamic of the 200 floor. They would have 90 days of preparation for a match and they would be able to choose when to fight within that period. It was even optional to fight every day if they desired. Once they participated in a fight, their 90 days would begin again. And if they failed to fight within those 90 days, they would be disqualified and have their records removed.

Gon then asked if they were going to be fighting in the 200 class only then, and the receptionist confirmed that they needed ten wins to clear the floor. Unlike the other where they only needed one to move ahead. Losing 4 times before a win would result in disqualification. She then became excited when mentioning what would happen if they won ten times.


"If you win ten times on this floor, you have the chance to challenge a floor master!" The woman exclaimed. "The floor masters are the twenty-one strongest fighters here. Each claims one of the floors from 230 to 250. Do you understand? If you defeat a Floor Master you become the new master of that floor!"

When Sakura, Killua, and Gon gave little reaction to what would usually get most competitors excited, she continued. Her energy picking up.

"If you become a Floor Master, you earn the right to participate in the biennial celebration of combat, Battle Olympia!"

Again, she was met with silence and unwavering expressions mirroring a childlike demeanor when an adult was addressing a youngster who couldn't comprehend their excitement for something. Sakura herself couldn't fall into the charms of it. Wasn't like she had planned to stay around long.

"Is there anything special about the top floor?" Killua asked.

The woman pressed her hands against the class of the counter, "The champion of Battle Olympia gets to live on the top floor! It's an honor! A penthouse 1,000 meters above the ground…..Don't you get it?"

"But Killua's house is 3700 meters above the ground right?" Gon chided.

Sakura nodded, "Yeah, I was there and aside from the dark hallways it was just wow!"

The receptionist was ready to fall back in defeat but brought up another fact about Battle Olympia. "And the champion always receives a prize of….

"What do you want to do Gon?" Killua asked, now ignoring the receptionist. "Now that I know the top floor's secret, I don't care anymore."

"Yeah! I just want to fight Hisoka,"

"And I just needed money, so I'm good too," Sakura shrugged

"Why are you kids even here?" the receptionist whimpered, unable to fully comprehend them.

"You'll have to win a fight then Gon," Killua told him. "But you're going to wait a bit first,"

The smile on Gon's face told Sakura otherwise, and that made her slightly nervous. She could appreciate Gon's skills and strength, but if the opponents up here were anything like Hisoka, she would think it logical to prepare better first.

"No," Gon held his smile as he raised up his fist, clenched tightly as if holding his determination. "I'm doing this!"

"Gon," Sakura frowned, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah! I don't want to waste any time! I have to find out what kinds of opponents there are here."

Sakura sighed. Trying to sway Gon was like trying to control the direction of the wind. "At least try not to go overboard okay?"

"Don't worry!"

That only made her worry more.


The receptionist gave Gon another form to fill out to apply for a match. But when Sakura and Killua felt that their eyes were burning in the back of their heads, they quickly turned away from the receptionist's window and saw three figures standing behind them. What Sakura noticed immediately was that each person had endured grave injury resulting in permanent mutilation of some sort. Then she remembered Wing's warning about the greeting newcomers to this floor would receive those rare chosen who survived it.

"Can we help you with something?" Killua asked, but his tone of voice gestured to a different meaning than what was implied.

One of the men was in an electronic wheelchair, he had sharp purple hair parted by a metal piece in some kind of headwear he wore replied, "No not really."

"We're simply in line to register for a fight," said another man. He had slanted eyes, a pale complexion, and a face similar to a mask. He wore a long-sleeved robe, but the empty fabric on the right of his shoulder showed he was missing an arm.

The last person they couldn't even see his face because he was wearing a cloak that covered the entire upper half of his body. While the lower half was missing completely. In its stead was a metal prosthetic peg leg. To keep balance he held himself up with a wooden cane.

It didn't take long for Killua and Sakura to realize why these people were there. Having a similarity to Tonpa. Rookie-crushers as they would be named. While the situation might not have seemed ideal, it said something. That despite being Nen users; they may not be as advanced as other fighters on this floor that were of Hisoka's caliber. One comfort at least. Killua immediately called upon Gon.

"Gon, these guys want to fight on the day you do."

Only glancing back at the three, Gon returned to his form for the match. Boldly ticking the box to fight on any day instead of specifying the date before handing it back.

"I'm ready to go whenever!"

The man with the mask of a face chuckled, "The boy has plenty of spunk."

Sakura glanced at Gon and glared back at the three, 'Are things meant to go this way?'





"I can't believe that's how you could end up after going through the initiation," Sakura grimaced.

Killua nodded, walking next to Gon who was checking the room's numbers to find his own. After handing back the applications, Sakura, Gon and Killua were then given the keys to their rooms. Each was a bit of a distance from the other, but as Gon's was the closest, they were heading to his firsts.

"If we had come up here without knowing, we might have ended up like them,"

The group stopped in front of Gon's assigned room, and when he opened it the boy's short attention span drew him away from the conversation and to his new surroundings.

"This room's so big!" Gon exclaimed running around, making a turn to the first door he found which led to a spotless tiled bathroom with a huge tub. Coming out again, Gon threw his bag on what he described as the biggest bed his ever seen. Shortly after, he moved to the window with Sakura and Killua who had just given up and went along with him.

The rooms on the 200 floor solidified the world of difference between it and the others in Heaven's Arena. That included the privilege that came with it. Of course, when the television turned on with a beeping noise, they were also reminded that this wasn't as free as it would appear.

"Your battle has been set, March 11." Sakura read on the screen, her stomach churning slightly.

"That was fast," commented Killua. "I wonder if those guys had anything to do with it,"

"Likely," Sakura muttered. "Gon are you-

Sakura paused when Gon was in her sight, his frame calm and covered in a shroud of aura, eyes closed in what would appear to be tranquility but were hard concentration.

"I probably won't be able to win tomorrow," he admitted before smiling, "But that's okay. I need the experience. To find out what I can do with this power,"




The stands were packed for Gon's match. Everyone wanted to see one of the young rookies who had made it to the 200th floor almost instantly after arriving at the arena. All with different intentions of course. Sakura and Killua were among the crowd, waiting for Gon and his opponent Gido. As they would have it, Gido was the man with the cane and missing the lower half of his body.

Sakura muttered through the crowd. "I doubt Wing's going to be happy when he finds out about this match. He told us to wait at least two months so that he could teach us Nen,"

"Bet his watching right now. But this is Gon we're talking about," Killua shrugged, his arms folded. "What do you expect?"

"Sanity?" Sakura grumbled doubtfully.

Killua chuckled, "You at least warned him to be cautious and keep up his Ten at all times when you wished him luck this morning right?"

Sakura froze, "No. I thought you would tell him,"

Killua's smile dropped before he looked back to the arena, "Well-he should remember it himself. I'm sure it'll be fine,"


Now she was beginning to feel butterfly wings in her stomach.

Gon appeared from a space in the floor rising like an elevator before taking a path leading right up to the stage. His opponent Gido appeared on the opposite end of the arena and began hopping towards the stage.

When the two reached the platform, they waited for the referee to tell them to begin fighting. After some short stretches, Gon immediately activated his Ten when the referee called for the start of the match.

Gido, on the other hand, didn't move to attack, holding out his staff and swiping his hand across several tops that appeared seemingly out of nowhere, spinning on their own. The commentator exclaimed in excitement.

"There they are, Gido dancing tops! He uses numerous tops to attack his opponents!"

When the tops fell from Gido's cane and onto the stage surrounding Gon, the match began...





"Your right radius and ulna were broken. Fractured humorous. Three broken ribs. Twelve other minor fractures. Four months before you're completely healed up." Killua held a stony glare as he spoke to Gon. The dark-haired boy was sitting in bed, his arm once again bandaged and wrapped up in a cast; looking ahead at his friends who were glaring at him on the edge of the bed.

The doctor had just left them when Killua began ranting. "You moron!"

Gon stuck his tongue out, "Sorry,"

Killua leaped over to Gon's side of the bed, taking his index finger and pressing it hard against the boy's head before tapping it repeatedly. "An apology isn't going to help! Don't you have any brains in there!? Didn't you see what happened to those who suffered through the Nen initiation!? You could have ended up like them! Why do you think four-eyes was training us?"

Sakura put a hand on Killua's shoulder and attempted to placate him. "Relax. It's one thing to add insult to injury, but another to add injury to injury."

Killua glared back at her, "You haven't said anything yet! He was reckless in that fight!"


It wasn't a lie. From the stands, all Sakura and Killua had seen was Gon continuously being knocked around by Gido's tops. They were powered with Nen and therefore many times stronger than a regular top. Gido racked up points quickly against Gon who wasn't able to dodge them for a while because he found that when he attempted to sense the tops, his Ten would fade and that would leave his defense weak. The price for that discovery was having Gon knocked out of the ring before he figured out that the tops weren't being controlled to be precise with their target. That's when Gon attempted to strike Gido directly and ignore the tops, only to find that Gido could turn himself into one by spinning on his peg leg.

That's when Gon realized that between Gido's defense and the dozens of tops, he didn't have much of a choice in winning but he still wanted to prolong the match. To do this, he had switched from Ten to Zetsu. Zetsu had made him sensitive to Nen, so he could dodge the tops without having to even see where they were going or coming from, but it also left his body defenseless against them.

For a while, this method seemed to work, but Gon had made one misstep and cornered himself against the fifty spinning tops and that's when things had gone from bad to worse.

Gido won the match and Gon was sent to the emergency room for treatment.

"I'm sure Gon realizes by now how reckless he was. But we make rash decisions all the time, especially in difficult situations," Sakura pointed out, "It was just a spur-of-the-moment decision, right Gon?"

Gon attempted a reassuring smile, "Well….I had a feeling I'd be okay,"

Sakura and Killua turned back to him with a pointed expression.

"I took a few hits, but I wasn't in mortal danger as long as he missed my vital spots….." Gon stopped talking when saw the spine-chilling glare Sakura was giving him, her fingers twitching. A vein throbbing on her forehead.

"That's it I'm gonna kill him,"

Now it was Killua's turn to attempt to placate Sakura; holding her back while she attempted to jump across the bed and throttle Gon. He realized that the one who had been holding back this entire time was her.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What happened to add to injury?" Killua exclaimed, struggling to maintain his grip on the pinkette. Her body was frail, but only in appearance, more so than his own.

"I'll heal him after I kill him," Sakura deadpanned as she continued to reach out for Gon who was ready to jump off the bed and to the other side of the room, despite the condition his body was in. He just didn't think it would get any better if he stayed in bed for that moment.

"I'm sorry Sakura,"

"I don't want your apologies!"

"Calm down!" Killua exclaimed as Sakura elbowed him in the gut, still, he held on. Though It was clear in a contest of strength, he wasn't going to be able to win.

Everyone paused when the three heard a knock at the door, Killua went to open it while Sakura attempted to soothe herself and hide her previous state but still gave Gon a warning look after he sighed with relief.

Killua opened the door, "Four-eyes!"

"Wing-san," Sakura greeted wearily as the man entered and walked directly over to Gon. His head lowered and the shades of his glasses masked his expression.

'Uh oh,'

Gon looked up at Wing with an apologetic face, full of guilt for ignoring his warning. "Uh, sorry-

As soon as Gon spoke those words, Wing silenced him with his hand swiftly swiping across Gon's face. The echo of the slap made Sakura flinch.

"An apology won't help!" Wing shouted at him, "What were you thinking!? Didn't you see those who had suffered the traditional Nen greeting!? You could have ended up just like them!"

"We already told him that," Killua said, casually with his hands behind his head.

Gon's saddened expression caused Wing to sigh, it was like looking at a puppy after being yelled at for being mischievous. In this case, it wasn't too far off. Wing placed his hand on Gon's shoulder. "Honestly. I'm glad you weren't injured any worse."

Again Gon apologized, but Wing stated that he wasn't simply going to let this one slide. "Sakura-chan, Killua-kun, do you know how long it will take for Gon's injuries to heal?"

Sakura opened her mouth to respond with the doctor's honest analysis but Killua beat her, "The doctor said it will take about two months,"

Gaping in disbelief behind Wing's back, Sakura mouthed 'What the hell?'

And Killua responded with a sly cat-like grin and that's when she knew he expected her to follow along. Despite herself, Sakura decided to do just that and leave things be. If she gave Gon healing sessions every day for the next two months, it was likely he would be healed by then-perhaps even before if she put in a bit more effort.

"Yeah, that's what the doctor said,"

"In that case, I won't allow you to participate in matches for two months. I won't allow you to train in or study about, Nen," Wing instructed, holding up two fingers. "If you don't abide by these rules, I will never teach you again,"

Gon agreed to the terms without protest and Wing tied what he referred to as a 'promise thread' to Gon's left pinky finger to remind him of their promise.

"Killua-kun, Sakura-chan, a moment."




Leaving Gon to rest, Sakura and Killua followed Wing outside without question. Right outside of the entrance to Heaven's Arena, Sakura and Killua sat on a bench in front of Wing when he asked them.

"What is the true objective you three are pursuing?"

Sakura pursed her lips, looking at Killua to answer since she wasn't entirely certain how to.

"We don't have one," Killua shrugged, "Before running into you and Zushi, we were just looking to come back from being flat-broke and get some training in the process. And Gon well….he wasn't to fight a guy named Hisoka. That's about it. While the others in the 200s seem to want to reach the top floor for that Battle Olympia, though I'm not interested in that…."

Sakura shook her head when Killua gave a questioning look, "The same, I'm just tagging along with Gon and Killua anyway,"

"Well, that's us," Killua said gesturing between him and Sakura, before kicking his feet up and down, "Though Gon. He said he only wanted to fight Hisoka. But after seeing his match, I have a feeling he enjoys the thrills…."

Recollecting the match with Gido, Sakura had to agree with that feeling of Killua's. Gon hadn't been able to win but he had succeeded in agitating his opponent with his evasive skills through Zetsu. Even if it ended badly for him. Sakura could emphasize to some degree that feeling when she had fought tough opponents she always got this exciting feeling when outwitting or surprising her enemy.

"You're saying that he enjoyed a situation that could have cost him his life?"

"Yeah," Killua replied, "I get it because I've felt the same. Although I consider circumstances too,"

"But it's not like you can do that all the time; although I believe that's what adds to the thrills," Sakura chided, holding up a hand.

"So you'd jump into a fight you knew you couldn't win?"

"Sure," Sakura answered bluntly making Killua exhale deeply.

"Should've guessed that from the way you faced Hisoka before. You're kinda like Gon that way; once he's in the zone he loses sight of everything else like a reckless idiot," Killua deadpanned.

'That reminds me of someone else,' Sakura chuckled before her face fell when she realized the insult in that last statement glaring at Killua who returned with a mischievous grin.

Killua jolted suddenly, giving Wing a dry smile, "But he isn't the type to break a promise twice so don't worry."

Wing's eyebrows knitted together with anxiety and concern, Killua's reassurance having a counter effect, 'Perhaps I've made a mistake,'

Killua smirked and then, stood up. "It's too late because we already know now."

Wing stared at Killua, "If you regret teaching us, and decide to back out, well find someone else or we'll learn it ourselves."

Sakura nodded in agreement, "We're not the type to hold a grudge over something like that. Besides we've got a pretty good starting point. You don't have to feel responsible."

"My brother and Hisoka can already use Nen, so we were bound to discover it eventually,"

Wing watched Sakura and Killua turn around to head back to Heaven's Arena when he spoke. "I understand. And I intend to finish what I started." His face grew stern. "There are many things I must tell you. Zushi is waiting in my lodge. The two of you can train with him,"

One shared look and the friend turned back to Wing with a smile, "No thanks,"

"We won't leave Gon behind," Killua stated.

"Once he's recovered, we'll come back to learn Nen together," Sakura said.

Wing called out to them one more time then, "Tell Gon, I will allow him to practice the other Nen! Tell him to practice Ten daily!"

However, when Sakura and Killua returned to Gon's room to tell him this, they found the boy already sitting silently deep in meditation and joined him without another word.

 It seemed that they were going to have some uneventful two months of training together, but no one was compelled in the least to complain. When they were together, it hardly seemed like there was a reason to.




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 -NEW STORY: Kunoichi amongst Benders (Avatar x Naruto crossover) New Chapters available every update. (1, 2, 3, 4)

-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter 65, 66, 67

-Kunoich amongst heroes Spin Off: Movie Part 5 (Finished)

-Kunoichi amongst Heroes WHAT IF SPIN OFF: Dorms and Exams

-Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter 26, 27, 28

-Crossroads of Fate chapter 18, 19, 20, 21

-Through the Looking Glass chapter 22, 23, 24, 25

-(SEQUEL) Through the Spyglass chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6

-SPECIAL HALLOWEEN CHAPTER: Shinigami amongst Shinobi

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