Crossroads of Fate (Naruto x HunterxHunter crossover) (Sakura centric)

Chapter 18: of Nen and Chakra


Have you been keeping well? I hope so. Now we shall begin the end of this month with a new chapter to reward you for your efforts and hard work in the place we call reality.


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Sakura realized that she was running a bit low on supplies and decided to head out into the city to restock supplies. With the kind of people she's been meeting by far, she felt better about it, And many interested her after receiving some suggestions from Killua but after hearing the prices she decided it was better to make them from scratch.

She was also in need of some new clothes.

Sakura grinned as she carried bags smelling strongly of herbs and oils. She wouldn't call herself an eccentric when it came to her spending habits but suppose that was due to the fact she didn't have nearly this much to spend before. 

'I should probably head back soon….' Sakura cut her thoughts short when she gazed into the display window of a pastry shop.

The smell of cream, sugar, and chocolate hitting her nose made her mouth water as she drew closer, crossing the street. 'I'm sure another half hour won't matter, especially if I bring back something,'




Sakura walked out carrying just the right amount to earn her stares from people she passed down the street. However just as she was certain that the bakery was going to be her last stop, another display window wrapped her attention in a net and pulled her in. Weapons daggling still in the window, ranging from kunai and shuriken. As well as other metal trinkets. A rather queer combination of merchandise but still, Sakura was intrigued enough to go in.

The store was a bit stuffy, almost cramped, with a wooden floor that traditionally bent every time someone would step on it but there was complete silence as Sakura stepped along the wood that the man at the counter had to take a second glance to make sure someone had entered. The walls were lined with clear display cases of the different metal objects. Weapons were safely displayed on the walls. The rows of display cases arranged trinkets and accessories, but none of the typical range that you would often find anyone wearing.

'These aren't bad,' Sakura thought as she tapped the tip of the kunai on display, almost drawing blood. She had looked around for a store that sold weapons at the start of her shopping trip but eventually gave up, after receiving triggered expressions from the strangers she had asked. Unlike her generic weapons, these came with peculiar but beautiful patterns linking either the hilts or the metal itself. And they seemed to range from the same work.

Exploring the store further, having examined all of the tools she would use as a ninja, Sakura's attention averted to the other metal works in the store. She hadn't ever been the type to wear accessories, like her long hair, she thought it a hindrance to her body and her activity as a ninja. But that didn't mean she couldn't appreciate the aesthetics, and these were especially capturing to the eye.

Primarily there were metal items, pendants, rings, bracelets, and more.

While most pieces were wonderful to admire, Sakura wasn't struck with the urge to take anything out of the case, until she was nearly in the center of the room. There was something neatly set on display, but these accessories had engraved letters, forming a sentence. A small plaque on each case displayed the words that were cleverly placed on the different metal works. 

Sakura' held her gaze longer than she could place before she straightened herself, went back to gather the weapons she wanted, paid, and exited the store.

Her heart was a little heavy.




"You're late,"

Killua glared at the pinkette who was standing at the door to Gon's room, she was holding a box with a pink ribbon on top and Killua was getting a faint scent of something sweet but he surpassed the urge to take a look. Having resolved he would first chastise Sakura who was not one-not two, but three hours later for their training and Gon's healing session-not that the boy needed it anymore.

Sticking her tongue out, Sakura gave a hearty laugh, holding the box towards Killua waiting for him to open the door completely for her. "Sorry, I got a little sidetracked,"

Killua huffed, "For three hours?"

She had returned to Heaven's Arena an hour ago. She just didn't want to leave her room for a while.

"I brought sweets,"

Killua glanced at the box, seemingly distracted for a few seconds before exhaling heavily and turning his head, a small blush on his face knowing he was caught like a child taking a bribe.

He took the box, "Better be chocolate in here,"

Sakura grinned without laughing as Killua finally opened the door completely, but she stilled upon entering when she saw Gon doing a one-hand stand on the arm that was supposed to be severely injured. Holding his weight with ease, as if holding up nothing more than a feather.

"Hey, Sakura!"

"Gon, looking good,"

Killua mumbled, his mouth stuffed with a chocolate éclair. "I can't believe you healed this idiot in less than a month. It was supposed to take four,"

Sakura crouched down in front of Gon who was still holding himself upside-down. "Gon are you sure there's not any pain in your arms, ribs, or anywhere else?"

Gon's smile widened, "Nope, I'm a hundred percent healed and it's all thanks to you,"

"Gon, my ability isn't some kind of magic, I can't instantly heal broken bones- well not yet anyway," Sakura stated, standing up again, rubbing the back of her head. "Seriously, what are you made of?"

"I asked him the same thing when I came in," Killua chided, digging through the box for more sweets. "Three weeks to heal a four-month injury is far from natural. He's gotta be some kind of mutant right?"

Puffing his cheeks, Gon glared at Killua. "I don't want to hear that from you Killua."

Killua narrowed his eyes, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Alright you guys," Sakura snickered, slapping her hands on Gon's shoulders. "With you healed like this, you can go back to training,"

Gon pulled his face, holding up his hand where the promised thread resided. A constant reminder of the promise he made. "But Wing-san said I couldn't use Nen till two months were finished."

"I didn't mean studying Nen," Sakura said. "I've been thinking this for a while since you and Killua mentioned not having any discipline in martial arts. If you're going to face Hisoka or any other Nen master here, you're going to need to improve on your fundamentals."

Killua swallowed a pastry hole before he spoke, "Oh I get it. You want to help Gon with his physical training."

Sakura nodded, "We all may be starting to learn Nen, but that's not going to be the only obstacle when you face Hisoka. This isn't going to be like the Hunter exam; it's a straight-out fight and even without Nen Hisoka could beat you." Gon flinched at the reminder but didn't say anything against it. Knowing it was true. "He's a veteran of battle and I'm sure that's one gap neither of us can jump. But that doesn't mean we can't make the other gaps between us a little smaller. I've already faced Hisoka head-on."

"Yeah, and if I recall you were nearly skewered with a deck of cards; broke your arm, and limped away with a hole in your side," Killua narrowed his eyes at Sakura in a scolding manner.

"I walked away with experience," Sakura put a hand over her chest feeling her heartbeat, "But I'm beginning to see his tricks. So if I face him again, I'll do better than before,"

"Just hope that day never comes," Killua sighed, having caught the hint of eagerness in her voice. Sakura could chastise and lecture him and Gon all she wanted but Killua was beginning to realize that she wasn't the type to take her advice.

Gon then interjected, "Will you train me Sakura?"

"Of course!"

"Alright!" Gon fist pumped, "When can we start today?"

Sakura ruffled the boy's wiry hair making him squirm "Slow down, you've just recovered so for today let's just do our regular practice for Nen but first, I think we should celebrate. I got some great sweets from this pastry shop and!?" 

When Sakura looked back to Killua who was holding the pastry box, she was stunned to find that there was nothing but a few crumbles and toppings that had fallen from the treats Sakura bought. Killua's face was covered in a few crumbs.

"Oops, did you guys want some?"

"Well, I did buy them!" Sakura fumed, stomping her foot. "I can't believe you finished the whole box there were like thirty pastries in here!"

Killua held his hands up, smiling without regret, "Well you should've said something sooner,"

Folding her arms, Sakura huffed, "Luckily, I've still got some extra stashed in my room," She turned around again to Gon, "Come on Gon, there's no way Killuas getting any after this,"

"Isn't that kinda mean Sakura?" Gon asked with a dry smile, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead.

Again Sakura exhaled heavily, "No way. That glutton just finished off the whole box I was going to share with you too. But thanks to him I didn't even get to have any! So he can just forget about having any more! The rest is just for you and me!"

"Well actually….." Gon's eyes trailed passed Sakura's shoulder and then back to her "I think that might be a problem,"

Sakura stopped, frowning, "What are you talking about Gon?"

"Um Sakura," Gon scratched his cheek, "Killua just left and he took your room key…."

Sakura felt around in her skirt pockets for her keys and realized they were gone, she didn't even feel when Killua took them. In that instant, she was running out of the room with Gon closely behind her.


To start with training, Sakura chose to take things outside so that they wouldn't be as restricted inside. As she knew she'd likely cause quite a bit of damage to the surrounding area. There was a space near Heaven's arena, cleared with grass, and a few trees, and was often cleared of people by late afternoon which was when she scheduled the sessions so that in the day, they could continue to practice their Nen.

Killua remained to the side so that he could spectate, watching Gon and Sakura face each other on opposite sides. He leaned his elbow on their tops, which Sakura insisted they remove since this was bound to get a bit rough.

"You sure you don't want to take part Killua?" Sakura called, stretching her hands up in the air and then bending down straight to touch her toes.

"Yeah, I'm good," Killua waved. He wasn't sure what kind of antics his pink-haired friend might pull if she was instructing him. "I'm not even sure Gon should be doing this. You might decide to 'accidentally' give him another four-month injury,"

Sakura clicked her tongue, "I'm not that petty,"

"The twenty bumps on my head and strawberry cream in my ears say otherwise," Killua commented back. A dull ache returned as he thought back.

There was just enough of a head start for Killua to get to Sakura's room a few seconds before Gon and Sakura did, and in that time he went to the bags to rummage through for the treats however in his haste he had failed to realize that he had grabbed the wrong bag. The instant Sakura's eyes landed on the bag, she became livid. Her anger startled him and he threw the bag, allowing all the articles to fly around the room.

On clear display for all of them. In an attempt to lighten the mood, Killua had commented on Sakura's bland choice of garments, ranging in colors like black and grey; suggesting that in the future she go for a more enticing color and perhaps a different style. It was also somewhat an opinion he couldn't help sharing.

But that just triggered Sakura; with her dignity stretched thin, she lashed out. She took what was left of those treats she had gotten and was throwing them around with great accuracy at Gon and Killua. Thankfully both boys had spent most of their lives under the glares of women who tended to be a bit irrational or erratic at times and therefore took the best course of action at that moment. Which was to apologize, take her hits, and then make a swift escape until she cooled off.

Sakura's face turned a little red, but she attempted to brush it off. "If you don't mind I'd rather not talk about it,"

"Not like it was anything we haven't seen before," Killua stated bluntly, "I mean you're in one right now,"

Sakura gritted, glaring at Killua. "Killua, if you make one more comment on my underwear, I'm going to give you injuries that'll take more than four months to heal," 

Killua held up his hands in mock surrender but remained silent. Sakura was not only quick to cry but also easy to anger, but that just encouraged Killua to tease her even more.

"So what are we going to do for this training?" asked Gon as he and Sakura finished up their warm-up exercises.

"Well…..we've got another month before we can resume Nen training. But with this extra time, we can devote it to improving your fundamentals."

Gon tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Fundamentals?"

This type of response and interaction was expected. "Your physical endurance, fighting skill, things like that," Sakura clarified before shifting her stance, her eyes narrowing, "This is how my master trained me, by constantly attacking. Okay, ready?"

Gon felt a bead of sweat form on his cheek, but otherwise nodded, "Yeah,"

Despite his sharp eyes, Gon lost sight of Sakura in an instant, barely registering the dust particles scattering the area where she once stood before a pink blur appeared and he felt a sharp jab to his stomach.

 Sakura sent him flying back into a tree, landing with a heavy thud.

Killua winced, watching Gon struggle to hold in his lunch, clutching his stomach painfully. 

"Come on, I didn't hit you hard enough to send you through that tree. Get up!" Sakura instructed. Gon managed to get back up to his feet.

Sakura came at Gon again, this time taking her time to ensure the boy could track her movements, and when she was in front of him again, went to hit him. Gon moved his head away from Sakura's fist as it came forward but gasped when he felt the sharp pain in his side. He thought his ribs had cracked again.

He skidded across the ground, feeling the grass burn his skin before he twisted his body to draw his hand down and put the break on himself. Sakura was quickly at his side, throwing another punch to the side of Gon's face which sent him into the air once more and crashing back down.

"You need to work on your reflexes," Sakura stated, "Hisoka won't keep his defenses down while you try and punch him in the face. At some point, he's going to counter in your fight and you have to be ready,"

Gon barely had a chance to wipe the dust from his eyes before Sakura was in front of him again, attacking. This time he attempted to move back instead of remaining stationary, he couldn't outrun her, but Sakura was matching his pace this time. Even so, Gon could see the difference in their abilities.

He was hardly able to keep up with her fists, moving at a rapid pace, the wind pressure was strong as well. No doubt though she was still holding back to avoid injuring him. If she could punch 120 tons of the Testing Gate, she could very likely break bones and crush internal organs.

The first and second strike was avoided, but on the third Gon was once again sent crashing into a tree. His vision was blurry from the blow.

Sakura flexed her wrist, waiting for Gon to gather himself. During her training, it had taken her quite some time to properly match Tsunade's speed and react accordingly. But her reflexes and reaction time had greatly increased during that period. Even when she was getting knocked around every day. It was an experience and visual aid that helped her the most. She was hoping that in this short amount of time, they had, Gon would at least be able to improve on his fighting abilities. Even his vision. He had to be able to fight Hisoka without resulting in anything too dangerous like going into a state of Zetsu.

"Well, that was fun to watch!"

"Ouch!" Gon threw his hands over the bump on the back of his head after Killua lightly smacked him on the back. "Killua that hurts!"

"What part of you don't?" the white-haired boy countered, grinning. Sakura had been thorough in her lesson, and the result was a battered and bruised Gon. "You spent more time on your face than your feet today,"

Gon pouted, he wasn't able to counter Sakura's attacks at all and had spent the entire time on the defensive and badly. Sakura was stronger, faster, and more experienced than himself. But Gon refused to surrender. He wanted to get stronger and he hoped that with this practice he would. 

Sakura came into the room, in an oversized shirt and shorts, her hair slightly damp with water. "Okay Gon, let's get you healed up."




Killua and Gon sat silently while Sakura healed Gon's injuries he received that day. It wasn't all that bad, there were no fractures or internal damage, but bruises were scattered all over the boy's body from his intense sparring session.

 Still, her ability left them in awe.

Killua wanted to ask about it for a while, but he didn't think it was something she would want to explain. He didn't mind explaining his techniques because it wasn't something someone could mimic without extreme training. But Sakura had shown so much reluctance in revealing her true strength, that he assumed she didn't want to talk about it. She was a ninja after all, as he had only recently discovered.

"Sakura how does your power work?" Gon asked.

Thankfully, Gon didn't often take in those kinds of considerations.

She looked at him, "What do you mean?"

"Your super strength, walking on water, on walls, your healing-

"The clones," Killua added.

Gon gave a questioning look, "Clones?"

"Yeah, she used that when she fought Hisoka-and by the way what do you mean walking on water?"

"During the Hunter exam, on Zevil Island, she was walking on the water,"

"You're kidding right?"

"No," Gon shook his head.

Holding her chin, Sakura contemplated explaining things to the boys and only opened her eyes when she made her decision.

"The source of my power is a chakra," Gon and Killua's expressions mimicked the ones they gave Zushi when he was explaining Nen to them as if they were aware of the terminology. "It allows me to use certain abilities, like walking on water, making clones, healing, and super-strength, these are called jutsu and are vital for a ninja. Chakra is the source of all this jutsu. Charka is produced within the "chakra coils" that mainly surround and connect to each chakra-producing organ, the energy circulates throughout the body in a network called the "Chakra Pathway System", which I believe is something similar to the Nen aura nodes.

 Chakra is created when physical energy and spiritual energy are molded together. These two energies become more powerful through training in physical endurance meditation and exercise of the mind. Therefore, practicing a technique repeatedly will build up experience, increasing one's spiritual energy, and thus allowing more chakra to be created the same applies to physical energy, except the ninja needs to increase their endurance instead. Do you understand?"


"That… not really" Killua commented. He barely understood half of what Sakura was saying but he perhaps got the just of it. Meanwhile, Gon looked like he was about to blow a fuse inside his head.

"Bottom line, chakra is the source of my ninja techniques and seems to have both contrasts and similarities to Nen," Sakura told them. "I think the best way to describe it would be to say that Nen and chakra are two different types of life energy that I have. Because if I overexert myself using charka like with Nen, I risk losing my life,"


Sakura ran a hand through her hair, "To be honest, chakra's a lot more complex than what I've just explained but I don't think it's necessary to go into detail since it seems to be something only I possess."

Killua nodded, "That makes sense, still it's an awesome power, considering you could use it to stay on par with Hisoka"

"Yeah! You're amazing Sakura!" Gon exclaimed making the pinkette blush bashfully.

"You guys…."




Time passed by quickly as Sakura, Gon, and Killua trained together, practicing their Ten and then having physical training with Sakura. But while the three were barred from participating in matches it didn't mean that Heaven Arena was quiet.

And Killua was the one to decipher what all the noise was about. 

"Would you stop looking at me like that? It's like you're waiting for me to catch fire," Killua glared at the kunoichi who was watching him on the other side of the table. He, Gon, and Sakura were sitting outside a café, Killua suggested they head for lunch today instead of training.

"I don't know what it is but I have this feeling you're holding out on something," Sakura said, clicking her tongue.

Killua shrunk into himself at the perceptive and accurate assumption. He scoffed, "Lucky guess,"

"Not at all, I'm just learning more about you," Sakura said smirking as she took a bite out of her food.

"Really? What is it?" Gon asked.

To start, Killua reached into his pocket and dug out three tickets to a match in Heaven's Arena

"Tickets for a match?"

"These are for Hisoka's match," Killua elaborated to Gon, whose eyes became wide with astonishment. A comedic sight when his cheeks were puffed up with food. "Since I'm on the 200th floor I got first dibs at tickets but I had to pay an arm and a leg for them,"

"Which explains why you're making us treat you to lunch,"

"This is also your information fee," Killua said sticking his tongue out for a moment before withdrawing, "I've also asked around about Hisoka. He's got a record of 8 wins and 3 losses with 6 KO's resulting in death,"

Sakura swallowed thickly, "How nice,"

"But he still lost three matches," Gon observed.

"Those were due to forfeits, he signs up for a match and then doesn't show."

That gave a frightening thought to the trio; realizing that every time Hisoka has fought thus far, he hasn't lost a single match. And those were up against other Nen users who were also strong in their own right. All this meant was that Hisoka was stronger.

Killua held up four fingers, "He's also only given up a total of four points. One knockdown and three clean hits. Word is he's as strong as a Floor Master,"

'How am I not dead?' Sakura wondered before glancing at Gon, who just admitted to being in a predicament yet despite his trembling there was an excited light in his eyes.




Hisoka's match was for that same day, so the three quickly decided to return to the arena before it started. Killua still had more information to share, this time in regards to Hisoka's opponent Kastro. This apparently wouldn't be their first encounter. As Kastro fought against Hisoka in the past, and although he lost he was the one to get that knockdown and three clean hits on Hisoka. That itself intrigued Gon and Sakura. Both having faced Hisoka, they were aware of his skills.

"You should have the chance to analyze Hisoka's fighting style," Killua said with a bit of excitement that was not overlooked. "Maybe even see him go all out,"

Without realizing her fists clenching Sakura gave a small grin, "That's something I'd like to see,"

Gon then looked worried as they stepped onto the escalator, moving to the next floor. "But what about my promise to Wing-san?"

Sakura slapped her forehead, "That's right,"

"Huh?" Killua frowned, "You'll just be viewing the match, of course, it's okay!"

"Not okay!"

Sakura, Gon, and Killua jumped as they reached the top of the escalator, only to be stopped by Wing's sudden appearance at the top; Zushi standing close behind him.

"Viewing a match counts as studying Nen,"

"W-Wing-san," Gon greeted stiffly.

"Don't scare us like that,"

Sakura pulled her face, "How'd you ever know we were here?"

Wing did a quick look over Gon and he became astonished, "Gon-kun, is your arm healed already?"

Gon lifted his arm, "Yes, it's completely healed,"

Killua then chided with a smile, "And since he's healed, he can watch the match right?'

Wing averted his gaze, "No when I said Gon-kun had to wait two months I meant two months,"

Sakura pouted; that certainly was a disappointment. If Gon couldn't view the match then it seemed wasted since he was the one who wanted to go up against Hisoka and it was likely he would have been able to learn more about his fighting style, but if that included Nen then she supposed that did count as studying.

Killua had a sullen expression on his face because of the expensive ticket money he just lost.

Wing then told Gon to take the other month to practice his Ten and recover from his injuries.

"Um, Wing-san," Sakura raised her hand a little, until he looked at her, "What about physical training? I've been helping Gon with his fighting a bit,"

"So long as he's not using Nen, that's fine but don't overdo it," Wing instructed.

"Osu!" Sakura nodded,


Wing and Zushi greeted the three briefly before leaving as quickly as they appeared.

Killua sighed, "This sucks, but I guess you'll just have to watch a recording,"

Gon nodded, "Yeah,"

Sakura patted Gon on his head, she could see that he was disappointed about not being able to view the match as it played out. "Sorry, Gon,"

He smiled, "Don't worry about it, you guys go ahead. Enjoy the match"

Killua and Sakura waited until Gon was out of sight, heading over to the elevator and likely back to his room.

Killua glared at the ticket in his hand, Sakura thought he was probably hoping it would combust and transform into the money he spent for it.

"There's no way I'm getting a refund,"





With Hisoka's match an hour away and the stadium filling up fast; Sakura and Killua were following the crowd. Getting snacks before deciding where they were going to sit. The television screens that were lined all around the arena to record the matches as they played were already on for this match and there was someone giving announcements for the match. Speaking about the history and background that the two competitors shared. Images were showing Hisoka and then Kastro.

His appearance made Killua and Sakura a bit apprehensive, they expected some kind of behemoth of a man with dull eyes lacking sense, but this man was the exact opposite. He reappeared again on screen, this time a recording rather than a picture. Sitting and being interviewed. His long, fluttery clothes hid his lean figure completely, his silver hair was long and flowing and his eyes very sharp.

"I kinda expected a gorilla," Killua admitted without guilt and that gave Sakura more confidence in admitting she shared his thoughts on the subject. Though she couldn't say she was disappointed in Kastro's appearance-if anything it was the exact opposite.

"Not bad," she complimented.

 They listened to the interview, where Kastro blatantly stated his intentions of winning his match against Hisoka, as he wouldn't fight a battle he could lose. Killua was intrigued with his confidence, and more curious for a closer examination. 

"Sakura, I'm gonna check something out quickly; I'll be back before the match starts. Save me a seat inside,"




When Sakura protested being left alone and having to play seat-keeper, the annoyed girl ended up doing exactly as Killua had instructed. For almost an entire hour she had to keep persistent individuals joining the audience from taking the spare seat. She didn't have any bag on her at present so that made things even harder.

When Killua finally arrived minutes before the match, Sakura had given him a bitter glare in greeting. "Where the heck did you go?"

Killua opened his mouth, then closed it, turning to the stage as Hisoka and Kastro entered and made their way onto the arena. They were having a short exchange of words and Killua took the chance to speak, "I went to check out Kastro, get an idea of him,"

"You did what?!"

"But he found me out; he's impressive. I'm not sure how he'll fare against Hisoka but he seems good. Not sure if I'd want to take him in a fight,"

"So while I was stuck sitting here, warding off seat-grubbers, you were chatting up Hisoka's rival?"

"Basically," Killua shrugged, wincing when the pinkette smacked him on the back of his head.

"You could've let me in on it, I wouldn't have minded talking to him too," 

Killua scoffed, "Yeah right; with that look, you had on your face he'd probably think you were a fan,"

Sakura's cheeks puffed red as she fumed, denying Killua's implications-however slightly accurate. "At least I didn't think to go and spy on the guy,"

"The weirdest thing happened," Killua said in a serious tone once again, "When I got to his room, he was sitting on the couch, then I heard a voice behind me, turned around and there he was, I looked back through the door and he's no longer sitting there."

Sakura frowned, "So, you heard his voice behind you while you were looking at him through the door?"

Killua nodded, "I'm sure of it. Though I'm not sure what kind of ability he has. He also said he sensed me when my aura vanished through Zetsu when I got on the floor. Turns out other Nen users can sense when someone hides their presence close by,"

That was certainly something noteworthy, as the three teens were still learning Nen and were barely on the basics. Every bit of information would probably count. 


The referee's call for the match had the audience turning abruptly from every other occupation to focus on the ring, including Sakura and Killua, to watch the confrontation between Hisoka and Kastro.

And they could hardly move their eyes away from the ring, especially when they were barely able to follow what was happening. Kastro landed the first strike, despite the certainty that Hisoka had dodged him. It was like an optical illusion.

Without taking his eyes off the stage, Killua leaned towards Sakura, "Did you see that?"

"I'm not sure what I just saw," Sakura said, blinking quickly.

It happened again. Kastro attacked, but Hisoka seemed to dodge and was knocked across the stage, giving a second point to Kastro. Though the distance between the stage and the stands was wide, it wasn't as if the visuals were glaring, so why did it look like she was watching Kastro turn into a cloud of mist?

The conflict continued, Hisoka going on evasive for a while until Kastro managed to get him again, kicking on the side, which Hisoka effectively blocked but then was suddenly hit from behind.

That's when Sakura began to make the connection, basing her own experience on what she was viewing during this fight. Taking what Killua told her as well.

As her conclusion drew closer, so did her hand covering her mouth. "So that's it!"

"What? What is it?"

But Sakura didn't hear him, still fixed on the stage. Hisoka got up, dusting himself off before stating what everyone has been seeing Kastro do-vanish; although soon after stating that wasn't entirely accurate. But Kastro refused to elaborate on his ability; instead resuming the fight that was seeming very one-sided. Holding out both his arms, curving his fingers that were not prepared to punch, or jab. The crowd became rowdy, calling out in excitement 'he's going to use the Tiger Bite fist!'

"Tiger bite fist?" Sakura questioned.

"That technique can split a tree in two when used by a master," Killua told her. "Meanwhile Hisoka hasn't figured out Kastro's ability and neither have we,"

"I have a theory," Sakura said turning to him.


Gasps and a chilly feeling of fear running through the audience turned the rails of their train of thought as they looked back at the stage. Kastro had struck Hisoka and the technique had severed off his right arm. Yet Hisoka remained perfectly poised as if he had been afflicted with no pain.

"Wh-What the-?" Sakura's throat went dry.

She watched as he evaded Kastro, catching his severed arm; he looked satisfied with the result and his words explained why. "Your ability is, a double."

Kastro smirked, "That's correct,"


Sakura narrowed her eyes, "I thought so," 

"Really?" Killua asked. "You already guessed it?" 

"Mm," Sakura confirmed softly, "While I was watching Kastro disappear and reappear, it reminded me of a friend who did something similar when we fought together against our teacher. When he was being attacked, he used his clone to come in from behind and strike. Assuming a Nen user could make a clone of their own, things were becoming more vivid."

Then Kastro created his double for everyone to see, gasps of stunned individuals echoed around. Amazed and confused, unable to understand the ability, and how it was possible. Right now, Sakura and Killua were just wondering how the outcome of the match was going to be affected now that Hisoka knew the trick behind Kastro's power….


Hisoka took a scarf from his pocket and covered his arm before throwing it into the air, the arm was gone and in its place, several cards fell to the ground. He then posed a question, which only made this match seem like an odd performance. He told Kastro to pick a number from one to thirteen, add four, double the result subtract six then divide by two and subtract the original number. Some people in the crowd tried doing it but they were quick to lose count of the numbers they were unable to calculate without seeing.

"One," Killua and Sakura said instantly. No matter what number they chose, that would always be the answer, but they were missing the point of this. It was strange even for Hisoka.

"I already know your answer," Hisoka said before doing something that even made Sakura cringe. With his left hand, he dug into the open flesh of his right arm and pulled out a bloody card with spades on. "The answer is one,"

Throwing the card out to Kastro who easily knocked it away, infuriated only by Hisoka's behavior and disregard he went to strike again. Moving to severe Hisoka's left arm and with easy success. And then vanished with a disorientated expression.

"So you did attack with your double. If you had attacked yourself, I was fully prepared to counter," Hisoka pulled out the right stump of his arm, only to show his arm fully intact. "With this,"

"What the hell?" Sakura and Killua mimicked.

Kastro and everyone in the audience were stunned while Hisoka had a rather smug grin on his face as he asked Kastro if he could figure out the secret behind his tricks. The taunting was starting to infuriate him to the point where his rage was clear and that's where the scales of the match were drastically shifted.

Hisoka only further edged on his opponent, stating how he would now be able to predict Kastro's movements by knowing his ability and how unfortunate it was that he would certainly meet his end very shortly.

The suggestion enraged Kastro so that he attacked without bothering to mask his double any longer, and that's when Hisoka finally decided to strike back hard. The left arm of Hisoka's that was still severed and on the ground went crashing straight into Kastro's chin as if by some invisible pull. That was just meant to stun Kastro so it didn't matter that he wasn't knocked down because seconds later cards that Hisoka had thrown on the ground were flying and then pierced through Kastro like a hot knife to butter.

No one could fully understand where that attack came from, but it was over in a second. Kastro was on the ground and Hisoka was walking away pleasantly holding his left arm under his restored right.

Killua and Sakura stared at the stage in awe and a bit of fear.

"What just happened?" Killua asked knowing he wouldn't get the answer he wanted.

"I don't know,"





If you want to get a hold of these latest chapters check out my Tumblr where you can join as a member. You can also get the update schedule to follow. As well as Fanart posts.


The new Schedule for July and August are posted on my Tumblr with an IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT.


As well as a SNEAK PEEK for My new Story Kunoichi amongst Benders (Avatarxnaruto)


MEMBERS NOW: (bmcmember)


 -NEW STORY: Kunoichi amongst Benders (Avatar x Naruto crossover) (1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6)


-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter 67, 68, 69


-Kunoich amongst heroes Spin Off: Movie Part 5 (Finished)


-Kunoichi amongst Heroes WHAT IF SPIN OFF: Dorms and Exams


-Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter 26, 27, 28, 29


-Crossroads of Fate chapter 19, 20, 21, 22


-Through the Looking Glass chapter 22, 23, 24, 25, 26


-(SEQUEL) Through the Spyglass chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6


-SPECIAL HALLOWEEN CHAPTER: Shinigami amongst Shinobi



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