Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Death Isn’t Scary—Social Death Is the Real Nightmare
The Iraca Continent is a wild melting pot where humans, elves, and demons all strut around like they own the place. Among them, humans are ruled by four empires, the mightiest being the Tanlo Empire. In its imperial city, the legendary Tanlo Royal Magic Academy stands tall, boasting Miletus—a super-magician so powerful he makes the rest of the continent look like they're playing with sparkles.
Of course, no empire is complete without a glittering noble family, and the Telemos clan is the crown jewel of Tanlo. With royal blood running thick, Trad Telemos (Elili's father) is not just a duke with a fancy fixed salary and business ventures stretching across Iraca, but also the living embodiment of noble success. His wife—a super-level magician who moonlights at the academy—adds even more star power. Their daughter, Ailili, showed off her magical talent right from birth, starting her apprenticeship at the tender age of seven and earning the title of the century's most brilliant prodigy. And naturally, with such elite genes, the Telemos household is swarmed with gorgeous and efficient servants.
Enter Yilan, the head maid of the Telemos residence—a woman whose tireless work ethic is the stuff of legend (and whose rest time is a myth). She stands at the door with a regal air, arms crossed, eyeing Master Pro with a mix of concern and disbelief. "Dear Master Pro," she chides, "it's late and there are no intruders, but you really can't keep lounging on the floor like you're auditioning for a role in 'The Sleeping Dead.'"
With all the grace of someone who's just been woken from a three-day coma, Pro clumsily pushes himself up and offers a sheepish smile. "Miss Yilan, it's late—and you definitely haven't clocked out for the night!"
Yilan returns his smile with a hint of exasperation. "Thank you for your concern, but spare me the flattery. You've been in a coma for three days! Miss Ailili is beside herself over your condition—she even had a special medical magician check you out and sent me over to keep an eye on you."
Her words hang in the air as Pro's heart does a little tap dance of panic. Just then, his stomach roars so loudly it practically shames his previous bed-bound antics. Social death, indeed. The awkward silence is broken when Yilan declares, "I'm off to prepare some food for you, Master Pro. And please, next time, try not to forage under the bed." With that, she sashays out the door, leaving Pro to contemplate wall-smacking his way to oblivion.
Pro, feeling twice as defeated as he already was, lies on the bed like a salted fish—eyes glazed over in existential defeat—until a battalion of maid-clad young women parade in, each balancing a plate of meals that would put five-course dinners to shame. Every dish is decorated with such care that it almost makes you weep—almost, if you weren't so hungry.
At last, Yilan reappears, clapping her hands with practiced precision. In unison, the maids announce, "Master Pro, please have a meal." Overwhelmed yet determined to keep up appearances, Pro limps over to the table and sits down. Starved beyond belief, he abandons any pretense of admiring the edible art before him and awkwardly tackles the unfamiliar knife and fork, stuffing bite after bite into his mouth.
It turns out that magic nourishes every living thing on Iraca—even vegetables and fruits here pack a punch that makes Earth's fare look like tasteless cardboard. And when it comes to the Tremos family's ingredients, you can bet your bottom spell that each bite sends a warm magical current rushing through Pro's body, as if his meridians were getting a cozy hug from an enchanted hot water bottle. After his final bite, he lets out a belch of pure satisfaction, leaving the maids utterly gobsmacked.
The sight of more than a dozen plates devoured by a "delicate" young man has the staff exchanging incredulous glances—Yilan included, who stands there, staring at an empty plate as if it were a vanishing act gone wrong. With the maids' monster-like eyes on him, Pro can only muster a bitter smile, wondering how he managed to turn a simple meal into a full-blown gastronomic catastrophe.
Before he can wallow further, a crisp, questioning voice cuts through the tension: "What do you plan to do in the middle of the night when you're not sleeping?"
At the doorway stands Ailili, dressed in a pink one-piece pajama set, her long golden hair cascading like spun sunlight. Still half-asleep, her rosy cheeks and fiery ruby eyes are a blend of irritation and early-morning sparkle. Her initial glare softens into fleeting joy when she spots Pro at the desk, only to vanish almost as quickly as it appeared.
Yilan, ever the diplomat, hurries in to smooth things over. "Respected Miss Ailili, I apologize for disturbing your sweet dream. Master Pro just woke up and claimed hunger, so I took the liberty of preparing a meal for him. I'm truly sorry for the intrusion." With that, Yilan bows her head and retreats.
Pro's inner voice screams, "All the blame's on me!" But he decides not to escalate the situation. Instead, he gently asks Yilan to keep his little under-bed escapade a secret from Ailili—no one needs to know he was snooping for snacks there.
With an awkward smile, Pro meets Ailili's gaze. Ignoring Yilan's murmurs, Ailili strides over and softly instructs, "You've been asleep for so long, Master Pro, you need to rest. Now that you're full, please lie down on the bed and avoid wandering around. If you need anything, just call for a maid, understood?"
Nervously, Pro nods in agreement.
Satisfied with her little lecture, Ailili departs with the maids, leaving Pro to contemplate his newfound role in this absurdly magical, socially perilous life—where even a midnight snack can lead to epic, laughable misadventures.