Dandadan : The True potentiel of Psychic powers

Chapter 3: chapter 3: Damn Sexist Alien (1)

Kenta's POV

"Uh... yeah, right away."

Akira explained the situation with his friend Hiroto.

Unfortunately, there weren't really many useful details for my ambitions.

"I see, but where's Hiroto?"

His identity as Momo's ex-boyfriend could be useful, since I plan to deal with them temporarily.

I need some information from her, like Reiko's location, a powerful Yokai, or how to use the power of words as effectively as Seiko.

I don't know why, but my power isn't as strong as Seiko's when he uses this ability.

She could send a punching bag flying with a metal bat, but I can barely damage a wall.

No matter if I imagined Saitama or Goku, my efforts were in vain.

I remained within human possible limits.

Maybe because I'm not spiritually aware?

That's the only difference between Seiko and me regarding this ability.

Of course, I tried the meditation method Seiko taught Momo, but I didn't feel anything special.

I just got a weird reputation in the park.

"Hiroto san skipped classes, he didn't feel like studying today."

"Thanks for the info, but I have one last thing to ask you."

I ordered Akira to gather all our guys.

Even though I'm strong, I'm not confident about facing these snakes with just my "low wall" level strength.

I need a bit of chaos to make the confrontation more confusing.

If I understood one thing from the Dandadan manga, it's that even ordinary people can help against the supernatural with a bit of courage.

While I was lost in my thoughts, class started and it wasn't long before the break arrived.




As I had asked, Akira had gathered all the delinquents from high school, except for the seniors in their final year.


Because I simply don't have absolute control over them.

Even though I beat them, they don't completely follow me.

After all, they still hold onto their senpai pride.

"Give me a light," I said to a guy with a shaved head.

I had the bad habit of smoking in my past life, and it followed me into this life. But this time, my health isn't threatened.

I practice Seiko Ayase's meditation method every evening in the park.

So I won't risk getting sick or having similar problems.

I also hope it's the key to his eternal youth.

Blurry. I exhale cigarette smoke while looking at the blue sky.

From the roof, I had a good view of the high school courtyard, and the cool breeze relaxed me.

"Uh... boss, why did you want us to gather?"

A redheaded delinquent approached cautiously before expressing his doubts.


Bam. I hit his head with a good old karate technique.

"Can't you see I was in a meditative trance?"

"Because of you, I lost my flow. Tss."

I couldn't help but click my tongue before throwing the rest of my cigarette.

It wasn't finished, but I was no longer in the mood.

I took a chewing gum to avoid breath problems and turned towards my group.

They're usually around twenty, but some had skipped classes today.

"I want you to watch Momo Ayase after she leaves high school."

"That's it?"


"Idiot, don't interrupt me."

After correcting this impolite one, I redirected my attention to the others.

"You must immediately call me by phone if she approaches a suspicious place, got it?"

They nodded quickly, like chickens pecking.

"Take this, something to keep you entertained today. You'll get more if I succeed in my plan."

To keep a group tight, you have to know how to juggle between the stick and the carrot.

I learned this method from my old boss, but it doesn't work with NTR protagonists H.

Those guys don't use their brain, which explains why Jean-Pierre ended up sleeping with the boss's wife.

That's why there's no one in my group hiding their eyes behind a hair fringe.

"Boss, I have a question!" Akira's voice stopped me as I was about to leave the roof.

"Yes? A problem?" I turned to him, my hand on the door handle.

"I just wanted to know..." He hesitated for a moment before finally expressing his concern.

"This girl, Momo san... Are you in love with her?"

A strange silence settled on the roof before I broke it with a tired sigh facing the stupidity of the question.

Me? In love with Momo Ayase?

What a great joke!

She's literally obsessed with another guy (actor Takamura).

If it was just a simple admiration, it would be okay, but no, she fell for Okarun partly because of his real name.

It's like falling in love with a BTS fan: if you don't live in Korea, everything's fine, but otherwise... you're just screwed.

If I really had to find an interesting girl in this universe, it would probably be Seiko or Reiko, because I'm not a pedo!!

Of course, I could wait, but that's another story.

"Next time you think something like that... I'll break your face."

I left without looking back.


Narrator's POV

[Boss, Momo-san was talking with Takamura-san in front of the high school...]

Kenta had just received Akira's report about Momo and Okarun.

According to Akira, the two had separated in front of the high school, each taking a different direction.

[Great, I'll just borrow a few things before catching up with you guys.]

After responding, Kenta locked his phone and packed his things before heading to the high school warehouse.

He wanted to take a metal bat or a crowbar as a weapon. He had no intention of underestimating these aliens.


As he was leaving the classroom corridor, he was stopped by his class representative.

She wasn't the same one who led Okarun's classroom, just a girl with a slightly above-average appearance.


Despite the rather pretty look of the representative, Kenta responded with a frown, not hiding his annoyance. He was in a hurry.

"The principal... has summoned you." she said, avoiding meeting his gaze.

'I don't like those eyes behind her glasses, they remind me of the perverts hanging around in trains', she thought while trying to remain polite and finish her last tasks to be able to go home.

'Has she finally noticed my virility?' Kenta thought, observing the representative avoiding his gaze.

'Sorry, kid, but I don't eat that kind of bread.' he mentally threw, for no one in particular.

His frown disappeared facing the hesitant reaction of the representative, but he didn't give in to her request.

"I can't meet the principal today. Tell him I have an emergency, and I'll take the punishment tomorrow."

Then, without turning back to observe the representative's reaction, he continued his path.

It didn't take long for Kenta to find where the school tools were stored, then join Akira and his gang.

"Here, you'll need this."

He threw a metal bat to Akira and his bald-headed friend.

He himself held a metal bat, to which he had attached a piece of cloth on the handle. On it, he had written in large letters: "The Strongest".

Kenta had this idea hoping to use the power of words without risking damaging his hair.

He was even dreaming of getting white hair like Gojo, if he was lucky, although this was a wishful thought on paper.

"Boss, you don't want to hurt Momo-san with this stuff?" This question was asked to Kenta by one of his subordinates while crossing a dimly lit corridor.

Momo had entered this abandoned building just a few minutes ago, according to Akira.

Kenta was relaxed, since the timing was perfect to try to kidnap a Serpo or try to save Momo.

Why these two objectives?

If Kenta managed to kidnap a Serpo, he could benefit from its knowledge and force it to help him in his attempt to open his chakras and awaken psychic powers similar to Momo's.

The other objective was simpler, but a bit dangerous due to Momo's inexperience with her psychic powers.

Kenta wanted to save Momo with Okarun's help, and ask him to perform an action similar to the Serpos to unlock his chakras and allow him to access psychic powers.

In both cases, there were risks, but it was still better than having to face Granny Turbo like Okarun.

"Idiot, I don't want to hurt her." Kenta hadn't really informed his subordinates of his plan in this place, since he considered it stupid. Who would believe him if he talked about aliens?

"I just want to help her, since I know for sure that this place is infested with perverted white-collar adults." He gave them a brief description of a Serpo disguised as a human.

'Sorry for dragging you into this weird adventure, guys, but I really need to get powers.'

Kenta apologized in his heart to his subordinates, since he had chosen for them to risk their "bananas".

"Help!!!" The panicked voice of a young girl echoed down the hallway.

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