chapter 129

Ji Hong swallowed silently. It seems that after this call, Jae Kyung seriously fell in his sister's eyes. Although, to be honest, even before that, she did not seem to find anything good in him.
"If it was just a rush, and you had serious intentions and readiness for marriage, I wouldn't mind. But this is not true. Even when he proposed, you ignored it. It turns out that you yourself subconsciously did not consider him worthy of marriage?
Ji Su calmly explained why she was against a forced marriage due to pregnancy. Ji Hong, who had been listening to her silently, removed his elbows from the table, straightened up, and answered.

- No, it's not about him. It's just that I myself was skeptical about the institution of marriage. In fact, with him... I thought that someday later we could get married.
"Oh, that's it...
Ji Su replied with a sour face. Usually, at such words of her brother, she would wave it off: "Do what you want, if you are in the mood - get married, why are you asking me?" But judging by her disgruntled face, she categorically disliked Jae-kyung. And exactly.

"Don't get married anyway.
Ji Su repeated and, without waiting for a question about the reasons, explained herself.
- Too young. Of course, there are many young people who are coping with their duties, but your boyfriend is not even studying or working now. How is he going to raise a child? Oppa, will you be the only one to support everyone? Some kind of nonsense. And in general, it is absurd that at this age he does not do anything, but thinks about marriage.

If you look at it this way, Jae Kyung really seemed like a complete goofball. Besides, Ji Su was sure that he wasn't using protection, so it wasn't surprising that she didn't like him at all. Ji Hong sincerely wanted to dispel the misunderstanding, but no matter what, he couldn't tell his younger sister about the heat, the knot, and the amount of sperm. Therefore, he decided to leave this topic and explain only the rest:
- No, he has a profession, he just does not have a permanent job.

Ji Su frowned as if she had heard nonsense.
- How is it that there is no work, but there is a profession? Is he a freelancer or what?
- Mm, not a freelancer... Still, there is a certain structure. Anyway, he's making money," Ji Hong nodded.

- And he earns well. Probably more than you can imagine.
Ji Su's eyes widened.

- What does he do that at twenty-two years old without a permanent job he earns so much? Does he play on the stock exchange?
- No, this is honestly earned money, he gives his all to work. He does not understand this.
Ji Hong casually hinted at Jae Kyung's stable approach to asset management, saying that he does not even invest in funds, everything is only on deposits.
- So there is no need to be afraid of financial fluctuations.

Hearing that he was even more prosperous than the average person, Ji Su muttered with a still dissatisfied look.
-I see...
After a pause with her head bowed, she suddenly slammed her fist on the table.

- Listen, why the hell did you even ask me?! If you still do it your way, why ask!
Judging by the way she clicked her tongue, she was quite annoyed. And Ji Hong himself was already beginning to feel uncomfortable with the way he responded to every remark of his sister with three or four excuses.
"It's infuriating, honestly.

Ji Su angrily grabbed the bottle and, shaking out the last drops, exclaimed.
"Isn't that so!" You have not thought about marriage, but you are ready to marry him someday, because you like him so much, he has enough money, and he himself has been wanting to marry for a long time! Initially, you agreed to all this, that's why you didn't protect yourself, right? Oppa, have you already decided everything for yourself? Then why did he ask? What for?!
Ji Su angrily slammed the bottle on the table. The pressure was so fierce that Ji Hong did not dare to object even to contraception, which his sister was so confident in. If he had told him now that this was not the case, she would have definitely turned the table over and left.

- No, marriage and the birth of a child are different things.
Ji Hong tried to answer as conciliatory as possible so as not to annoy his sister.
- Not everyone who gets married has children.

- Well, yes, actually.
Ji Su still answered with obvious skepticism.
"But from what you've said, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't have a child. Are you afraid that you will be condemned for haste? Who cares nowadays? And in general, people don't care what you do there. They don't even know about your existence.

Ji Su snorted contemptuously.
-Hmm... That's true, but...
"Soon they will find out. When Kwon Jae Kyung hurriedly marries, the rumors will definitely go," these words rose to his throat, but he swallowed them. Now I didn't want to reveal that we were talking about Jae Kyung. It is already hard, there is no need to create an even more tiring situation. At least for now.

"It's not a matter of haste, the real reason is different. I am not sure that I will be able to raise a child well.
Ji Hong finally sighed and confessed.
- If the marriage does not work out, this is my life, I will somehow cope. But if a child is born, and I cannot raise him properly, roughly speaking, I will ruin his life too.

- Why would it be bad for you to raise a child?
Ji Su still spoke indifferently.
"Are you going to beat him?" Or will you abandon it? Or vice versa - will you drag him through thirteen academies, will he not let him sleep, forcing him to study? What will you do?

- Hey, of course not!
Ji Hong reacted in horror to the extreme examples.
"But that's not the only thing.

-Faithfully. You need to take care of and fulfill your parental duty with love.
Ji Su nodded with the air of a connoisseur and raised her glass. Having drained the last drops in one gulp, she set it down and said:
"And you say you can't?" You will?

Ji Su's face showed a complete lack of understanding of such logic.
"Why do you think so?" Yes, it is difficult and difficult, but nothing supernatural. Everyone copes somehow. All people do it, why do you think you can't?
-I don't know. There is simply no certainty.

Ji Hong answered honestly. Ji Su looked at him for a while, then leaned on the table.
- You know, I noticed a long time ago: you seem to say that you don't care, but in fact you are a terrible perfectionist. Therefore, your "I can't" does not mean "I can't do it at all", but "I'm not sure I'll do it perfectly".
It was an unexpected look.

-Really? Do I seem like that to you?
Ji Hong's eyes widened in surprise, and Ji Su nodded.
- To be honest, it me off as a child. The harder you tried and did better, the more I was compared to you, and I felt worthless. And now I feel sorry for you.

After saying that, Ji Su pressed the call button on the table. And while she was waiting for the waiter, she continued to say to Ji Hun:
- Do not strive to do everything perfectly. Oppa, where have you seen people who are good at everything? In addition, you will not be the only one raising a child.
Ji Su stammered. Then she asked cautiously:

"Isn't that so?" Will you grow up together? You don't have to pull everything alone, do you?
Judging by the serious expression on her face, she was very worried that this twenty-two-year-old snot, who only knew how to earn money and did not know how to protect himself, might not participate in his upbringing.
"I can't do it alone.

Ji Hong replied decisively.
"If, purely hypothetically, when the child is born, then it will be mostly Jae who will take care of him... In general, my partner.
-Really? Did he say so himself?

- No, there was no such conversation.
"I have to go to work, and he'll be at home, so of course he'll look after the child, how else," he thought to himself, but then the door opened and the waiter came in, asking what he needed.
"For us, please, chiritan and another bottle of soju."

The waiter brought soju first. Ji Su didn't wait for the chiritan and immediately opened the bottle.
- In general, so. If now was really not the time to have a child, I would also discourage him. But... It seems that everything is not so bad. And, apparently, you are already inclined to keep the child.
-A what... I?

Ji Hong asked again in confusion.
- No, not at all.
When he asked why she made this decision, Ji Su replied:

- Well, knowing your character - if you really didn't want to leave, you wouldn't hesitate now. Immediately after the diagnosis, you would start learning about the termination of pregnancy. At such an early stage, even surgery is not needed, one pill is enough. You understand that the longer you think, the more difficult it is to make # Nоvеlight # a decision, so you would make it right there, take a pill, tell no one and forget it like a bad dream.
"It turns out that since he is still thinking, the option of "definitely not leaving" has already disappeared. And it means that somewhere in the depths of my soul there is a desire to give birth to this child."

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