Chapter 33: chapter 28 Part 2
But right now, she was worried about Naruto. It was going to be extremely difficult to manipulate her words as not to arouse suspicion and not set off his lie detector. She stood still, waiting for the sound of running footsteps and the punch to the face but when it didn't come, she started walking.
If she could just get to her bedroom, she could hide for a while so she could think.
"Hey!" Ino screamed and turned around, her back hitting the wall. Her fear reached a new height as she saw Naruto coming out of the kitchen, eyes half-lidded and a snack bar in his hand, but Ino could see a hint of anger in those eyes. He yawned and rubbed his eye. "Where have you been? It's late."
"So-sorry master...I...I got held up."
He yawned. "Parents doing okay?" Ino nodded. "Good to hear. Glad you're back. I wouldn't want you to miss your sister's first flogging." Naruto started to walk away to the stairs and Ino was relieved. "Oh pet..." Ino gulped. "There' more thing I want you to do after you see Sakura again."
"I will do whatever you wish." She said, lowering herself to one knee. She bent her head like a servant does to her master.
"I know you will." Naruto said, standing in front of her. "Tell me pet, do you remember your rape sessions?"
Ino's breath caught in her throat. She remembered and she wished she could forget. "I-I do ma-master."
"It's been a while hasn't it? Last time you did such a good job, it earned you a night in the tentacle room."
"For your pleasure master." Ino said, her mind torturing her with the images of her last session. Even though she knew these rape sessions are essential, it didn't mean that she liked it.
Naruto chuckled, knowing the torment the girl was going through. "Anyway, I want you to tell Sakura that I want her to introduce her sister to rape fantasy. You'll be teaching her about it but Sakura will be the one doing well as Junko. That'll cheer both of them up."
"Yes sir." Ino answered, a sad tone in her voice.
She looked up when Naruto cupped her cheek and bent down. "Look pet...I know you don't like these sessions and that you prefer if it never existed but it does and Tenten has to go through it now. Be glad...I'm giving you the chance to talk about it with Tenten. Help the girl understand what it is she's about to go through."
"I understand and I will obey."
"I'm proud of you pet. I'm proud of your willingness to do this despite your feelings about it." A smile was on Naruto's face as he let go of Ino and stood up. "Now the girls are upstairs. Your sister has been bad and was punished but I think your tale of a reunion with your parents will cheer up Tenten. Now I'm going to Kuro's for supper and I'll be waiting for all of you at our spot."
Now that brightened Ino up, if only it distract her from her impending talk with Tenten. Ino waited until Naruto disappeared up the stairs before she relaxed. She thanked Kami that Naruto didn't say that he wanted to hear about her time out, she didn't think that the secret would stay secret for long if that happened.
But for now, she needed to speak to Sakura and Tenten. It was going to be hard but she was confident that she would be able to lock up Sakura's mouth. Tenten wasn't hard as Sakura was as all she had to do is threaten her and she'll kept her mouth shut. She reached the top of the stairs and looked for the open door, which this time, was Sakura's room. "Hey..." She said, knocking on the frame. "I'm back."
Inside the room, Sakura brightened. "There you are you little slut! Where have you been?"
Ino chuckled and entered the room, closing the door behind her. "I've been busy but I had a great time." She spoke with her mouth but her hands spoke different words, making sure that her back was to the camera. "Sakura we need to talk, both of you. I'm going to cover us. I don't want master finding out about this." Quickly Ino covered the entire room with the illusion to the scene of three friends talking.
"Ino what's going on? You haven't been serious like this in the house for a while. Did something happen at your parents?"
"(Sigh) My parents..." The blonde sat down. "I've been away too long you know? Look Sakura...I want you to promise me that what I'm about to tell you stays between us. Don't tell master until I say it's okay."
Sakura was absolutely horrified. Why was Ino doing this? She knew the rules of the slave. " know I can't do that. You KNOW this. Why are you asking me this? What's going on?"
"Sakura, promise me. You know me. The only reason I ask you is because it means a lot to me. You know this. I would never hurt master and I would never ask you to do something to harm him or us. Just keep this secret, just for a little while."
Sakura was torn. One the one hand, there's her loyalty to Naruto but on the other hand, she trusted Ino with her life and she never lied to her. If she says that this secret won't hurt master, then she had no reason to lie. "Alright, what is it?"
"Promise me!"
Sakura held up her hand. "I swear upon pain and punishment that I will not reveal the secret."
Ino nodded and turned her attention to Tenten who gulped at Ino's stern face. "Hey, you don't have to threaten me. You convinced me talking to Saku."
Ino sighed. "Alright, remember that Sound kuniochi that Sakura interrogated in the second exam?" Seeing their nods, she continued. "Turns out that after the prelims, Kin was handed over to Ibiki and my father. She was then interrogated and broken by my father. I don't know the details of what kind of info he gleamed out of her but at the end of the session, her mind was totally destroyed. Daddy commented that she was like Sakura when master broke her on the horse. When my father reported to the Kage, he was outraged at the lack of information and was going to send her to the brothels when my father suggested another idea."
"He wanted a slave." Sakura and Ino's jaw dropped. "No kidding. Those were his exact words. I don't know how but daddy managed to convince him to let him have her. She spent the resulting night being sealed up and just this morning, daddy brought her home."
"So wait..." Tenten spoke. "Shouldn't people have seen her when he brought her home?"
Ino shook her head. "No, she was brought here the same way ANBU transports us. Stuffed in a box. No one besides a few people know about Kin and it'll stay that way until the exams are over, then people will know."
"I don't get it. If we're supposed to keep this secret until the exams are over, you know master is going to interrogate you to find out what you know when he finds out." Sakura questioned.
"Daddy wants to talk to him. For a while, he's had this curiosity of what being a master is like. You know about my dad's curiosity so he got her because of it."
"Wait wait wait...Inoichi wanted Kin because he wanted to know what being a master is like. He wants to know about the challenges of keeping a slave healthy, fed, and all of her needs are met. Why the hell didn't he rent us? He did it before so why not now?" Ino's pink haired sister questioned, crossing her arms in the process.
"Because daddy doesn't want to be pressured. He wants to learn at his own pace, both him and mama."
Sakura heaved a heavy sigh. "Alright, have you considered the possible consequences that will come when Inoichi does talk to him and master figures out you knew? He's going to punish ALL of us, me especially."
"Don't worry girls, I'll take all the punishment. I knew this when I made the agreement. I'll be able to handle it. So...what did I miss?"
"Tenten's first ride in the tentacle room." Sakura said with a smirk, laughing as she saw Ino's resulting face.
Sakura continued laughing. "That's the price for visiting your parents, but you didn't miss her coming up flogging."
"Ah god damn it. How was it?"
"Ah it was the best. Too bad you missed it and to top it off, you are forbidden from searching our memories of it so you are doomed."
Ino let out a scream of frustration. She couldn't believe she missed that. It's been over two months since she's been in there and so desperately wanted to go back but was never able to persuade him. Ino hung her head and sighed. "No point in whining." She then dissolved the illusion hiding them from the camera. It was time now for the rape fantasy. "Sakura, could you follow me?"
As Ino got off the bed, Sakura climbed off and followed her sister out of the room. They stopped just outside the door and Ino closed it, causing Sakura to quirk her eyebrow. "Should I be worried?"
"Master wants Ten go to through the rape fantasy."
At the end of that sentence, Sakura's crossed arms dropped and a shocked expression came onto her face. "So soon? Are you sure?"
Ino nodded. "Oh yeah, I'm sure. He reminded me of our last session. He wants you and Junko to rape her."
Sakura crossed her arms again, pleased that he said Junko can help (the girl cheering in her mind) but her shock dominated her face. "Well alright...did he say which scenario?"
Sakura nodded and placed her fingers on her chin. "I see. The schoolgirl scenario is the lowest one we have. Makes sense, no matter how strong the girl is, the sensation of rape totally shakes you. Did he tell you his plan for the rape sessions?"
Ino sighed and crossed her arms. "He didn't but he thought it. He plans on altering the timetable he used for us. He's going to be skipping several stages as he feels the girl can handle it."
There was silence for a few seconds as Sakura processed those words. "Well..." She said with a sigh. "If master feels that she can handle it, then we shouldn't argue. Give me 30 minutes before you let her go. I need to clear the spot and get myself and Junko ready." Sakura said, walking away toward the stairs.
`Now comes the hard part, explaining this to her.' Ino thought with a sigh as she opened the door, however, when she saw Tenten's expression, she knew something was wrong. She approached the bed and sat down, slinging her arm around the girl's shoulders.
"I heard." Tenten spoke, causing Ino's eyes to widen in shock. "I heard everything."
"I see. Well saves me the trouble of telling you." Ino said, trying to put humor into her statement but when Tenten looked at her with those horrified eyes, she knew it didn't work. "Right (sigh) look Tenten...rape fantasy is scary to a newbie. Trust me, I freaked out when it was my first time, but afterwards, I began to see the truth in master's words. Being raped by people you trust, in a friendly setting, is perhaps the best training you can hope for."
When Tenten snapped her head up and stared at Ino, the blonde didn't flinch. "You heard me right. Now, being trained like master is training you can only do so much. The only way to know how a rape feels like is to actually experience it in a friendly setting. When you're raped, you'll be able to know how it feels like, the emotions involved in it, the mentality."
"Now at first, master was completely against rape fantasy. He refused to have anything to do with it. It was Sakura who researched and studied, interviewed people, and put together a report and ended up a giving a day long lecture on the possibilities of rape fantasy. She ended the report by having Kurenai rape her, demonstrating what she lectured. Kurenai, surprisingly, surprised both Sakura and master by how much she got into it and was able to help them tremendously."
"At the end of it, master left without a word and ended up spending the next couple of days in solitude. This was before my capture. When Sakura saw master again, he seemed interested in the idea and the both of them spent the day brainstorming and thus...the rape training began. Master even offers this service in the catalog."
"So..." Tenten started speaking, trying to wrap her head around the idea. "We get raped and we're expected to defend against it?"
Ino shook her head. "No, it's not a one time thing. We get raped constantly, even master. See the idea is..."
"Wait wait wait wait..." The brunette interrupted. "Did you just say master gets raped?"
Ino grinned. "Did you really think only females get raped? There are plenty of female rapists out there. Me, Sakura, Anko, Yuugao, Tsume, and even Kurenai sometimes rape master." She was hoping that Tenten was going to be shocked by this information and judging from the thoughts running around in her head, she accomplished that. "Anyway, like I was saying, the idea of rape fantasy is to get us used to this and help us become better focused to kill our rapists. When we are eventually allowed out of the village by master, he wants us to be able to handle it."
Thankfully, Ino could sense that Tenten was starting to understand. "Now let me tell you how we do this. We have a number of scenarios that range that has different levels of harshness. What you're about to go through is one of the lowest ones we have. For right now, you'll only be raped by females, but when master decides to up your training, he'll start raping you and only him."
"Okay...well, which scenario am I going to go through?" Tenten asked, feeling better.
Ino chuckled and stood up, bringing her sister up with her and started walking out of the room. Tenten followed her new sister down the stairs and to the hallway. Ino wouldn't speak but she had the feeling she was about to find out exactly what Ino had in mind for her. However, she was unprepared for the sight that met her eyes when Ino opened a previously locked door and motioned her to go in.
Nurse outfits, leather outfits, any and all kinds of outfits you can imagine was in here. Tenten's jaw dropped open as she scanned the items, her fingers traveling along the selections as Ino watched with a smile on her face. "This is amazing. the heck did you manage to collect all of these?" Tenten pulled out a bunny outfit but was surprising to Tenten is the size of it. "This is a child's size. How?"
Ino chuckled as she started to dig into the clothes. "The same one who created the dresses for the wedding, we commissioned to have less then half of these made. Master loves role play and we use these outfits frequently. Now as for the scenario you're fixing to go through, it's what we call `schoolgirl' scenario." However, Ino noticed that Tenten wasn't paying attention to her anymore. Instead the girl was looking at a leather outfit with a familiar look in her eyes. Ino snapped her fingers in front of Tenten's face and the girl snapped out of it.
"Sorry." Tenten apologize. "That was weird."
"You noticed something different about the leather didn't you?"
"Something like that. The smell of was new to me."
"And you would be right." Ino said, leaning against the wall. "See leather has a unique effect of master and a weakened effect on us. When the smell of a female combined with the smell of the leather, master becomes high like he's on drugs. He becomes sex mad and fucks and fucks the person wearing the leather until he knocks himself out and lets his body corrects itself."
"Well wait..." Tenten interrupted. "During the wedding, master was fine even in the presence of bunch of leather-clad females, a bunch of which he fucks on a regular basis. What about then?"
"Special nose plugs. He went to Azumi and got his nose filled up with a special foam so none of the scent will get in. When it was time for the fuck, all master had to do was pull it out and his body did the rest."
"Huh...I had no idea he reacted like that."
Ino scoffed. "Trust me. When master first learned about it, he was almost brought up on rape charges. Since then, we have to be told by him if we can wear these. Now...put this on and I'll tell you all about it.
After Tenten looked at Ino, she looked at Ino as the girl pulled out a schoolgirl outfit in one hand, undergarments, socks and shoes in the other. Ino handed the outfit to Tenten and pushed her out of the massive closest and set her down on the couch and Tenten started to dress in the outfit.
"Alright, the schoolgirl scenario is one of the easiest scenario's we have. You have a couple of acquaintances from school, twins in this case. You guys aren't exactly friends but you tolerate each other. Now you have been getting frustrated with them, reasons varied from scenario to scenario but the girls will let you know and all you have to do is ab lib. Now recently you have been getting frustrated at your social life or rather the lack of one and decide to try and spice it up so you decided to prank the twins. It's supposed to be a simple prank but it ends up doing far more damage to their reputation."
"Do they know I did the prank?" Tenten asked, finished dressing.
"Oh yeah, they know. So, a couple of nights later, you walk home from school. You sense that you are being followed and you pick up the pace. That presence disappears but you are suddenly rammed to the ground, your body being held down by a sister. Some talk happens and the rape starts. Now you have a job to do. You need to perform to the best of your abilities. To be honest, your natural reactions will come out so I don't think you'll have a problem. There are a couple of rules however. Number one, besides bitch slapping, gut punching, and anything like that, you must not injure the parties involve. This means no weapons. If something happens, the session is over and you will be taken to Ibiki. This is one of the strictest rules master has set for rape fantasy."
"I understand. Why Ibiki though?"
"Because when master finds out you tried to kill his pet, he's going to kill you or at least torture you so much, you'll be begging for death."
"Oh." Tenten sighed as she shifted in her seat. The clothes on her fit her perfectly but the undergarments felt weird, mostly because she hasn't worn bra and panties in quite a while. "Who's going to be raping me again?"
Ino chuckled and leaned back. "Sakura and Junko. They're going to be twins in this scenario and Junko will have slightly red hair so you'll be able to tell them apart even in the dark." Ino smirked. "You remember Junko don't you?"
Tenten snorted. "Oh I remember her. Last time we were alone, that girl tried to rape me. If it wasn't for Sakura, she would've."
The blonde let out a short laugh at that. "I believe that. Junko is just as sadistic as master is, if not more. Did you know she staked my hands to the ground one time while she molested my body?" Ino laughed at Tenten's horrified face as the girl imagined Ino being staked to the ground. Ino let the girl stew on that for a couple of minutes before looking at the clock. Couple of minutes to go. "Alright more thing. There is a kind of safe word but it belongs to the rapist. Once Sakura says the words `This role play is over.', then the session is over. The rape is over and you guys are friends again." Ino stood up and Tenten followed, going to the front door and Ino turned around to face the young woman. "Now, do you remember the spot where Sakura took you for the picnic?"
Tenten frowned. "Where Sakura drugged me and tried to kidnap me? Yeah, like I forgot."
Ino let out a chuckle as she placed her arms on Tenten's shoulders. "That's the spot. Go there. When you're halfway there, Sakura will give you cause to run and Junko will adjust your path if need be. When you get there, that's when you'll be tackled and raped. Now darling, after the session is finished, you'll be going through another session, this time a flogging."
"Whipping?" Ino nodded. "By who?"
"Master. Now go on, the twins are waiting. Just remember, act natural." Ino placed a backpack in her hands and shoved Tenten out the door and slammed it, causing the girl to jump at that.
`Great...two sadists raping me. What's next?'
True to Ino's words, Tenten felt that she was being watched. The paranoia that came with her senses flared up shortly after she started walking. She picked up her pace, hefting the backpack over her shoulders. While she walked, she mentally reviewed what Ino told her. It wasn't that hard actually.
The setting for this is in school times. She played a prank on her acquaintances and now they are out for revenge. Great.
Suddenly, she stopped, her throat bobbing up and down as she saw the familiar pink hair of her sister, dressed in a similar outfit she was currently wearing. The girl was leaning against the tree, examining her nails innocently, but she knew, especially when Sakura looked at her with a grin on her face.
She quickly started walking again, back on her path since Sakura was to her left. She picked up her pace to a near jog as she looked back and saw the girl start following her. Now Tenten was really getting scared, especially when another presence hit her senses and she looked...only to find Junko walking toward her.
Now she bolted.
She ran and ran, the short skirt flowing behind her as she tried to get away from them. In the back of her mind, she realized that she was nearing the spot. After she passed a grouping of trees, she yelped, suddenly falling toward the ground. She actually rolled a couple of times before landing on her stomach. ` we go.'
Tenten wasn't on the ground long as a pair of hands grabbed her and manhandled her up, the arms wrapping around her and making her arms useless and the hands grabbing her head as Tenten was forced up to face Sakura. "Sa-saku...I-I..." Sakura held out her hand and Tenten immediately shut up.
Sakura didn't speak at first, but thought. Finally, she opened her eyes and spoke. "Hi, how are you?"
Tenten's jaw dropped in shock and the girl holding her tightened her grip. Remembering Ino's words, she decided to go along. "Go-good."
"Life treating you well?" She asked, still keeping a calm look on her face.
The brunette nodded. "Yeah, although I'm in a bit of a pickle right now."
Sakura chuckled and crossed her arms. "I see, I see. Well, surprisingly, I'm in a bit of a pickle as well." Sakura started to circle Tenten. "See a couple of days ago, someone decide to prank the twins. The result was devastating. Dealt a series blow to our reputation. We were shocked. I mean, who would dare prank us? So we asked around and was surprised to learn it was you dear Tenten." Sakura stopped in front of Tenten, a series look on her face. "Now that was a shock. Why would you do this to us? We didn't do anything to you."
"It wasn't you personally Saku. I was bored with my life and I wanted to do something to spice it up you know? I had no idea it would do this much damage. I'm really sorry."
Sakura nodded and to Tenten, she looked like a girl who was trying to be understanding. "I see. Well, I'm afraid that a mere apology isn't enough. You must pay for this and the price...hehe, the price will not be worth the prank. Hold her sister."
Junko tightened her grip even more as Sakura deposited the backpack on her back on the ground. After that, she reached under her skirt while slowly walking toward her. Tenten's eyes widened and she started to struggle when Sakura withdrew a pocket knife. "Saku, I'm sorry. Please don't kill me. Please, I'm sorry." Tenten tried to plead with Sakura but the pinkette didn't respond. Tenten closed her eyes as Sakura lifted the knife to her neck.
However, when Tenten noticed the lack of cold on her neck and a sudden breeze on her body, she opened her eyes and saw Sakura slicing her shirt open and do the same thing with her skirt." "What...what are you doing?" Tenten whispered, growing horrified when Sakura smirked.
"My my...look who's wearing lingerie. Were you hoping to get raped?" Tenten started to whimper as Sakura grabbed her breasts and started squeezing them. " firm. You'll definitely please a man with these but now...they belong to us. What do you think Junko?"
"I've been wanting to get my hands on this bitch for the longest time." Junko replied.
Sakura chuckled as she cut off her bra and tossed them away. Tenten cried out when Sakura grabbed the mounds once again but this time, she added a mouth and tongue. "Sa-saku-ra ple-please...sp-spare me."
"Oh...I don't think so." She replied with a smirk, the girl starting to suck. While her mouth was busy, the knife cut away Tenten's panties and Sakura tossed away the knife so she could use her hands. When her hands touched Tenten's core, the girl bucked, and started up her struggles again.
It seems like Sakura responded to her struggles but stopping but Tenten was suddenly thrown to the ground onto her back and a foot planted itself on her cheek, causing Tenten to yelp. She managed to get her head up and look at the person stepping on her. "Did you really think you would get away with this?" Junko demanded, her arms crossed.
Tenten yelped again when another foot slammed into her pussy. "You're going to pay for this." Sakura joined. "And by the time we're done, you'll belong to us." Sakura picked up her discarded bag and pulled out a ball gag and tossed it to Junko. "Gag her."
Junko caught the gag and removed her foot, bending down and grabbing Tenten's hair and yanked it up, quickly shoving the ball into her mouth when she screamed and securing it behind her eyes. "Don't want you screaming bitch." Junko commented before grabbing both of her arms and pinning them above her while Sakura lowered her head in between her legs. Tenten could only watch as Junko rummaged through her bag while keeping her arms pinned with her leg.
However, when Tenten saw the stake and hammer that Junko pulled out, she started struggling and screamed into her gag. Junko forced her hands open and together and placed the stake in the middle of her hand. Her eyes were horrified when Junko lifted the hammer, intending on striking the top of the stake and driving it through her hands. Tenten screamed when Junko brought the hammer down.
"JUNKO!" Junko's hand stopped just an inch from the top of the stake and Tenten nearly fainted. Junko turned to glare at her sister but burst out laughing when she saw the liquid on Sakura's face. "Not funny Junko. The bitch pissed on me and I think I swallowed some of it."
"I'm sorry." Junko apologized, still laughing. "I couldn't resist."
"Just hand me the fucking water bitch. We'll talk about this later." Junko rummaged through her pack and withdrew a bottle, tossing it to Sakura. The girl unscrewed it and rinsed off her face and mouth and even Tenten's pussy, as well as taking off her clothes, followed by Junko. "Let's try this again. Switch places with me."
Sakura was the first to move and held down Tenten's hands to let Junko take her place. While Junko moved, Sakura reached down and pulled off the gag and straddled Tenten's face. "Lick my cunt bitch." Sakura ordered the girl below her.
Tenten didn't want to disobey lest she let Junko to stake her hands to the ground. She closed her eyes and lifted her head, letting her tongue stick out and lap at her classmate's labia. She yelped when Junko started doing the same thing to her like she was doing Sakura.
Tenten soon began to realize why Naruto agreed to use this as a form of training. She was beyond acting. Every reaction was true and honest. Tears filled up her eyes as she realized that this was only the beginning. Every rape after this was only going to be harsher, more torturous.
Suddenly Tenten screamed as Junko shoved her arm into her, quickly shoving it all the way and withdrawing it. As Junko did that, Sakura smacked the back of Tenten's head and ordered her to keep going. It was a little difficult but Tenten was able to do it to Sakura's satisfaction. After Sakura came, she stood up and walked to her backpack, pulling out a two pronged penis gag and attached it to Tenten's mouth.
A rubber penis was in her mouth, gagging her and there was a penis sticking out, letting the female rapist use it. Sakura deposited the bag next to Tenten's body, giving Junko the chance to dig thought it. Junko grinned when she pulled out a strap on and attached it to herself. She quickly lined it up to Tenten's pussy and was about to shove it in but Sakura stopped her. "Junko! I have dibs on her pussy. You take the ass."
"Bitch." Junko muttered, adjusting the vibrator while watching Sakura ride Tenten, but she was glad she was given the chance to do any kind of penetration. She thumbed the switch and quickly set up a rhythm.
The rape lasted a while, with Junko raping Tenten's ass and Sakura riding Tenten's face, the rapee was going through hell. All her life, she never wanted to know the sensation of rape and now, Naruto was forcing her to go through it. But you know what? She is thankful for it. Now she is able to help herself defend against a real rape.
After the girls had a couple of orgasm each, they stopped and Sakura was the first to speak. "Aright Junko, switch back and rape her mouth when I start, only when I start."
"Yes mom." Junko said, whining like a child, but she complied, getting up and switching with Sakura as she removed the gag and replaced it in her bag, only to remove another strap-on.
"Now then Tenten..." Sakura said, waving the...unique vibrator in her face. "You once told me that you're pretty good with seals. Care to tell me what these seals are?" It was hard but Tenten managed to get her eyes on the red toy and focused her eyes on the black lines. She stared...and realized exactly what those seals are.
"Ra...raiton seals?!" She almost screamed out. When Sakura smirked, Tenten started thrashing around, her voice screaming, begging her not to use it on her but when Junko punched the back of her head, she went silent and could only watch as Sakura was taken out of her sight and Junko straddled her face, lining up her head in preparation to shove the strap-on into her mouth.
"Hey know what I just realized?"
"Wh-what?" The girl whimpered, praying to anyone to stop Sakura from doing this.
Sakura smirked. "I'm the second person to fuck you, like a head slave should do."
Time seemed to have frozen for a second. A millisecond later, the worst pain she ever felt (so far) erupted in her as Sakura penetrated her and the seals activated, shocking her with electricity as she thrust herself in and out. Her scream got cut short, however, as Junko slammed the dildo into her mouth, narrowing missing her teeth.
It seems like time slowed down for Tenten. With the shocking in her core and the thrusting in her mouth, Tenten wished she would die. Even though it was consensual, it was still extremely hard for her but what surprised her is the fact that she came on a regular basis during this session. It was like everything she was going through excited her more and more, the realization that, because of this, she was one step closer to being able to be strong enough to protect herself.
She didn't know when they stopped. All of her new energy was gone now and she could do nothing but just lay there, seeing the girls hovering over her. "Sit up." Sakura ordered her but she couldn't. "I said, SIT UP!" The pink haired girl kicked her in the side, motivating the girl to get up on her knees. Sakura bent down and looked Tenten eye to eye. "You belong to us now pet. If we call you, you come. You do what we say, when we say it. Understand?"
"Yes ma'am. I will do whatever you say." Tenten whispered, tears freely flowing from her eyes. She whimpered as Sakura kissed her, her tongue penetrating her lips, licking her, tasting her. She whimpered again when Sakura broke off, feeling Sakura's breath in her ear. "This role play is over."
Tenten's breath caught short as she heard the safe word. Her eyes flickered to a smiling Sakura as she made sure she heard those words right. "It's over?" She asked, really hoping this isn't a joke.
Sakura chuckled and gently moved Tenten's hair away. "Yeah, we're done." A expression known only as extreme relief. She started sobbing as she started muttering `thank you' over and over again. After Sakura removed the strap-on and gave to Junko, the girl bent down and captured her sister in a big hug. "Come on girl...let's go get something to eat. My treat. Ino will meet us and she'll help you ease your suffering a bit."
Kuro's is a specialty restaurant that has exotic foods from all over the world...or at least Konoha is allied to. It was actually the Hokage who introduced him to this place and since then, he's a regular customer here. His favorite had to be the Dune plate from Suna.
`I wonder how Tenten is doing. I know how sadistic the girls can be when they're together, but if the girl can't survive this, then it'll be a hard road for her from now on.' Normally he would be watching but he knew that Tenten was safe in Sakura's hands. He trusted her and he had faith in Sakura's ability to take care of her.
"Hey..." Naruto perked up when a female voice called out to him. He looked to his side when he saw Temari. "Mind if I join you?"
Naruto smiled. "Sure. Pull up a chair." Temari removed the fan off her back and sat down. "You eat yet?" Temari shook her head. "Go ahead and order. My treat."
Temari chuckled as she look over the menu. "Thanks." Temari quickly placed an order of a Konoha dish. When the waiter left, Temari looked around. "I'm surprised. The Kuro's at Suna is almost always packed. Food not good here?"
"Nah it's not that. Kuro's is almost always deserted around this time. It's not dinner yet here, but I like the peace." Naruto sighed after downing some water. "So what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"
"I wanted to talk. My siblings and I have come to a realization and I would like to know more about this particular subject."
"What do you want to know?" Naruto asked, taking a bit out of his food. He expected something about the village or one of his teammates but he didn't expect her response.
"I know about Kyuubi." Naruto froze. "I know he's sealed in you."
Naruto slowly put down his chopsticks and turned to face the girl. "I see and what do you plan on doing with this information?"
Temari quickly shook her head and brought up her hands in defense. "I just want to talk. I have no intention on doing anything. There's just a couple of things I want to know."
"Well, why don't you start with how you know about him?" Naruto said calmly, slowly moving his hand to his pouch and letting himself have easy access to his weapons and to his bullwhip.
Temari, seeing Naruto move his hands, knew she had to tread carefully from this point on. "It was my brother, Gaara, actually, who helped me figure out what really happened thirteen years ago. He's also a container for Shukaku, the sand demon."
That name rung a bell for Naruto. He remembered that name from his researched on the bijuu. There wasn't much information on Shukaku but it was recorded that, depending on the seal applied, but most of the time the containers suffered from insomnia and they have black eyes like a raccoon. "So Gaara?"
Temari nodded. "Gaara was hated all his life because of that bastard. The only friends he had was us and it barely kept him sane but when...when that happened, it was a miracle he didn't kill us. As we grew up, we did the best we could with Gaara. He commanded respect from the village with fear but with us, he was different with us. In private, he was calm, he listened to us. In rare moments, he's compassionate."
Naruto watched Temari's face as she talked. Thanks to Ino and her lessons, he was able to see that there was something else, something...familiar. "Gaara means more to you doesn't he? I've seen that look before. You have a more intimate relationship with him don't you?"
Temari stared at Naruto before she sighed, Gaara's previous words coming back to her. "We...Gaara and I...we do share a more personal relationship. Out of me and Kankuro, he listens to me better, a single touch can calm him down. I don't know what it is but he likes the touch of a female, although the only female he lets touch is me."
"Temari...why are you telling me this? What do you hope to gain out of me?"
Temari sighed, taking a couple more bits out of her food. "Gaara says we can trust you and I believe him. As for you, I just want to know about your past. How were you treated?"
Naruto sighed and looked at his almost empty plate. "Temari...please don't. I get angry enough when I'm reminded of my past and I don't need someone like you digging into something she has no business in."
"Alright alright, I'm sorry." Temari quickly said, hearing the mad tone in his voice. "I understand." Temari looked at the clock and sighed. "I should be going now. Thanks for dinner." Temari wiped her mouth and stood up, gathering her fan and leaving the table.
Naruto sighed after the girl left, a little frustrated. When his pets bring up his painful past, he punishes them, severely and harshly. He doesn't like being reminded of what he went through. They know that and they know to shut their mouths if it ever comes up, but when someone else, who doesn't know him, asks him, he avoids the topic like the plague. `I suppose I should go ahead and check on the girls. I just hope Sakura and Junko didn't do too much damage to the girl, especially Junko. Kami, if Junko wasn't supervised, I don't know what would happen.'
Tenten hid herself in the shadow of a large tree, but kept herself in eyesight of her sisters. She had just gotten back from supper with them and she felt better as a result. Whatever Ino did to her mind worked wonders on her. The four of them had a nice supper considering it was just ramen.
Of course, Tenten made the mistake of thinking that in proximity of Ino and was the target of a hard head slap courtesy of Ino, followed by Sakura and Junko.
Tenten didn't need to ask why as she knew that she just insulted Naruto's favorite foods so she kept her thoughts clear of anything insulting to Naruto for the remainder of supper. When they finished, they came back to the spot and everybody went there separate ways.
The girl sighed and scratched at her hair and looked at her sisters. Sakura and Junko were in a heated philosophical discussion. At first it started with the question if you were stuck on an island, what would you have and then it somehow got into the question if a tree falls in a forest and no one was around to hear it, does it make a sound and then somehow, it got into the meaning of the universe. Tenten chuckled. Those two gives new meaning to the phrase `arguing with yourself'.
As for Ino, the girl was dozing off. As soon as the girls started talking, Ino rolled her eyes and laid down and took a nap, waiting for Naruto to come back.
But for Tenten, she couldn't relax. She was too focused on her next lessons in flogging. She knew that there were many different kinds of whips out there, including the bullwhip, but she was worried about his bullwhips that's always attached to his waist. She was worried that he was going to use it on her and that scared her. She knew the power of the bullwhip and mostly importantly his bullwhip.
A scared scream erupted from Tenten's mouth as a hand was placed on her shoulder and she swerved around to find a chuckling Naruto sitting down. She settled down when Naruto put his hands on hers. "So-sorry m-master."
Naruto just chuckled and placed the whip on his lap. "So how did the scenario go?"
"Those girls of yours are brutal you know that? Junko tried to stake my hands to the ground and Sakura...she electrocuted me with ration seals on a toy. I thought there was an anti-injury rule for these scenarios."
"That only applies for the rapee. The rapist can hurt you all she wants but you can't draw blood. However, this only applies for low level scenarios and once we get to the high scenarios, then you can try and injure her and there'll be a safety person watching making sure things don't get out of hand."
Tenten let out a frustrated groan and buried her head in her arms. "I can't take this anymore." She muttered. "It's getting too much for me. I thought I was going to die when they raped me. I felt things I never felt before and I never want to feel again."
Naruto smiled and flung his arm around her shoulders. "That's the point of rape fantasy. It forces you to experience these emotions now, in a friendly setting, with people you trust. It helps you prepare yourself, to help you formulate ideas on how to defend yourself. Believe it or not, because of these sessions, the girls and I were able to help introduce new ideas into the school curriculum."
"Yeah, but still...if I'm going to be going through this..."
"You'll have enough time to recover between sessions." Naruto interrupted. "I know how to handle someone who's just getting into this. Now it's almost time for your flogging." Naruto chuckled as Tenten whimpered. "Here, hold this for me." Tenten looked up when Naruto placed a long whip in her hands. "I need to talk to your sisters. While I'm doing that, feel this whip. It's about to be used on you."
Tenten's eyes followed Naruto as he stood up and walked away, leaving Tenten with the whip. She watched him as he walked up to Ino, kicking her in the side, causing the girl to yelp and wake up, quickly getting up when Naruto barked at her. He then went to the twins, still arguing and oblivious to the world around them until Naruto delivered a hard smack to the back of their heads.
After getting their attention, he sat down, followed by Ino and began to speak. Tenten wasn't able to hear what they were saying as their voices were low, lower then she could hear but she didn't need to hear. They were talking about her and her performance. She turned her attention back toward the whip. a long, two inch wide strap of leather with rounded metal studs at random intervals spaced on its surface. A faint smell caught in her nose and she lifted the whip up and sniffed it, a sour smell coming into her nose, causing her to have a sneezing fit.
The whip was laced with something and she had a strong feeling that it was going to be bad for her.
It took a while but Naruto finally finished with his little talk with his pets. They got up and walked toward her. Naruto held out his hand and Tenten took it, originally going to hand him the whip but he grabbed her arm and helped her up and then took the whip. "Now then...the girls have given you positive marks and that's good. That means we'll be stepping up our game a little. The next scenario will be harsher and you'll have more restrictions, but for now it's time for your flogging."
Naruto motioned behind him and the girls shot forward, quickly grabbing Tenten and forcing her against the tree. Her wrists were quickly bound by a summoned rope and Sakura quickly scaled the tree and tied it off, Tenten forced to stand on her toes. Her mouth was gagged with panties, judging by the taste, belonging to Ino. She growled at the girl as she moved into sight turning her around so that she was facing the bark, and quickly bending down to tie off her legs.
She was still nude as Sakura shredded her clothes when the rape started but the twins still had theirs and when they went out, a lot of people whistled at the sight, but the girls ignored them, continuing their conversation.
"Ino, stop. Turn her back around." The three girls on the ground make questioning sounds as Naruto gave that order.
Ino stood back up and turned to face her master. "Why? We always use their backs for their first flogging. Better for them to handle it."
Naruto frowned and crossed his arms. "Are you arguing with me slave?"
Ino quickly shook her head. "No no, I'm just surprised since you, yourself, said this."
"I'm allowed to change my mind aren't I? Now do what I say, lest you be put in the hole."
Ino gulped and quickly followed Naruto's orders. Behind Naruto, Sakura was also wondering why he was doing this. Her first whipping was on her back and her back for the next couple of months. It was the same with Ino. He refused to do her front for a while.
Naruto turned around, facing Sakura. "Do you have anything to say?"
"Why?" Sakura asked, slowly walking toward him. "In the past, you refused to do the front the first time. I understand my sister is a strong girl but with so many sensitive spots in the front, it doesn't matter how strong she is. She isn't trained enough to take this."
"You think she isn't strong enough? She just survived a rape from the two of you. The three of you convinced me to do this. Besides, I'm going to try and avoid her spots."
Sakura scoffed and rolled her eyes at that. She knew how skilled Naruto was at the whip and she knew there weren't any accidents with him. "So just how far are you going to go with her?" Naruto chuckled and patted her cheek, just as Junko was dropping down. He jerked his head to the side, telling the girls to sit and watch.
Naruto waited until the girls took their seats before turning around to his scared pet. He uncurled the whip, letting the girl watch its every movement. "Now then my little minx...time for your next lesson on pain."
With that, the pain started for Tenten.
It was strange but as Naruto watched over the wounded form of his pet, he felt pride. A normal person would've felt remorse or regret at making his significant other cry but not Naruto. No, he felt pride because after all she just went through, she never cried out loud. She cried silently but she never voiced it. She never made her tears known by crying out.
Her tears may have flowed but she kept her mouth shut, even with the gag.
Naruto motioned to Junko and the girl jumped up into the trees and cut the rope holding Tenten up, causing the girl to crash onto the ground. He motioned for Ino to come and she walked past him, not needing any verbal orders to take care of the girl. Sakura followed but was held back by Naruto.
"Master?" She questioned, seeing him get in her way.
"Not tonight Saku. You've been rented by Takeshi for tonight."
Sakura groaned at that. Takeshi always rented her for maid duty. Dirty house...maid duty. Piles of dirty Sakura. Dirty and smelly Sakura. He's a lazy ass that Sakura was sure never touched a cleaning object in his life. "Let me guess...maid duty?"
"Not this time." Naruto answered with a smirk.
Sakura sighed. "Figures he...wait, what? Not maid duty?" A big smile came onto Sakura's face when Naruto shook his head. "Well...that's great. What's the job then?"
Naruto chuckled. "You'll find out when you get there. Takeshi did say that he had an extremely extra special job for you, something that you have been dying to do at least once."
"Corpse disposal?" She whispered, really hoping that it was true.
The blonde chuckled. "Why don't you go to him and find out?"
Sakura squealed in delight before rushing off, but she skidded to a stop when Naruto called out to her telling her to make sure she picks up the money. She acknowledged his order and quickly bolted. As Sakura vanished, Naruto chuckled and turned around, coming face to face to Ino.
"Master, is she really allowed to do corpse disposal?" Naruto didn't answer but just stared at her, knowing she was poking at his thoughts. Suddenly, a frown came onto her face, realizing what his true intentions were. "Oh that's just mean."
Naruto chuckled. "That's the idea pet. Now help me with Tenten. It's almost time for her shinobi training."
Sakura didn't waste any time in getting to the I/T division. She was excited. Corpse disposal was one job she really wanted to do and Takeshi was in charge of corpse disposal. She quickly ran up to the large building and ran in, only stopping to sign herself in and get the badge, stepping into the elevator to the 21st floor where she knew Takeshi was bunked at.
When she got off the elevator, she found the hallway bustling with maskless and half nude ANBU. Some she knew and some she sees around here sometimes. She quickly made her way through the crowd looking for Takeshi. She eventually found him, coming out of the showers. "Takeshi, I'm here." She stood in front of him, standing at attention as she tried to keep a straight face.
The athletic brown haired smiled and chuckled as he dried his hair. "About time you got here. I was about to pass the job to someone else."
"There's no need for that." She quickly said, shaking her hands. "I'm here and I'm ready for the extra special job." She straightened herself up more, although the school girl uniform she was still wearing made him think she was trying to bribe him.
Takeshi crossed his arms, noting the growing crowd behind Sakura, and smiled. "Very well. Are you ready for this job?" Sakura nodded, her smile trying to get onto her face. "You sure?" Sakura nodded again, her mouth curving up, her excitement growing. "Are you absolutely sure?" Sakura's head nearly flew off by the intensity of her shaking and her smile was as big as it can get.
From behind them, a couple of people snickered, knowing how much she wanted the job and what was about to happen.
"Alright then, close your eyes." She closed them. "Hold out your hands." She put her hands out, giggling sounds coming out of her mouth. " you go." Takeshi dumped cleaning supplies into Sakura's outstretched hands, a smirk coming onto his face when Sakura opened her eyes and looked at the stuff in her arms.
"Wha...what's this?" She asked, not comprehending what was going on.
"Your job and this..." Takeshi placed a piece of paper on top of the supplies that had a list of rooms on it. "Is a list of rooms that you need to clean. Good luck." Takeshi walked past Sakura, ruffling her hair in the process and left the girl, the crowd disappearing as well.
Soon, Sakura was left alone, still rooted to that spot. On the outside, it looked like she was fine save the shocked look on her face, but on the inside, her mind was in torment. What had happened? Did Takeshi play her for a fool? Naruto...he must have known and played along. He got her hopes up and Takeshi smashed them into little pieces, using her desires and wants against her.
Sakura dropped to her knees and cried.
`I can't believe they did this. Master I can believe but Takeshi...he's such a lazy bum.' Sakura thought angrily as she scrubbed the blood stained floor. She sighed and wiped her brow on the sleeve of her grey work clothes. Try all she might, she couldn't stay angry at them. She loved that, she loved breaking down and crying after her hopes was smashed to pieces. She was trained for this and it paid off.
It's been several hours since it happened and so far she cleaned three cells, five interrogation rooms and every single piece of equipment in those five rooms. However, what was infuriating to her is that she saw the duty roster and Takeshi was supposed to be on cleaning duty and he dumped his jobs on her.
`Lazy bastard. I don't know how he got into ANBU when he won't clean up a simple milk spill.' Sakura thought as she finished the room she was currently cleaning. It was the last room to be cleaned. After gathering up her supplies, she took one last look at the places she cleaned, making sure that she didn't miss anything. When she was sure her work was satisfactory, she put the supplies away and stripped off her clothes and dumped them into the laundry bin and headed for the nearest shower, currently half filled by returned ANBU from missions.
They knew her and they considered her one of their own considering how much time and effort she spent training herself to be strong and how much of a weakling she was before she was captured, they respected her. It didn't take her long to clean herself off. Grabbing a towel, she dried herself off and made for the lockers. She went to her locker and unlocked it, grabbing an extra set of clothes, she pulled it on. After she dressed herself, she noticed the wallet with a note from Takeshi that this was the money for the job.
She grabbed the wallet and counted the money, but when she noticed it was short, she growled. "Damn it Takeshi. Lazy bastard." Sakura slammed the locker shut and marched toward the bunks. It was only a couple doors down and she pushed the door open, marching toward Takeshi's bunk. She reached it and woke him slamming her foot in his head. "Wake up bastard! You didn't give me enough money jerkoff!"
When Sakura slammed her foot into Takeshi's head, the man jerked awake, his body flailing around at the sudden assault. When he eventually recovered, he glared at the irate female in front of him. "How much?" He muttered, grabbing his wallet.
"9422.5 yen." Takeshi grumbled as he fished out a bunch of bills, but Sakura just yanked the entire wad out of his hands. "Consider this a late fee." She said, after he tried to swipe it back. The girl humped as she pocketed it and turned around, walking away to the open door, but she stopped before she closed it, turning around to the crowd of ANBU woken up. "Hey Takeshi?"
Said man grumbled as he sat back up. "What?"
Sakura smiled. "Thanks...for what you did to me earlier. I enjoyed it."
Takeshi smiled as he laid back down, his hand waving to her. "Anything for you Sakura." Sakura chuckled and shut the door, the room going dark once again. Takeshi chuckled as Sakura shut the door, pulling the covers over himself. "Anything for you Sakura." He muttered silently.
"Someone's in love." One of his teammates said, Takeshi's eyes napping open.
"SHUT UP!" Takeshi threw a boot and hit the guy square in the head.
"OW! What did I say?"
"Jerkoff...I respect her as a kuniochi and the role she plays in the security in this village Hiro."
Hiro just nodded and laid back down. "Whatever you say Take. Whatever you say."
`That's weird. They're gone. I thought that they were going to wait for me.' Sakura thought as she stood in the clearing where she left them. She was surprised, though that they wouldn't tell her when Naruto sent her off. She looked around and eventually stumbled across a note pinned to a tree.
`Sakura, we're back at the house. Her training went excellent and we're able to clock out early. She's better then you were actually when you first started the illusions. So I decided to relieve my frustrations that built up watching the girl struggle into her first gangbang. Depending on when you find this note, I'll probably be done by the time you get home. Take care of the girl, she's going to be nearly passed out on what I'm going to do to her.'
`Great, I missed her training and now I missed this? Sigh The price of slavery.' Sakura pocketed the note and continued walking, this time going home.
The first slave managed to get home without any trouble. When she got home, she immediately went upstairs to deposit the money in his safe minus her cut. She went to her room and put her money in her wallet and stripped herself, pulling on some shorts and a shirt.
After that, she went downstairs to check on her sisters. When she stepped off the stairs, she noticed the lack of moaning and grunts but she did catch the sound of whimpering and faint crying. She went to the open door and fully opened it, her eyes widening in shock and surprise at the sight. `Wow...I'm gone for a few hours and I miss this?'
In a mixture of red and white, laid the crying form of Sakura's newest sister, covered in cum from head to toe as well as what looked like blood on her face. Her wrists were shackled to the ground and given some slack but not a lot. `Master must have gotten physical with her. I'm not surprised at that. Every time we're gangbanged by his clones, injury is always part of it.'
In the corner of her eyes, on the bed, she saw Ino, covered in cum and what looked to be a dislocated shoulder, but her first priority is Tenten. Ino can take care of herself but it's Tenten that can't. Sakura moved toward her, bending down near Tenten's face. She scooped up a little of Naruto's cum and tasted it. `Still warm. At least ten minutes since he left and it looks like master broke her nose...again.'
Sakura reached down and wiped some of the cum away from her eyes, the whimpering girl jerking at her touch. "Please no more." She whispered. "So much cum. So much cock."
"Tenten look at me. Look at me." Sakura tried getting her attention by slapping her on the cheek. Tenten turned her head and Sakura saw the fading marks of a black eye on her other eye. "Open your eyes pet." It took quite an effort but Tenten was able to open her eyes. "There you go. Now I'm going to fix your nose and let your body heal the rest." Sakura put her hand on Tenten's broken nose, ready to set it. "Alright one..." Tenten screamed as Sakura set the nose, the girl totally unprepared for it. "There you go. I'm done. I'm done." Now that was done, she released Tenten's wrists from their shackles. "Alright minx, get up and get into the shower."
Tenten whined like a child but her body followed Sakura's command. Slowly she turned around and got up and started to limp toward the showers, the cum sliding off her body as she limped.
Sakura chuckled and stood back up, walking toward the bed that held her broken sister. She bent down and, a smile on her face, moved Ino's hair out of the way, the action causing Ino's eyes to open. "Hey...what happened here?"
"I caused this." She whispered, the chain rattling that's holding her wrist hostage. "I wanted Tenten to experience master when he's sex drunk so I offered to use one of master's favorite genjutsu's on him. He agreed but I think it worked a little too much. Ten minutes in, he created even more clones and raped me, the girl howling in pain and pleasure behind us as master assaulted her. He wore us out, the majority of the clones for her. I was just getting warmed up. When he was done with her, the rest came for me."
"And the shoulder?" Sakura asked, releasing Ino's hand from the shackle.
Ino managed a scoff. "You know how he gets when he gangbangs. To be honest, we were lucky. He was more focused on the pleasures then the pain. If it was one of the usual fucks, we wouldn't be talking right now."
"Was he angry at you for doing that to him?" Sakura said as she adjusted herself so she could set Ino's shoulder.
"I don't rea-AHHHH know." Sakura fixed Ino's shoulder in the middle of her sentence but Ino was used to that. "I thought I heard him say `thank you' but with his cock in my mouth, I'm not sure."
"Well, if he hasn't done anything to you by now, I say you're in the clear. Now hop into the shower."
"Yes ma'am."
Ino got up from the bed and headed toward the showers. Even though she was used to this, it was hard dealing with the aftermath consider how much her body was assaulted. She joined her sister in the shower while Sakura cleaned up the mess. Making a couple of clones, she set them off on their jobs while the real one went back upstairs.
Reaching Naruto's bedroom, she sighed as she pulled the collar off of herself and stripped herself. She was a little disappointed that she missed a great show but she could only do what the master commands. As she prepared the bed, she turned around and jumped in fright after seeing her master behind her. "Oh master, you scared me."
Naruto chuckled and laid down on the bed. "So how are the girls?"
"Ten's shaken up but coherent. Ino's fine as well. I took care of the major injuries and I'm going to let their bodies heal the rest."
Naruto nodded. "Good was the job?" Naruto smirked when Sakura crossed her arms.
"Besides being embarrassed in front of people that I know? It was fine. Thanks a lot." She rolled her eyes when Naruto chuckled. "Not that I mind going through the experience, but I rather not people think less of me after all the hard work I did proving myself."
"It was all in good fun. I was in the mood for a prank pet." Naruto said with a smile.
Sakura chuckled. "I know how much you love your pranks. Anyway, about Ino...are you mad at her?"
The blonde master shook his head. "Nah, I knew what she was trying to do and I let her do it. The entire time I was doing your new sister, no matter what I did to her, she tried to best to make sure we both felt good. Speaking of Tenten, when it was time for me to teach her Kage Bunshin, she was able to create up to ten clones."
Sakura smiled at that. "Really? Good for her then. Did she have any difficulty with it?"
"Surprisingly no. Turns out that she was able to watch someone teach it and understood it herself. Now the illusions on the other hand? she still has some work to do."
"I see. Well, what are your plans for tomorrow?"
Naruto just sighed and settled into bed. "A bunch of stuff. I'll fill you in the morning, but for now, I just want to sleep. Why don't you check on the girls? I'm a little worried about Tenten."
"As you command master." Sakura bowed and turned around, one foot in the air before she froze for a second before putting her foot down. "Well, speak of the devil."
Naruto looked up at that and saw Tenten being held up by his blonde pet. "Well look what the cat dragged in. You okay?"
Tenten groaned as she walked forward aided by Ino. The limp was gone and her nose and eye healed fine. "Permission to collapse into unconsciousness sir?" Naruto chuckled as he nodded. Ino let go of Tenten just as she fell forward, crashing onto the bed. With Naruto's help, she managed to get under the covers and into Naruto's arms. As the lights were turned off, Tenten snuggled in her master's arms, glad that she is able to rest now. "I'm so tired." She whispered. "Not even Gai's training made me this tired."
"Don't worry darling..." Naruto kissed his pets forehead. "You'll be better in the morning and you'll have the energy to start again. Tomorrow will be your first ride on the horse and I want you prepared for it."
Tenten was too tired to even care what he said. She just wanted to sleep and worry about it in the morning. As Ino laid down behind her and Sakura laid down behind master, she wondered what her future would be like with him. What would her children be like? What would people think of her and her sisters when they find out that they are slaves to the Kyuubi boy?