Chapter 34: chapter 29 Part 1
Feelings of horror gripped Tenten as she ran through the streets. Fear gripped her as she felt evil as she ran through the forest. Her tattered clothes barely hung on her body as she ran to escape the claws of that...that monster.
Ino was dead, a pike impaled through her body and put on display, the look of horror still in her eyes as her beloved master died and a new being took his place, the demon within him taking residence in the flesh.
Sakura, however, was still alive but it would be better if she was dead. Despite the horrors and torments she was going through, she was being kept alive by unholy means, the demon promising to her that she will never die and that she will always be by his side, like a slave should be. Now as for Tenten, she saw a chance to escape and she took it, promising Sakura that she would do everything she could do in her power to free her and master, if he was still alive in there. She ran and ran, hoping to find someone, anyway who could get the word out but the village was abandoned.
It was difficult to hide from Kyuubi. Not only did he have expert knowledge of his senses, he seemed to know everything that Naruto knew and that included hiding places, preferences, etc. She needed to get out of here, far away from here. She needed to find someone, anyone, who could help her. Maybe those monks in the fire temple or even, dare she say it, Akatsuki. If anyone can hunt and trap demons, it was them.
But first she needed to get out of Konoha.
She closed her eyes and concentrated, expanding her senses to as far as she could manage and was relieved that Kyuubi was nowhere within her senses. She cloaked herself as best as she could and ran for the gates of Konoha. In order to get out, she needed to cross open cover as fast as she could. As far as she knows, it was just the one body and no clones.
She reached the edge of the forest and expanded her senses again. She detected no one and decided that it was now or never. Being very careful, she produced a few clones, hoping to use them as a distraction while she ran. They bolted and she gave herself a three count before bolting for the gate.
In the back of her mind, she wondered why it wasn't closed.
Suddenly, she yelped as she was rammed to the ground, a growl being heard by her as she was pinned down. "Nice try pet." Kyuubi growled, causing the girl to whimper as she struggled. "You're not getting away that easily."
The last thing she saw before being knocked out was those red eyes, staring at her, waiting to witness horrors that only Kyuubi can unleash.
Tenten gasped as she started herself awake, her body jerking up to her hands and knees as she panted, sweating glistering on her brow. Was that a nightmare or was it real? It sure felt real, down to the claws breaking into her skin. She looked to her left and saw Naruto, snoring with a female arm draped across his stomach. Slowly her hand reached to his face, her hand shaking out of fear. The hand reached his eye lid and slowly lifted it up, afraid at what she was going to find.
A sigh of immense relief erupted from her lips when she saw soft blue eyes instead of the hard, evil red eyes that dominated her nightmares. Then she remembered Ino, a pike shoved through her body and put on display on his house as a warning. She looked at the other side of the bed and saw Ino, her chest rising and falling with each breath. `It was a nightmare? It wasn't real? Oh damn...that was scary. To even think I considered going to the Akatsuki for help.'
Tenten felt movement below her and she looked down to find Sakura under her. She was still alive and her body was fine, no holes, no spikes, nothing. `Damn, why the hell did I dream that? Is that what Kyuubi is really capable of? Keeping Sakura alive while he played with her insides? He's been alive for a very long time so it would make sense he would know quite a few things about keeping someone alive, especially in his lifestyle.' It was then she realized her position. `I was sleeping on top of her? I'm surprised she didn't wake up because of that. Just how much do we move when we sleep? Master was on the other side of me and Sakura also. How did I end up on top of her? Why do I even care?'
Decided, Tenten laid back down, closing her eyes in comfort as she felt her body mold to the body under her, her head nuzzling Sakura's as the girl moaned in response. `I'm so glad I'm bi. The female body is such a wonderful thing and has its perks as well as a male body. I wonder...what would it feel like to be a male and doing another male?' At that moment, her stomach growled, begging for food, causing the girl to sigh. `I suppose I should get up now. I need to get some food in my stomach before I pass out. Don't want Sakura to get into trouble because of me.' With great regret, Tenten got up and moved off the bed gently without waking the occupants.
However, when she got up, she caught a whiff of her body and decided to take a shower first. She quickly jumped into the shower and cleaned herself off. She took her time though as she thought it would be a while until the girls got up. She finished with her shower and dried herself off. After she finished with that, she stood in front of the dresser and pulled up her hair into her usual style. It wasn't that hard actually, all you needed was long hair and nimble hands.
After she was satisfied, Tenten grabbed her collar and pulled it on, locking it around her throat. `Time to eat. I wonder what torments master has in store for me today?'
When Naruto woke up shortly after Tenten left, he was surprised that Tenten was awake. He would've thought that she would sleep in more considering what she went through the previous day. `If the girl is up, then she's alright. Reeling from Gai's training every day helped I think.'
Naruto removed the body draped across his chest and sat up, stretching his arms out and yawned. It was a good thing that the girl was awake. He wanted to train her some more on the abilities of the Uzumaki's as well as tracking and hunting. With her new senses, he wanted to make sure she can hunt as well as hide from him if she needed to.
That was one thing he made sure his pets knew how to do. If Kyuubi took over again, they needed to hide and run from him.
He took a quick shower and dried himself off, pulling on the blood necklace and getting dressed. He then got whiff of food being cooked and licked his lips. He was starving. When he was done dressing himself, he went downstairs and to the kitchen to find the table full of food and Tenten hovering over the stove. "It's weird. You told me yourself that you barely cook." Naruto said, drawing Tenten's attention to him. "And now I see you do this. You surprise me pet."
Tenten chuckled and shut off the stove. "I barely cook because I don't have the time nor the money. Now that I have both, I can cook the things I always wanted."
"I'm glad. It was such a pain teaching Ino to cook. Sakura had to get her stomach pumped a couple of times because of Ino's attempts."
"I remember that." Tenten said while preparing the last of the food. "Sakura told me once when we were talking about the past. I actually laughed at that." Tenten placed the last plate on the table and sat down to eat. "So are the girls up? I want them to try this."
"They'll be up in a little bit but we're going to be gone by that time. I want to do some more with your training today."
Tenten nodded and started to eat. She wondered what Naruto meant when he said he wanted to do more. She thought that she was going to be raped again but by the look in his eyes, it wasn't that, nor anything sexual. Maybe more shinobi training perhaps?
When the sisters managed to wake up finally, they realized that both the third sister and master was gone and found the note he left, saying that they'll be gone for a few hours and to do their chores while they're gone. They followed the orders and cleaned up the house, getting done quickly. Ino decided that she would work on her garden with help from her pet snake while Sakura mingled around the house, cleaning this and that.
When lunch time came around, Sakura got started on lunch. She had to send Ino out for some stuff as they were running low on a few supplies. Soon after, Sakura had the food all set up and waited. They didn't dare eat without him.
And so they waited.
Fortunately they didn't have to wait long. The girls perked up when they heard the lock being turned and they went to the front door just in time for Tenten to come into view, followed by Naruto. He muttered something to her and she nodded, walking away and in between the two girls. When she passed, the girls could pick up the smell of sex on her body.
"Well..." Sakura said, smirking. "She must have done well if you fucked her."
Naruto chuckled as he stripped off his tattered clothes and tossed it to Ino. "She earned it. I'm satisfied with her ability to hold an illusion on herself."
"Can she hold it while being fucked?"
"Barely." Naruto answered, walking toward the kitchen. "We need to work on that but the rest I feel confident she'll be able to handle it."
Sakura nodded and let Naruto in the kitchen first, thankful that the food is still hot. As Naruto and Sakura sat down, they were joined by Ino and a freshly cleaned Tenten. They started eating while Naruto and Tenten shared their training experiences. When lunch was over, Naruto took Ino away for a couple of minutes, talking to her while Sakura and Tenten did the dishes.
When Ino came back, she took Tenten away into the backyard and the both of them sat down. "What's going on?" Tenten asked, a little worried as Ino straddled her.
"Master wants me to make a copy of the memory of the missing person case." Tenten froze. "He wants to know how you felt, how you reacted and the best way to do this is to place himself in your shoes. However, to do this, you will have to relieve the experience as I do my work." Ino had to hold Tenten as she realized what her sister's intentions were. "Forgive me." As Ino prepared, Tenten closed her eyes and prepared herself to relieve one of her worst nightmares.
Unfortunately for Tenten, Ino took her time in there. Ino probed every painful detail of that mission, forcing Tenten to experience it several times. When she eventually finished, Ino put Tenten's mind in a state of bliss for a few minutes. That'll help Tenten turn her attention away from what she just did.
When she was finished, Ino broke off the connection between the two of them. Tenten gasped as she felt control return. Tears flowed in her eyes as she recovered. "I'm sorry." Ino said as she stood up and walked away, leaving the sobbing girl by the garden.
It took a couple of hours but what Ino did to her afterwards helped her recover. It took the majority of her attention away from the memories and to the bliss she just experienced. She laid there next to the garden all that time, the black snake affectingly named Kira-chan, keeping her company. One time, she could've sworn that she heard her purr.
When Tenten recovered enough in her mind, forcing herself to think about other things, she sat up, taking Kira with her. `I don't think I'll be able to handle that again. Now I know why Yamanaka's are preferred in interrogation.' Tenten stood up, the snake wrapping herself around the girl as she walked back to the house. She entered the kitchen and found Naruto waiting for her.
When she came in, Naruto stood up and stood in front of her. "How are you doing?"
Tenten sighed. "Better. What she did afterwards helped a lot."
"I see. Well, it looks like you got acquainted with little Kira." At that, the snake hissed at Naruto causing the boy to wave his hands in defense. "Sorry sorry. Big Kira. My mistake." That seemed to sate her as she settled back on Tenten who chuckled.
"She kept me company and I think I'm starting to like her. So where is Ino?"
"She's mediating right now." He said, while taking Kira off of Tenten. "She needs to get her head straight first but for now, go downstairs. Junko wants to talk to you." Naruto smirked at Tenten's gulp. "Don't worry. She just wants to talk...and maybe educate you a little. Don't worry, you'll be fine."
The blonde master walked away, chattering with Kira and left Tenten to herself. She stood rooted to that spot for a few seconds before she shook her head, deciding to get this over with. She made her way downstairs and followed the sounds of screaming. She reached the open door on the left and entered it, her eyes widening at the sight.
"Ah Ten made it." Junko said, letting go of the bound, blindfolded, struggling Sakura below her. She straightened herself up and flung her arm over Tenten's shoulder. "So how are you doing? Rape didn't shake you up too much?"
"You know precisely how it affected me!" Tenten snapped at Junko. "The two of you tormented me." Tenten crossed her arms as Junko chuckled.
"Ehh don't worry about it. As you get your fill, it'll be easier to handle. Now I want to show you something." Junko turned Tenten around and faced the tear streaked Sakura. Immediately she saw needles in Sakura's nipples and cilt and a row of needles on a plate beside her and the blood dropping down from each spot. "You like?" Junko asked with a smirk.
"What the hell did you do to her?" Tenten whispered as she saw her lover.
Junko chuckled as she started to circle the restrained girl. "Believe it or not, Sakura discovered this fetish on her own. It's even better when she's restrained and someone, like me, treats her like a pin cushion." Junko finished the circle and grabbed another needle, her other hand dragging her closer to the girl. "Now watch." Junko grabbed a breast, the girl starting to struggle in her bondage, and lined up the needle. With one quick motion, Junko drove the needle through Sakura's nipple, the girl below her letting out a painful scream at the action and the resulting blood flow.
"She really likes this?" Tenten asked, very amazed at the wetness in between her legs.
"Oh yeah, she likes this. She does it to herself when she can. In fact, why don't you do a couple?"
Junko nodded and she changed their positions. "Now all the needles have been cleaned and sterilized so you won't have to worry about infection. Now take a needle." Tenten took one in her hands. "Line it up and try and judge where the others are in her so you won't hit anything." Despite Sakura's struggles, Tenten was able to find a spot. "Now drive it in. Make sure to leave a little sticking out so it can be pulled out." Tenten took a deep breath, wondering why she was fine with this, and pushed. As the needle went through, Sakura's body arched and she screamed.
Tenten let go and observe her sister wither in her binds. It was strange. She felt no remorse for doing this. Why should she? The girls are pain freaks and they get off on this.
"Impressive." Junko stated. "There was no hesitation. Sakura was right. You really are getting used to this family." She chuckled when Tenten shrugged. "Alright, let's try one more. This time, do it on her cilt."
Tenten nodded and grabbed another needle, looking at her cilt and spying a few needles alright there. A small smile graced her face as her eyes flickered to Sakura's face before going back to her cilt. A small chuckle escaped her lips as she lined it up and with one quick motion, drove it in.
The reaction that Tenten got was far more severe then the last one. Tenten turned to Junko. "So how long are you going to do this to her?"
The girl just shrugged. "Until I feel like stopping." A grin came onto her face now and she reached under the bed and withdrew a metal rod. "Want to help me electrocute her?" Tenten grinned and chuckled. She was going to enjoy this, however, that thought caused her to pause and she realized something.
She was becoming a sadist with every passing day, thanks to her master.
Naruto knew what Junko was doing to her vessel and he didn't mind. Tenten needed to know that they all have their own fetishes and fantasies and in this family, you are free to experience it whenever you want as long as you understand the risks and dangers to it. Ino was doing fine, still in mediation. It usually took a few hours for Ino to straighten herself up.
From his chair, Naruto perked up when he heard the doorbell ring. He sat up, grabbing his jacket and pulled it on, covering his bare chest. He reached the door and opened it and found himself being suffocated by a pair of mesh covered breasts.
"Oh Naruto, I am never taking you granted again."
"Ack...An-anko...I...can't...breath." Naruto gasped out, trying to get some air in his lungs before he died because of Anko's breasts. Hearing his pleas, Anko let Naruto go, a smile on his face. Naruto looked up and saw bandages on some spots on her body. "What happened to you Anko? What happened after Sakura left you?"
Anko just waved him off and came in the house, dropping a folder in his hands and heading into the kitchen. "You got any food in here? I'm starving."
"Anko, are you alright?" Naruto pushed, putting the folder down and following his best friend into the kitchen. He watched her as she dug through the fridge, pulling some stuff out, sitting down and gulping it down.
"Hospital food sucks." She said, not answering his question. "Those stupid nurses won't give me anything other then the crap they force feed us."
"Anko...what happened?" Naruto asked again, sitting down. "When Sakura left you, she told me how you were acting."
"I can't talk about it Naruto. I wish I could but I can't. Can we talk about something else?" Naruto, out of respect for his friend, didn't press further. There was silence for a few moments beside the sounds of Anko eating. "So...I heard about Tenten."
Naruto chuckled. "You sound glad to say that."
Anko snorted. "Yeah, now the bitch can't give any reason to skip out on her training."
The blonde boy perked up at that, sneaking several bits of food from Anko's plate. "What are you talking about?"
Anko paused, looking at the boy. "Don't tell me she didn't tell you."
"Tell me what?"
"Where's the folder I gave you?"
Naruto looked around for the folder and remembered where he put it down. He stood up and walked back to the door and picked the folder up, returning to the kitchen and sitting back down. He opened it and started to read, his eyes widened at each sentence. "What...what is this? She took your bondage class?"
Anko nodded. "High marks in everything except S&M. She withdrew when it was time for it."
"Why?" Naruto questioned, surprised as hell. This explained so much. Her skills with the rope, the ease she tied herself up, her quick acceptance of his life style, and her desire to be with them.
"She said that she couldn't do it. It scared her and she left."
"Huh...that explains why she lied to me." When Naruto saw the confused look on Anko's face, he explained. "When I told her about your preorders on her, I asked her if she knew why you were so interested in her. She said no and I felt that tingle. I let it slide but now...maybe I shouldn't have."
"Ah don't be so hard on the girl. Now she is being forced to complete her training and I couldn't ask for a better teacher." Naruto chuckled and went back to the file. "So how are your pets doing?"
Naruto shrugged. "They're doing fine. Ino's sorting through the memories she copied and trying to rearrange them back in order. Turns out the copy gets scrambled if the original gets interrupted or something like that. Tenten got freaked out near the end and messed up the process."
"I thought her old man trained her more."
"Ino is still a newbie when it comes to memory copying. Inoichi is waiting to further her skills until she's older and I understand that."
"Oh, speaking of Ino...I've been meaning to ask. What's it like having a Yamanaka as a pet? Have you been taking advantage of her skills?"
There's a certain look in Naruto's eyes whenever he was about to go into a long monologue and Anko quickly learned what it looked like so she could escape but for some reason, all those times, she got stuck listening to him, but she didn't mind, his monologue's were quite entertaining actually.
"Oh you wouldn't believe the benefits of having her." Yep, he's monologuing. "Because of her, I was able to experience Sakura's memories as if they were my own. She puts me in Sakura's shoes and I can experience everything she feels, hear everything she thinks and hears, feels everything she feels. She actually helped me improve my female form but her practical uses are not limited to the dungeon. Because of her passive telepathy, I managed to score big at poker."
Anko sighed and hung her head at that. "You do realize that's cheating right?"
Naruto chuckled and only shrugged. "I don't really care. With Ino's ability to cloak herself, it's a big advantage. So far, no one caught me. I lose sometimes to throw suspicion off of me. Now that she can focus, she can work on improving her own skills. I'm actually amazed at some of the jutsu theories she came up with and intends on developing. Speaking of which..." With his free hand, the other occupied with food, made a seal and activated on of his favorite jutsu's...the slave summoning jutsu. Which meant shocking the slave of his choice and said slave knowing Naruto wanted her. "When you first signed the summoning contract, how difficult was it dealing with the snakes?"
Anko shrugged. "For the most part, as long as you didn't get insulted easily and able to make witty comebacks, you'll be able handle them. Why?"
"Ino wants to sign with the snakes. I'm fine with it but I'm worried about Manda."
"Don't be. As long as she doesn't piss him off, she'll be able to summon him and fight. If she wants to get on his good side, she'll summon him and let him have some fresh air. If she really wants to get him happy, she'll find him some bodies to eat."
"Would the forest of death be good?"
"I suppose so. There are plenty of big sized animals there but if he starts asking for people, then she has a problem. There are only a handful of people on death row."
Before Naruto could speak, another female entered the room, her pink/red hair being moved behind her ear. "You called master?" Junko asked.
"What are you three doing right now?" He asked as Junko stood next to him.
"Me and Saku are...educating Ten on the idea of being a human pin cushion." Naruto scoffed at that. He knew educating meant forcing when it came to them and if he knew Junko, Tenten was strapped down to a table and the girls were taunting her.
"Pack it up, all of you. I want you to take care of Tenten. Sakura needs to charge up the generator and make sure the horse is fine. Ten's going on it tonight and tell her, after you're done, she's free to do what she wants for the next few hours." Naruto paused for a moment, looking at Anko. "In fact, after you look after her, bring her up here. I think a reunion is in order." Junko nodded and left the kitchen, going back downstairs, leaving Naruto and Anko. The former stood up and walked away, patting Anko on the head as he passed, leaving Anko alone with her coming up visitor.
"Master?" Naruto stopped and turned around at the voice, spying his blonde pet coming down the stairs. "I'm ready."
"Let me go you fucking bitch! You did enough damage to me already!" Tenten shouted to her captor, struggling as Junko forced her up the stairs. "Where are you taking me?"
"Ah shut up." Junko smacked her in the back of the head as they reached the top of the stairs. "You have a visitor." Junko led her to the kitchen and forced her lover down onto the chair.
"Hello Tenten." Tenten froze at that voice and she gulped. Slowly, she turned around to face her former teacher, Anko.
However, she kept her eyes on Anko even as Junko lowered herself to Tenten's ear. "After you two are done talking, you're free for a few hours. If you go out, make sure you tell master or one of us and we'll tell him. Have fun and no biting."
As Junko left the two alone, Tenten was worried about why Anko was here. "So...what brings you here?" She asked, trying to end the silence.
"It's strange." Anko spoke. "Last time we spoke, you were trying to find your feelings on joining this family and now...I find out that he kidnapped you during the exams. You must have felt betrayed when you woke up."
Tenten sighed, laying her head on her arms on the table. "You're right. I did feel betrayed. I was left wondering for three days what was going on. When I did find out why he kidnapped me, I made a deal with him. I promised him my loyalty and obedience in return for his training."
"How's that working out?"
A soft smile came onto her face. "Best deal I ever made. Not only am I barren until he decides otherwise, I have the chance to do what I want, when I want and I'm all under the control of my family."
Anko chuckled. "You sound happy to say that."
"I am." It was then Tenten noticed the file in front of her. She opened the file and took on look at it, quickly realizing what it was. "Anko, please tell me that you didn't tell him."
The purple haired jounin smirked. "And if I did?"
The woman only waved her off. "I knew you would be too chicken to tell him you failed my class." Anko chuckled as her former student groaned and her head hit the table. "Don't worry. He understands why you failed it."
Tenten lifted her head. "He's not mad at me?"
Anko shook her head. "Nah. He's fine with it. So tell me what he had you do so far. I want to hear it."
"I'll see you later Anko." Tenten spoke as she said goodbye to Anko. She had a nice talk with her. It actually helped her to reconnect with her former teacher. When Anko had to go, Tenten was a little disappointed but was fine with it. As Tenten shut and locked the door, she sighed and leaned against it. `I'm not the naive girl I used to be. I would've told him eventually.'
"Hey." Tenten straightened herself up when she heard Sakura. She looked to the side as Sakura leaned against the door. "You alright? Anko didn't give you much trouble did she?"
"No, we just had a little talk."
Sakura chuckled. "So master finally found out about your little class with her?" Tenten snapped her head to look at the smirking pinkette. "Did you really think you could keep something like that secret? Before the wedding, when Anko talked to you and you had that brief conversation is when we found out."
"And you didn't tell him?"
Sakura shrugged. "It wasn't our place. He would've learned about it sooner or later." Tenten groaned. She should've known that they would know. "So what do you plan on doing with your free time?"
The girl sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. Maybe go out for a while or...actually, you know what? It's been a while since I practiced my shibari skills." The brunette looked at her friend. "You mind?"
Sakura chuckled. "Sure. I'll get the rope and we'll go out and go to our spot. Go ahead and get dressed."
Tenten nodded and Sakura went away to gather up the rope. She took to the stairs and went to her room, not noticing Naruto's room, and got dressed. Considering what she was about to do, it made sense to dress light and have clothes easy to take off and on. `I wonder if Sakura will let me have a harness on in public. Maybe it'll be better if I start my exhibitionist training myself, rather then master.'
As Tenten finished dressing herself, she gave herself once over and left the room after that. She passed the other rooms and by some unknown reason, snuck a glance at Naruto's bedroom but she did a double take when she saw the female blonde occupant of the bed. It definitely wasn't Ino as her blonde locks were too long.
`Who is she? Are those...whisker marks on her cheek? She kinda looks like master but...does he have a sister I don't know about?' Tenten continued to stare at this...wonder sleeping on the master's bed. She really wanted to know who she was. A few seconds later, Tenten heard someone come up the stairs but she didn't move her eyes. When she got closer, Tenten recognized the smell of her pink haired sister. "Who is she?"
"Who her?" Sakura said. "That's just master."
The look Sakura received was one that told her that Tenten didn't believe her.
"Are you telling me that master, the blabbermouth that he is, never told you about his gender bender? You never heard about it from someone? Anything like that?" When Tenten shook her head, Sakura groaned. "God damn it. Alright, to put it simply, before me, before Kyuubi, before all this, master created a jutsu that allows him to change genders. Not like a henge, but a true change. Every part of her new body is functional."
"That's not possible." Tenten said, her mouth gaping.
"It was an accident actually. He wanted something else but ended up creating the sexy jutsu instead. Now come on, you want to have some free time don't you?"
Silent reigned in the house with the departure of Ino's two sisters. It was rare for silence in the household to be heard but it does happen. Even Naruto, as loud as he can be sometimes, was preoccupied right now. He, or rather she, was walking in the shoes of Tenten on that day. Naruto was currently residing in his female form, `sleeping' on his bed.
Ino's been watching her every since she started the walk. She was worried. She felt how Tenten reacted when she finally found that woman and quite frankly, she would bet that Tenten, when it was time for her ride, would try and run away. After Ino was sure her master was fine, she walked away, heading toward the entertainment room. She was in the mood for some music.
The entertainment room was one of her favorite rooms in this house. To compliment her singing, she learned how to play several instruments. She wasn't an expert or anything but she was able to play to everybody's satisfaction. Even Sakura, who couldn't sing to save her life, managed to learn how to play a couple of instruments. She entered the room and left the door open.
She headed straight for the mini-closet where all their scrolled instruments were kept. Out of all the styles, she preferred wind and string instruments. She reached the closet and created a few clones and each of them grabbed a scroll. They unsealed the instruments and tuned them as needed.
Finally, as the real Ino set the tempo, she started the song with the flute. A few notes in, the other wind instruments joined in and then the strings, producing a song that could only be described as mediation music and for Ino, it was exactly what she needed right now. The sounds echoed throughout the house, filling it with smooth melodies.
As the song ended, Ino felt good. These kinds of songs always did that to her. It helped to calm her down and/or put her in a good mood and it was number three on the list of things that can calm down Naruto when he's in a rage. One time, when it seemed like nothing could calm him down, both her and Sakura played and it managed to quell the beast within him.
That provided the girls motivation enough to learn different styles of instruments.
Suddenly, Ino perked up when she heard clapping. All of her clones and her turned their head toward the door where they saw Naruto or rather, Kari, as she preferred to be called when in this particular form. "Nice concert." Kari moved the red hair out of her eyes.
"You changed again mistress." Ino said with a chuckle.
This time Kari chuckled. "I'm heading out for a bit. Want to get some fresh air and think about things. Where are the girls?"
"Saku left a note. She said that she and Ten were going out to practice tying each other up and I get the feeling they're not going to care who sees."
At this, Kari rolled her eyes. "And people are going to complain about them. Out of the two of you, Sakura is the one that has the most complaints."
Ino chuckled. "Maybe this is Saku's way of exhibitionist training?"
Kari let out a laugh. "I believe that." Kari thought for a couple of minutes. She wanted to think about some things but she didn't want to leave the girls out for too long before they get into trouble. "Tell you what...give them a couple of hours and if they are not back by then, go and get them. I need to pick up something from the I/T building."
"I will mistress."
Kari nodded and left but before she went out of sight, her hand pointed up and Ino followed, only to scream in surprise as her beloved pet snake dropped down on her head.
For a snake, Kira was fun to play with. She was fast and she knew where to tickle Ino. The clones had long since dispersed save one for safety while the child and her pet played with each other. When the two hours came and passed, Ino put Kira back into her room and got dressed. She had a inkling where her sisters were. Going out of the house and locking the door, she walked out to the darkening day. If she knew her sister and her ideas for training, Sakura would choose a spot where it is covered but in full view of people if they walked by. Ino suddenly stopped and smirked.
She knew where they were.
Picking up her pace, she entered the main street and for one of the crowded secondary streets. Soon enough, she picked up their scents and slowed down a bit, giving them just a bit more time. Suddenly, an angry woman, dragging her child along, passed by and Ino could hear her mutter `Have they no shame?' Ino smirked.
Found them.
She leaned against a tree, watching the show unfolding before her. A naked Tenten was really happy for some reason, wagging her finger in front of a red faced, equally naked, frustrated, gagged, tied to the tree Sakura while it sounded like Tenten was bragging about something. Ino cleared her throat, catching the attention of the two playmates in front of her. As the blonde walked up to them, Tenten bounded up to her, a spring in her step and Ino noticed the red harness on her. "You look happy." Ino commented.
"I beat her!" Tenten nearly shouted. "I finally beat her!"
"Hey hey, calm down girl." Ino said, using her hand to try and calm her down. "Tell me all about it."
Ino let out a chuckle as Tenten beamed again. "After a couple hours, Sakura put three challenges to me. I won all three and the last challenge was to wrangle Sakura in five minutes. I beat her and humiliated her in front of everybody and to top it off, I get to lead her home in anyway I want."
Ino chuckled. "Well, it's a good thing I got here. It's time to go home."
Tenten squealed at that and rushed back toward Sakura. "You hear that loser? Time to go home."
Sakura started to struggle, screaming into the ball gag. Tenten went behind the tree and undid the knots holding her up on the tree. Sakura fell to the ground, but she didn't stay still, she struggled to get free but Tenten planted her foot on her back, pinning her to the ground. Sakura screamed as Tenten retrieved the ropes and tied off her feet so that she would be able to walk but not run. Next she fastened a rope leash for Sakura's neck. The brunette looked around for something, when she found it, grabbed the remote and thumbed it to high, the girl below Tenten screaming at the sudden movements in her pussy, and finally, grabbed the black riding crop. "Now get up bitch!"
Sakura yelped as Tenten smacked her ass with the crop. She stood up, only months of practice allowing her the ability to stand up while her feet were restrained in such a way. The pinkette growled at Tenten as she lifted her face with the crop, that damned smirk still on her lips. "Oh this will settle for all those times you humiliated me, teasing me in front of my friends when I was frustrated. Not so cocky now, are you bitch?" Tenten delivered a hard smack to Sakura's face with the crop, the girl almost losing her footing but recovered and leveled a hard glare to her abuser.
The smirk never left Tenten's face as she turned to Ino. "Would you mind getting our stuff?" Ino chuckled and nodded, walking toward the clearing and picking up the discarded items, ranging from clothes, to ropes and toys, weapons, and put them all in the bag they brought along. She turned back and found Tenten trying to keep Sakura in line. Sakura wasn't going to go along quietly it seemed and she was doing one hell of a job, testing Tenten's ability to control a slave.
"You think you can handle a bitch like her?" Ino asked as she rejoined the duo.
"Just watch me." Tenten gave a hard yank on the rope leash, Sakura jerking forward and Tenten stepping in behind her and smacked her ass with the crop once again. "Forward!" Sakura growled but complied, moving her feet forward as far as they are able to and everybody set off to home. As they walked, Ino noticed that Tenten didn't cover either of them and then she realized that she never intended too but that was fine.
People stared as the three naked and not naked girls walked the street. Sakura kept resisting but with threats, punches to the face, and strikes to the sweet spots from the crop, Tenten was able to keep Sakura's feet moving.
Ino just walked along, keeping an eye on things.
As they walked, Tenten noticed a decrease in resistance and it got to the point where all she had to do was give an order and Sakura would follow. It was impressive really, to see how well Sakura acted. In fact, this was kinda like the rape fantasy but with a weaker girl and she wasn't raping her. To test this, Tenten waited until they got to a less crowed street. They spied a candy store and Tenten motioned to Ino and she nodded in response. "You know what Ino? Sakura has been such a good girl; I think she deserves a treat."
"Why Tenten...that's a marvelous idea. There's a candy store right here. They should have her favorite."
Tenten licked her lips and nodded. She turned around toward her prisoner. She has given up resisting and just followed orders like a slave should. Tenten yanked on the rope leash and the girl slammed against a pole. "Sit!" She barked, the girl following her orders. She reached into the bag Ino was carrying and pulled out some extra rope and tied Sakura to the pole.
Tenten smiled as she bent down, reaching for Sakura's chin and gently lifting it up, staring into her eyes. They were soft, submissive, eyes that told you that she would do anything her master told you to do. "You stay here Sakura. You behave and I'll give you your favorite treats."
Sakura gave a nod, signaling that she understood. Tenten nodded as well and stood up, silently creating a clone and hiding her to watch over the girl, Ino following, walking into the store, leaving the child there, vulnerable and in full view of anyone walking by. A few minutes passed and Sakura couldn't do anything but watch as people walked by and pointed and whispered. Sakura was humiliated that she was in position, people walking by and seeing her, pointing and laughing at her. Tears fell from her eyes as she softly sobbed.
But on the inside, past the rumbles of the vibrator, there was a feeling that Sakura absolutely loved, that rare feeling that one could only feel when her reputation was being destroyed, when she was in public and embarrassed on many levels. That crushing feeling she feels that can only be felt under specific circumstances, she longed for and her master gives her that feeling every month and just for that, she would die for him, if only to feel that feeling.
But when someone actually did someone to her during this time...she would be in heaven and complemented the pleasures that vibrator was given her to produce mind-blowing orgasms.
"Hey look at this." Sakura perked up to see a group of children, no more old then seven bound up to her. They crowded her and stared at her with those soft, innocent eyes. A blonde, about five, poked her. "You think she's real?"
"Nah couldn't be." A redhead girl, about seven, spoke. "I don't think anyone would do this. Those sounds she's making has got to come from a recorder or something."
"I don't know..." Another kid spoke, about six, said. "She seems real to me." That same kid gave a poke to Sakura's breast. However, that instant, a powerful orgasm ripped through Sakura and she screamed through her gag, her body convulsing as she spilled out her juices.
The children, at that moment, screamed in surprised and jumped back, several of them looked like they were fixing to bolt. They stayed frozen as they watched the strange girl/toy shake for some strange reason until she slumped over, still breathing. They waited until they looked at each other. "Cool." They chorused. "Do that again." The children ganged up on her, poking her to try and get her/it to do that again, the belief that she was just a new kind of toy stuck in their minds.
"HEY!" Heads snapped up to see a red headed teenager walking toward them. When they realized she was talking to them, they tried to run but that redhead was right on top of them. "What are you doing to her?" She demanded, crossing her arms.
"It's ours! We found it!" They argued, shielding her from the clutches of this `evil woman'.
The red head chuckled. "I see. Did you ever stop and think that she belongs to someone else? Maybe he or she is in the store right now, just waiting for you to try and run off with her so he or she can send you to jail for theft?" She smirked. That put a lot of fear in those little tykes. "Who knows? Maybe she belongs to the Hokage and when he finds out you took his toy, he's going to do a lot of bad bad things to you."
By this time, a small crowd of people was watching.
The kids looked into the shop, seeing everybody in the shop looking at them, and one blonde had a scowl on her face. The kids, their minds going to the worst, screamed in fear and bolted, some bumping into each other trying to escape. "I'm telling my parents on you." One kid shouted.
"I'll be here!" She responded. When the kids turned the corner, she smiled and chuckled, turning back toward the subject of her talk and bent down. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" The girl shook her head. "Are you being held against your will?" She shook her head again. "I see." The red head reached forward and undid one of the straps and took the ball gag out of her mouth.
However, when Sakura looked at her savior when she moved her red locks out of the way, she gasped, recognizing Naruto's blue eyes, realizing that this is Naruto. The rush of emotion, coupled with the immense buildup of heat in her body, caused Sakura to have another mind-blowing orgasm that shook her to the very core.
The newly realized female Naruto held the girl as she orgasmed, the girl muffling her screams in the redhead's neck. It took a while for the orgasm to pass, her body convulsing with each passing moment. When it did pass, Sakura collapsed into the arms of her savior. "You're a very brave girl you know? Doing something like this in public."
Sakura lifted herself up and sat up on her own strength. "I lost a bet." She panted. "I lost a bet and this is my punishment for it. Who are you?"
"Akane Kari. You?"
"Uzumaki Sakura."
Kari raised her eyebrow. "Uzumaki? Naruto's wife?" When Sakura gave her a look, she explained. "He's a widely talked about person in these parts. Getting two wives at the same time AND convincing them to wear collars? He's one of the luckiest bastards in Konoha." She chuckled when Sakura smiled and chuckled. "I saw that other orgasm. You're enjoying this. This isn't a punishment for you is it? Those kids were just a bonus."
She smiled when Sakura nodded and turned toward the shop window. "My wife and other potential wife in there helped me." When Ino and Tenten waved at her, she nodded and turned back to Kari.
"You have really good friends. Does your husband know about this?"
Sakura nodded. "He's the one who suggested it and he trusted us to take care of each other."
"I see but I'm confused about something..."
"I'm a masochist and an exhibionist freak." Sakura answered. "Been like that for the longest time. We've been planning this for a long time. They were going to henge me if they felt I wasn't safe. If they didn't do anything when those kids came up, they thought I was still safe and besides, the ANBU in the trees wouldn't let anything happen."
Kari chuckled and looked at the collar on Sakura's neck. "So this is the collar he gave you. It's beautiful."
"Thank you. It really is."
"You're welcome. have another question. Because of this, do you really care if people know if you're a masochist and an exhibionist? I mean, rumors are going to be flying and it might cause more damage then you thought?"
"I don't care if the whole village knows but for something like this, public? It's going to be rare that we do this in the eyes of people. Before now, we kept our fantasies out of view and only go out in the dead of night. I believe that this is a reward for me and..." Sakura suddenly stopped, her eyes closing as she moaned. Kari looked down and realized that she was coming.
"You're good." She said afterwards. "I forgotten something was in you."
"I've gotten very good at hiding my reactions." Sakura replied. "There can be one running in me on full blast and no one would be the wiser."
Kari chuckled. "Well, I should be going now. My parents are going to kill me if I come home late."
"Could you please put the gag back on please?" Sakura asked.
The redhead nodded. "Sure." She took the gag in her hands and placed it back in her mouth, securing it behind her ear. Sakura grunted in approval and Kari chuckled, patting her head as she stood up and walked away. She saw the crowd and mentally chuckled. `My dear just did yourself a huge favor.'
Kari reached the crowd and moved to avoid them but a woman called out to her. She stopped, turning toward the crowd. "Yes?"
"Could...could you tell us what you two talked about?"
"Why?" She asked, crossing her arms.
"We're concerned." A male spoke. "It looked like she was setting herself up to be raped and we're worried she has a death wish."