Different world of Naruto's sexual life

Chapter 35: chapter 29 Part 2

"At a candy store? No no, you got it all wrong." She quickly said. "See, she had friends watching her and they made sure she was safe."

"What else did she say?"

Kari didn't respond at first, placing her hand under her chin, she looked at Sakura, who was joined by her wife and other potential wife. "Well, she did say she didn't care who knows." She muttered. "Alright, from the beginning..."


"Did you plan that or did it just happen?" Ino asked Tenten as the girl led Sakura the rest of the way home. "When you thought your idea, I thought that you were going to cover her or at least change her if anyone came up to her."

Tenten shrugged. "I was originally going to but when my clone spotted the kids, I made a judgment call and thought she was going to enjoy it. I had no idea she was going to show up. All in all, I think it turned out okay. Who was that ANBU watching Sakura anyway?"

"Tenzo. We trust him and he came through for us in the past."

"Oh him." Tenten remembered the list and Tenzo's name on it. "Well, Sakura seemed to have had a good time if the orgasms were as intense as I thought they were. I'm not sure I'll ever be as...freaky as she is."

Ino laughed and flung her arm around Tenten's shoulder. "Just give it some time pet. Just give it time."


By the time the girls got home, they spent a total of five hours out. When the door shut by Ino, she watched the other two to see what Tenten would do. Tenten took a deep breath as she faced Sakura and took her by the shoulders. "You know something...I blame all of you for my eagerness. From that day when we crashed, you, both of you, have been training me to be his pet. The stories, the experiments, the touches, everything...you prepared me for this and you know what...it worked. I had no trouble being naked in front of everybody, humiliating you, and all that crap."

Tenten chuckled as she shook Sakura's head, hearing the girl groan into the gag. She let go of her and started to untie her. She started with the leg ropes and worked her way up to her hands and the last was the harness on her body.

When Tenten freed Sakura's hands, she reached up and took off the ball gag off. Her jaws cracking as she stretched them. "Where's the remote?"

"What remote?" Tenten yelped as Sakura immediately smacked her in the back of the head. "Oh that remote." Tenten removed the remote from its little rope pocket on her back. "Here you go."

Sakura yanked it from her hands and grabbed the rope. "I'm heading downstairs. The vibrator isn't doing enough for my lust and I need to take care of it. I do not want any of you disturbing me, do you understand me?" She demanded, using her finger to emphasize her desire to be alone. They quickly nodded. "Good, now Ten, mistress wants to talk to you."

"Mistress?" Sakura smacked Tenten again and turned her around to find a beautiful red headed teenager, the same one that talked to Sakura, leaning against the door frame. Tenten turned around but found Sakura gone as well as Ino. She sighed and turned around, walking toward the girl and stopping when she was in front of her.

"So...tell me about that little stunt you pulled at the candy shop."

"I thought it would be good for her. I mean, granted I was the one who won her challenges but I guess I just wanted to see how much she could take." She quickly explained.

"Are you satisfied?" Tenten nodded. "Good. Now tell me what kind of precautions did you take beforehand?"

"I created a clone and had her cloak herself and keep an eye on Sakura. I wanted her to be visible but if anybody came close, she would disappear. When those kids came, I decided to keep her visible and see what happens. I noticed the ANBU shortly after the kids came. I got to tell you, Sakura is a really good actor."

Kari chuckled. "That she is. (Sigh) Alright, you're off the hook. Now then, I'm going to do you a favor and warn you. In a couple of hours, you will experience your first ride on the horse." Tenten froze at that and her eyes widened in horror. "Yes you heard me right and no, you can't convince me otherwise. You're riding and that's final. Now this time, unlike your sisters, you will not be given any mercy. One regular session and all that entails. If you can survive this, you'll be fine and what's more, you'll be riding a new horse, fresh out of Iwa."

"I...see." Tenten's spirits took a severe blow and her body reflected that, her hands crossing under her breasts and her feet shifting, her head bowing, avoiding Kari's eyes. "They...they told me stories of what you do to them on a `regular' session. Not...not only do you whip them, you verbally abuse them, your words cutting deep into their soul, destroying their will with your words. You mutilate their bodies for your delight, sometimes even using knives to flay off the skin. Sometimes, when you're really sadistic, you try and cook them, tying them on a spit and setting a fire. Sakura told me when you hanged your girls, wrapping a noose around their necks and slowly lifting them up, masturbating as they slowly die, doing different stuff to them like forcing them to cum or piss."

Tenten went silent, realizing that she just scared the shit out of herself, speaking what Sakura told her. She was afraid of what Kari would do, whether she would confirm it or deny it. Suddenly, Kari burst out laughing, the loudest she ever heard. "You...actually...believed her?" Kari burst out laughing again, causing Tenten to wonder what, exactly, was the joke. "Tenten..." Kari said. "While it's true that I hang my girls sometimes, there are limits to what I do. Even on my most sadistic days, I stop myself if I flay more then 30% of the body. Now Sakura told you this?" Tenten nodded. "Sakura may be smart but she has this tendency to let her imagination do the talking. If I haven't done it to you, the girls are not allowed to do something to you unless they have my permission. Now there's a rule you need to know about this family. When we're down there, everything that is said stays down there. It's all part of the act, designed to help me and hurt you."

"I know, I know." Tenten said, a little relieved. "While I know that I won't be able to recover as easily, I'll know you won't really mean it if you say I'm worthless and I would be better off dead."

Kari chuckled. "I don't know about that. I can be pretty believable when I get into it. You might find yourself doubting yourself."

That seemed to have changed Tenten's mind a little if the look on her face was any indication. "I...think I understand."

Kari nodded. "Good. Now go and get some rest, eat something, do whatever. Prepare yourself for the ride in a couple of hours. I promise you, it'll be the worst night of your life."

When Tenten became dejected again, she smiled and cupped Tenten's face, lifting it up. "Hey...this is what you begged me to do. Train you to resist torture. I don't want to see you cower like you did last time. Trust me; there are many different ways to train someone as a masochist. With you, I'm going the hard route. I'm going to break you into teeny tiny pieces and rebuild you the way I want you. Over the next few days, you'll feel nothing but pain and pleasure. I'll blur the lines between them until you can't tell the difference."

Roughly, Kari let go of Tenten, the girl bowing her head as Kari loomed over her, a scowl on her face. She humped and walked away, leaving the girl shivering in fear, however, she stopped when she caught wind of a soft noise from Tenten. "Mi-mistress?"

Kari crossed her arms and turned around. "What?" She barked.

The girl winced at the sudden harshness. "I-I have a question."

"Speak." Kari spoke, standing in front of the girl.

"I...I wanted to...to know more about this...form of yours, this female in front of me."

Tenten immediately averted her eyes when she looked up, seeing the hard look in her eyes. "What did Sakura tell you?" She asked.

Tenten gulped. "She told me that before everything, you created this jutsu. That's about it."

"I created this as an escape." Tenten looked up. "In the past, I wanted to be let alone. I took when I knew of henge and tried to create something new. Unknowingly, I was using my abilities to create something real to create this. In this form, I can bleed, I can menstruate, I can do anything a female can do, but most of all, I can hide in plain sight. I have several forms that I use for that purpose."

"Does anyone know what you look like?"

"Only people I trust know a few of the forms but not all. I need to have some way to hide you know? Does that answer your question?"

The brunette nodded. "It does mistress."

"Good. Now go and do whatever you want. I'll get you when it's time."


In those two hours, Tenten tried her best to prepare herself, from listening to previous sessions on the horse from her sisters to trying to imagine what her ride would be like.    Simply put, she scared herself at what her mind showed her.    The next time she saw Naruto, she stood and waited but he didn't come from her.    No, he was just there to get his other pets and left her alone.

When she looked at the clock and realized that that was when she was supposed to go, she couldn't help but wonder why he left her.

When he did come back, his actions made her think she was about to be executed.    He took her side while Sakura took the other side, both of them having a hold on her arm.    They led her downstairs and to a room, forcing her in front of a white covered object with Ino standing besides it holding something.    They stopped and let go of her, the boy going to the box Ino was holding but now that she was closer, she spied something on her connected to the roof directly above the covered object.    Naruto dug into the box with withdrew two leather cuffs and a short chain.

The wrist cuffs were the first to go on and Naruto connected her wrists together by the four inch chain.    Naruto repeated the process for her ankles save for the chain.    Naruto dove into the box again and took out a wide strap leather ring gag.    "Now open for me pet.    Go ahead, open."    Tenten complied and let Naruto fix the ring gag to her mouth.    "Good good.    Now..."    Naruto went back to Ino and took that thing connected to the ceiling and brought it to her.

It was a hook, Tenten noticed, as Naruto attached it to the chains connecting her wrists together.    Suddenly, there was a whirring sound and Tenten was lifted to her toes, probably to keep her from resisting so much.    Suddenly, Tenten let out a squeal as something suddenly rammed itself in her ass.    She looked back, spying Sakura behind her.

The thing in her was cold.    She could feel studs all along the object and to be honest, it felt like metal, similar to that thing that was shoved in her pussy during that Q&A.    She faced forward when Naruto slapped her tits to get her attention.    "Pay attention."    He demanded of her.    She complied and tried to focus on him.    Naruto went to the white covered object, grabbed it, and flung it off.    A second passed before her eyes widened in horror, realizing the potential of this evil object.    "You see don't you?"    Naruto said, walking around it.

It was a variation of the wooden horse, but in place of the metal edge there was a gap, just wide enough for her clit to fit in. Inside the gap, there was a series of pyramid-like objects that looked to be made out of rubber.

She had a terrible feeling she knew what they were for too.

"You see these bumps, pet?" Naruto asked, running a hand over them almost lovingly. "They're on a belt, meaning they rotate all around the horse. The speed is variable too - it can go very fast I tell you. They won't draw blood, but they will make the ride...memorable." He grinned, reaching down to finger her wet petals, drawing a soft mewl from the girl. "The probe in your ass will shock you, as will the clamps that will go on those pretty nipples of yours. The spikes will slam against your clit, and between these lips between your legs, almost like your getting constant mini-fucks. And all the while, your sisters and I will be whipping you...oh, so much to do, so little time."

Naruto jerked his head and the girls reacted, one pushing the up button on the winch and lifting her while the other led the struggling girl to this new horse.    By the time she got to the horse, she was raised enough so that Ino could maneuver her legs to the right spot.

Naruto stood aside and let his slaves do their jobs.    While Sakura manned the remote, Ino bent down and attached chains to the ankle restraints and motioned to Sakura who pushed the down button on the remote, lowering Tenten down.    Muffled screams could be heard from the girl as she struggled.    She had no idea he would do this to her and she had a feeling that by the time he was done with her, she would be dead.

Tenten was placed onto the contraption, her pussy in between two of the spikes.    She wasn't in pain right now but as soon as they started moving, she would be in extreme agony.    She looked down as Ino pulled on the chains, forcing her body down even further on the horse.    Ino then strapped her thighs to the horse, making sure that it would be extremely hard for her to move.    Motioning to her sister, Sakura pushed the up button, pulling Tenten tight.

"Tell me pet..."    Naruto said, drawing Tenten's attention to her, watching him as he admired a red crop.    "Do you regret being involved with me?    I mean, really involved with me?    Do you wish that you never met me or my pets?"    Tenten immediately shook her head, making a sound that sounded like `no'.    Naruto smirked and licked his lips.    "I guarantee you, by the time I'm done with you; you'll wish we never existed.    Blind her."    Tenten let out a sudden squeal as she was suddenly blinded, her eyesight cut off.    Tenten supposed that it was an act of mercy but she soon realized that it was a curse.

She had no idea what was coming and had no idea how or when to defend herself.

Naruto smirked as he started to circle Tenten.    The girl was starting to freak out.    With her blinded, she had no idea what was coming and unable to defend herself against it.    Of course, the sight of his torture instruments had the potential to scare her better but for now...no sight was good.    Especially with this new horse.    He walked up toward the table that held the instruments he was going to use on her and grabbed the remote for the horse.

"Do you know why I like torture so much?    In addition to getting great pleasure from it, you can learn so much about something.    You can learn just how strong somebody is, how far they're willing to go for somebody, and how deep affections and devotions run."    With that, he thumbed the switch for the belt to its highest speed.

The belt didn't start slowly, it sprinted and very quickly settled into a high speed, tormenting Tenten with the painful spikes, the girl howling in pain as the horse hummed in operation

Of course, he neglected to tell his pet is that he coated the spikes with a chemical provided by Hinata that produced a burning sensation.

He went back to the table and picked up a cat o' nine-tails.    Naruto's job wasn't just to torture his pet, his job was to make Tenten realize that she needed to accept pain as her pleasure.    Give her a reason to like pain, whether it was to make her feel alive, give her a reason to live in suffering, whatever.    It was different for everybody but she needed to find the reason herself, he could only point her in the right direction.

Reaching for the remote, he turned the speed down to medium, cutting the screaming down just a bit.    He didn't need her passing out before he's done but just in case...Ino had a tag that'll keep her awake.    He went back to his screaming pet and gently ran his fingers down her side, letting her know that he was here.    "Masochists, my little minx, are not just people who love pain.    They all have their reasons."    His other hand reached back and delivered a harsh swing to Tenten's back, the girl arching, thus forcing her pussy to dig in more to the spikes, as the tendrils wrapped themselves around her.    "Sakura loves pain because it makes her feel alive, that she has a purpose in my life.    As for Ino...hehe, she just wants to suffer all under my hands and her sister."

Naruto swung the tails again, two strikes to Ino's stomach, the last one coated with chakra, the pain much more intense, red lines visible on Tenten's stomach already.    He reached up and, with a gentle hand, caressed Tenten's breasts, his hands going to her nipples, his hand never leaving her despite her struggles, but then smacking those tits with the whip afterwards.

"You say you want to be with me?    You can't be with me unless you can take my rage!"    Naruto stepped up and slapped Tenten's face.    He saw the wet spots on her blindfold from her tears.    "Look at this bitch!    Crying like a little baby.    You can't even keep your eyes dry and it's not even five minutes yet.    If this was a real torture, kami...Konoha is fucked.    You know what...give me the cattle prod.    Give it to me!"    Naruto threw the whip to Sakura, who replaced it on the table and quickly placed the cattle prod in his hands.    "Bitch needs to learn to keep her eyes dry."

Drool flowed out of Tenten's mouth as she screamed, electricity running through her as Naruto shoved the prod onto her clit.    This was hell for Tenten.    What she imagined what the ride would be like was completely different then what she was experiencing right now, but those few comforting gestures he gives her, running his hands over her side, squeezing her breasts, kept her focused.

"But I suppose all the blame doesn't go to you."    Naruto commented, tossing the prod back to Sakura.    "This is peace time and the academics go slack during this time but that's why I'm here.    I'm here to shape you into what I want you to be."    Naruto caressed her side again but this time with one finger.    "It's a shame you have to suffer like this.    I used to have a heart when I learned exactly what goes on during training like this but that heart is locked away.    Only when you have survived, will I let you hold my heart.    I want you to suffer bitch, like I did."    Naruto grabbed a strap with hooks, stepping onto the stool and attached the hooks to her nose and yanked on it, the girl yelling, attaching the other end to the collar on her neck.    "You want to love me?"    He whispered into her ear, cupping her cheek.    "Prove to me that you deserve to be loved."    The blonde torturer placed a gentle kiss on the skin.    Tenten let out a muffled sob when she felt his lips.

Naruto mouthed to Ino who placed a clamp in his hands.    He twisted Tenten's head and tried to attach the clam to her tongue and succeeded after a few tries.    The girl yelped when he did but then she started moaning as Naruto licked and nibbled at her nipple.    Despite what was going on down below, she felt the pleasure in her breasts.    It was hard for her, the pleasure and pain mixing but she was learning something about herself.

She was learning exactly why she was doing this, letting Naruto torture her so much.

"Douse her."    He ordered his pets.    Ino and Sakura retrieved the buckets of water and dumped the water on her.    Fortunately the horse was waterproof so that was good but Tenten wasn't.    Naruto grabbed the remote and slowed down the speed of the belt some more.    He wanted her attention for this next bit.    He pushed one button that told the horse to charge electricity and when the next button turned green, he pushed it and Tenten screamed in pain as she was electrocuted, the effect being amplified by the water.

When the charge finished, he smirked.    "Well well well...lookie here.    You're still awake."    He said while the girls quickly dried the floor around the horse.    "There's hope for you yet slave.    Tell you what, let's do this.    As a reward for your consciousness, lets shock your tits.    Sakura told me how much you liked it."    A second later, Ino handed him a cattle prod and turned it on. He smirked as he heard it buzz. He lifted his hand and shoved the prod into her nipple, the electricity traveling into Tenten's nipple, causing the girl to howl in pain and thrash about, but Naruto kept it on her.    "You never looked better."    He commented, chuckling while he said it, loving the howls of pain coming from the girl.    Naruto started to stick the prod all over her body, her butt, her cheeks, and various other places, the selections random.

When he felt like Tenten had enough, he handed the prod back to Ino, while still looking at Tenten, and said hand grasped at something that was supposed to be there but wasn't. Naruto turned and looked at the space and growled, turning his rage at his blonde pet. "Where are the fucking hooks? I told you to get them!" Ino yelped as Naruto smacked her.

Ino cried out as she landed on the floor. She quickly apologized and stood back up, racing toward the cabinets and quickly retrieving a set of hooks with weights attached to them. She rushed back, bowing her head as she held out her hands holding the objects. Naruto growled but grabbed one of the hooks. He grabbed Tenten's breast and forcibly hooked the hook in, letting it go and letting the five pounds a piece weights drag her breast down and repeated the process with the other side.    "Now that's better."    He turned to Ino.    "Next time, don't forget them!"    He shouted, smacking the back of her head.    "You're lucking I'm letting you burn her.    I should send you off because of that.    Don't make me regret it."    Ino quickly nodded and back off, bowing her head in apology.

"Now then..."    Naruto turned around back toward his pet.    The screaming died down some but she was still hurting.    "This is what the enemy would do to you if you had something they needed.    They would go to extreme lengths to make you believe something.    For instance, if you were married, they could try and make you believe your husband sold you to make a buck.    That's how they make you crack.    You should never believe anything they tell you.    Even if it was true, don't believe them.    Believe what you want.    Believe that your husband and kids are waiting for you at home, believe that someone is looking for you.    This will keep you sane and alive until you are rescued.    Death is a last option.    Only when you are sure that no one is coming for you, you can try and kill yourself.    Only when you are sure, seen with your own eyes that your village is destroyed, your own village betrayed you.    Only when you are sure that you can not escape, free yourself and die.    I would rather you be dead then in enemy hands."    Naruto thumbed the switch to the belt again and turned it to medium.

He turned to Sakura and asked for the one-tailed whip. Sakura quickly retrieved it and held it out to Naruto. The boy reached out to grab it but he stopped, his face twisting into a thinking pose. He turned back and forth to Tenten and the whip. "Take it back." He finally said. "I got something else in mind." Sakura blinked in confusion but obeyed, taking the whip back to where it came from.

Naruto turned around and approached Tenten. Gently, he laid his hand on her back and petted it, comforting the girl as the horse tormented her once again. "I'm proud of you, you know that? Knowing what goes on in this family, you still asked to be trained. Once I break you...you will be a member of this family." Naruto looked at Tenten's back and the few welts that decorated her back and the tattoo that was in between her shoulder blades.

He moved his hand down to about halfway down. He removed all fingers from her back save for his sharpened index finger. He pushed down and broke the skin and started to spiral outwards, leaving behind a bloody trail as the nail cut the skin. He was making the spiral symbol and when he was done, he removed his hand and smiled, seeing a perfect spiral on Tenten's back.

He licked his finger as he stood on the bench again, reaching up and grabbing Tenten's chin, twisting it so he could look at her.    "You still alive?"    He chuckled as she screamed, the drool freefalling from her mouth.    He yanked the clamp out of her mouth and kissed the tip of her nose before taking off the gag and kissing her lips before she could scream.

The boy internally smirked as he heard the girl moan at his actions, his hand going down and cupping her breasts.    He ran his hands down her sides in a gentle way, the girl whimpering at the tender care she was being given in contrast to the torture.    He broke the kiss and Naruto whispered a `good job so far' to her before he stepped down.    Turning to Sakura, he made the slashing motion across his neck and Sakura turned off the belt, earning an enormous sigh of relief from the brunette.

He then took the chance to look at Tenten's pussy.    The damage was mostly superficial and the spikes did their job, but it was the chemicals he coated them with is the one that caused the most pain but the clit had the most damage.    Turning to the girls, he asked them for water.    Sakura went and placed a bottle of water in Naruto's hands.    The boy then unscrewed it.    "Drink some water pet."    He placed the bottle on her lips and lifted it, the girl gulping the water down as fast as it flowed.    "Good good...now it's time for the pets to have their turn."

Naruto stepped down but kept the ring gag hanging on her neck as well as the hooks in her nose but not the blindfold.    He took that off as well.    If they wanted to take them off, they can do so.    It's their turn now and their torture.    He turned and went to his pets, crossing his arms as it was now time to decide who goes first.

He always hated this part.    They get so competitive and it drives him nuts sometimes.

"So...who's first?"    In one instant, both hands shot up and the option for first hand raised got thrown out of the window.    When the girls realized it, they shot each other a dirty look and Naruto had a feeling punches were about to be thrown.    His hands shot out and grabbed both of their throats when hands started twitching.    "Alright, lets try this.    Raise your hand if you want to go but you have to show your sister the joys of being hanged, meaning you're the one being hanged."

To Naruto's surprise, both hands shot up again.

"Even you Ino?"

The girl shrugged in his hand.    "I like being hanged. That's all there is to it. I never said anything because I was afraid that you would forbid it."

"As long as you have proper supervision Ino, I don't mind."    Naruto sighed.    "Alright...how about this?    In addition to be hanged, the one who goes has to spend a couple of weeks working the entire village's sanitation system.    You'll be the sole person working with a maximum of three clones."    Now that caused the girls to hesitate.    They worked that system before and they never wanted to go back.

Of course, Naruto had no intention to doing that, he just wanted them to think about it.

The two sisters looked at each other, Naruto's hands still on their throat, and thought.    Is it really worth it?    Is it really worth being the first one to torture the girl and spend two weeks being the only working down there?

"I'll do it."    Sakura raised her hand.    "I spend a lot of time down there so what's a couple of weeks?"    Naruto nodded and let go of them, moving aside to let Sakura through.

"Scat freak."    Ino muttered as she passed, angry that Ino had the guts to do this and she didn't.

Sakura stopped, turned around with a scowl on her face.    "What you say whore?"

Ino growled.    "You heard me scat freak!"

"Futa lover!"

"Trash lover!"

"Man whore!"

"Dyke hater!"

"Fire freak!"

"Beast fucker!"

Now that affected Sakura.    "Beast fucker?"

Ino smirked.    "I've seen your fantasies girl.    I got tons of comebacks."

Sakura growled, clenching her fists in anger.    "Those are private!    You had no right!    You know the laws of the family bitch."

Ino chuckled.    "Says who?"

Now that did it.    Sakura yelled a battle cry and tackled Ino to the floor, her fists seeking out Ino's face.    Ino did try to defend herself but Sakura was the stronger girl, quickly setting aside her defenses and the blonde getting pummeled by her sister.    It was worth it, getting Sakura riled up this much.    It was a personal game of hers.    See how much she could get hurt by riling Sakura up.

Naruto face palmed, sighing as the girls pummeled each other once again.    Turning toward his tortured pet, he spoke.    "See what I have to deal with everyday?    If they don't pounce on each other each week, it would be a miracle.    (Sigh) I suppose I should break them up.    If Sakura do anymore damage to the girl, she won't be able to torture you my dear."    Naruto chuckled at the shocked expression on Tenten's face before turning to the quarreling sisters.    He reached out and grabbed Sakura's hair, pulling on it and yanking her away from Ino.    She yelped as she crashed against the horse, growling as she moved to pounce on the girl again but Naruto stepped in between them.    "You stay right where you are!    One more step and you will be forbidden to touch her!"

Sakura growled but stayed her feet, forcing her hands down but clenched them, wanting very much to keep pummeling the blonde bitch.    She could only watch as Naruto kept an eye on her, just waiting for her to move.    When he was satisfied, he turned to Ino.    "Get out.    Take care of your face.    I want you two separated until I give the okay."    From the floor, Ino nodded and got up, turning around and giving Sakura a hidden wink, causing the girl to growl again.    When Ino was gone, he turned back to his first pet.    "By all rights, I should keep you from torturing her but I'm not just because I know how Ino work.    Take a thirty minute break and I expect ten of those minutes to be spent in the freezer.    By the time you come back, I want you calm and collected.    I don't want you killing Tenten because of this."    Sakura reluctantly nodded, Naruto's eyes watching her as she walked away.    "I'll be checking on you in a bit.    You better be in the freezer or done with it by that time."    Sakura nodded again, giving a bow before stepping out of the room.

When the girl disappeared, Naruto let out a long and heavy sigh.    "I do wish they tone down the beatings.    I love them so much but I don't want them crippled you know?"    He said turning to Tenten.    "With Sakura's violent tendencies and Ino's skills as a manipulator and now your apparent sadism, you three will keep me busy for decades.    Hang out here for a while.    Saku's going solo for her turn and I saw her getting matches and candles so watch out for that."

As Naruto walked away, Tenten could only wonder why Sakura was getting matches.    Fire was Ino's shtick wasn't it?    Then she remembered her skills with medical stuff and chemicals and drugs and all that shit.    If you rated the entire family in terms of sadism, Naruto and Sakura would be tied.    `I really hope she takes it easy on me.    This is my first time on this thing and I really hope she gives me mercy but then again...master is in a torture mood and I know how Sakura gets.'    Tenten shifted in her binds.    The tension on her hands and feet gave her little room to move, if any, and it hurt.    Not to mention that same tension worked against her when the belt ran, forcing her body to stay down as the spikes ran across her, slicing her clit and labia.    Not only did they torture the outside, the design of the spikes meant that they forced it open and the spikes cut the inside of her as well.    `I really hope Sakura doesn't use this thing again.    It's so painful but when Sakura touched my breasts, the pain and pleasure seemed to mix somewhat and I think she's going to take advantage of that fact.    I've seen her medical skills.    Maybe this is what he meant by the hard masochist training.'

Try as she might, Tenten could do nothing but wait until Sakura comes back.    Because of master's orders, Sakura would be calm enough to truly enjoy torturing her and she would do what it takes to make the experience pleasurable for her and painful at the same time.


`It's been more then thirty minutes.    Where is she?'    Tenten questioned herself.    She barely was able to look at the clock and found it's been an hour since Naruto left.    She was worried.    She wondered what exactly Sakura had planned for her and she couldn't get the fire images out of her mind.    Suddenly, the door slammed open and Tenten's body jerked, the girl cursing herself for scaring herself.

"Alrighty then, let's get started."    Tenten heard the distinct sound of boot steps and the sound of wheels squeaking.    She didn't dare turn around, lest she see the instruments of her torture.    Sakura came into Tenten's sight and found that she dressed up some.    In addition to the black thigh high boots, she wore a black corset that Tenten swore reduced her waist size by several inches.    The arm length gloves didn't cover her hands but rather seemed part of the corset and covered it from the wrist up.    "Let's take this off."    Sakura reached up and took off the nose plug as well as the ring gag on her neck and the blindfold.    "There we go.    All better.    Now let's see how your pussy is coming along."    Sakura suddenly shoved her hand in between her legs, the sudden movement causing Tenten to jerk in surprise while Sakura inserted a finger, probing the inside of her for wounds.    "Looks like all of your wounds inside have healed but there are still some out.    I'll take care of that."    Tenten felt that familiar feeling of warmth that usually came with the healing jutsu and the pain she felt disappeared causing her to sigh in relief.    "Feel better darling?"

"It does."    She responded.    "Tha-mmph."    Tenten was suddenly muffled by a ball gag being forced into her mouth.

"Did I say you could talk?    Shut up!"    Sakura gave Tenten a harsh smack on her face, the girl crying out in pain.    "Pigs shouldn't talk...especially when they're about to be butchered."    The prisoner's eyes widened when she saw Sakura lift up a nasty looking knife.    "I used this knife to lop off a breast and force feed it to its owner one time."    Sakura smirked as her eyes went to Tenten and pointed the knife at her.    "You ever wonder what your own meat would taste like?    It's not that hard.    All I have to do is slice this off..."    The girl made a slicing motion on Tenten's breast, the girl struggling in fear.    "Cook it, unless you prefer raw, and serve it up with multiple choices of seasonings.    I remember when I had my first breast.    Kami it was so delicious."

Tenten yelped when Sakura poked her nipple with the knife.    "Or I could slice this off."    Sakura circled the edge of her areola with the knife.    "Let it simmer and have it as an entrée or maybe just as a topping but then you have this..."    With one quick motion, Sakura dragged the knife down.    When she stopped, the girl smirked at Tenten struggles.    "The clitoris.    That bundle of very sensitive nerves down there can be quite tasty.    Deep fry a bunch of them and you have finger treats."

Sakura chuckled as she set the knife down.    "You're lucky the boss wants you intact...well, as intact as you can be being tortured like this.    Perhaps I should pull your teeth, save everybody the trouble."    Sakura laughed when the girl started to shake her head violently.    The girl started to circle Tenten, using her hands to make ghostly touches.    "Ah my little kuniochi.    I remember when I was in your place.    So full of resistance, brimming with the hope that I would be rescued but as I will do to you, everything was destroyed and I was rebuilt to become the person you see now.    Did you know I was originally slated to be food?    That's right...all slathered up in sauce, stuffed with seasoning, and thrown into the oven, the last moments of my life spent as amusement to the cannibalistic soldiers watching me cook.    The late mistress, who I killed and took her place, took pity on me and took me under her wing and molded me."

Sakura stopped in full view of Tenten.    "I don't know what the boss plans for you.    Maybe you're going to be food or a toilet or even a sex slave, I don't know.    My purpose here is to make you docile.    When he tells me, I will then train you further.    Unless you're going to be food, then all I have to do is prepare you and stick you in the oven and let you roast."

There was silence for a few moments while Sakura let her target stew on that for a bit.    From the look of things, she really believed her.    Then...she burst out laughing, the Sakura clones nearby also laughing, and the real Sakura fell to the floor, holding her guts.

Tenten looked on in shock.    What was going on?

Finally, Sakura opened her eyes and pointed.    "You believed me!    Kami you really believed me!    You knew where you were and you still believed me!    Damn I still got it!"

Tenten finally realized what Sakura was doing and an enormous amount of relief flooded her system.    She cursed herself, remembering Naruto's words and the level of realism in here.    She opened her eyes again, glaring at the recovering pinkette below her.    She hated Sakura right now, I mean, really hated her.

As Sakura stood up and noticed Tenten's glare, she spoke.    "I'm sorry Tenten.    I really am but master wanted me to see just how gullible you were and how much it would take for you to believe something said down here.    This is all fantasy girl.    The idea is to cater to our wants and needs.    If we want to believe that we really are in enemy hands and being sent for food, we can do that."    Sakura chuckled again as she put the knife back into the sheath and tossed it to one of her clones.    "Put that away would you?"    The clone nodded.    "Now then...time to get serious."    Too fast for Tenten's eyes, Sakura grabbed the black crop and delivered a chakra powered strike directly to Tenten's nipple, causing her to buck and scream at the sudden pain.

"Believe it or not, I got into torture on my own.    Before master could order me to learn torture techniques, I told him about my interest and he nurtured that from then on.    He'll do the same to you although I believe it wouldn't matter if he helped or left you alone."    Sakura moved and placed a hand on one of Tenten's thighs.    "Torture is my passion in life."    With that, Sakura pressed and dug her nails into her thigh and dragged her hand down, Tenten screaming as Sakura split her skin with her nails.    "Blood...sweat...tears, all those things I love to cause.    Seeing them makes me happy, knowing that I'm the one who did this."    Sakura looked up at Tenten's tear stricken face.    "See, even now I'm getting hot just looking at you cry.    You truly are a gift to our family Tenten."    Sakura turned around and faced the clone standing by her tray of tortures.    "Salt."    She asked, the clone quickly tossing the salt to her.

Sakura licked her lips as she unscrewed the top and dumped some onto her hands.    She leveled it with the wounds on Tenten's legs.    "Scream for me."    Sakura blew, spraying the salt onto her wounds, the resulting chemical reaction causing Tenten pain, not as much as the other pains but pain nonetheless.    The girl chuckled as Tenten screamed and struggled.    She tossed the salt back to the clone and reached forward, gently dipping her hands to the gap in the horse, rubbing and caressing Tenten's slit, the girl immediately moaning as the pleasures racked through her body.    "Perhaps I should turn the belt on again...inflict fresh wounds on you."    She smirked when Tenten violently shook her head at that idea.    "Maybe I will...in a little bit.    In fact, why don't I join you?"

To Tenten's shock and horror, Sakura climbed onto the horse, her booted leg swing over the gap.    Tenten let out a horrified gasp as Sakura seated herself...right on top of one of the deadly spikes, the girl moaning and wincing as the spikes dug into her, cutting her and spilling her blood.    "Ahh...that feels so good.    I can't wait until you're fully trained.    We can spill blood together."    Sakura turned to the clones.    "Strap me in.    I want myself nice and tight."    The clones nodded and they shackled Sakura's legs and pulled on them, pulling Sakura's body down further and tied them off.    "Now then...light the candles."    The candles that were on the tray were quickly lit and one was handed to the real Sakura.    "Now then..."    Sakura spoke, facing the horrified Tenten.    "You might be wondering what I'm doing with this lit candle.    Even though Ino's the pyromaniac, I dabble in fire play.    We can do so much more with our healing and as long as the skin doesn't get too black, we can recover from it, although we go to the hospital for burn wounds but it's not hard for me to heal them."

At first Tenten was worried that she was going to do the fire first, but when she saw Sakura lean forward and take a nipple in her mouth, the pleasures soon override her concerns.    Sakura's mouth felt nice.    The lips were sealed around her areola and she was sucking on it, like a child trying to get milk from her mother.    The tongue, however, was busy licking both the nipple and areola.    Her free hand didn't stay idle though as it squeezed the very breast Sakura's mouth was working.    However, Sakura suddenly stopped.    Before Tenten could look down, a burning pain was felt as Sakura placed the fire right under the hardened nipple.

Sakura smirked as Tenten screamed and struggled.    Tenten was going nowhere and was completely under her mercy.

When Sakura saw bright red, she moved the fire away but the pain stayed as Tenten kept crying.    She chuckled and bent down, giving it a hard lick.    "Painful isn't it?"    She asked, flicking it with her finger, the girl bucking because of that.    "Let's try the other one."    Sakura switch the candle to the other hand and started sucking and licking that one.    Tenten was afraid Sakura was going to repeat the process, get her all hot and bothered and burn her.    She almost came because of what Sakura did.    She closed her eyes and tried to prepare against the sensation.    Any moment now Sakura was going to burn her and when she did...she was totally unprepared for it.

Because Sakura didn't burn her nipple...she burned her clit.

Sakura smirked as she kept on sucking and licking.    There was no point in repeating what she just did.    Any defense Tenten might have had was shattered when the fire went below.    Suddenly the smell of smoke came to Sakura's nose and she broke off, looking down and seeing the fire put out by Tenten's pee and she laughed.    Tenten just lost control of her bladder and put out the fire with her pee.    "Oh darling...you are truly wonderful."    The girl turned around.    "Pipette."    The plastic tube-like thing was placed in Sakura's hand and candle removed from said hand.    Using the pipette, Sakura gathered some of Tenten's pee and lifted it to Tenten's mouth.    "Lift your head for me darling."    Sakura didn't give Tenten a choice as she forced Tenten's head up, inserting the pipette into the holes of the ball gag and give the top a good squeeze, the liquid flowing into Tenten's mouth.    "You don't get to put out my choice of torture without some consequences bitch.    Drink it."

Tenten struggled, trying to force the pipette out but Sakura kept her hold on her.    "If you swallow as fast as you can, you won't have to taste it slave.    Drink it!"    Tenten struggled some more for a few minutes but eventually swallowed the nasty liquid.    It was disgusting but Tenten had no choice.    She had to swallow every time Sakura poured the stuff in there until she finally stopped.    "That's better.    Now if you don't want to drink this stuff again, control your shit."    Tenten nodded, her body nearly approaching her limits.    "I believe you.    Now let's do this.    Turn on the belt on high speed for ten seconds on my signal.    After the belts shuts off, charge up the generator and spike it when you're ready.    Give me a bit gag first."

One clone quickly retrieved a bit gag and handed it to Sakura who put it on while the other manned the horse remote.    She waited until her creator prepared herself.    When the creator motioned to her, she thumbed the dial all the way up, the two girls screaming as the belt revolved. As the screams echoed throughout the room, the clones watch with a smile.    She counted to ten, being as slow as possible.    When she got to zero, she slowly turned the dial down until it was off.    While the girls recovered from the ride, she pushed the button that charged the generator.    However, just as she pushed the button to discharge it, a hand attached itself to her arm.    She looked up, intending on punching the person, when she saw Naruto.    "Dismiss yourself."    He whispered.    "All of you."    He continued, a little louder.

Sakura nodded and handed him the remote and disappeared in a cloud of white smoke, followed by the other clones.    Naruto turned toward the horse and waited.    When the memories went to her, Sakura looked at him and took off the bit gag.    "Master?"    Naruto didn't say anything but motioned with his finger to come to him.    Sakura nodded and tossed the bit gag onto the table.    She moved to get off the horse but soon realized that her legs were still chained to the floor.    "Crap."    She muttered.    She closed her eyes for a moment and sent chakra to the chains.    Instantly, the shackles shattered and she was able to swing her leg over and hop down.    She reached him and bowed down.    "What is thy bidding my master?"

"You're done with Tenten."

Sakura snapped her head up, confused, angry, but mostly confused.    "What did you say?"

"I said you're done.    I'm cutting your time with her."

Sakura was flabbergasted and she stood up, wanting some answers.    "Why?    You said that I could have two hours with her.    You promised."

Naruto scoffed.    "You know better then anyone Sakura, I change my mind frequently."

The pet started stammering.    He promised her that she'll have at least two hours with Tenten.    He never broke his promises to her unless he had a really good reason.    "You promised..."    She whispered.

Naruto growled, sending his hand flying toward her cheek.    It landed and sent Sakura sprawling toward the floor.    He quickly closed the distance and pinned her by the neck and whispered in her ear that wasn't visible to Tenten.    "Listen to me.    I want you to keep this up.    Stay angry at me.    I want you to go behind my back and punish Tenten.    Cover her entire front with wounds from the whip.    I have a tub of lime juice ready.    Dump her in it when you're done.    When you clean her, scrub her raw.    I want every part of her red.    Gasp in shock if you understand your orders."    Sakura gasped in shock, her eyes wide in hurt.

From her position, Tenten wondered what was going on.

Naruto stood up, scowling at his pet.    "Do what I say or you'll face an entire night with the generators you hate so much."

Sakura growled as she lifted herself onto her elbows.    "I hate you.    You promised me and you never break a promise.    I was having the best time of my life."

The boy just scoffed.    "Welcome to the real world bitch."

Naruto turned and walked away, leaving the scowling girl behind.    Before he left the room, Sakura cursed him one last time before the door slammed shut.    The girl stood up and screamed in frustration, nearly pulling out her hair.    "I HATE YOU!"    Sakura grabbed the nearby thing, which was a chair, and threw it, the chair shattering upon impact.    "Well, if you want her so much...I'll give her to you..."    Sakura turned and face Tenten with a snarl on her face.    "Damaged."    In an instant, three clones were formed and two of them went straight to Tenten, who finally realized what was going on.    They unhooked Tenten and one clone grabbed her and threw her off, the girl crying out in pain as she landed onto floor.    "String her up!"    The real Sakura ordered, watching her clones grab the struggling Tenten and throw her against the wall, putting the shackles on her wrists.    By then, the real Sakura had already gotten a whip.    "Alright girls..."    She said when they finished.    "Grab a whip.    Our darling sister is going to pay for cutting my time short."

`What the hell did I do?    I didn't do anything yet she's acting like it was my fault.    She...wait a minute...'I hate you?'    She actually said that?    That can't be right, she...'    Suddenly, as the first whip drew closer to her, she realized the truth.


`Well, I think I overdid it.' Sakura thought as she looked over Tenten's welt riddled body. She crossed her arms in thought as Tenten cried, the welts burning on her body and the few wounds that bled, Sakura's eagerness in punishing the bitch in cutting her time short. Sakura chuckled as she handed the whip to a clone. `Now comes the fun part. Scrubbing her raw. With those wounds already on her, it's going to be very painful for the girl.' Sakura motioned behind her and the Sakura's, minus the one with the whips, went up to Tenten and unshackled her, catching the girl before she fell to the floor. They held her up while the real Sakura walked up, reaching her and violently grabbing her chin and lifting it up. "The thing about our family...we don't keep our emotions bottled in. We take care of them with good old fashion abuse, like this..." Sakura motioned to the girls holding her and they started dragging the girl. Tenten's eyes were open but she couldn't do anything but watch as the girls let her to a tub. Her body was still burning and she wasn't sure what the girls were going to do to her. "Have you ever had lime juice dear pet?" Sakura asked, causing Tenten to look up in confusion when she was suddenly lifted up horizontal to the ground and she suddenly found herself hovering over a big tub of lime juice. "Trust me when I say...when you're done with this, you'll never look at lime juice the same way again."

With that, the girls dropped Tenten into the tub.

The result was not what Tenten expected. The instant she hit the liquid, a searing pain shot throughout her entire body, like acid dropping onto her skin. Newfound energy going into her body, she started trashing, screaming when her head was above the juice, while the girls watched, laughing at Tenten's misfortune. They stood there, watching as the girl struggled to get out. When Tenten finally manage to get out, the real Sakura walked up, bending down toward the gasping girl with a smirk on her face. "How was the drink?"

"I...hate...you." The brunette gasped out. "I...fucking...hate...you!"

Sakura just licked her lips in amusement. "I know. That's the idea. Grab her!"

Tenten didn't offer any resistance as she was dragged out of the room with Sakura number one following. They then entered another room and was dragged to the bathroom. When they entered it, Tenten yelped as she was thrown into the shower and cried out as she crashed against the wall. All but one of the clones disappeared and they hovered over the whimpering girl. "Get up." Sakura ordered. "GET UP! ON YOUR KNEES!" She repeated, seeing the girl uncooperative. When she repeated the order, Tenten heard it and moved her shaking body on her knees. Sakura's hand grabbed Tenten's hair and yanked on it, the girl crying out as Sakura forced her to her feet. "Normally, I would shackle your hands but I believe you'll stay still when I give the order. So how about it? Will you stay still?"

Tenten whimpered but nodded, her head bowing down while she let the girls did what they wanted to do. She regretted her choice as ice cold water rained down on her. She lifted her foot but set it down, whimpering as she watched Sakura pick up a brush that was going to hurt. "Try and muffle your screams dear. I would like to enjoy this." A new set of trembles started on Tenten as she watched Sakura soap up the hard brush. She was scared...really scared. It didn't matter that this was an act, the actions were real, very real.

Was this what it was like being in enemy hands? Being given no mercy, being tortured at all hours, no chance for rest. She asked herself if she was now regretting begging him to train her to resist torture. Naruto and his pets were really into it, giving their all to torment her but giving her pleasure at the same time. Even on the horse, Sakura groped and kissed her. Even though she burned her the next second, it was still pleasurable for her. As Sakura and her clone scrubbed her raw, she realized that she asked for this and she couldn't take it back. She didn't want to as a matter of fact. What was the point of all her suffering if she backed out now?

It took forever but the girls finally stopped, Tenten's skin bright red. The girl collapsed onto the floor when they finished, her body almost at its limits, but she wasn't allowed to stay on the floor. Tenten was forced up, her hands forced behind her and bound. She was then led out of the shower, still dripping wet, and up the stairs. Tenten soon felt grass under her feet and looked up, just as she was being forced down. Tenten heard the sound of the clone behind her disappearing and saw Naruto walking up to her. He bent down so he was level with her face. "Been out in the sun too long?" He asked, a knowing smile on his face.

Tenten scoffed, blowing a hair out of her face. "That bitch of yours turned the hot water all the way up and she neglected to turn it down. Not to mention, her acting skills were sub par this time around."

Naruto tilted his head in confusion. "Oh?"

"No matter what you do to her, cut off her limbs, entomb her, whatever; she'll never hate you. She may be agitated by some of your decisions, but she'll never hate you. She would rather kill herself then really mean that outside of role-play."

Naruto smiled and laughed, the girl behind her laughing as well. "Well look at this...the girl can tell the difference between fantasy and real life. Well, I got some good news and some bad news. First the bad news. You're going to be hanged." Naruto held up a finger before Tenten spoke. "The good news is you're going to see how we hang each other and how we prepare." Naruto adjusted his position so that he was kneeling beside her and pointed to a space beside a tree and she saw a noose hanging. "You see that noose? That's what's going around your neck but before that happen, Junko is going to demonstrate what we do. In addition, you're going to see the safety precautions we take before we do this. Feel free to ask questions that pop up." Naruto motioned Sakura to go somewhere else and she complied.

"Thank you...I...Junko? I thought you said Sakura was going to be hanged." Tenten said, the boy chuckling and patting her head as he got up.

"Sakura lost that chance when she gave in to Ino's prodding."

"But but..." Tenten stammered.

"But what?"

"Can Junko be hanged? I mean, it doesn't take much for a Kage Bunshin to die."

"Who says that Junko's going to be in a Kage Bunshin body? An earth clone is more stable and can take more punishment and she'll be able to feel the agony of it just as well as Sakura can."

Naruto finished and walked away, leaving Tenten behind, very confused. Since the party when Sakura introduced Junko, she known Junko as one of the strongest girls, a powerful domme. She was extremely strong in strength and will but she had never seen Junko as a submissive.

The mere thought of her having those eyes, those soft eyes instead of the hard ones she gotten used to seeing. Even before the realization of what goes on in the family, she and Junko had gotten to know each other. It was hard to wrap her head around the thought of Junko, being used as a toy.

Sakura was different as she made it clear she was a switch, both a domme and a sub, when they started to see each other.

Tenten snapped out of her musings when Naruto started barking. "Alright Sakura, let's go." Sakura nodded and followed Naruto as he walked toward the tree that held the noose. "Ino! Get down here!" Directly above the noose, Ino jumped down, brushing herself off as Naruto approached her. "Where's the doll?"

"What are you talking about? It's right...over...here." Ino pointed to the base of the tree where she thought the doll was but then realized it wasn't there. "Umm...oops? I'll go get it." Ino quickly bowed in apology before running off toward the shed.

Naruto groaned at Ino's stupidity and turned toward Sakura. "Go get Anko please."

As Naruto was left alone, Tenten kept silent. She didn't want to bring attention to herself right now, instead wanting to see how things played out before she spoke, and not to mention that Junko being hanged was still on her mind. Suddenly, she cried out, looking down as several bugs started climbing onto her. She tried scooting back and shaking her legs but a couple hanged on. To her relief Naruto came by and swiped the bugs away and helped her move to another spot. "Thanks." She said. "Never had bugs on me when I'm naked."

Naruto chuckled and patted Tenten on the head. "It's alright. I try to make it so bugs won't bother us when we're out here. I hire Shibi for that. Ahh...there's my pet with the doll." Tenten looked to where Naruto was looking and saw Ino carrying a practice dummy to the noose. At the same time, the back door opened and Sakura and Anko stepped out. "Do I need to say what needs to happen next Ino?" Ino quickly shook her head as she maneuvered the dummy under the noose. She stood it up and tightened the noose around the plastic neck and stood it up. "Alright Tenten...what...Tenten?" Naruto looked around for Tenten and found her not paying attention to not him but Sakura.

Silently, he crept up to her and bent down, looking in the same direction she was. Sakura was chatting with Anko, the purple haired woman caressing Sakura's corset. "How does she fit into that thing?" Tenten asked. "Sakura's waist seemed five inches smaller."

Naruto chuckled. "It takes a great deal of skill wearing that. When she first put that on, five minutes later, she passed out as she put it on too tight. Even though it tightens your body and restricts your breathing, it's perfectly safe wearing that for a long period of time as long as it's not too tight. Tell you what, later on, if you're still awake, I'll let you try one on. But for now...Sakura!" Sakura stopped talking with Anko and turned to Naruto, who spoke with his hands, telling her to get undressed before it's time for her hanging. Sakura nodded and went inside. "Alright Tenten, are you going to pay attention now?"

"Yeah, right...sorry." With Naruto's gentle pushing, Tenten was led back to the spot beside the chair and sat down.

"Now then...there are two ways you can hang someone. First is the short drop and the sudden stop. It's not my kind of hanging because as soon as you stop, your neck breaks and you die. Now the other method is the slow hanging. In this case, you're lifted up and you slowly die. The fun part of this is that when the noose tightens around your neck, your body reacts, no matter what you try to do. When you get close to death, you lose control of your bladder and shit all over yourself."

"You really like watching people hang?" Tenten asked, looking at the boy as he sat down.

He nodded. "There's a certain aspect of it I like that gets me aroused. Now Ino up there is in charge of the actual hanging. She's strong enough to lift a person in the air for a while and she's been taught the right speed to do it. For example...HIT IT INO!"

In an instant, the dummy was pulled up a few feet off the ground with a speed that would not put too much pressure on the neck the initial pull. "It's not so bad." Sakura said, approaching the duo. "Once you past the pull, your body takes over and provides entertainment."

"There is the potential for accidents." Naruto continued. "There are tags all along the rope. Ino! Scenario two." The second after that, Ino dropped into view, the dummy going up when Ino went down. "Sometimes you'll slip and fall and Ino can't let go in time. That's Anko's job." Naruto motioned to the side and everybody looked to see Anko sitting and watching. "Her job is to judge the hangee's health. If she feels otherwise, she'll activate the tags and cut the rope." After he said that, there was a hissing sound and the dummy dropped to the floor, the rope burning.

"How do you know how long to keep them hanging?" Tenten asked.

"There's a time limit of seven seconds. Technically the limit is ten but for this family, the limit is seven. Would you rather see it in action? Sakura..." Sakura turned to Naruto, her face filled with excitement. "Let Junko out in an earth clone."

"Than...wait...what? Junko? Why are you letting her out? I'm the one being hanged."

Naruto shook his head. "You lost that chance when you gave in to Ino. You know very well that game of hers. Because you gave in, you paid the price for it. Junko's being hanged." Sakura held a face of absolute disbelief. "You know the laws Sakura. Let her out and take a seat beside Tenten."

Sakura huffed but complied, forming a seal and the ground beside her rose up and took the shape of her, the form solidifying and shaping until the image of Sakura stood beside her counterpart. When Junko stretched herself, Sakura crossed her arms and huffed again, walking toward Tenten and taking a seat beside her.

"Alright Junko...you think you can handle it?"

Junko chuckled. "If you're asking that, then you don't know me."

Naruto chuckled as well. "Very well. You know what to do."

Junko nodded and walked toward her place of fake execution. The noose had already been replaced and Junko walked up to it. She turned around when she reached it and pulled the noose around her neck and tightened it. Tenten watched the girl as she worked, while Sakura was still huffing and puffing at not being able to be hanged. There were the tiniest hints of fear in her expression but the dominated emotion was confidence. It was strange, seeing her willingly walk toward the noose and even more strange to see her put it on herself. Tenten thought she knew the level of Junko's devotion but if Junko was willing to hang herself for the master's pleasure, she may be wrong.

"You ready Junko?" Naruto asked, licking his lips at the sight of her trembling naked body. She gulped but nodded, closing her eyes and forcing her arms down. "HEAVE!"

The slack in the rope tightened, pulling Junko up off the ground. Immediately Junko's hands with to her throat as she choked, her body trashing around as the noose cut off her air supply. Naruto moaned in bliss, his hand going to his growing dick as he started to masturbate to the sight of his dying pet. "Isn't she beautiful darling? The way she struggles, the way her face consorts as she struggles to take breath. It's like a work of art, being hanged. There are so many unique emotions and reactions that come with being strangled. Not to mention when they piss all over themselves." Naruto laughed as Junko dropped to the ground, her body immediately gasping for breath. "I may be a sick freak Ten...but I make sure my girls enjoy it as well."

"How can Junko enjoy that?" Tenten blurted out.

Naruto smirked and turned toward Tenten. "Why do you think she wore that corset? She enjoys anything restrictive and besides...I think you will enjoy this as well."

"What?!" Tenten shouted as Junko was pulled up again but Naruto was paying attention to Sakura. "Why do you think I would enjoy this?"

"Junko told me about your little session with Sakura. She told me that you portrayed no hesitation when she told you to put the needles in her. You eagerly agreed to electrocute her and she smelled your arousal as you heard her muffled screams. You loved being in control, you being the one inflicting the pain. On the other hand, you love being out of control. Your willingness to do what I want, the smell of you in bondage, your desire to be my little masochist sex slave. That bondage class of yours, you took to explore your own desires, your own hidden fantasies. These past few days, you learned more about yourself then your entire life and I am quite certain you'll enjoy being hanged."

As Junko dropped to the ground again, she tried to recover her breath. She almost lost control of her bowels and she would have if Ino didn't let go of her. If there was one thing she was thankful for is that Ino gave her time to recover her breath. She didn't mind being hanged, not at all. It's when Ino gets picky with the times that she has a problem with. She looked up at the girl and saw her looking down on her. "You alright?" Ino asked with her hands.

"Yeah, I'm fine right now. How's Tenten reacting?"

"She was shouting with master a few seconds ago. Mostly about hanging. It should be her turn shortly."

"Junko!" Said girl looked down and saw Naruto beckoning to her. "You're done."

That was all Junko needed as she stood up, loosening the noose around her bare neck. She then placed glowing green hands on her throat, easing and healing the little damage to it. Even though her body was made of earth, the body was made to mimic the human body. She was able to take a deep breath after she finished and sighed and looked at Tenten. The girl was really scared and when the noose goes around her neck, it would get worse. The girl approached Tenten, ignoring Sakura, and grabbed her, forcing her up and back to the noose. She quickly tightened the rope around her neck and patted her cheek. "It's alright sweetie. Just thrash around and you'll be done in no time."

"Easy for you to say." Tenten responded. "You have the most experience with this while this is my first time."

Junko just chuckled and gave a kiss to her cheek. Bidding her good luck, she walked back toward Naruto. "Master, if you'll excuse me, I need to piss." Naruto chuckled and nodded, the girl nodding and holding her neck, going into the house and to the nearest bathroom.

"It's your fault you know." Naruto commented to Sakura. "You know how Ino works and you still fell for it. You know how I work and you know I don't tolerate that kind of fighting." Sakura stayed silent, refusing to look at Naruto. "Besides, the last time you got hung, it didn't work too well." Naruto's eyes flicked to Sakura. She was still miffed at being cut out on one of her favorite activities. "You looked good in your outfit dear."

That seemed to snap her out of it. "Thanks." She replied, her arms still crossed.

"In fact, after this, why don't the both of us go out for a little walk in one of your special outfits?"

Sakura perked up and looked at Naruto's smiling face with a shocked face. "Really? Which outfit?"


Sakura continued to stare at Naruto. She was still angry at him for cutting her hanging but if he was really letting her do this, then maybe he was sorry. "What about you?" She asked.

"I'm going to wear something similar."

"You mean leather?" She asked. Naruto nodded, causing Sakura to blink in surprise and loosen her arms. "You're really going to wear leather?"

"Yeah...why do you sound so skeptical?"

"You haven't worn leather in seven months! Even when we asked you, you refused."

Naruto narrowed his eyes. "Well, if you feel so strongly about this, then we won't go out."

Sakura's eyes widened and she shook her hands. "No wait! I'm sorry! I take it back!" Naruto smirked. That got Sakura out of her anger. "I'm sorry. We can go out if you want."

Naruto chuckled. "I'm just yanking your chain pet. Of course we're going to go out."

Sakura smiled and Naruto could see that she was really happy. "Umm...can I...when we get back, can you put me in the freezer?"

"Don't push it Sakura...I'm being generous." Naruto said with a stern tone, causing the girl to whimper. He let her stow for a few seconds before he smiled. "But why not? However long you want. In fact, you can do what you want. Bind yourself, play with yourself, whatever you want, you can do." Sakura beamed like a kid in a candy store. "In fact..." Naruto pointed to Ino. "Why don't you take her place? Hang Tenten instead of your sister?"

Sakura's happiness reached it's peak and she squealed, giving Naruto a big sloppy kiss and rushing forward, sprinting up the tree and kicked Ino off the branch, literally. She grabbed the rope and waited for the master's command.

With a twitch of the hand, Sakura pulled, lifting Tenten up in the air.


"Huh...and I was hoping she would still be awake." Naruto commented as he and his other pets loomed over the unconscious form of Tenten. Naruto knew he was hoping too much for the girl to stay awake so she could try on the corset but he should've known how the first timers react to being hanged. For the most part, Tenten reacted as one would act while being hanged. Trashing about, struggling to gasp for the breath, and begging for Naruto to let her down. The last time she crashed into the ground, she finally passed out, the strain of the day's torture finally catching up to her. "Ah well...Ino!"

The blonde slave saluted. "Sir!"

"Take her in. Make sure nothing's broken and clean her up. Put her in the cage in my bedroom." Ino nodded and picked the girl up, taking inside the house to fulfill the master's orders. While Ino did that, Anko gave a goodbye as well and departed, leaving the blonde and the pinkette behind. "Well, I believe that the day is done and we have some time before bedtime. Do you know what I'm thinking?" The instant Naruto said that, Sakura disappeared; knowing Naruto wanted her to get dressed in one of her favorite leather outfits. He chuckled, turning around and taking his time going to his room.

Sakura wasn't the only one getting dressed up.


`Where is he? He's the one who wanted to go out.'

Sakura waited in the living room with baited breath, all dressed up in leather, waiting for Naruto to come down but it seems like he was taking his time. She took the time, again, to look herself over in the mirror. The leather collar greeted her sight. In her hair, in place of the headband, a black ribbon to compliment her outfit. On her arms, arm high gloves and on her torso, sleeveless black leather. It covered her breast and a couple inches below. A zipper was on the side and down the middle, were square spaces where you can see the cleavage of Sakura's breasts and the straps encircled her neck, keeping it up. The second piece of the outfit can be described as outerwear underwear. It covered Sakura's pussy and her butt. The boots were knee high, one of her favorites. She felt really, really good in this outfit. Just being in it made her hot and only months of training kept her hands to herself.

`Maybe I should go up. See what's keeping him.' Just as Sakura twitched, her ear twitched at the sound of footsteps and she turned around, only to stop in shock. "Ohh...mama like." She whispered out, her tongue licking her lips at the sight of the leathered clad master. The entire outfit he wore, the leather shirt and jacket, just screamed `cool boy'. `And those pants...ohh I just want to pinch his ass.'

"I take it from the drool you like my choice." Naruto's voice snapped her out of her daydreams.

She quickly wiped her mouth of the drool and turned her attention to Naruto as he stopped in front of her. "Sorry. It's just been a long time since we wore it together."

Naruto chuckled. "Last time you nearly raped me. I thought you had that sense of smell of yours under control."

"It wasn't the smell. Honest." Sakura quickly said. "I had aphrodisiac running through me. I couldn't help myself."

"Riiiight. Even though it didn't go off, I know you're lying." Sakura gulped, worried what was going to happen.

Naruto let that stew in her for a while before he smiled. "Ahh it's alright. That's all in the past, but for now...I just want to enjoy the evening."

Naruto placed his hands on Sakura's bare stomach. He tried to kiss Sakura but found the girl just a little out of his reach. Sakura, noticing Naruto on his toes, bent down and kissed him, the girl in her laughing at Naruto's shortness once again. "Master..." Sakura said after they broke apart. "Do you want me to take off the boots? I can just wear the regular shoes and..."

Sakura suddenly mumbled, a finger was placed on her lips by Naruto. "Sakura...you're fine. Your outfit is fine and I don't want you to change and throw the entire outfit out of style."

The pinkette smiled, wishing that Naruto would just do things for his comfort and not hers, but still...it was very flattering that he always had her in mind. "Very well. Do you have a place you want to go?"

Naruto thought for a moment, but the way he did it told Sakura that he already made up his mind. "Isn't the journey enough?" Naruto held his arm out and Sakura hooked her arm through it, letting Naruto led her out into the house and into the darkness of the night.


Simply put, the walk was relaxing.

The feeling of leather against their skin, the coolness of the breeze passing them by, the fresh air made them forget all the drama in their life and enjoy the walk. It didn't matter if people were still out. It was just him and her, together. For Sakura, just being with Naruto was enough for her. The leather, the near nakedness, all of that was second compared to the emotions, the feelings that ran through her when Naruto held her hand in his. Even though she never held Sasuke's hand in hers, she knew that his touch would be cold. There would be no warmth in it, no feelings of love.

If anything, he would barely tolerate her.

But it was still weird that Sakura had to look down on Naruto. She was already taller when she had no shoes on, same as her sisters, but with these high heels on, she could see the top of his head and like the previous attempt showed, it was difficult for them to kiss, even with Naruto on his toes. She really wanted to say something to him but her previous experience forced her mouth to stay silent, instead opting to talk with her companion about it, who had no qualms about talking about his height.

"Sakura..." The girl looked at Naruto who stopped and looked at her. "I'm going to get some treats. Hang out here for a bit."

Sakura nodded as Naruto let go of her, walking inside the store. She leaned against the wall, crossed her arms and started whistling a tune. She just ignored the people walking by, looking at her and pointing at her. For the first time in a while, she didn't feel like doing anything sexual. She just wanted to look good, feel good, and be with Naruto.


Sakura perked up, turning around to face the familiar sight of black glasses, trench coat, and spiky hair of Aburame Shino. "Shino? That you?"

"It is me." He replied, in that same monotone voice of his.

"It's been a while since we talked. How are things going for you?"


"Good good...so...what I can do for you?"

"I like your outfit." Came the direct response causing Sakura blink at the sudden declaration. "It looks really nice on you."

"You like leather Shino?"

"It's nice." He stayed silent after that, kept on looking at the leathered glad girl in front of him.

"I see." Sakura went silent as well. It was weird. Shino rarely talked so much and at most, a couple of sentences but the aura of Shino was weird to her but one thing one her mind is that he's wearing glasses at night. For the next few minutes, the two stayed silent. The bug boy keeping his eyes on the girl and it was starting to freak Sakura out. Finally, Shino said goodbye and left her.

Not a minute after he left, Naruto came out, holding a stuffed bag in his hand. "Sakura?"

"I just had the weirdest conversation with Shino." Sakura looked at Naruto as he placed the bag in her hands. "He complimented me on my outfit but that's all he said."

"Well, that's how he is." Naruto said as they started walking again. "He says one sentence and doesn't say anything else."

Sakura chuckled. "True."

Sakura interlocked her fingers with Naruto's as they continued walking. This time, Naruto seemed to be leading her someone, unlike last time they had no destination in mind, they just walked but this time, Naruto seemed to want to go somewhere.


"I think Shino knows." Sakura spoke as she dug into the treat box Naruto bought. They had finally arrived at one of Naruto's favorite spots, a lake with a waterfall, populated by koi fish and fireflies. "You know the feeling you get when someone knows something about you but don't say, instead just stare at you with those knowing eyes?"

From his position on Sakura's lap, Naruto nodded and took a swig of some of the sake. "Yeah?"

"I got that same feeling talking with Shino. From the instant he came, Shino never took his eyes off of me. Even though he liked my outfit, I think he was just looking for an excuse to talk to me."

"That could be true." He suggested. "But he could be looking at you because he heard the tale of you and Tenten walking around naked and tied up and he wanted to ask you but wasn't able to."

Sakura chuckled, reaching around to take one of the treats and placing it in Naruto's mouth, the boy's tongue grabbing it and licking Sakura's finger. Her other hand reached up to his face and gently caressed it, her fingers slightly moving over his whisker marks, causing Naruto to purr at the motion. "There's one thing I am curious about however...why aren't you drunk yet?"

Naruto let out a mix of a chuckle and purr. "I haven't taken that many drinks yet dear."

"That wasn't the drunk I was talking about master. You're wearing the plugs aren't you? That's the only reason you're not raping me right now."

A loud purr erupted from Naruto's mouth as Sakura pressed down harder. "Have you considered that I don't want sex right now? I just want to relax?"

Sakura chuckled. "I know you master. I know how your body works. I'm looking down right now and I don't see an erection. Every single time we try to train ourselves so you can control your reactions, both me and Ino end up getting raped to high heaven and passing out in exhaustion and even then, you're not done with us. We wake up to find ourselves drenched in cum."

"Have you considered that I found a new way to hold myself back?"

That caused Sakura to stop mid-thought. "You would tell us wouldn't you?"

A smirk graced Naruto's face as he turned around to face his confused pet. "Would I?"

Sakura thought for a few moments, thinking about this. If he indeed found another way to hold back his leather-induced episodes, then they needed to know about it. "Yes, you would. If your solution is medical based, I need to know in case I find a bottle of pills in the medicine cabinet and I'm going to assume that someone is trying to poison you and I go to the Hokage. Ino needs to know because if your solution is jutsu based and sees something different in your mind, you know what the protocol is and she goes straight to the Hokage."

"As the both of you should." Naruto said.

"Master...DO you have an alternative solution?"

"Chemical castration."

"WHAT?!" Sakura shouted, knowing exactly what he was talking about. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? WHICH MEDICINE ARE YOU ON?"

While Sakura shouted, Naruto had to cover his ears. "Sakura, god damn it, I'm not on anything yet but I'm considering it. I want to be able to smell the leather without going crazy."

"Master please promise me, promise me that you won't take anything without consulting us."

"I planned on it. Don't worry Sakura. It's going to be a long time from now."

"I hope so master...these are your glory years. Don't waste them by restricting yourself. Any time you want to let off some steam, find one of us and we'll gladly drop what we're doing to service you."

Naruto chuckled, seeing the hysterical look on Sakura's face. "Don't worry Sakura. Everything will be fine." He reached up and patted the scared girl's cheek.

"I hope so master. I don't want things to go wrong and you end up impotent."

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