Chapter 43: Chapter 32 Part 1
For a while, Naruto couldn't sleep.
For a couple of hours, he stayed awake, staring at the ceiling, wondering about the finals. He had a good idea on how to beat Temari and the rest of the potential opponents. But the one person he was most worried about was Sakura. She was at the end of the tier which means that by the time he got to her, if all, it would be near the final match but it wasn't the placement of the match that bothered him, it was the actual match.
Sakura won't fight him, not at all. No matter what orders he gave, she would refuse to fight him, giving up when it was time. However, Naruto wanted to fight her, to see what she was capable of against him. Maybe if he went on the offensive before she had a chance to say anything, she'd fight him, but then again, knowing her, she would let him punch her until he was the one who gave up.
So that's why he was up, trying to figure out how to get Sakura to fight him.
Bribery came to mind but deep down, he knew that nothing he could give her could convince her to fight, not even an entire day in his tentacle room. As much as she would like being numb with pleasure and doing all she wanted to in there, it wasn't worth it to her. Punishment won't work because let's face it, she's strong enough to handle anything he can throw at her long enough for him to give up. Even the threat of dismissal wouldn't work because she would argue that she should be dismissed if she was willing to hurt him. So unless Naruto was willing to go to the extremes to have her fight, it wasn't worth it. Besides, he could still use that tentacle room idea to get her to fight during training.
Practice fighting is completely different then real fighting.
When the alarm went off, Sakura's hand was the first to hit the snooze button which kinda surprised her since the last she knew, she was on the opposite side of the bed but considering she moved a lot when she slept, it didn't surprise her. She sat up and puffed the hair out of her eyes and noticed the lack of a male in her bed. The empty space in between her and Tenten was cool, telling her that Naruto had been up for a while.
Then...she smelled the food.
Someone was cooking and it smelled delicious. Her nose took over as she stood and walked into the hallway, her eyes were closed as she let her nose lead her. Who was cooking? It couldn't be Naruto, he always have one of them cook. Maybe it was Jiraiya, she heard him come in last night, but now the thought of Jiraiya left a bad taste in her mouth. She still remembers what Ino had told them and they haven't spoken to him yet, but for now, they were going to act like nothing was wrong. She finally stopped at the edge of the kitchen and her eyes snapped open in surprise.
Naruto, not Jiraiya, was cooking.
"You're cooking?" Sakura asked before she could hold her tongue.
Naruto turned an amused look at Sakura before turning back. "You say that like it's a bad thing."
"No no..." Sakura shook her head. "It's not that, it's just..."
"Alright alright..." Naruto removed his hands from the pots and stepped back. "If you don't want me to cook, then by all means, cook for me."
"That's not what I meant!" The pinkette shouted, her eyes on the pots that were starting to burn. "I was just surprised that you're cooking. It's been three months since you actually cooked."
Naruto chuckled and motioned to the chair, telling her to sit while he returned to the food. Sakura sat and watched Naruto as he cooked. "I wanted to cook this morning. Are the girls up?"
"Nah, still sleeping although I suspect it won't be for long once they smell what you're cooking. Did you even sleep last night?"
Naruto nodded. "Yeah, I managed to get a few hours sleep. I got about an hour before you got up. So you all ready for today?"
Sakura sighed and moved her messy hair out of her face. "As ready as I can ever be." Sakura looked up when Naruto placed a large plate of food in front of her.
"Eat up. You're going to need it. I'll go wake up your sisters."
"No need, the smell woke us up." Naruto smiled and looked up, his sleepy pets walking in and sitting down at the table.
"Nice sleep?" Naruto asked, a chuckle on his lips seeing their state.
Tenten snorted as her head hit the table. "Wish I could've slept more. Can I have some coffee or something with caffeine?"
Naruto stepped away from the table and headed toward the steaming cups of coffee. He grabbed two and handed them to Tenten and Ino, went back to the counter to grab the last cup and handed it to Sakura. While they drank the coffee, Naruto finished making breakfast. He put the food on plates and set them down in front of each girl. The plates were thick with food as usual but this time, it was extra thick for Naruto's and Sakura's plates considering today is exam day. Once everything was in place, he finally sat down and joined his pets in eating. The coffee did its job and everybody was more awake.
"When we are finished here..." Naruto mumbled, his mouth full of food. "Me and Sakura are going to go warm up for a couple hours." Naruto swallowed and took a gulp out of his coffee. "When we come back, we'll spend the next hour resting and getting ready for the fights."
"So what do you want us to do?"
"Do whatever you want when you finish eating. I don't care. Just be sure to be there when it's time." Tenten nodded and continued eating.
Soon enough, Tenten was the first to finish. She seemed to be in a rush after Naruto said they were free to do what they wanted so she probably had something she wanted to do. She left after cleaning up after herself. Ino was next, leaving as well after she finished it, leaving Naruto and Sakura behind who took their time eating.
As the sun came up, Temari wondered if her red-headed brother's insomnia was rubbing off of her because she wasn't able to get a wink of sleep the night before finals. After trying for several hours, she abandoned her brother and took residence on top of the hotel where she spent the rest of the night in deep thought. She wondered why she couldn't sleep. Her first idea was just pre-fight jitters, but squashed that thought because she fought a lot before so this wasn't it. Then she realized why she couldn't sleep.
Tomorrow was the invasion.
It wasn't just the invasion. Because of Gaara's insistence, she made friends with Naruto, a ninja of the leaf. She tried to keep their relationship as close to `acquaintance' as she could but for some reason, she allowed him to cross that border into close friends. Well, maybe not close but it was surely getting there, and that was the problem. Because of their recent discovery of Naruto being a slave master to three girls, Temari knew that was a grave secret. When she approached him, he didn't take any action against her, in fact, once he got to know her, he seemed to trust her.
And therein lies the real problem.
Because of her brother, Temari had few friends, but those friends she would fight tooth and nail to keep. Because of that, she values friendship above all else, and now she realizes that she would have to betray that friendship, that trust, that Naruto has placed on her. So she spent the entire night thinking about her situation and her possible...options. However, while she was thinking, she was joined by her insomniac brother. She didn't notice him until he settled beside her. He didn't say anything and Temari was actually thankful for that, however, she asked him a question.
"Why did you want me to befriend Naruto? I'm about to betray him."
Gaara didn't say anything at first but when he finally spoke, he didn't really answer her question. "I believe that he can help us." He stood and left her alone to her thoughts.
Help us? What did that mean? Did that come from his `mother'? When Temari turned around, Gaara was gone so she couldn't ask him about it. Maybe he had some physic vision or something but she couldn't do anything about it right now. She had her own problems.
Naruto was an extremely nice guy and she was about to break his heart and trust.
Crowds of people were converging on the coliseum, the last round of fights almost starting. The contestants were already there as they were required to be there a half hour before the gates opened for the general public. People were excited as they were about to see the last Uchiha and the Kyuubi boy duke it out, possibly against each other and the coliseum was jammed packed, including the Kazekage and his bodyguards who arrived yesterday. Both him and the Kazekage were one of the firsts to take their seats and the rest of the spectators quickly followed.
Sakura looked up at the masses and felt worried. Everybody up there was from Konoha, everybody up there knew her or of her, everybody up there was going to judge her. She shouldn't feel this was but she just does, especially the plans she has for her first opponent, Ami. Hell, that shouldn't have fazed her but with the knowledge of what Tenten did fresh in their minds, she was worried that her potential actions would cause negative reactions from everybody.
If she was so worried about what everybody else thought, then she wasn't as trained as she was supposed to be. She grew out of that mindset a long time ago and this was no time to go back to her roots. She snuck a glance to her sides. Naruto was at the end of the line and Ami, the most hated female in her life, was right next to him. Unconsciously her face snarled up and she clenched her fists, almost drawing blood. It was almost time.
It was almost time to kill her.
Almost time to finally get rid of Ami from her life.
Sakura felt a nudge on her elbow and she turned to the side to see Temari nudging her in the arm. "You alright Saku? I thought I heard you growl."
"I'm fine." Sakura snapped. "I just want to get my match started."
Temari chuckled, patting Sakura on the back. "So do I Sakura, so do I."
To everybody's surprise, there was a new proctor that came out, a man using a senbon as a toothpick, and announced that the line-up for the finals had change, lifting up a sheet, letting everybody see who their first opponents were. However, as Sakura looked onto the paper, she was worried that Ami wasn't her first match but thankfully, she was still paired with Ami. Upon further look, only two people had been changed and one person was given a buy since somehow, there were an odd number of finalists now. In fact, Naruto was still paired with Temari so that was good.
The first match was Kiba vs. Neji so the proctor asked everybody save those two to leave. As they walked, Sakura wanted to catch up to Naruto but stayed back, instead wanting to talk to Temari. The pinkette placed a hand on Temari's shoulder and slowed her pace, Temari following suit and once they were behind everybody, did Sakura speak. "Are you ready for your match against Naruto-sama?"
"You worried about me dear?" Temari said, a smile on her face and a chuckle escaping her lips. At first she thought it was meant as a joke, but when Sakura stopped and turned her around, a serious look on her face.
"Yes...I am. You took a serious risk telling him what you know and you are very lucky he hasn't taken any action against you. He's very paranoid about his and ours safety and you are a serious risk to that, especially because you're the Kazekage's daughter." Temari held her breath. Every since she told Naruto that she knew about his pets, a part of her worried just exactly what he would do knowing it. "But for some reason, he likes you. You're smart and you are a female and we know just how deceptive a girl can be but..."
"Is this a threat?"
Sakura shook her head. "No, just a warning. Life had made him extremely paranoid and he takes action against those he believes will cause harm against his family. You see that bullwhip attached to his waist?" Temari nodded. She noticed it the first time she saw him. It's one of the most deadliest weapons in his arsenal, next to his intelligence. He's not afraid to use the bullwhip on anybody, even you. Trust me girl...his skill with the whip is top notch."
"But I thought we were friends..."
"This is how he fight and it doesn't help that you know something he nearly died trying to keep secret. He's gunning for you Temari and I'm just giving you fair warning. I suspect you're going to end up in the hospital by fights end." Sakura ended the conversation by patting her on the shoulder and walking away, heading for the stairs to join everybody else in the fighters box.
Temari, however, stood there, her mind spinning around. `Just what have I gotten myself into? The way she talks, she makes him sound like my brother...and not the sane one.'
By the time Sakura got up there, the fight was finished, she approached Naruto and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I gave Temari a bit of advice, help her out a bit." She whispered, taking place beside him. "And I think I freaked her out a bit."
"She going to drop out?" He asked.
"Nah, I think she's going to be a bit more cautious and keep an eye on that bullwhip of yours." Naruto chuckled and leaned forward, watching the medics take away Kiba and his dog. "They here yet? Naruto nodded and jerked his head toward the seats where her sisters were seated.
"By the way, notice anyone missing?"
Blinking in confusion, she looked around the competitor's box, mentally checking the fighters when she realized who was missing. "The sound guy with the fuzz on his back?" Sakura asked. Naruto nodded his head.
"Who else?"
"Sasuke? Huh, I never figured him to be late for something like this."
"Haven't seen him in a long time actually. I think Kakashi's got him stashed somewhere."
"Personally I hope he gets disqualified." Sakura huffed. If Sasuke thinks he can be late to the finals and still manage to fight, then his arrogance was higher then Sakura thought...and she thought he brought it down some.
Naruto chuckled as he turned around, even as the next fight got started. "So are you ready for Ami? I noticed what you checked out of the armory."
"Are you going to stop me?"
He chuckled again, reaching out and patting Sakura on the head. "Nah, do what you want to her. I don't care if you kill her in the most gruesome way imaginable." Sakura would've responded but she heard the faint snort come from a few feet over and she looked to see Ami and that smug look on her face and heard her mutter a `yeah right'. Sakura growled and straightened up, put one foot in the direction of her but stopped short, Naruto's hand on her arm. "You'll get your chance pet." He whispered. "Next match is yours."
Sakura nodded and returned to her previous position, but instead of paying attention to the match, her eyes were at the corner, watching that purple haired bitch standing there looking all smug. Next match was hers and she had a plan, a plan to finally break the last of the shackles binding her to the past.
"Next up...Uzumaki Sakura vs. Kayo Ami."
The proctor announced after the last fight finished. To be honest, this was a fight he was looking forward to seeing. Genma knew the history between those two and he knew just how violent Sakura was concerning Ami. That Hokage seemed to know as well because he gave instructions not to interfere unless he really had to and he was fine with that. There was no way he was going to get in between Sakura and her prey. Sakura was the first to come down, an extremely determined look on her face and her fists clenched. Ami, however, didn't have that same look. In fact, she seemed to be hesitating and worried. They took spots facing each other and Genma looked them over. Once he felt like they were ready, he started the match and quickly retreated to his section where he would be out of the way.
If he knew Sakura, things were going to be bloody.
"So...after all this time, we finally fight." Sakura said, a dark tone in her voice.
Ami, however, just laughed. "Are you really holding onto the delusion you're stronger then me? All these months being that idiot's slut has shown you for what you're really are and what you're meant to be...a pathetic sex slave!" Ami was hoping to get a reaction out of her and she did...just not the reaction she wanted.
Sakura smirked and reached for the zipper to her dress. "You think I'm weak? That being Naruto-sama's pet is a sign of disgrace or shame? Hohoho far from it. Being his as taught me a lot about myself and to prove it...I'll show you just how much I've grown." Sakura pulled down the zipper, stripping off the dress and throwing it away. She then unbuckled her pouch, removed her shoes so she could remove her shorts, put her shoes back on again, and replaced her weapons holster, and straightened up, baring her body for the thousands of eyes looking down upon her nude body save for her headband and her collar.
Naruto didn't even blink as there were surprised reactions from the crowd.
"If you really think I'm weak..." Sakura said, snapping Ami out of her stupor. "Then you should have no problem beating me in the nude."
Naruto chuckled as Sakura finished stripping and challenged Ami. This was bold for her. He trusted Sakura so he didn't really inquire about what she had planned for her match. He knew that she was going to be extremely brutal to the poor girl, but still...mind-fucking with Ami was a good start. He looked to the side when he heard a choking sound coming from Temari and saw her mouth agape. "Surprised Temari?"
"Hell yeah...what's she doing?"
"Setting the stage for Ami's death." Naruto answered honestly, glancing at Kankuro who seemed completely shocked and Gaara who wore that impassive face, and turned back to Temari. "You afraid of blood sweetie?"
Temari was still shocked so she didn't react to the `sweetie' comment. "No, why?"
Naruto smirked and turned back to the field where Ami was frantic while Sakura was walking around, smirking. "Because it's going to be a bloodbath."
"Where...where are you freak?" Ami was frantic. First Sakura, with no remorse, stripped down for all the world to see then somehow disappeared in front of her eyes. She must have used a genjutsu or something but she didn't see Sakura's hands move besides a slight of hand. Hand trembling, she reached for her kunai pouch, only to find it was gone. She looked around and found it to her side, several feet away. She dashed toward it, hoping to get to it as quick as she could but when she was an inch away, it disappeared.
"Hey Ami..." Said girl twirled around to see Sakura, still nude, tossing her weapons pouch in the air. "Looking for this?"
"How'd you..." Ami started to ask but stopped when Sakura burst out laughing. Suddenly, Ami felt someone tap her on the shoulder and she turned around, only to find nobody there. She turned back around, Sakura was gone.
"Your arrogance..." Ami suddenly heard a chorus of Sakura's, her voice echoing all around her. "Is so similar to Sasuke's. Is Sasuke all you thought he was?" Her training escaping her, Ami only could twirl around, trying to locate the real Sakura. "Is he such a rich and handsome boy, your knight in shining armor?" Ami yelped as a ghost seemed to slap her on her butt, causing her hands to shot to that sport and turn around, her fear starting to get high. "Or have you realized that he's nothing but a bastard, who's willing to let you die to save his own skin?" Ami yelped again, this time because Sakura grabbed her hair and turned her head around, ending up face to face with Sakura. "You're nothing but a pathetic little girl still clinging on to the hopes that Sasuke will take you in his arms and woo you. GROW THE FUCK UP!" Sakura shouted and moved her head back before slamming her forehead against Ami's, the girl stumbling back in a daze. She then tripped, courtesy of a earth clone of Sakura, and landed on the ground, getting pinned down by a foot. The purple haired girl screamed as Sakura pulled on her hair painfully. "It's amazing to me that you're still alive, but I know it's thanks to your teammates saving your hide." Sakura removed her foot and pulled her up by the hair, getting her on her feet.
The pain clearing her senses, she was able to see straight, but looking around, she wasn't sure. There were seven Sakura's all around her, all nude, all sporting that look that told her she was going to die. "Can you tell which of us is the real one?" All the girls spoke at the same time. "Can you time?" Ami's head snapped to the right because a Sakura ran up and slammed her fist into her face, the energy involved in the punch carrying into Ami's body and sending her a few feet away in the opposite direction. She landed but she didn't even bounce a second time before she was pulled up and slammed against the wall, the Sakura holding her holding an extremely angry face. "YOU...torture me when I was little. You destroyed me, you and all those bastards torturing the weak because you felt like it. Well, now I'm going to do the same to you!" Sakura punched Ami right in the nose, breaking it in the process. She let her go and Ami dropped to the floor holding her nose.
But peace was not for Ami as two Sakura clones walked up and picked up Ami, holding her up. One of them nodded to the other and there was a sickening crack and a scream as a Sakura broke Ami's elbow and then went to her shoulder and broke that as well, and because Sakura wasn't feeling merciful right now, she repeated the process on the other arm, the girl in their arms almost passing out from the pain but wasn't quite there yet. "It's ironic though..." Ami looked up when Sakura let out a laugh. "You kept calling me weak. I'm friends with Kiba and on somewhat speaking terms with Sasuke and both of them tell me that constantly they have to carry you. In fact, Sasuke told me that if it wasn't for him, you would've died during your mission to Wave. Remember?" Sakura laughed this time but it was a mocking laugh that angered Ami to the point that, despite the pain, she reacted. To her left, she smashed her head against Sakura's, hoping to get her to dislodge or possibly make her disappear. She struggled as Sakura's grip loosened some but didn't let go.
But to be honest, she didn't really think it through as both her arms were broken beyond usefulness and she was surrounded by other clones.
"Ah ah ah ah..." Sakura spoke in Ami's ear once they got ahold of her again. "You trying to get away dear Ami? Is the little kuniochi trying to escape?" The way Sakura was talking to her was in a babish tone, causing Ami to get even more angry and increase her struggles. "Hey Saku...I think she's trying to escape again." Sakura's laughter chorused through the fighting grounds as one Sakura approached her, one hand on the opposite arm.
"It seems so. I think she wants our present. What say all of you?"
"Why is Sakura toying with her?" Temari asked, her attention completely on the battle below her.
Surprisingly, Kiba, not Naruto, answered. "Those two have quite a history together. Ami was the childhood bully that everyone feared. Sakura was her favorite, because of that abnormally large forehead of hers. Because of that, Sakura was broken."
"When she meant Ino..." Naruto continued off. "That's when she started to heal, but the damage Ami did left an imprint. When she got involved with me, her hatred for Ami grew exponentially and now...she's savoring her time with Ami before she finally kills her."
Temari nodded, understanding what Sakura was going through. She'd known a few bullies when she was a kid and it wasn't pleasant. Temari was about to speak but was interrupted by an ear piercing scream from Ami.
Sakura's `gift' was a custom made vibrator that was designed to torture the moment it entered the vaginal passageway. Steel hooks facing up softened upon receiving chakra so it can enter but once in, the harden and dig into the skin. The hooks facing the other way ensure that it can not be taken out. Sakura designed the thing to be unmovable. The only way it can be taken out is by intense surgery and even then there would be lasting damage.
But there was a secret to her gift.
Sakura licked her lips as she thumbed the remote, watching the girl scream and thrash about, clawing at herself, trying to remove the hell that was in her. Ami wouldn't pass out, thanks to the tag one of her clones snuck to the back of her neck. Ami was going to stay awake. She snuck a glance toward the proctor box where Genma was and was going to stay. If he hadn't interfered yet, then he won't stop the fight.
In fact, it's not even a fight. This was torture, plain and simple. Granted it wasn't exactly what she wanted to do to the girl. She needed the dungeon for that, but this is fine. She thumbed the remote off and walked up to her, bending down and grabbing her hair, yanking it up as Sakura snarled in her face. "You signed your death warrant the moment you decided to go after me."
"Stop? STOP? I begged and begged you to stop every single day! And did you stop? NO, YOU HURT ME HARDER!" Sakura screamed and pouched Ami right in the eye, giving her a shiner. "Do you have any idea what all of us felt?" She shouted. "Every single one of us you bullied, every single one had potential! Five of the kids you bullied dropped out of school is now a waiter or some crappy job like that! Any one of them could've been a valuable asset here but because of you...they lost their fucking confidence!" Sakura and the other clones ganged up on her, kicking her all around. She let it continue for a few minutes before she stopped, signaling for the others to stop as well. Ami was nearly dead and the device in her was still on, tormenting her. Sakura spit on her before going to one of the clones keeping a perimeter, holding a bat. The clone gave her a bat and everybody else backed away.
With her eye that was still able to see, she watched Sakura approach her, a bat in her hand. "For...forgi-ve me."
Sakura stopped, her eyes staring down at her former bully. "Forgiveness? My dear are long past forgiveness and I think I speak for everyone you tortured when I say I hope you burn in hell."
Sakura tightened her grip on the bat and swung it over her head, slamming it down on Ami's face, repeating the process over and over and over. Sakura's immense hatred for Ami fueling her strength with the bat. She started screaming as she pounded Ami's head, reducing it to mush and bits and pieces of her skull flying all over the place. Blood was flying onto her body from her pounding. It wasn't much but the size of the drops were noticeable. When Sakura realized that she was hitting the ground, did she finally stop, the bat resting on the ground as she panted, her eyes staring down onto the gory mess and she realized...Ami was dead. Ami was finally dead.
But there was one more thing to do.
"Good bye Ami." Sakura hefted the bat over the shoulder and stepped back a few feet, the clones disappearing into smoke or dissolving into mud until the real Sakura was left. She stood there, a few feet from the dead body. There was blood on her body but the amount was small enough that it was barely noticeable. She didn't say anything but move a hand to her face, like she was in prayer.
Then the body exploded.
Blood flew onto Sakura's body like a magnet, making her seem like a butcher who went crazy and started hacking at people. The explosive she used was high explosive, enough to send body parts flying around. Once the dust settled, there was barely anything left of Ami, blood splattered all over the walls, body parts everywhere. An arm flew high enough to go over the wall and land on someone. The proctor landed on the ground and Sakura waited to move until she was announced the victor and walked toward the stairs leading back up.
The girls were shocked at what just happened. Did Sakura just do that? Not only did Sakura bash Ami's face in, but she blew her up as well? Tenten, while shocked, was not that surprised. Sakura had come to her for help in making that homemade explosive. While she didn't directly ask, just hearing what Sakura wanted it to be was enough for Tenten to figure out what exactly she was going to do with it.
Ino, however, was completely surprised. Sure she hated Ami but to actually do this. Actually, now that she thought of it, she shouldn't be surprised. It was actually Naruto's fault. Because of his nurturing, Sakura became the girl she was today. She wondered if Sakura knew the possible ramifications to this. Her actions were, if not exact, to what Tenten did and Ino knew everybody knew, but this was good therapy for Sakura. For too long, Sakura was easily manipulated by Ami into getting angry and now that she's gone, the only one getting Sakura angry is her and Tenten.
`Damnit girl...what were you thinking?' The Hokage thought with a frown. He knew it was a bad idea to let Sakura have free reign in her match. With the memories of the slaughter by Tenten fresh in their minds, people are going to start having some odd ideas about the Uzumaki's and what he was doing to them.
"Very interesting..." Sarutobi perked up when his fellow Kage spoke up. "Are all your kuniochi like that?"
"Just her really..." He answered. "Sakura has had a very...interesting life so far. She wants to be a doctor if you can believe that."
"So she's not going to stay in your ranks?"
The old Kage shook his head, taking a puff from his pipe. "She and her family intends on retiring after the exams. They have no desire to remain being a ninja."
"Shame...if she's anything like her family, they could be great."
"They can still be. They just won't be ninja anymore."
Naruto was impressed...impressed and proud of his pet and wife.
First she stripped down in front of her childhood bully and then she started the torture, using her mind against her. Then she started with the physical punishment, ending with death. He knew how much of a hold Ami still had on Sakura. What Sakura just did broke that hold and she is now free from her and despite the gory mess she left behind, he couldn't be more proud of what she did. She didn't get dressed again as she passed by her clothes so it seems she decided to go commando for the rest of the day or maybe she had an extra set of clothes somewhere, he didn't know. He'd ask her next time he saw her.
Speaking of which...where is she?
Turning around, he stared into the hallway. Sakura should've been up here by now. He asked Kiba to get him if his match came up and he wasn't back. Kiba agreed and Naruto went in search of his pet. He went down the stairs and he found her, in the dark and tucked away in the corner, wrapped up in a little ball. Her form shook like she was crying and she was if the sounds coming from her were any indication. She was still bloody but that was far from his mind. Quietly, he settled down beside her and put an arm around her shoulder. The minute he did, she latched onto him and cried in his arms. "What's wrong sweetie? Are you feeling remorse?"
Sakura shook her head and grabbed his jacket. "These aren't tears of guilt." Sakura lifted up her head,, letting Naruto see that big smile on her face. "These are tears of happiness."
Naruto chuckled and placed his hand under her chin. "Why?"
"Because I'm finally free." She whispered. "Ami can't control me anymore."
"She never could. She just got you angry to the point you fight all the time."
"Not anymore." Sakura was nearing giggling. "Only my sisters can get me to hurt them."
"And me...of course."
Now Sakura giggled. "Of course."
"And the explosion?"
"All part of the plan dear master."
"Well, I can't wait to..."
"HEY NARUTO!" Kiba's voice shouted out.
Naruto growled and looked up the top of the stairs. "WHAT?"
"My match?" He muttered. "I THOUGHT SHIKAMARU'S MATCH WAS NEXT!"
"Great..." Naruto sighed and turned back to Sakura who just smiled and let go of him. "Sakura...I'm so..."
"No, it's alright. Go fight Temari. Keep in mind she's going to keep an eye on that bullwhip of yours." Naruto nodded and stood up, dusting himself off and turned toward the exit. "Hey you want me to put clothes on?"
Naruto chuckled and turned around. "Do you want to?" Naruto's first pet shook her head. "Then don't. You're a known exhibionist so it really doesn't matter."
When Naruto stepped into the sun, he found his opponent patiently waiting for him. His hand reached for the bullwhip and detached it. He wanted to use it in this fight, against Temari. He stopped a few feet from her, the both of them staring at the other. "How is she?" Temari asked, concerned for her friend.
"She's fine. Happy at the thought that Ami's finally dead."
Temari chuckled. "Well if you're like anything like Sakura..." Temari trailed off looking at the bloody mess near the wall. "I might as well give up now."
The blonde boy chuckled. "Well I don't want that. I've been itching to fight you."
There was a smirk on Naruto's face that remained there even as the proctor looked both of them over. Once ready, he started the match. The instant he said that, Temari charged up and unleashed a massive wave of wind at Naruto. As fast as he could, he swung the whip, letting his chakra flow thought, and unleashing a knife, smaller and thicker then what Temari just unleashed, and cut a hole in Temari's wall of wind. He jumped through it and lunged toward Temari. She countered with another swing of her fan, this time adding little blades of wind to her attack. It connected and the body disappeared in a poof of smoke.
Realizing that it was just a distraction, she turned around, fan at the ready but no one was there. Thinking it was a double distraction, she turned around again just in time to see the black whip head toward her. Raising the fan, she managed to block the strike. Going on the offensive, she lunged in the direction of the whip, hoping to catch Naruto before he could use the whip again. As the whip traveled back, she followed, her fan bunched up so she could whack him when she reached him.
He was in her sights and she brought her fan up, ready to strike. She saw his surprised look on his face and smirked, reaching him and bringing the metal down on him. It connected but instead of a crack, she heard a thump and felt cold mud splash on her face as Naruto dissolved into mud. Her mind kicking in too late, pain erupted in her back as the real Naruto lashed out onto her back. She cried out but didn't allow herself more then that as she turned around, barrier at the ready but Naruto was once again gone. "You're good, I'll admit that." Temari said aloud.
"Well I don't like to brag." Came the sudden response but she wasn't able to pinpoint his location because his voice was bouncing off of the walls. "Sakura-chan told me that she gave you fair warning am I right?"
"So what if she did?" Temari responded, keeping her back to the wall.
"Oh I'm not angry at her if that's what you're thinking. In fact, I thanked her for it, gives me a harder time fighting you. Now...did she tell you just how much of a sadist I can be?"
"She might have." Temari started to move, heading toward the tree where she would have more cover.
Naruto let out an evil chuckle. "So far I've been taking it easy on you but that's about to change. I'm going to give you ten seconds to give up."
"And if I don't?" Temari reached the tree and jumped on it.
There was another set of evil chuckles. "You'll see just how much of a sadist I can be. Well, will you give up?"
Temari humped and closed her eyes, trying to expand her senses to determine the location of the blonde boy but he was really good at hiding. "The only way you're going to get me to give up is to kill me."
"Don't tempt me Temari...I like you, the girls like you and I really don't want to kill you but if you force my hand, I will." There was a pause. "Oh, by the way, your ten seconds are up."
Suddenly, her ears picked up a angry hissing sound and she opened her eyes and looked down, her eyes widening as she saw the materializing explosive tags that saturated the tree she was currently on. `Crap.' Was the only time she had to react to the sight of the bombs she was sitting on. Putting all the power she could to her legs, she jumped, unfolding her fan to try and get her away faster. She was a millisecond away from letting out wind to propel her away when the tags went off, completely vaporizing the tree. The shockwave hit her and knocked the fan from her hands and she gained greater speed, heading right for the wall.
However, fate was not so kind to her. With great speed, Naruto flung the whip and the tail wrapped around Temari's ankle and sent chakra through it. Thanks to Tenten, who made the bullwhips for him, if the whip receives chakra while it was connected with something, the leather will act as an adhesive and will stick until Naruto stops giving it chakra. Naruto jerked on the whip, forcing the whip, and its partner, into a spin. Naruto spun her around a few times before deciding she had enough, stopping the flow of chakra, the whip slipping from Temari's ankle and letting her fly, her body skidding into the ground before stopping at the wall. The girl couldn't do anything as she was both disorientated and dizzy. Naruto chuckled as he rolled up the whip, two clones materializing into view and walking up to the girl who was trying to recover. If Temari didn't want to give up, then he would force her to.
By the time he was done with her, she would wish she gave up when he gave her the chance.
The clones reached her and grabbed her arms, pulling her up and started dragging her to the real Naruto. Said boy had buckled his whip and started a jutsu, a doton jutsu to be exact, and there were two pillars sticking out. The clones dragged her to them and placed her arms on each pillar. The instant her arm touched the stone, rock wrapped around them, sealing them in. Once they were sealed in, the pillars rose, taking Temari up with them. Once her feet were off the ground, Naruto stopped, the pillars stopping as well. One clone reached up and ripped Temari's clothes off, exposing her back. The girl, her senses now coming back to her, started to struggle in her binds. Naruto smirked and licked his lips.
This was a rare treat.
Virgin flesh, just ripe for the whipping. He wasn't sure just how experienced she was in battle but to him, she was a virgin and he loves virgins. "I gave you a chance to give up Temari and you didn't take it. It's going to be a while before I feel like offering it again but when I better take it." Temari didn't even get a chance to speak as Naruto, in one swift motion, unfurled the whip and swung it, hitting Temari right on her spine. She screamed a deathly scream as Naruto started an assault on her back. She had been whipped before but never as harsh or painful as this. Unbeknownst to her, Naruto was adding just a tiny bit of chakra to his whip, not even to do any damage but enough to cause Temari to feel hell.
He stopped at twenty strikes, crossing his arms at he stared at Temari's bloody back. As he expected, Temari was too busy screaming to stop the match. Her screams were beautiful though, reminding him of Sakura's early days. He offered Temari the chance to give up again, this time adding several insults to maybe anger her enough to speak, but the girl only mumbled, hanging limp. He shrugged and started the assault again, this time focusing on her arms and legs. By the time he was done, Temari's entire backside was something out of a nightmare, one that just tortured you endlessly. Again, she asked her but this time, there was no response. Upon further investigation, Naruto found that Temari was passed out, still alive, but passed out. He checked her back. Blood still flowed but it was quickly clotting.
A rush came into his ears and Naruto saw the proctor come up to him. He declared Naruto the winner and he asked if he could let her down so the medics could take her. He nodded and made a seal and the pillars dropped down, the medics taking her as she dropped and deposited her onto the bed when Naruto released her from her shackles. Once Temari was taken away, Naruto rolled up his whip and buckled it, turning around and walking toward the exit, a neutral expression on his face. At the end of every match there were applauds, but this time, Naruto didn't expect any.
However, when the unexpected sound of applaud came to his ears, he stopped, his head snapping up.
The men and women that made up his audience were cheering...cheering for him. Despite what he did, they respected him enough to acknowledge his skill. There were some people that weren't clapping but he didn't care about them. He turned his head toward the fighter's balcony and looked at Sakura, who shrugged, telling him that she was confused as well, and then smiled, giving him a nod. A smile came onto his face and he turned back toward the exit, continuing his trek but with a noticeable spring in his step.
Sakura met Naruto at the top of the stairs. She knew that, considering what just happened, he would want to talk to her. By the time she arrived at the top of the stairs, he was running up. She caught sight of him and that ear splitting grin of his. "They cheered! They cheered for me Sakura! Despite what I did...they still cheered!" Sakura smiled and nodded, letting out an oof as Naruto glomped her, embracing her in a tight hug. "There's still hope for me!" Naruto moved back and planted a big one on Sakura's lips before letting her go, still cheering at the realization of the progress he made.