Different world of Naruto's sexual life

Chapter 44: Chapter 32 Part 2

Sakura chuckled and wiped off her mouth. She didn't get a chance to say anything and you know what, she didn't need to. Her presence was all he needed. At that moment, all he needed was somebody to shout to and to let out all of his excitement on her so he could mellow out when he rejoined everybody. "Sakura!" Sakura turned around when she heard her name. "Do me a favor will you? Make a quick stop at the hospital and make sure Temari's all right. I'll call you before your match." Naruto didn't even wait for her answer before disappearing around the corner.

Sakura sighed and shook her head. It was too bad Ino wasn't here to take more of his excitement as it was probably needed, but orders are orders. Normally contestants weren't allowed to leave during finals but Sakura knew how to get out and in. Hell, maybe if she had time, she could take a shower before coming back.


Temari woke with a start, the restraints on her wrists and ankles clattering. In an instant, she realized that she was restrained and tried to escape from them but then the very next second, the massive pain shooting through her entire backside stilled her movements. Once she stilled, she realized that she was bandaged and some kind of liquid was in between the bandages and her skin. "Impressive..." Temari's head shot up toward the door where a doctor was coming in, holding a chart and looking at her with a smirk on her face. "Despite feeling Naruto's fury, you managed to wake up in such a short amount of time."

"Why am I restrained?" She demanded, her mouth acting before her mind told her to stop.

The doctor only chuckled and hung the chart at the edge of the bed before reaching down and started pulling her restraints off. "I thought it would be a good idea not to aggravate your wounds too much."

"You couldn't heal them?"

"The wounds are deep. No matter what I do, you'll have scars. My personal policy that I don't rely on my chakra to heal everything. I heal the major stuff but I let her body's natural healing ability take care of the rest."

"Some policy..." Temari huffed. "It hurts a lot."

Temari looked up when the doctor chuckled. "Naruto didn't tell you did he?"

"Tell me what?"

"He likes to coat his whip in a chemical that seeps into the veins. It's very painful I hear."

"Why haven't you done anything about it?"

"Because I had no idea what he had done. If I had put the drugs designed to counteract it in you and he had not used it, there would've been some very nasty side effects. Now that I know it is in you, I can treat it." Temari watched the doctor as she reached into her pocket, withdrawing a bag of clear liquid and hooked it up to her IV. "It should take affect in a couple of minutes."

"Thanks...sorry about earlier."

"Oh it's quite all right. My name is Dr. Azumi. I had quite a few patients that were on the opposite end of his fury. The sight is never pretty."

Temari groaned as she sat up, wishing that the medicine would kick in already. She managed to get on her butt but immediately regretted the action as it seemed her butt took the worst of his punishment. "What did they do to him?"

"Well, most insults he can take..." Temari's head snapped up when she heard a new voice and a familiar one and set her eyes on a freshly clean Sakura, leaning against the doorway with a slight smirk on her lips. "But when they turn against his wives, that's when he brings out the bullwhip. He worked hard to get us and he wasn't going to tolerate anyone saying otherwise." She turned to Azumi. "How is she?"

Dr. Azumi chuckled and patted Sakura's head. "You know I can't discuss the status of other patients. You let me know if there are any problems Temari?" Temari nodded. Azumi nodded as well and left the room, leaving Temari alone with Sakura.

"So..." Temari spoke after a few minutes silence. "You look nice."

Sakura chuckled as she took a seat. "Just a quick shower. So are you alright?"

Temari sighed. "Why are you here Sakura? Don't you have a match or something?"

"I do, but not right now. I just wanted to check up on you."

"Is that all?" Temari asked with a raised eyebrow. She had a feeling that she wanted to see her for other reasons.

The pinkette chuckled and crossed her arms. "Well now that you mention it, there is something I wanted to ask you." That smile that was on Sakura's face straightened up. "How are you going to act toward Naruto-sama from this point on?"

Temari let out a short laugh. "Why? You worried that I'm going to cause him to go into a rage?"

"Exactly." Came the response from Sakura, causing Temari to blink in surprise. She blinked again when Sakura sat down on the bed, right beside her and still had that serious look on her face. "Naruto-sama takes his friendships seriously. He hopes, really hopes, that despite what he had done to you, the two of you will remain friends."

"You really think I'm going to do something like that?"

"It happened before Temari and I'm making sure you don't get killed by doing it the wrong way."

Temari was a little taken back by the seriousness of Sakura's voice. If she said that and meant it, what had happened to him in the past? Was Naruto so similar to her brother in terms of their past? Was Naruto so hated that he was paranoid of every person he met? It couldn't have been that bad right? He has three wives...well, actually, two wives and a girlfriend and he seems to be respected in his home so what changed?

If Naruto was really was so paranoid...how was he going to react when he learns of her betrayal?

Despite her better judgment, she spoke the truth, as if the invasion wasn't about to happen. "I brought it upon myself. I didn't give up when I was given the chance and paid for it. I don't really think less of him other then not to get on his bad side."

She wondered if her answer would satisfy Sakura, if only to get her to leave. The invasion would be starting soon and she needed to be out of the hospital, away from anybody from Konoha. She needed to get back to her brothers. Mentally, she breathed a sigh of relief when Sakura smiled and chuckled. "Well, Naruto-sama isn't an entire sadist. Majority of the time he's a playful boy but at the same time he can be mischievous. Things are never really boring with him. In fact, after the exams, all of us are going to retire from the ninja life."

Now that came to a surprise to Temari. "Really?"

Sakura nodded. "Yeah, he has other plans that don't involve the high-risk life of ninja-hood and you know...I think it's good luck that you two are friends. He can now broaden his horizons and maybe expand a little more beyond Konoha. He might even have a second home in Suna. Ino likes the heat so I think she'll like Suna."

As much as Temari liked talking with Sakura, she needed to leave. "Look Sakura, I don't mean to be rude but you're going to miss your fight and I would like to rest." It was a bit direct then she hoped for but Temari really needed Sakura out.

Fortunately, Sakura didn't take offense from it. "Alright alright, if you really want me out, I'll go, but I'm...we're going to come back later."

"Fair enough."

Sakura chuckled and suddenly leaned forward, Sakura's hand reaching out and cupping Temari's cheek, then in one swift motion, moved her head forward and captured Temari's lips in a deep kiss. The blonde's eyes widened in shock as Sakura, the girl she'd only known for a few weeks, was kissing her...with TONGUE! Temari whimpered as Sakura broke off, a smirk gracing Sakura's lips. "I really hope you feel better Temari. You have a good thing going on with us and having us as friends can have pleasurable benefits." Temari whimpered again as Sakura kissed her again, this time on the cheek. "If you're interested, just let us know. After all, sex slaves are the best kind of partners you can have."

"You're sex slaves?" Temari whispered out, completely shocked. She knew they were his pets but didn't know exactly what kind of pets they were.

"Took you this long to figure it out?" Sakura said with a chuckle. "Think about my offer." Sakura patted Temari's cheek one last time and stood up, heading out the door and shutting it, leaving Temari to realize something important.

Did Sakura just try to recruit her into Naruto's harem?


"So...what did I miss?"

Naruto looked back when he heard Sakura's voice and chuckled as she took a place beside her. "Well, Sasuke and Kakashi came back. Made quite of bit of an entrance. Ending up getting disqualified because he had just missed his match."

Sakura snorted. "Serves him right. I bet he threw a temper tantrum."

"Actually he didn't." Sakura looked at her master in confusion. "Only thing Sasuke did was glare at Kakashi and kicked him in the knees. It was clear it was Kakashi's fault they were late."

The pinkette humped, her face showing her clear dislike of Sasuke. "Doesn't say much for the boy. All it shows that he can control himself better then in the past."

"You really don't like him that much do you? I think he grown up a lot since school and I like to believe it was because of you. You showed him that you are more then just a ridiculous fan girl. You grew up and showed him that if you can, then he can."

"Well I still don't like him." Sakura announced, huffing in the process, blowing her breath onto Naruto's face and his nose. The boy's nose twitched as a foreign smell came into his nose. "If he can tone down his arrogance a few notches, I'll change my mind."

Naruto nodded but was wondering about that small smell that he smelled coming from Sakura's mouth. It seemed familiar but it wasn't anybody that he knew and once he realized who he sent Sakura to see, he remembered the smell. "So how did your visit with Temari go? Anybody give you any problems?"

Sakura shook her head. "Nah, I was able to get in and out of the stadium with no problems and no one stopped me outside. Temari's doing well. Doc's got her on the antidote to the chemical you coated your whip with so it should be out of her system in a couple hours."

"Smells like you two did more then talk."

Sakura closed her eyes and chuckled. "Can't get anything past you can I? Even something so small like a kiss on the lips, you can smell. Yes, I kissed her on the lips. I was trying to get Temari's mind off the pain her body was feeling and focus her attention on me." Naruto chuckled at that. "It seemed to work as the girl was completely shocked. Actually, the first shock was when I told her we were SS and that came as a complete shock to her. She knew we were regular but not that involved."

"And that's when you kissed her?"

"Smack dab on the lips. I think that it was her first time actually." The girl chuckled and leaned into Naruto's ear. "I also made her an offer. If she wants to have fun, all she has to do is ask."

"Sakura you slut!" Sakura snapped back when he whispered-shouted. "You trying to get a pet?"

"Why master, I'm insulted...you think I'm going behind your back?" Sakura smirked. "But now that you ask, the sisters wouldn't mind having a pet of our own."

Naruto stared at his pet before he burst out laughing. Sakura was such a joker. "Good one Sakura...good one."

Sakura let out a forced laugh as Naruto turned back toward the fights. She was actually serious. A common fantasy between the three of them was to take care of someone themselves, with no help from Naruto. However, they knew it could never be. Naruto would never allow his slaves to have pets of their own. Animal pets sure, hell Naruto was the one who gave Ino her snake, but never human pets. He didn't want them distracted for their duties and lets face it, having a human pet is a full plus overtime job. Sakura knew this from the start but still, it couldn't hurt to fantasize could it?

`After all...' Sakura thought, looking at her master. `I'm just his slut.'


The instant Sakura left, Temari tried to get dressed in however way she could. She found her shoes easily enough but the only thing in the closet was the hospital robe. Deciding that she didn't want to waste anymore time searching for something decent, she donned it and pulled out everything connected to her body. When she did, her doctor came into the room, wondering just what the hell she was doing. Temari said that she was checking out against medical advice. Temari knew that they couldn't keep her here. Azumi nodded and helped her to the front desk and then she told her not to go yet as she would give her some medicine that would help with the pain while the body healed. Deciding that she could spare a few seconds, Temari agreed and signed the forms, realeasing the hospital of any responsibility after she left the hospital doors. Azumi returned in no time and handed Temari a bottle of pills. She thanked her and hobbled out of the hospital. She had no idea how long it would be until the invasion started and she needed to get to the rally point. If she could get to the forest, she may have enough cover to get where she needed to be.

However, fate was not so kind.

When Temari heard the explosion and saw the village's walls come crumbling down, she knew she was out of time. She needed to get under cover. She picked up her pace, using her fan as a walking stick, and headed toward the forest. The pain was getting worse and she could barely stay on her feet. Somehow, she managed to get into the forest and went deep. The trees multiplied and got thicker. She came across a tree that had a hollowed out trunk, the pain in her getting to the point where she would risk having a few minutes rest before she continued.


Blood gurgled from a sound nin's mouth as Naruto sliced forward the knife that was in his neck, silencing his voice and killing him instantly. He didn't really have a clue what was going on but he knew one thing...somebody was threatening his home. The headband on the guy Naruto just killed had a musical note on it, telling him that this guy was from the new Sound village he just heard about. The girls were securing the patrons, making sure no one slit anybody's throats before they could get them to safety. The jounins at the stadium were helping them as well, getting all the unconscious people into secure rooms.

Once everybody was secure, did Naruto notice the roof and the people standing on it. One of them was the Hokage but the other was Orochimaru, dressed in the Kazekage's robes, then something clicked in him. If Orochimaru was disguised as the Kazekage, then Suna must also be behind the invasion and then something else clicked in his mind.


Did Suna really know about Naruto and his pets and sent Temari on a recon mission? Was she supposed to find his weaknesses? Was she supposed to be so involved with them? Suddenly, the invasion didn't seem to matter that much. He growled as he clenched his fists. He wanted answers and wanted them now. He whistled and his pets came to him. "Where is Temari?" He asked, a hard tone in his voice.

"I left her at the hospital." Sakura answered. "But if Suna is with Sound, then she's gone."

"Not if I can help it." The girls knew that voice. He was angry, extremely angry. "Cloak yourselves. We have us a blonde to find."

Everybody nodded and disappeared from view. Once cloaked, Naruto led them to the hospital, where squads of ANBU were fighting to keep it standing. This wasn't the only hospital in Konoha but it was the largest and the most equipped to handle the aftermath of the invasion. Upon reaching the hospital, Naruto let Sakura lead them to her room so they could follow her scent. Out of all them, Naruto was the most skilled with his nose with Sakura as the second best. The other two were still learning but right now, he needed someone who knew what they were doing. Once Naruto had the scent, he completely focused on it, relaying on his teammates to protect him.

He followed the scent into the forest. He was getting closer and closer and because of that, getting madder and madder. For some completely unknown reason, he had put some trust in Temari, probably because of the fact she shared a lot with him but now he wasn't sure what she told him was true. The scent went deeper into the forest, far away from the battles taking place. Temari was wounded so she wouldn't risk fighting. If she was anywhere near as intelligent as he thought she was, she would hide somehow. Suddenly, he stopped and ducked behind a tree.

There she was, crawling out of a hole of a tree.

She was still wounded, as evident by the pain on her face. He turned to his partners and signed orders to surround the girl. They nodded and jumped away, the boy turning back to the blonde girl, a plan forming in his head. He couldn't really question her right now, but later, after the invasion, in the privacy of his own home, he could ask her anything he wanted, all in his own way.

No one would have to know she was there.

His fist tightened against the handle of his bullwhip. He unbuckled it and decloaked himself. He stood up and jumped down from the tree.


Temari knew she was dead when Naruto, an extremely mad look on his face, jumped down from a high tree, his hand clutching the bullwhip. So much to remaining undetected, she knew if she got caught, she was be turned over to Konoha's people for interrogation, but when Naruto, of all people, found her, she knew death would be a mercy that she would never get. It seems she was right about how Naruto would act when he realized she betrayed him. He must have thought everything she said was a lie when in truth, it wasn't.

Good luck trying to convince him of that.

"Now I know what you're thinking Naruto-sama..." Temari spoke, slowly backing away as he advanced, using the -sama suffix to try and help her situation. "You think that because my village is helping Sound, I was chosen to try and get info on the greatest asset Konoha has, using your preference for girls as my cover to get in."

"You're the one who approached me!" Naruto shouted. "You're the one who straight-out said that you knew about my slaves! What were you going to do? Try and become one of mine and somehow use that against me?"

"I was against the invasion in the first place as are a lot of people, my father included!"

"Your father is safe and sound in Suna!" Naruto retorted. "That imposter that was sitting beside my Kage was Orochimaru!"

Now that caused Temari to stop and stare at Naruto. "Or-Orochimaru, but...that's impossible. He wasn't supposed to pose as him."

"What was the plan then huh? That lie about your father was acting weird? Was that supposed to get me to trust you?"

"He never wanted to invade in the first place. He planned on killing the Wind Daimyo to help my village get better, but suddenly he put his full support behind Orochimaru."

Naruto started advancing again, the action causing Temari to continuing retreating. "How can I trust you now Temari? How can I know what words out of your mouth are true or false? We had something good going on between us and now...I should've killed you before." Suddenly, Temari yelped as someone wrapped their arms around her neck and forced her to the ground. "Because when I'm done with you, death will be the only mercy you get." The arm around her neck tightened up, the action causing her airways to close up.

The last thing she saw before she blanked out, was Naruto's sadness because of her betrayal.


As Temari slumped to the ground, courtesy of Sakura, there was something in Temari's eyes that told him that Temari might have been telling the truth, but he quickly pushed that thought out of his mind. He didn't want anything poisoning his thoughts, causing him to give her mercy when he interrogates her. The number one rule in interrogating is not to let your personal feeling get in the way of the truth. He looked up when the girls materialized in front of them. If he was going to keep Temari a secret, he needed their help and he knew he could trust them. "Do you think you can carry her to the house?"

"I carried your butt home didn't I?"

Despite Sakura's attempts at humor, Naruto couldn't laugh. "Cloak yourselves again and take her home. Interrogation protocol." Sakura nodded and took ahold of Temari and hefted her up over her shoulders. "Ten, come with me for a second." Tenten followed Naruto as Ino started to strip Temari of her visible weapons, gathering them up along with her fan. It didn't take her long to finish and ended up waiting for Tenten and Naruto. The girls did see him slip something to her while whispering in her ear but they weren't able to catch what he was saying.

When Tenten finally rejoined them, but she was without Naruto. "Is he coming?" Sakura asked.

"He'll be along shortly. He wants us to meet up at the shelters to help defend it when we're done here." Despite Tenten's words, Sakura felt that something was wrong. She couldn't quite pin it but maybe it was just invasion jitters. Ino and Tenten cloaked all of them and they headed home as quick as they could.

However, as they left, they failed to notice the look on Naruto's face and the words Naruto mouthed.

I'm sorry.


They managed to get home in record time. The region where their home was seemed to have been untouched by the battle so far but everybody suspected that it wouldn't be that way forever, so that's why Sakura stopped them from going inside right away. "Now, before we go inside, I want all of us to cloak the house as much as we can, putting as much chakra in the jutsu as possible. I don't want anybody touching this house."

Thankfully, Tenten had the training and experience to cloak extremely large objects so it wasn't a problem for her. Concentrating, she joined the efforts of her sisters of expanding the cloaking field around the house and put as much chakra as she could into it to make it last. Once they were finished, they were successful and the house was invisible to everybody else. She looked down when Ino opened the door and Sakura rushed in, followed by herself, shutting the door once inside. However, she didn't join her sisters when they headed off.

Before they separated, Naruto gave her orders. She reached into her pocket and withdrew a black tag. Naruto didn't tell her what it was, only to attach it to the door they came in and send some chakra in until it turned on. She placed the tag on the door and it stuck. She placed her fingers on the tag and opened a channel to it, letting her chakra flow in it. It didn't take much though as it stopped taking her chakra only after a few seconds. Almost immediately, the tag started flashing. She took a couple steps back in caution. It definitely wasn't an explosive tag, the design was much too different. The tag stopped after five `flashes' and nothing happened.

Then something loud burst out, sounding suspiciously like locks slamming into place.

In a second after the sounds subsided, she heard Sakura bellow in apparent anger. "TENTEN WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" Tenten heard footsteps and she turned around, just in time for Sakura to ram into her, slamming her into the door. The first thing Tenten saw was the fangs in Sakura's teeth. She knew what that meant and she...was...mad.

Of course if she was mad, then she knew what was going on.

Tenten whimpered when Sakura growled, her arm pushed up against her neck and her eyes baring down on the poor brunette. She growled and her eyes moved sideways and a look of shock took anger's place. "The lockout tag." Sakura whispered. That shock was quickly replaced by an even angrier look and Sakura pushed even harder against her neck. "HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT TAG? YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO EVEN TOUCH IT!"

"He...he g-gave it t-to m-me. To-told me to ac-acti-activ-ate it. I di-didn't kn-ow."



Her savior came by Ino, who placed her hand on Sakura's shoulders and gently pulled on it. "She's telling the truth Saku. Let her go. It's clear that master lied to us. We're staying here and because we cloaked the house, no one's going to bother us."

"But we can help..." Sakura breathed out, her anger slowly disappearing. "I wasn't going to seek anybody out, just help defend the shelters." Sakura's force on Tenten's neck diminishing. "Why can't we help? We trained for this. What's the point of training if he's going to keep us locked up?!" Sakura shouted, pushing against Tenten one last time before letting her go. "I just know he's going to get end up in the hospital by invasion's end."

"Well there's no point in worrying about it now. All we can do is fulfill his orders and deal with Temari."

Sakura sighed and nodded. "Well, at least we can take our time now."

"Cheer up Sakura...I bet that you'll have fun prepping her." Ino chuckled and wrapped her arm around Sakura's shoulders. "In fact, I bet he'll be back in no time." When the girls disappeared around the corner, they left Tenten at the front door, shaking and quivering. This was the first time she face that kind of rage coming from Sakura.

She was so scared...that she actually pissed her pants.


Sakura came down the dungeon stairs alone. She had told Ino to do inventory of all of their supplies while she worked over Temari. The blonde wanted to help but Sakura wanted to do this alone. She also wanted Ino to check up on Tenten. She smelled the urine that Tenten passed and wanted to make sure she didn't scare the poor girl too much. Sakura stopped in front of the unconscious Temari and shook her head. She wasn't sure what to think. She really liked Temari. Maybe Temari was really telling the truth and she was against the invasion but there was no way to know right now. Ino had the best chance of finding out the truth but she couldn't go in right now, not without Naruto's orders.

Sakura walked away from Temari and headed to get some supplies, the first of which is the special collar that Naruto keeps handy. A collar that cancels out a users ability to use chakra. Because of that ability, only Sakura is allowed to handle it, the others only allowed if absolutely needed. She removed the collar from it's box and grabbed another box and placed it in the box. She went around grabbing some stuff. When she got to the restraints, she wondered how much she should do. Should she get an armbinder and a pair of bondage boots or just go for the simple restraints? Finally, she decided on simplicity and grabbed wrist and ankle restraints. Naruto would probably want to use her arms for some reason as well as her legs.

Stopping in her tracks, she slapped herself to stop herself from continuing that thought. Naruto wouldn't rape Temari. Rape was completely against his code, but then again...no...Naruto will not rape Temari. She was sure of it and even if he was going to, they were more then capable of stopping him from doing something he would regret for the rest of his life. She grabbed a few more supplies, including a trainer ball gag, the kind that strapped the entire head. Once Sakura had all she needed, she went back to Temari. Her first job was to strip and remove all her hidden weapons. Setting the box down and sitting down, she grabbed a knife from the box and started removing Temari's robe and all her bandages. Sakura had to flip her on her back to get the bandages off and then she saw the last of Temari's wounds or rather the lack of wounds.

She was well aware of Azumi's policy but it appears she didn't follow it this time. She must have been joking with Azumi about not fully healing the wounds. However, not all wounds were completely healed, all around her backside, there were scars that she knew came from Naruto's bullwhip but there were also scars from other wounds. First thing she needed to do was to check her body for weapons. She undid Temari's hair bands and let them fall, her hand massaging Temari's head to make sure there was nothing in them. The hair done, she turned her attention to the other parts. In one swift motioned, she stuck her middle finger inside Temari's ass, trying to find anything that may be in there. Finding nothing, she removed her finger and grabbed a wipe from the box and cleaned her finger. Once done, Sakura grabbed a `pussy spreader' and attached it to Temari's. Twisting the screw, she spread the blonde's liabia and grabbed a flashlight. Giving the proper precautions, you can put just about anything in a female's vagina. The instant Sakura shone the light inside, she saw a string. Looking deeper, she saw something wrapped at the end of it. Taking the string, she pulled on it, dragging the object at the end of the string out. Once out, Sakura saw it was a vial with no sharp edges with a nasty purple liquid inside. She immediately recogined at as being poison. The kind of poison that one would choose for a suicide option. Only a little of it would be enough to kill you. `I guess the reason why she has so much is for teammates.' She would have to put this in a secure place. She didn't have to worry about anything sealed on her, the collar prevents her from bringing it out.

When Sakura came back from putting it in the cabinet, her feet kicked the robe and something rattled. She looked down and picked it up, shaking it and hearing the rattle again. She dug into the pockets and withdrew a medicine bottle. Taking a look at the paper, she saw that her doctor gave this to her and it was for pain management. Apparently the chemical Naruto coated the whip was still in her system but she doubt that it was still in there by now, but still she would hang onto it for now...just in case. Now she can get started with Temari. Grabbing the wrist restraints, she applied them to Temari and locked them together. She grabbed the collar next and put it on Temari's neck, locking it and activating the seals. Next she grabbed the ankle restraints and put them on, locking them together as well. Now there was one more set of restraints she wanted to do. She grabbed a long chain, not as long as Temari's full height, and laid it on Temari's back. She reached into the box and withdrew three locks with keys attached as well as an empty key ring. She attached the top of the chain to the back on Temari's collar and locked it with the lock, removing the key and attaching it to the key ring. She repeated the process on the wrist cuffs and the ankle cuffs, locking them and putting the corresponding key on the key ring. They were different locks and as such, requires different tactics to pick them and thus, takes much longer. The way she locked them prevented Temari from straightening her arms, keeping them at an angle and keeping Temari off her feet.

One of the last things she needed to do to Temari was attach her gag. Reaching into the box, she pulled out a gag with straps that encompassed the entire head, with a hook on the top of her head. Sakura shoved the ball into her mouth before moving the straps over her head and locked it in the back, a small padlock keeping the straps together. Like all the other locks, she attached it to the growing ring of locks. What was good about this specific ball gag is that it had a hole straight through the middle, allowing someone to place a straw through for water so one didn't have to take the gag off.

Sakura reached into the box and pulled out the last thing, a short chain, this one with D-links at the end. She attached one end to the collar on the neck of Temari and started dragging the girl toward a cage. She started to get rough with the girl, the memories of the past few weeks coming to mind and the so-called `friendship' she offered. Reaching the cage, Sakura threw her in it, slamming the cage door and attaching the chain link to the cage bars and locked it. Once Sakura checked over her and the cage, she grabbed a black cloth and covered the cage, putting Temari in darkness.


Sakura had to take a few moments to calm herself. She didn't want to snap at her sisters for something they didn't do. Once Sakura felt she was collected enough did she go back up the stairs and found both Ino and Tenten staring out the window, fully armed. "Anything interesting out there?" Sakura asked, joining them. She could see columns of smoke from her little view.

"Not really. Other then seeing a giant Chouza stomp around and a massive three headed snake bumbling around. It's been pretty boring."

"A three headed snake?"

Ino nodded. "Yeah. It rampaged around for a bit before Jiraiya and one of his frogs squished it. I got to tell you, I wouldn't mind summoning that beast." Ino turned around and looked at Sakura when she looked at her with a curious face. "You know I want the snake contract and from what Anko told me, she's under Orochimaru so that means, if he dies, the contract goes to her and I can sign up."

"But that's only if Orochimaru dies..." Tenten spoke. "The Hokage is old we all know that. He's not as strong as he was in the past. What if the invasion succeeds? What will we do then?"

"If the invasion succeeds..." Sakura let out a long sigh. "We leave and find another home. We'll try and bring along survivors."

"Do you know where you would go?" Tenten asked.

Sakura sighed. "Me personally I would rather move to another major village but he wants to live in a small one I don't know but we'll think about it when we come to it. Now if you'll excuse me, I will also arm myself."


Beside the occasional sound of battle, nothing happened in the household, mostly because of the fact that the house was still cloaked and would be for a long time. They couldn't go anywhere because even though Sakura knew how to get out, when Naruto finds out what she did, she would not only lose her position as the head slave, she would lose his trust because she put all of them in danger and it would take months...even years to earn that trust back. The only time she can break lockdown is if they need to run for their lives.

So they were forced to sit and wait.

Outside, the sky was starting to darken. They had done everything they possible could to stay busy and they had ran out of ideas three hours ago. They knew they couldn't go downstairs because they needed to be able to react as fast as possible. It got dark and Sakura was giving serious thought to breaking the lockout when they heard someone rattle the doorknob. They immediately shot to their feet and ran to the front door, just as the knob turned fully and the door opened, seeing Asuma, the Uzumaki's teacher step in and close the door. "Glad to see you here."

"Asuma-sensei? What are you doing here? What about the invasion?"

"Invasion's pushed back and the village is relativity secure. We're trying to get the stragglers and before you ask, Naruto's in the hospital, alive but really beaten up." He held up his hand to stop questions. "He asked for me to bring Sakura to him." Sakura nodded and gave a short and quick bye to her sisters, following Asuma out the door and to the hospital.


When Asuma said `pretty beat up', she had a basic idea of what he would look like when she saw him, but she definitely wasn't prepared for the state she saw him in. It was like he just came in from battle. He had his own room but no one was helping him. The nurses and doctors were rushing back and forth, completely passing him by. "Why aren't they helping him?"

"Naruto insisted that he be treated last."

"Liar." Sakura accused. "You're a fucking liar." However, despite her accusations, she knew Naruto would do just that. She slid open the glass door and silently shut it behind her, Naruto's heavy and labored breathing now clearly apparent. "Master..." She whispered, slowly making her way to his bedside, looking at the na

Naruto heard her and with his undamaged eye, looked at his pet and let out a small smile. "H...hey pe...pet."

Sakura took Naruto's hand in hers, holding it gently, not wanting to accidentally hurt him. "Master...what have you done? Asuma told me you refused help."

"Ot...other people ne...need help. I...can...wait. Don't bo...bother try...trying to conv...ince me other...wise."

"But look at you...you're so beat up that you can die at any second. Who the hell did this to you?"

Naruto cracked a smile and let out a short laugh, but that caused him to erupt in a fit of coughs. "Gaara...he seems to thi...think I...I murdered his sis...sister and thus...went all...demon on me." Naruto chuckled again, this time not coughing because of it. "Reminds me of...what I would...do."

Sakura shook her head, really sad that Naruto was like this but not showing it for him. "Sometimes I wish you wouldn't be so hardheaded. You're going to end up dead because of your selfless acts."

"I'm...not going to d...die now. I got too mu...much to l...live for. How...how are the girls?"

"We're fine. We're all armed to the teeth, ready to fight. We got Temari downstairs, ready for you when you're ready, whenever that will be."

"Couple...of days, three...max."

Sakura nodded. "Alright. Now I'm going to leave. We all know you heal better when you're asleep. I'll try and visit tomorrow."

Naruto gave a slight nod and closed his eyes. "Sleep...sounds good." Naruto went to sleep as fast as Sakura could blink her eyes. "Good night master...please get better." She said after he had fallen asleep. Sakura stood up and turned around. She didn't want to see him like this. It would certainly give her nightmares for the longest time, but she knew he was in good hands at the hospital here.

In the meantime, she had a job to do.


When Sakura stepped foot in the house, she was immediately ganged up on by her sisters, asking questions left and right. She shut them up by walking past them and started pacing the living room. "Master is fine...although he's refusing treatment until the serious ones are out of the way."

"Just how bad is he?"

"Really bad...he has to make efforts to breath. He should be treated but that boy just won't accept any help, not until everybody else gets treated first. He's sleeping peacefully right now. Hopefully he'll be able to heal well while he's out."

"What do you mean he's refusing treatment?"

"Because that chivalristic bastard is willing to suffer while everybody else gets help! I don't even know how the hell he got that way, all he told me was that he fought it out with Gaara." Sakura huffed and returned to her rapid pacing. "I took a look around after he went to sleep and considering the amount of people there, it's going to be a long time before they get back to him."

"So what now? Did he say anything?"

"He didn't say much but that doesn't mean we stop doing anything in his absence. Tomorrow he should be feeling better and I'll have more on a conversation with him, but right now, we are going to stay here for now." Ino opened her mouth to speak but Sakura cut her off. "THAT'S...final. I know you want to know if your parents are alright but you'll have to wait until tomorrow."

"Come on Sakura, surely we can..."

"The lockdown may be over bitch..." Sakura once again cut Ino off, this time putting a stern look on her face. "But we are still confined to this household at least until tomorrow. If you have any problems, feel free to take it up with master when he gets back." The finality of Sakura's tone shut Ino up, slinking back into the chair, still worrying about her parents. She looked up when Sakura sighed an saw a soft look on her face. "Look Ino, I'm sorry but even though we still have control over this village, there are bound to be individuals around who can cause quite a lot of damage. How do you think he would react if I let you out and you got killed by a bomb? Tomorrow we'll see but right now, we stay inside. Why don't you and Tenten make us all something to eat?"

"We'll be glad to." Tenten spoke, taking Ino and dragging her to the kitchen. "By the way, Temari's awake."

Sakura blinked. She was awake already? "You sure?"

"Yeah, heard her banging around in there."

Sakura nodded. "Alright, I'll talk with her. Do me a favor and make me one of those diet shakes we used to make, but make sure it has more calories and protein in it. Make that first for me please?"



When Temari woke up, she was disoriented, confused. She tried to move her arms but found them restrained. She tried her legs, they were also restrained. Her vision was dark but she wasn't blind. She could see a little from the small amount of light that crept through whatever was covering that cage she was apparently in. At first she wondered where she was, and then it hit her. The last person she saw was Naruto and she remembered the promise he gave her and it was then she realized exactly where she was.

She was in Naruto's claws.

Without any warning, light flooded her eyes as someone pulled off the cover to her cage. She turned her head away for a minute to let her eyes adjust and turned back when she could see, however, when she laid eyes on Sakura, and that evil look in her eyes, she wish she didn't. "So you're finally awake traitor." Sakura was sitting in front of her, her back straight, her arms crossed, and her legs crossed, and that told Temari that Sakura meant serious business, but her eyes were looking at a pink object in her hand, her index finger tapping it. Her body shifted as she tried to scoot back, and that's when she felt the object in her. She looked down and saw her pussy sealed up by a tag and she could only guess that a sex toy was in her. "You're a piece of shit you know that? Pretending to be our friend and even so when the invasion was going on. You claim that Kazekage was against the invasion but Orochimaru's took his place and is leading the invasion." Temari wanted to defend herself but her efforts only came out as mumbles and whimpers. She wanted to say that her father never wanted to do this, that he had plans of making his village better.

"I don't really want to hear your lies. I told you that master is a sadist and that's true as you just recently experienced but that also applies to his play time. You're in his dungeon and that's where he tortures us for his amusement. Master has gotten really good at extracting information and with our skills, especially Ino's, we will find the truth and I believe he's not going to hold back. You got him angry girl, extremely angry. I would even call it mad and Naruto-sama mad...extremely bad. You might even end up losing all your limbs. He's in the hospital now, because of what your brother did and if our master dies...well, I don't think I need to say exactly what will happen to you. Nobody knows you're here Temari and that gives us freedom to do whatever we want to you and trust me Temari..." Sakura said with a smirk.

"When we're unsupervised, we can come up with some pretty freaky stuff." Sakura chuckled before reaching behind her chair and pulled out a cup of some kind of brown-ish liquid filling it, complete with straw. "Now in a rare act of kindness, I'm going to allow you to eat. This shake has a lot of proteins, calories, nutrients, etc. All you need to survive until master gets home or if he doesn't, I want you alive and strong, ready for your interrogation. Come to the front of the cage for me." Temari shook her head, backing up.

Sakura just scoffed and reached forward, grabbing the chain connected to her collar and the cage and yanked on it, sending the girl forward and causing her head to hit the bars. "When I say you do something, you do it. You don't learn that now, you will not survive his questioning." Temari groaned as she sat up, feeling a stinging pain in her head from her contact with the bars. She looked down when Sakura placed the cup inside the cage. "I'm being nice giving you this so take it before I decide otherwise." Deciding to not make her captor even angrier, she decided to eat while she could, but as she found, it was a bit difficult to eat considering Sakura seemed to refuse to take her gag off.

Sakura decided to help the girl, taking ahold of her head to steady it and inserted the straw into the hole in the gag. With a suck order, Temari started sucking down the liquid. It wasn't bad but it wasn't that good. In fact, it seemed to taste like a diet shake she once had. She heard Sakura say drink it all and she was trying to get it all but was a bit difficult.

She never drank anything in this way.

With a lot of effort, she managed to empty the cup and gulp down the contents. Once finished, however, Sakura got out of her nice mood and back into her hate mode. Sakura pushed her back, the chain pulling her short and landed on the floor. "If master does survive, he won't be back for a couple of days and even then he won't be in the mood until a couple days more at least, but in that time, I want you to think about something. Knowing just how much of a sadist he is, do you really want to feel his wrath? Because he's going to milk you for everything you know about your village. I know you are going to try and withstand him but you won't be able to." She went silent when Temari whimpered, bringing her legs up, looking like a girl who knows she's in too deep. Sakura was doing a good job planting fears in her and there was one more to insert. "Master hates rape." She kept her face still when the word rape brought Temari's head up. "He's a boy who has three sex slaves and is extremely protective of them, going as far as to do everything he can to train them to prevent rape. However, I know him intimately and I know just how he gets when he starts to go deep in his torturing. You say you know about Kyuubi but what you don't know is just how connected the two of them are. Once he gets to a certain point, he will set aside his own restrictions in order to get the information he wants. That being said, master knows just how effective rape can be. I don't know just how trained you are against rape but if you push him, he will rape you and we won't be able to stop him." When Temari's eyes widened in shock, she knew she was getting through to Temari. "Now you have some time and I want you to think. Is it really worth it? Being loyal to a village that would willingly attack its own allies?"

"Now there may be a deeper conspiracy behind the curtains I don't know. You said that your father didn't want to do this and suddenly changed his mind one day. If that is really true, we'll find out. My sister, Ino, has an ability to tell the difference between the truth and a lie. She will be present during any and all interrogations to confirm if you are telling the truth. If he finds out that you are lying, he will instantly go very deep, do something that may very well damage you for life, like losing an arm or even a breast. He may even take away your ability to have children and yes..." Sakura confirmed seeing the disbelief in her eyes. "With my help, he is very capable of doing that. Think about that, please, while you wait. If you are really our friend...you will tell him what you want to know."

Sakura sighed and stood up, waving the remote. "The toy in you is just that, a toy. The pleasure you're going to get from this will quite possibly be your last so you better enjoy it while you can. I'm going to leave it on random just to torment you a little. We're going to keep feeding you don't you worry about that. We're going to make sure you stay alive until he comes home." Sakura thumbed the remote to random and grabbed sheet previously covering her cage as Temari's body jerked. "Think about what I said Temari. It just may save your life."

With that, Sakura covered the cage, leaving Temari in darkness.


The next morning, Sakura was up early. With the addition of Temari, she had extra duties to do. Handling of a prisoner is a very delicate business, something that Sakura had been trained on and would be glad to do, but this particular prisoner troubled her. If Temari knew about the invasion, then why did she make so much effort into getting on their good side? Temari said that it was because of Gaara, that she even talked to them. She wanted to know exactly why Temari made so much effort and Naruto was going to get her to answer her questions.

Once up, she woke up Ino in her usual favorite way, a smack on the head, she headed downstairs into the kitchen and made another one of those shakes she fed Temari the previous night. She didn't want any solids in her right now. Upon finishing Temari's breakfast, she headed downstairs and went directly toward Temari's cage. Beside the cage, the urine bag was a little filled. Grabbing the sheet, she pulled it off. Temari was awake, those sad eyes staring up at her. Apparently what she said last night had a definite affect on her so hopefully when Naruto gets started with her, she would tell him everything he wanted to know and save those pretty limbs of hers. She set the cup down and was about to help the girl drink it when suddenly, the blonde moved on her own, slinking toward the straw. On the very first try, she managed to get the straw into the hole.

Sakura smirked and crossed her arms as she watched the girl. She learned very fast what would happen to her if she resisted and that meant one of two things. First one is she had been captured before and been through the process or she was willing to share what she knew in exchange for not torturing her. Once Temari was finished, she saw up and looked at Sakura. "I hope that means you realize what could happen to you. I hope that when master is ready, you'll be ready as well. Ino will be in charge while I'm gone." Sakura grabbed the remote from the nearby table and thumbed it to high, turning a deaf ear to Temari as the toy in her started its job, and headed back up the stairs.


When Sakura was ready, she cloaked herself and left the house. Even though it was two days after the invasion, Sakura didn't want to risk being caught by surprise. As she headed to the hospital, she was pleased to see that people were started to rebuild. The thought of Ino's parents came to mind and she took a little detour, just to see if Ino's former home was still standing. However, she found that where the flower shop/house once stood, there was only burnt debris, fires still raging. Someone must have blown it up but she wasn't sure if anybody was in it and she didn't have the time to check.

Ino was not going to like this.

Continuing on, she stepped over the numerous debris that littered the street and picked up her pace. She wanted to see how Naruto was doing. Last time she saw him, he was pretty beat up and she wasn't sure exactly how much of his advanced healing was going to take care of him. In no time at all, she arrived at the hospital and didn't bother to take off her cloak when she entered the hospital, heading directly for Naruto's room where she got the shock of her life.

Where she left a completely battered, bruised, bloody, and every other word that could describe Naruto's state, she came upon a completely healed, breathing normally, seemingly healthy, normal colored skin, Naruto.

It was like he was never injured in the first place. Did the medics finally manage to get to him or did his advanced healing do all that? Dropping her cloak, she slowly entered his room and grabbed the chart and looked for the recent check-up. She found the last two and first looked at the times and found that they were nearly twelve hours apart. She looked at the second to last entry and read it. Naruto arrived and refused medical help, saying that other people needed help. After arguing with the doctors, Naruto allowed a prelim exam and they found no life-threatening injuries and due to Naruto's insistence, they moved on. The next check-up came nearly twelve hours later and confused Sakura greatly. It stated that due to the massive amount of injuries, they couldn't get to him but when they did, Naruto was fine. All of his wounds were healed, his breathing was normal, and other then a few tender spots, he was healthy.

Just how powerful was Naruto's healing? This had to be worst then when he was nearly killed a while ago but then the difference between that and now is there were hardly any puncture wounds. From what she had seen of the way Gaara attacks, he prefers crushing with his sand most of all so maybe it was easier to heal non-puncture wounds? Well, regardless, Naruto was fine and that's all she wanted. She replaced the chart and went beside his bed. Naruto was still sleeping and she wanted to see for herself. She moved his covers off and undid his robe and pulled them off.

Like the report said, Naruto appeared healthy. She confirmed with her hands, pushing down on some spots of his stomach. Some spots were still tender but that's usually the last stage of human healing. She checked the rest of him over and he was fine but still, she was amazed by the power of his healing or was it just her imagination on just how injured he was. In any case, Naruto was alright and that's all she wanted. However, in the middle of intensely examining him, she failed to notice Naruto start to giggle until he grabbed her hand, causing the girl gasp and jerk her hand out of Naruto's grip when she felt the unexpected touch. When she realized that Naruto was awake, she let him grab her hand again. "I'm trying to sleep here girl. Can't do that when you're tickling me."

Sakura chuckled. "I offer my most sincere apologies my master."

"Yeah well..." Naruto groaned as he tried to sit up. "Next time, apologize when you aren't trying to touch my stomach."

"How are you feeling?"

"A lot better then yesterday for sure. Am I still in the hospital?"

"Yeah. Tell me something, why did you refuse to get treatment?"

Naruto gave up trying to sit up and laid back down. "I wasn't dying and other people needed the chakra. Speaking of other people, how are the girls and our guest?"

"Fine fine, everybody is fine, even our guest. I believe I got her riled up enough for you."

"Good good." Naruto sighed and settled into the bed. "Ibiki knows about Temari."

"How'd he know about her?" Sakura asked, surprised. "I thought you wanted to keep her secret."

"I did...but then I realized it was a bad idea and so I told him. Do me a favor Sakura and grab that folder on that table over there." Sakura followed Naruto's pointing and grabbed the folder. "That's an official document granting me the right to interrogate her without supervision."

"Ibiki actually signed this?" The pinkette asked, her surprised eyes scanning over the papers. "He trusts you enough?"

Naruto chuckled. "To be honest, I think he just doesn't want to deal with her with the mess on his plate already and he knows that I won't go too far with her."

"Well that's good. It's about time that you were able to put your knowledge to good use. Now, going off topic here, on my way here, I saw the Yamanaka flower shop completely destroyed."

Now that got Naruto's attention and he forced himself to sit up. "You serious?"

Sakura nodded. "Dead serious. Judging by the debris, someone blew it up. Not sure who and I have no idea if they were inside at that time. I don't even know if they are alive. Ino doesn't know yet though and quite frankly, I'm not sure if I should even tell her, at least, not until we know for sure. Have you heard anything?"

"No, I haven't. You know what, the receptionist should have a list of all the shelters set up. When you leave, ask him for it and do a quick check of the only ones that are on the way home. I don't want you to stay out for too long. Don't stay and ask, just peek your head in."

"Okay, and now I'm not exactly sure I should ask this next question."

"What is it Sakura?"

Sakura sighed. "Well, I was going to ask if we could help rebuilding the vi..."

"NO!" Sakura jumped at Naruto's sudden bark, her chair scooting back as she stared at Naruto's stern eyes. "No..." He repeated, his volume lower. "I don't want any of you out. Stay home, stay hidden. Don't answer the door for anybody except for me. Do you understand me Sakura?"

"Yes...I do master." Naruto smiled and laid back, the girl moving the covers over him and up to his neck. "I promise that I'll go home as quick as I can."

"Good because if you die, I'll find a way to revive you in order to kill you myself."

Sakura chuckled and patted Naruto's chest. "I believe you Naruto-sama."

Naruto chuckled as well. "I'll be home either tonight or tomorrow morning. Once you get home, I don't want anybody to leave until I get home."

"I understand but however, if you're not home by noon, I'm coming to get you."

"You won't have to Sakura. I'll be home."

"You better."


Once Sakura got out of the hospital, she consulted the shelter map and found two shelters on her path. She wasn't really expecting to find Inoichi but it was Ino's mother that she was keeping an eye out for. If Inoichi was still alive, then he would be busy, most likely at the I/T division but it was so out of her way, Naruto would hate that so she settled for heading toward the nearest shelter. She remained cloaked as she headed there. Once she got there, she peaked inside. The first thing she saw was a clipboard with a list of the current occupants. She grabbed it and flipped through the pages and failed to find either Yamanaka. Once done, she put it back and decided that doing anything more would be considered disobeying Naruto, she left and headed to the next shelter on her path, however, she failed to find them.

Not wanting to stay out for longer, she headed home.


Once Sakura got home, she was hounded by Ino, wondering about Naruto and her parents. Sakura immediately shut her up and passed her by, heading directly for the couch and plopping down on it, nearly melting down into it, allowing herself a brief moment of silence and allowed herself to think. For one thing, how was she going to explain to Ino that Naruto didn't really allow her to search for her parents? Sure Naruto's orders were Naruto's orders, but at the same time, family is family so Sakura hoped that Ino would understand. However, Temari came into mind and Sakura began to wonder what exactly her master would do to her. She had a inkling but considering what just happened between those two, there is really no telling what he was going to do.

"Sakura..." Sakura heard Tenten's voice. "I know you want to be alone right now but how is he?"

Sakura kept her eyes closed despite Tenten speaking to her. "He's fine Ten. Should be back home either tonight or tomorrow morning."

"That's really good to hear." A sigh came to Sakura's ear. "So what's the deal with her parents? There's more to it isn't it? Are they dead?"

"If they were dead Ten..." Sakura said, finally opening her eyes. She wasn't worried about Ino, she knew she wasn't in the room. "I would tell her. Truth is, I don't know anything. I wasn't allowed to look for them."

"He didn't want you outside didn't he?"

Sakura chuckled and nodded, laying back in the process. "Yeah, exactly and besides, for all I know, Inoichi has his wife stashed in the IT building and it's on the other side of the village! Sometimes I wonder if Ino really is the lucky one."

"Well, she has cousins doesn't she? Even if they are dead, she still has a family."

"But then if they all died, then she's the last of her kin." Sakura said with a scoff. "Just like the rest of us. Family of fucking orphans."

Arthur: YamiNoKami

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