Diplomacy 101: How my Yandere Wife (murders) solves all my Problems!

Chapter 151: Chapter 151

Within the dark twisted tower that Xavius, King of Nightmares called home, all was in chaos. 

The recent events of the realm shaking as if it were a boat adrift in a storm had set the residents into a panic. 

Various creatures known for their ability to scare and terrorize fled into the mortal world, and inhabited the dreams of others so that they did not have to face what was coming for them. 

Just half an hour ago, these very same creatures of nightmare had swaggered out of portals, and deposited their excess mana for Xavius to consume. 

Now, these supposed baddest of the bad had all but disappeared. 

This once dark, dismal dwelling of the damned had transformed into a derelict, disheveled depot for only the most diehard and the doomed. 

"Fools." Xavius said aloud to his empty throne room.

The fleeing nightmares hid in the mortal realm amongst the sleeping dreams, yet where would they go once the recipient of their haunting woke up? 

Right back to the Emerald Dream. 

It would be amusing to see the look on their ugly faces once they returned, only to be greeted by that cursed pale-skin. 

At least, it would be amusing if it weren't so pathetic. 

Clenching his fist so tight that his blackened nails drew blood, Xavius relished in the distraction.

As long as something, anything could take his mind off that man, then Xavius would clutch onto such thoughts like a dying man grasping at straws. 

Yet those moments were fleeting and bitter sweet. Because on the horizon outside his window, the constant flash of pale-blue flame tore into his retina, and was a constant reminder of reality. 

The difficulty of ignoring impending demise, Xavius figured, was the waiting. The build up of knowing it was coming within minutes was much more excruciating than randomly perishing. 

The Satyr drummed his sharpened claws along his wooden throne as he sighed. 

Where had he gone wrong? 

After thousands of years, he had finally become freed from being polymorphed into a fucking tree, and had made a name for himself. 

When he felt the disturbance of Ysera opening a portal to the realm of Azeroth, he intervened. 

He couldn't help himself, there, unguarded and heavily damaged was Malfurion's soul! 

His hated rival of millenia, Xavius knew he absolutely had to strike, and so during the transition between realms, had mobilized all his power to stealthily infiltrate Malfurion's soul, and placed a geas on it. 

To corrupt his hated rival from both inside and out! 

Xavius then sent out his minions so that his subtle suggestions would draw both him and Cenarius out. Once isolated, they could battle with the pale-Elf, and fight to the death! 

Unfortunately, Xavius's control wasn't ironclad, and Malfurion had slain one of his more powerful minions. 

On other hand, Malfurion had murdered his precious teacher, and fallen to the dark side! 

Things could not have gone better to plan! His arch rival was now his strongest minion, and once things were cleaned up there, he could puppet Malfurion to infiltrate Ysera's temple, and destroy her from the inside! 

It was so devious, so cruel, so delicious! 

The very thought of penetrating Ysera from behind even now sent Xavius into a tizzy. 

But then it was all thrown to the wayside! 

That damned, blasted, blonde, smug piece of shit stopped playing hide & seek, and stood his ground! 

Who knew he would be so adept within the dream?! 

Xavius had gleaned from many dreams that this pale-Elf was not to be trifled with. And so, he had sent Malfurion to give him everything he had. 

In fact, Xavius was just inches away from success, when catastrophic disaster struck! 

The stupid hound that had been sleeping at the bottom of the lake all this time had chosen the worst time to strike! 

All that planning, all that sweet sweet revenge. 


It was so maddening, Xavius wanted to pull out his hair, cut his losses, and run away to the mortal realm. 

Unlike those creatures of nightmare, he was real flesh and blood. He could return to Azeroth, return to Kalimdor where he had a small base of operations. 

The Satyr were weak after this latest failed invasion by the Burning Legion, but so too were the Night Elves. With the death of the Night Elven leaders, they would be easy pickings for someone like him who was a former Night Elf, and understood how they operated. 

Drumming his nails along his throne, Xavius really wanted to go with this plan, but something niggling in the back of his heart metaphorically held him in place. 

"I could…" 

Xavius said aloud, voicing his desire. 

"But I shouldn't. I would lose all I have built, my empire, my title, gone. How can I justify fleeing?" Xavius admonished himself for such cowardly thoughts. 

"And yet." Xavius said, peering out the window, and watching on in dispassionate distress as the scourging flames of impending doom blasted their way across the land. 

Whatever they touched was erased beyond measure, all that remained was the ever haunting expanse that was the white void. 

Shuddering in place, Xavius imagined such an oblivion of nothingness, and nearly lost himself. 

It scared him, terrified him even. 

Yet there were things in this universe much worse than death. 

Thinking about her sent a shiver down his spine. 

He did not actually earn the title "King of Nightmares", but in fact, it was something he had been bequeathed upon his ultimately failed marriage. 

Yes, he had betrayed his wife for power, and a fraction of her true form was currently sealed within the Emerald Dream, granting him said power. If he were to flee, there was nearly a 100% chance that she would eventually escape, and transform the Emerald Dream into a portion of her own domain, the Quagmire.

Once she did, and had a firm foothold, there would be nothing stopping her from invading Azeroth. 

Once she did, she would find him, and she would exact her vengeance for the betrayal he had visited upon her. 

For she was the Burnished Bride, Valia-Sha, the Orange Star, Magna Ge, Weaver of Panoply, his former lover, the Queen of Nightmares & the Daedric Prince: 


Breathing heavily, Xavius tried to calm himself down. 


Yes, he could do this. He wasn't powerless.

He had tricked the God, Sargeras for his knowledge. Tricked the most powerful sorceress on Azeroth to grant him unfettered access to the Well of Eternity. Tricked the Aspects into fighting said God, then when it all seemed lost and he was turned into a tree, tricked another God into freeing him! 

It was not doomed. He was not doomed! 

Using his scrying orb, Xavius called the last person he would ever expect to ask for help. Yet she was his only hope to prevent the Avatar of Vaermina from descending upon this realm. 

If he played his cards right, Xavius knew he could spin Malfurion's death as an act that he took no part in. And in fact, he wouldn't really be lying. It would be a truth, the best kind of lie contained the element of truth! 

Xavius happily thought up his plan, and yet, the drumming on his chair began to speed up as his call met nothing but silence, and the flames on the horizon became closer and closer. 

After an agonizing couple of minutes, Ysera finally picked up. 

Keeping his face composed, Xavius made sure not to let fear color either his face or his voice. He would have to play this cool. After tricking several powerful women, he had come to learn that calm, collected and confident were good tools for gaining initial attention. 

Remaining silent, Xavius thought his years of experience weren't working, and was about to speak when Ysera's voice came through. 

"Here to gloat, are you? Well, get on with it, I only have so long to live." Ysera spoke morosely on the other end. 

Xavius almost couldn't believe what he was hearing! Had this golden opportunity for survival dropped into his lap and it had nothing to do with his machinations?! 

He almost suspected a trap, but no matter how she may style herself as an intellectual, Ysera was more hammer than hidden cloak. 

This-almost too good to be true-information was stunning, and he almost didn't say a word! But speak he did. He had to, since survical was on the line. 

"Now, now my dear, gloating does not become esteemed beings such as ourselves. We have a reporte, Ysera. While we were never friends, I at least have the respect to know how to accept defeat with dignity and grace." Xavius lied out of his ass in a cultured tone. 

"I'm not stupid, Xavius. You can save such flowery language for idiots like my sister. What did you call for if not to rub it in?" Ysera crossed her arms, pushing up her magnificent bust. 

Xavius almost lost himself in a moment of lust, but was quick to reel himself in. 

Ysera's attitude was rather uncharacteristic. She must genuinely think she was losing. What could be driving her to a state? The only thing that came to mind was related to him. 

"Vandercross." Xavius spat. 

"By the tone of your voice, I take it you're an enemy of hers?" Ysera asked in a disinterested tone that implied to Xavius that she was in fact, very interested. 

"Indeed, I myself find that family to be rotten to the core. Why don't I help you rid the realm of this trouble, and come down to your temple personally?" Xavius airily suggested. 


"I don't know…your entire army, here? I can't trust you that much even if I am to be defeated." Ysera bit her lip and turned to the side, clearly uncomfortable. 

"Oh no, no need for my army. My interest is in your well being, and that of the entire Emerald Dream. Without the hope of a pleasant dream, then nightmares would lose all meaning! I'm doing this for us as much as I'm doing this for me. I'll reinforce you alone." Xavius planted his hand over his heart, and stood from his throne to present an as sincere look as possible. 


"I don't know…" Ysera looked off into the distance as a boom sounded far, yet near at the same time. 

"Tell you what. How about we both take a magical binding oath? That way, we can work together instead of against one another. Coexist, as partners, not enemies, to put aside this pointless violence. C'mon girl, what do you say?" Xavius took a step forward towards Ysera's projection, and leaned on a nearby pillar. 

"...okay, but make it quick. Time is running short on my end." Ysera said in a hurry. 


"Good choice. I'll begin the words to our oath~

In the name of Lorkhan, I, Xavius, take you, Ysera, to be my partner in dreams, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow." Xavius uttered forth with a cheshire grin as he swore to the God of tricksters. 

By their powers combined, they just might survive this hot mess. 

As Ysera finished her part of the oath, Xavius turned back to see his kingdom in ashes, and everything he had built returned to the void. 

Rage, and anger pulsed in his heart, but deep down, he felt malicious scorn. 

Soon, he would team up with Ysera, and together, they would slaughter his wife, and fuck her skull. 

Opening up a portal to Ysera's temple, Xavius grinned as a wave of unrelenting fire pressed down upon his position. 

"Goodbye, Varrus Vandercross. The next time we meet shall be your demise." Xavius taunted the smug Elf, and entered the portal to Ysera's side. 


AN: Read 30+ chapters ahead at: patreon.com/KarpQQ

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