Chapter 152: Chapter 152
(Around the time Varrus is training Omen)
Syra emerged from the portal into the Emerald Dream with vengeance and fury in her heart.
Upon stepping foot into this new land, she scanned her surroundings for threats, and tried to see who had abducted her precious husband so that she could visit upon them 10ft of solid steel.
Glancing about, Syra noticed a scenic atmosphere.
Vibrant grass flowed along with a gentle breeze. Trees ripe with every fruit imaginable, and critters such as deer, birds, and squirrels frolicked about without a care in the world.
Clouds lazily drifted overhead, their white fluffiness seemed as if she could reach out her hand, and grab it.
Park benches, and paths leading to nowhere circled around fountains, busts, and other artistic architecture.
The environment reminded Syra of a bygone age, one that heavily resembled the fusion of nature and buildings that she had seen depicted in the books on ancient Night Elf society.
If this was the property of the owner of this realm, then she wanted it gone.
Unsheathing her sword, Syra charged the blade with a healthy dose of the Holy Void, and cut it all down with one heavy, horizontal slice.
A thin wave of golden-purple energy pulsed out of her sword, and cleaved through everything in sight.
The grass, trees, benches, fountains, they all met a tragic demise as the power of the Holy Void ate away at their conceptual foundation, churning away at the objects until they were naught but dust.
Satisfied with her act of destruction, Syra sheathed her weapon, and closed her eyes to focus, to see if she could feel the connection between her bound dagger-the first weapon she ever killed with and had gifted to Varrus-to see if she could locate her lost lover.
Snapping her eyes open with a frown, Syra huffed as she couldn't sense it. The distance must've been too far away…that or it was destroyed!
The realization was like a wound to her heart, and had her imperceptibly increase the rate of her breathing.
Like a caged animal prodded to violence, Syra was all pent up, and that small release of destruction upon the land had done little to soothe her anxiety.
Turning to the druid, Valanar, Syra gripped him by the scruff of his robe, and lifted him an inch off the ground.
"Ysera abducted Varrus. You've been to the Emerald Dream before. Take me to her." Syra demanded, then roughly pushed him back a step.
The Reforged Darkfallen former Prince seemed as if he was about to protest, but ultimately bowed his head.
"This way, lady Vandercross." The white haired pretty boy half-bowed, then led the way towards a golden bricked road.
Syra barely withheld the urge to sprint ahead, and reigned in her impatience then followed behind Valanar.
The druid seemed to sense her growing displeasure, and was quick to pick up the pace.
Pulling out a tiny-finger sized-worm from his pocket, Valanar cast a spell, and enlarged it to the size of a four-story building.
"Would you care to join me, ladies?" Valanar gestured for Syra and Nightsong to join him atop the worm's head.
"Get on with it." Syra said in barely concealed irritation.
Every second wasted was a second her Varrus was in trouble! Could Valanar not see this?! Was he actively conspiring against her? Maybe she should…
"Calm, daughter-in-law. Is your faith in Varrus so shallow? Fear is the currency of this land. Do not allow its tendrils to trap your mind." Nightsong placed a warm, caring hand on Syra's shoulder, and spoke with an air of maturity.
Syra turned her golden eyes to look at her once upon a time idol, and didn't blink.
"You don't know Varrus. He is strong, clever, and more. But he has almost died every time I have left his side! I must hurry to him!" Syra said in equal parts determination and desperation.
She tried to pull away, but Nightsong pulled her in close for a hug.
"Your love for him is beautiful, but like the fly that coveted the flame of a candles wick, this self destructive behavior shall be your undoing." Nightsong warned, and gestured to the light show currently taking place all along Syra's body.
Syra, in her concern, was harshly fluctuating between her Void, Light, and Holy Void states.
"Unhand me." Syra hissed.
Nightsong let go, a sad smile spread across her face.
"Valanar. Let's go." Syra commanded in a tone that brokered no disobedience.
Hopping on top of the worm, she slapped it on the side, and it began to move forward at a respectable speed.
Nightsong jumped after them, and stood beside Syra.
"He would have enjoyed exploring this garden with you, Syra." Nightsong calmly said as they passed through the blind destruction that Syra had wrought just moments earlier.
Syra meanwhile, stared unblinkingly out into the distance, at the next section of verdant grass, flush trees, and happy clouds.
"Ysera shaped this realm to her desires. I'm going to take everything she cherishes and more. Just like what she took from me, what she took from you." Syra said with finality, and gave Nightsong a disparaging glance.
It was a look filled with disgust, as if to say 'why don't you feel as strongly about this as I do?'
Syra then reached to unsheath her blade, and cleanse the dream of anything and everything Ysera might have touched, when Nightsong placed her hand atop the handle, preventing Syra from drawing her sword.
"Do not take my outward calm as an absence of anger, Syra. I am as wroth as you when it comes to my son's abduction. But if it is destruction of land that soothes your desire for vengeance, then I shall play along." Nightsong said with a small smile.
"What are you doing?" Syra narrowed her eyes, and glared at Nightsong.
For the longest time, she had treated this woman with respect, and dignity. Sought out her advice in the ways of the warrior, and tried to become close with her at every turn. For the sake of her family, and her own girlish desire to be recognized by her childhood hero, she tried tried tried to make a connection between them. Yet every time, she had been rebuffed.
Currently, this was the most Nightsong had ever spoken with her, and she was trying to get in the way of her search for Varrus?!
Syra was ever so slowly wondering if Nightsong was even worthy of being considered a family member if this was how she reacted to her son being kidnapped!
"I can see the fires of bloodlust pulsing in your soul, it yearns for destruction. Allow me to show you my conviction." Nightsong patted Syra on the hand, then let go of her blade.
Before Syra could unleash another horizontal slash of Holy Void energy, Nightsong struck first.
"Fus. Roh. Dah!"
The mighty Shout left Nightsong's mouth in an epic wave of Unrelenting Force.
Trees, shrubbery, ancient architecture, it was nothing before the might contained within Nightsong's attack!
Syra watched on in awe as the signature move depicted in the ancient tales and sagas was released. Her hand, which had half-drawn her blade, begrudgingly let go of the handle, allowing the blade to slide back into place.
"By the Gods!" Valanar shouted out in surprise due to the incredible volume of the Shout, and sudden destruction of the land.
"Good, I have your attention. Listen close, Syra." Nightsong nodded, then took out a pair of cups, and a teapot full of soothing liquid.
Pouring both of them a cup, Nightsong blew on her hot beverage, and took a sip. She gestured towards Syra with a smile.
Syra was still aggravated, but at least Nightsong had proven herself.
Reluctantly taking a sip of tea, Syra found it to be refreshing, and it soothed her throat.
As someone who hated talking for any length of time, Syra was content with waiting for Nightsong to speak. So long as Nightsong didn't get in the way of her destruction of the Emerald Dream, then Syra had no reason to converse at length.
Taking one more sip, Nightsong finally got to her point.
"This realm, this place of nightmare & imagination, it is the Emerald Dream. A place where anything can happen, where the deepest desires and fears of its guests & denizens are amplified."
Syra stared unblinkingly at Nightsong. Was the famed General saying that she was compromised?
As if!
Her love for Varrus was her strength!
Without her care, where would he be, but a sobbing mess unable to deal with the harsh cruelties of war? Without him, what would she be but a soulless weapon in her mother-Faedra's-clutches?
They complimented one another. She was his, and he was hers.
This was something Syra would never concede!
Narrowing her eyes, Syra looked dangerously at Nightsong, measuring her next words with deliberate intensity.
"Your fear, love, and other emotions for Varrus, they are your greatest strengths. But they are also your most vulnerable points. Ordinarily, this is not a big deal. However, in this realm, in this nexus of the unreal, such emotions carry weight. I am not instructing you to change yourself, I am letting you know. Do not allow foreign interference to dictate how you think. Be your own master." Nightsong patiently explained her stance on the matter.
Syra almost cracked the tea cup she was holding upon hearing what Nightsong had to say.
However, what was said was the truth. Syra had noticed-if ever so slightly-that her hysteria was enhanced. Yet when she unleashed the Holy Void, she realized that it was also stronger than ever before.
At first, she thought this was due to her rekindled connection to the Sunwell, but it wasn't until now, that Nightsong had pointed this information out, that Syra realized what was going on.
However, she was well aware that emotion was the fuel for both the Light and the Void.
In this land of dreams, she could control herself, as Nightsong suggested, or she could lean into the power, and use it to save Varrus!
Taking a sip of the tea, Syra nodded in thanks, and for the wisdom shared by Nightsong.
She was a truly spectacular woman, one worthy of her iconic status as Silvermoon's premier Hero.
That being said, Syra refused to calm herself down!
Varrus needed her, and this heightened state of emotion would be the perfect place to hone her understanding of the Holy Void!
Syra saw the look of dawning realization upon Nightsong's face-that Syra would not only ignore her advice, but that she would lean into the enhanced emotional state-and she let out a small chuckle!
Before Nightsong could say anything else that might sway Syra, Valanar let out a shout, calling them to attention.
"Enemies dead ahead!"
Turning away from the tea set, Syra found herself grinning as an army of forest creatures was gathering dead ahead.
In the skies, countless whelps, drakes, and a dozen Heroic Green Dragons blocked their path.
Unsheathing her sword, Syra prepared herself to unleash a wave of overwhelming violence.
Before either side struck, an illusory form of a Night Elf woman appeared.
"Greetings, Syra, Nightsong, and Valanar. I am Ysera, leader of the Green Dragonflight. Perhaps we have gotten off on the wrong foot. I am not your enemy. In fact, Varrus is fighting against our mutual enemy, Xavius! Please, let us discuss-"
"Discuss? What is there to discuss with the harlot that kidnapped my Varrus?! How dare you even say his name!" Syra hotly said, then swiped her blade down, erasing the illusion.
The Bronze Dragonflight had meddled with her husband hours ago, as far as Syra was concerned, they had murdered Ysera's brother, and she was out for revenge! To trick them, and keep her from what rightfully belonged to her!
Unless Varrus spoke to her, or was here in the flesh, she wouldn't believe any of the lizard's lies!
"Hold on Varrus, I'm coming for you." Syra said in determination.
An aura of destruction and despair radiated from her in all directions.
"Move aside." Syra commanded.
A wave of unmitigated energy pulsed around her and warped the dreamland as her extreme emotions altered the fabric of this realm.
The Dragons seemed to flinch, yet they remained steadfast in their refusal to budge.
Syra took this as the challenge that it was.
There would be no survivors.
AN: Read 30+ chapters ahead (up to ch 189) at: