Chapter 5: Coming Clean
I caught Dupli-Kate staring at me once more. She had her bright blue eyes trained directly on me whenever our eyes met. She had stared for some time now, and really, it felt good. But I was standing close enough to Shrinking Rae, the size-changing superhero. And Carla, the love of my life, was also expecting me back home. But Dupli-Kate... there was something different about her. Something which made me want to ignore all my issues.
Her physique was incredible, two melons floating around, and her appearance could get anyone to confess their misdeeds. Her black hair cascaded down her neck and her smile could make anyone want to be close to her. I knew she had feelings for me—I observed how she would lick her lip when addressing me or how her hand would graze against mine while acting nonchalant. Having her around was like a powerful magnet drawing me closer with each day. And let me add the fact that she could duplicate herself. Ponder the implications.
But I had to remain calm, right? I could not allow myself to let emotions get the better of me. So I just concentrated on brushing the waves, making it perfect, like a peacock spreading out its feathers. I had to look fresh at all times. It makes me feel invulnerable, unstoppable, capable of handling whatever life may throw. I looked into the mirror, and my abs were hard, like I had just stepped out of the pages of a magazine titled "Superheroes with Abs." My biceps were bulging, and I was already pumped just thinking about how things would go if I were to allow myself to get caught by Dupli-Kate's seductive stare.
I strode through the halls of the headquarters, the warm air seeming like a warm caress against my skin. There was air conditioning inside, but it mattered little against the intense fire in my lions. The place was one giant sandbox for adults with well-organized tools and gizmos lining every wall. It was all very hush-hush, naturally, because you work for the greatest superhero group in the world.
"Hey, Zandale, you leaving?" Our fearless leader, Immortal, bellowed after me as I passed him. He was built like a Greek god and his beard was as sharp as a steel blade. I just knew he got a shape up from a barber.
"Yes, boss," I replied, not wanting to sound too eager about visiting Carla. "I'm just heading home to visit my girlfriend."
Immortal gazed at me and got the message. "Keep it in your pants, kid," he laughed, his hand coming against the back of my shoulder. "You've got to save the world."
"Don't worry, boss," I smiled back, "I've got enough for us both."
With that, I took flight into the air, the wind whipping past my superhero suit. Flying from Utah to Chicago was no challenge—really. I don't say it's not exciting; flying is the highlight. The wind through the face and the strain through the muscle as I flew felt exhilarating. I could gaze down and see the fields spread out like a blanket and the city skyline looming closer ahead. It felt as if the world was cheering me on, urging me to do whatever came next.
As I headed into the bustling metropolis of Chicago, I felt apprehensive. What would I say to Carla? She was the kind with the biggest, most lovely eyes with the ability to soothe anyone who saw her, and I didn't want to be the one who would break her. But I knew I must if I wanted to build a rotation. The feeling of guilt was overwhelming, the kind with a swarm of piranhas in a pool of regret. I must inform her about Shrinking Rae and how I had been with her as though there were no other woman for me. But could I? That is the question.
When I finally landed in front of Carla's balcony, my heart was racing like it was in the final lap of the Kentucky Derby. I took a deep breath and knocked on the glass door. The anticipation was like waiting for a bomb to go off—any second now. And then, she slide open the door.
Carla looked like a fucking angel, I swear. Her hair was short in these loose curls, and she had on this little pink tank top that clung to her like a second skin, showing off her full tits with the most gorgeous nipples. She had a pair of tight yoga pants that hugged her thick, round ass like it was the last piece of ass on Earth, and her legs looked like they went on for days. My cock was already stirring in my pants, like a dragon waking from its slumber. She was basically the human version of Anissa.
"Zandale!" she exclaimed, embracing me in a bear hug. But I was more than any ordinary man; I was a Guardian of the World. So I took it in stride, my arms sliding down around her ass, savoring the feel of its fatness, the way they fitted so perfectly in my palms. Her face was flushed, and she was scented with coconut and vanilla. All I wanted to do was bury my face in her neck and inhale her aroma.
"Surprise," I whispered in her ear, and she laughed. "I was considering stopping by to visit you."
Her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "But you're so busy all the time," she said, her tone cheerful but tinged with melancholy. She and her mom understood that being a Guardian wasn't simple, and since I was with her now, I was texting and chatting with her as much as humanly possible.
I pushed aside my guilt and kissed her cheek. "I made a special exception just for you," I said, attempting to be calm, but my voice betrayed me. My heart was pounding so rapidly that I was afraid it would shatter against my rib cage.
The smile was warm and bright, such as the sunlight after a shower. "Come in," she said, stepping aside so that I could enter. Her home was tiny but intimate—a little home for two lovers. The walls were painted in muted hues, and there were our photos everywhere, all smiles. It was so much different from the outside world, where we battled monsters and saved the planet each and every day.
I entered and removed my superhero attire, and it felt loosening from my frame like a huge sigh of relief. I enjoy the outfit—it is designed to be fitted around my frame perfectly, shaped in accordance with my powerful physique. A guy does need to unwind sometimes, however. I dressed in some laid-back attire that I had stored away—a fitted pair of jeans that hugged my bottom and a shirt that accentuated my expansive chest.
"Whoa, Zandale," Carla said, gazing at my physique. "You've become even bulkier"
"Thanks to the job," I stated, attempting to sound nonchalant. But in actual fact, it was thanks to my secret abilities. No one was aware that with each fight and battle that I endured, I grew stronger, faster, and more competent. My body naturally knew what to do, and I was capable of getting through anything that was in front of me. My little brother was eager, ready to prove just how much better I'd become. The Immortal wouldn't be the biggest man much longer in muscle and dick length, if he wasn't already.
First, I prepared myself for the big news—informing Carla about Shrinking Rae. I was sitting in the couch, my heart pounding as if it was about to hop out of my chest. Carla was beside me, her leg brushing against mine, and I felt her warmth radiate like a heating pad. She inched in, her lips nearly against mine, and I could almost taste her.
"What's wrong, Zandale?" she asked, examining my face. "You look like your... anxious."
"I need to tell you something," I began, my voice trembling a bit. I took a deep breath in order to calm myself. "You know Shrinking Rae, correct?"
Her eyes widened, and she nodded slowly. "Yes," she said uncertainly. "Is she all right?"
I took a deep breath, and my chest constricted. "Well, she is okay, but... I've been having sex with her," I blurted out, ripping the Band-Aid off in one motion. The words lingered in the room like heavy fog, and the room was so quiet that it was possible to hear a pin drop. Carla's eyes widened even more, and she placed her hand over her mouth. Shock, disbelief, and sadness were all reflected in her face.
"You what?" she said in a very quiet whisper.
"I know it's a lot to take in, but it just sort of happened," I told her, attempting to remain composed.
She stared at me like I told her that the sky is green. "What do you mean that it just happened?" she said, her voice trembling with emotion.
"Let me tell you, sweetheart, it ain't easy," I told her, embracing her hand. "When you're going to fight crime and save lives, sometimes with the individuals that you're with, you feel secure."
She gazed down at our joined hands, her thumb caressing the palm in circles. "But why her?" she asked, her tone barely above a whisper, her words full of anguish. "I thought we were something special."
"Yes, we are," I replied firmly, feeling so weighed down. "It's just... I don't know. She has power over me, you see?"
She stared at me, and I saw her mull over everything. She was attempting to make sense of it all. Her hand trembled in mine, but she did not release her grip. That was a good sign, wasn't it? "What power?" she softly asked.
"Well, she can shrink very, very tiny," I said, feeling bad about the deception. "It nothing I've ever laid eyes on before, and I just knew I had to have her."
She gazed at me, and I knew she was forgiving me. "You did this solely because she can shrink?" she asked, her voice still shaking.
"I'm not saying that," I said politely. "It is just that she does something that, uh, wakes me up, I suppose. She is very lively and is lots of fun."
Carla took deep breaths, her chest expanding and contracting. Her breasts strained against her shirt, and I forced myself away from the direction of her tits. I couldn't help but be angry with myself for nearly having lost this. "So what does that mean for us?" she asked, her voice trembling but resolute.
I paused for a moment, collecting my thoughts. "It means that I was wrong, Carla," I told her, her hand still in mine. "But that does not change the way that I feel about you."
She gazed into my eyes, trying to find the truth. "How do you feel about me?" she whispered.
"I love you, Carla," I told her with sincerity. "You're the one I want to be home with after a long, tough day at the workplace." She gazed at me for a moment before she nodded at last. "All right," she said softly. "But please, don't do that any more."
"I won't," I lied, with her in my arms. She was warm and soft against me, a far cry from the usual superhero suit I was in. "I promise, it is you that I want."
As I kissed her, I couldn't help but think about my special power. It was unexpected when it first arrived—like the universe was saying, "rhis guy can fuck any girl he wants and keep her if needed." It worked wonderfully with Shrinking Rae, whose vagina was the most constricted I'd ever felt, like a fist in soft velvet. But without this power, I was convinced that I could have persuaded Carla to remain. I was in shape, charismatic, and a celebrity. And after all, I could lift a car with one arm. In due course, I could persuade Carla to return.
"Thank you for forgiving me, Carla," I whispered in her ear as she leaned against me. "You'll never know how much this means."
"I know that you are a good person, Zandale," she spoke softly, her words reaching my heart. "I love you so much that I don't want this to destroy us."
As she spoke, I could sense that she was seeing through my charm. I sensed that she understood that I was saying what she wanted me to say. I was always very capable with words, and I had employed that talent in order to extricate myself from difficult positions before being pulled from my own world and granted extraordinary powers. It was a superpower—being capable of making any person remain with me, trust me, or pardon me. And Carla, the unsuspecting girl, always enjoyed a good tale.
In the end, this reveal was what I needed to sooner or later bring Carla into a rotation with me and other chicks. The old Bulletproof was a coward and kept cheating behind her back, but then again he didn't have reassurance with a busted power to adapt to anything. He also just wasn't smart enough to see the fact that he was a one of kind, and Carla wouldn't find anyone else like him.