Chapter 6: Going Solo
I was panting hard, my heart pounding against the walls of my chest. Carla's head was on my slick shoulder, and hers was the slow, deep breathing. Her breasts were molded against me, perfectly for an embrace, and her legs were tightly clasped around my waist. Our love-making smell was filling the air, always such an uplifting scent. I could sense the heat of her even after I was sprawled on the softness of her skin. Her backside was the perfect round shape and I could not resist giving it a slight squeeze, and it made her giggle.
But the spell was shattered by the ringing of my globe communicator. I groaned inwardly, knowing what it was. "You've got to be kidding me," I whispered, reaching for the nightstand to grab it. It was the Globe, and they needed me. I glanced back at the bed and kissed Carla's forehead softly. "Babe, I have to go."
She opened wide her eyes and propped herself up. She let the sheets slide down, revealing beautiful breasts with hard nipples. "Already?" she said sleepily. "But it's so soon."
I couldn't help but grin when I glanced at her. Carla was always such a great balance of tough and sweet. Her curvy physique reflected the effort it took to work on the shape of her legs. Her backside was perfect when she swung around to get into bed, and I was hard-pressed to keep my hand reaching for it. "Duty calls" I told her with a step back from in front of the bed. "They need Bulletproof back online."
The ring was vibrating, and the blue light was flashing back and forth repeatedly. I let out a deep sigh and touched it. A robot's head appeared in holographic form. "There's an issue, Bulletproof," he said sternly. "Machine Head's got some villains, and they've got Invincible and Titant. Prepare and come here."
"I'm going," I whispered, already dressed in my superhero costume. Carla sat up in bed and regarded me with both concern and eagerness. "Be safe," she whispered, eyeing my dick, which were hardening yet again. She playfully touched it and caressed it when I attempted to cover them with my black, tight underwear. "I'll wait for my hero to come back to me."
"I will," I vowed, donning my tight orange and yellow costume. It clung to my muscles, revealing them for all to see and covering nothing. It was designed to be tough, to be able to withstand whatever lackeys at Machine Head would throw at it. I knew Battle Beast would be extremely tough and that I could not beat him. Battle Beast behaved like an animal and featured razor-sharp weapons that sliced through Ragnars with ease. I'd seen him battle in the comics, and I really hoped I'd make it through this battle.
My penis remained half-erect due to what we were doing, but I pushed it back down and zipped the costume shut. I wanted to concentrate. "I will return as soon as possible," I told Carla, who wore one of my loose t-shirts, with breasts continuing to peek through the shirt. She was extremely attractive, and it was difficult to go, but the fate of Invincible and Titan was at stake.
"Call if you need anything," she smiled, and I found myself speculating about what was on her mind. But I'd wonder about it later.
I soared through the skies above the city, with hard winds striking my face, and all I could think about was how terrible things were going to be against Battle Beast if I didn't sacrifice myself. The Guardians were extremely powerful, but they were vulnerable to injury. It would be difficult for them to battle against Machine Head if they were to battle against Battle Beast simultaneously. The only way to win was until Battle Beast got bored, and I was the only one that could keep up with him for obvious reasons. I knew this fight would be difficult for me.
Finally, I arrived at the skyscraper where Machine Head was in hiding. The top floor appeared to be like an impenetrable fortress with darkened windows and an eerie atmosphere. I landed on the rooftop, and my heart skipped a beat when I witnessed the bedlam. There were the Guardians all around, each battling the villains, with Robot battling Magnattack. Shrinking Rae was darting about in her tiny frame dodging the lashing tentacles of the Tether Tyrant. Dupli-Kate duplicated herself numerous times, and each one was slamming Magmaniac. Monster Girl transformed into an immense beast against Furnace's flames. And Immortal, with his bulging muscles, was battling Battle Beast face to face.
But the big cat was making it difficult for him. Battle Beast's claws, sharper than the finest sword, cut through the air, and Immortal's skin, normally tougher than diamond, were torn like wet paper. His muscles contracted as he lashed his hard punches, but Battle Beast was too quick, dodging like an extremely powerful dancer. Hairs on his chest were standing when he received the blows, and his piercing eyes remained fixed on Immortal's face.
I was shocked when Immortal got struck on the side, and his ribs snapped like dry sticks. "Shit," I said to myself quietly, understanding I could not simply stand by and do nothing. I used the fear that I had in my stomach to convert it into determination. I had to act.
"Hey, fur monster!" I bellowed to attract the Battle Beast's notice. He gazed at me with his piercing eyes, baring his fangs in a snarl. "Fight somebody your own size, why don't you?"
Immortal used the opportunity to stand, panting. His stomach appeared to have gone through battle, yet it didn't alter the determination in his eyes. "Thanks, Bulletproof," he replied with a weak tone. "I can use some assistance here."
"Hell yes," I replied, cracking my knuckles. Battle Beast was about 8 feet tall and resembled cat-Arnold Schwarzenegger, with abs so chiseled they could shatter glass and dick that likely had its own zip code. His coat was really shiny and slick, completely pure white, and his eyes were hot like a thousand suns. This was the kind of dude you'd never want to run into in the dark, unless that's what you're into.
He charged at me with this huge growl, claws slashing at my chest. I dodged to the side at the last second, heard the whoosh of his blow, and I clobbered him in the stomach. It was like punching a brick wall. "You've got to step it up, kitty," I chuckled.
I could really sense the energy coursing through my body when my powers were activated. The battle was chaotic, with each punch and block causing the air to tremble with power. Battle Beast was quick, but I was quicker, thanks to that great upgrade I was receiving mid fight. We were simply hitting each other back and forth, the two of us a blur of orange, yellow, and fur.
"You're getting stronger," he said with that deep, somewhat intimidating voice. His eyes narrowed, and I knew he was really concentrating. He was sizing me up, trying to see what my new limits were.
I smiled. "Yeah, I've been going to the gym," I replied, ducking another swipe with his deadly claws. "Or the protein shakes actually work."
Battle Beast narrowed his eyes and crouched, his tail lashing back and forth. "I'll rip you apart," he growled and hurled himself at me.
It was like I got run into by a freight train. His claws pierced into my shoulders, shredding my costume and delivering little slashes into my skin. I gasped at the pain, but I was hardly going to back away. Yes, my adaptive strengths made me stronger, faster, and more resilient, but they most certainly didn't make me invincible. Not even remotely.
"You're really going to regret this," I snarled, grinding my jaw. Yeah, it stung like crazy, but it only made me madder. I could tell my muscles were tensing, primed to fight. Battle Beast's eyes went wide a little when he realized I wasn't moving, so slammed me into the wall, and I crashed into it hard, with plaster and concrete shattering in every direction.
So, when I got back to my feet pain everywhere, I realized that Dupli-Kate completely destroyed Magmaniac, and Monster Girl was shoving Furnace back. Shrinking Rae was entwining the Tether Tyrant in his own wires, and Robot was really standing his ground against Magnattack with Immortal standing by him, even when he got injured. Black Samson was ideal for handling Kursk. But really, the real battle was continuing to go on between Battle Beast and myself. He was coming right for me, claws extended, muscles bulging beneath his fur.
"You're alright, I suppose," he growled softly. "But you're not worth my full strength."
I couldn't help but laugh, blood streaming down my chin due to that punch he landed. "Dream on, furball," I replied, tackling him once more. This time, I was completely prepared for his lightning-fast moves. We were at it, punching and clawing around like we were in this crazy dance of bedlam. Each punch I received only charged me up, and I dodged and retaliated back with even greater force. It was sheer bedlam with muscles and fur flying around as we charged at one another, our snarls and growls echoing against the vacant halls.
"You're doing better," Battle Beast said, somewhat winded. His claws traced along my chest, creating these ugly cuts that burned like crazy. But I could completely sense my body acclimating to it; the wounds were actually healing even while we were at it. "But you're not there yet."
I was gasping for air, panting extremely hard. The room was in shambles, with the smell of burnt things and perspiration filling the entire space. My costume was ruined, revealing my abs after all the gym visits. Battle Beast looked much better, with my blood covering his fur. His claws, which were originally shiny, were now bloody, and even if his dick was covered, it was surely hard due to the battle we were having. You could really tell that he was loving every second of the challenge that I was presenting to him.
"Is that all thing you've got?" I teased, my tone coarse.
Battle Beast was looking at me with this crazy expression in his eyes, like he was impressed and angry simultaneously. "Not even close," he growled, his voice all menacing and terrifying. He charged at me for the second time, and his claws bit deep into my stomach. I could see the blood seeping out, soaking the costume. It was absolute agony, but I gritted my teeth hard and kept pounding away like mad.
"Fuck you," I snarled, but it came out more of a gasp. The room was spinning and I knew that I was in serious trouble. Battle Beast was just too strong and too fast, and I could really feel my body starting to give out on me from all these new impacts. He threw me across the room again and this time I didn't even try to stand up. I just lay there, my vision all blurry from pain and sweat, and my chest feeling like a steamroller had just run over it.
He came towards me, his claws covered in my blood. "You're not ready for me," he said, his voice filled with anticipation. "But one day you will be. And I am eager for that day to arrive."
Man, Battle Beast completely annihilated me, and I crashed into the other Guardians. His kick was so powerful, and I fell hard like I got hit by a truck. I surveyed the scene from my prone positiion, all the other battles were finished, and the bad people were completely eliminated. All the Guardians were battered and bruised but were still standing tall. Lastly, Battle Beast had left through his portal which was the main important thing to me.
"Zandale!" Rae screamed, her voice all high-pitched and panicked. She came running over to me, hands on my chest, peering at me with those big, concerned eyes. "You okay?"
I could actually sense the heat of her hands even with this tattered, old costume in the way, and the softness was such a stark contrast to the insane agony coursing through my stomach. "I've had better days," I was able to get out. My stomach was churning, and I could sense my blood sloshing around, hot and sticky.
"Hey, we need to get you into the med-bay," Shrinking Rae told me. "You're bleeding a lot!"
But my eyes had rolled back in my head, and the blackness was closing in on me. I heard only one thing, Immortal's booming voice screaming, "Hold on, Bulletproof!" before it was black.
I came to in the Pentagon medbay, wrapped in bandages and attached to all this medical equipment. It really did feel like I was in one of those sci-fi movies, but, man, the pain was completely real. "What the fuck happened?" I thought when I attempted to sit up. My head began to spin, so I flopped back against the bed with a groan.
My boss, Cecil at the Global Defense Agency, was staring directly at me. "You're a bit difficult to read, Zandale," he said, with both an impressed and concerned tone. "The scans indicate you've become much stronger since last time we checked. What's the story here?"
"Guess, I've just been lifting heavier weights," I replied, trying to sound casual about it. But secretly, I was completely losing it. 'Cause if he got to know my little secret—that I can deal with whatever life dishes out to me—then I'd be in way more trouble than a gopher at a mole farm.
Cecil's eyebrows arched. "I'll say. Your healing factor is completely insane. You'd be pushing up daisies by now if you didn't have it."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence," I teased, trying to remain lighthearted. My abs were completely shredded, but they were healing nicely under all the bandages. Yes, the business about almost dying is serious, but that's apart of the job and I've adapted to the emotional toll of fearing death and being a superhero. My power was busted like that. Being super is really like always dancing with the Grim Reaper, but once again, I've got the right power to fend it off.
"How long was I out for?" I pondered, my tone somewhat catching in my throat.
"Three days," Cecil replied, glancing briefly at the monitors displaying my vital signs.
"Three days?" I asked, completely flabbergasted. "What the fuck?"
Cecil nodded solemnly. "Well, Battle Beast really destroyed you. But to be honest, your healing abilities are really that great. You're such an asset to the Globe."
"Thanks," I replied, feeling embarrassed. It wasn't every day you got your ass kicked and had to be patched up like a rag doll.
But I completely flipped out when I heard Cecil tell me this next bit, "Look, Zandale, I've been watching your progress. You've got this special strength about you that nobody else does, that power that makes you stand really apart. You're too strong to settle for being with the Guardians."
I gazed at him, my heart racing. "What do you mean?"
Cecil came close, his eyes shining. "I've got an offer for you to go solo," he said, lowering his tone to make it sound really dramatic. "You'll be taking on missions that only somone like you can handle. And the money? It's gonna be huge, higher then when you were on the Globe, no question. Your last name? It'll be flying. You'll be like Omni-Man, only better because you were raised on Earth."
I sat there looking at him with my head spinning. The offer was really enticing. I've completely got this fanboy crush on Cecil—dude's always wearing these nice business suits and projecting this serious personality and always made sense. And having the chance to do it all by myself, to become so much more powerful with my not so secret power, was highly alluring. "What's the catch?" I asked, my tone still a little rough.
Cecil wore this sly, sardonic grin. "No catch," he replied with his eyes glinting. "Just be prepared to deal with whatever I bring. And don't forget, you're representing the GDA. Your actions are a reflection of us."
I breathed in deep, considering it all. Being on my own was really exciting. I'd make some good money and be able to use my talents the way I pleased. Being the center of it all, the one everyone was talking about, was the best. And having someone like Cecil to share it with? That was the icing on the cake of an otherwise great offer. "For sure," I replied, trying to play it cool. "I'm in."