Dragon ball human Reborn

Chapter 11: the sacred land

"It's huge you're gonna climb that" Mellon said as she tried to look at top of the tower " well I hope you don't fall to your death "

Suddenly they heard footsteps getting closer Alex looked at two people coming towards them one kid around 11-12 years old with bow and arrow and the other was a giant muscular man with a spear in his hands

"Who are you people and what are you doing here in the sacred land" the man asked as he pointed his spear at Alex and Melon "this is no place for a picnic you should go back wherever you come from"

"he-he's scary Alex do something " melon said as she hides behind Alex " I am Alex and this is my friend Melon and I am here to climb the korrin tower to "

"hmm If that's so you can try but be warned those who defies the rules do not get second chance" the man said as he puts down his spear

"what rules and who are you"Alex asked as he stood in front of the man

"My name is Bora and this is my son upa my family is the guardians of this place for many generations to climb the tower you must climb it unaided and without any vehicles those who tried to take plane runs out of fuel before ever reaching the tower and those who are too hasty runs out of food since it takes day's to climb the tower so you better be prepared before trying to climb the tower" bora explained the rules as he looked at the tower

"have you ever tried climbing the tower " Melon asked out of curiosity

"once when I was young but I wasn't able to get to the top " bora said with a hint regret

"don't worry father just you see one day I'll reach the top " upa said as he come forward

"you will son you will " Bora replied still looking at the tower

"not to ruin your moment or anything but I think I am gonna go ahead and climb the tower "Alex said then he looked back Melon "do me favour stay right here I'll climb the tower get korrin's permission and get you there by flying alright "

"wait you can't leave me here what if they try something funny " Melon said trying to stop Alex from climbing the tower

"don't worry I don't think they will do anything to you" Alex said but then he looked back Bora and upa " you won't right "

"What nonsense are you spouting we are the guardian of the sacred land we won't stoop so low to lay a finger on a women " Bora said getting flustered

" c'mon I was just kidding I believe in you " Alex said then he looked back at Mellon " you on the other hand you should be careful you have the habit of getting into troubles"

"Hey I do not get in trouble anyway you better get back soon I won't forgive you if you fall to your death" Melon said then she took out the capsule house "I'll be here waiting so come back soon"

"Bora I hope you don't have any problem by my friend staying over for few days "Alex said as he looked at bora and upa

"don't worry about your friend there is no safe place than the sacred land you can count on us" upa said as he puffed his chest

"Just keep an eye on her "Alex said then he looked up at the tower and just jumped as high as he can and lodged himself to the tower and started climbing as fast as he can to the top

climbing the tower is much harder than Alex thought the tower is so big that trying to climb it in a day is almost impossible and that is after his training with master Roshi

after climbing for a whole day and night Alex was so tired that he almost fell off

"thi-this is getting nowhere I gotta rest "As he stopped for a moment and closed his eyes just as he was about to sleep his leg slipped off but he held on with his one hand and was brought back from his drowsiness

"shit what I am doing sleeping in this situation is as good as suicide I need keep going"Alex said to himself As he started to climb again on his his third day he could almost see the top

when he reached the top it took him almost four days

"just bit*huff" I am almost*huff* there "Alex said as he was just beneath the four holes under the dome he tried to reach out there but it's too far to reach from his position "it's*huff*too far i-i need to jump here goes"Alex said as he jumps to the closest hole as he grabs the edges then he climbs into the hole

"finally *huff* I've climbed the tower "Alex said he layed down on his back

"oh you finally reached here I've been waiting for a while now "Alex heard then looked at person who was speaking it was yajirobi " you were waiting for me"

"who else is climbing the tower anyway here you need it " yairobii said as he gave Alex a senzu bean to eat as soon as he ate it he fully recovered "wow I don't even know what to say thanks I guess"

"No need to thank me korrin asked me to give you one now follow me" Alex followed yajirobi the staircase leading upper floor to meet korrin" he's been waiting for you you know''

"No I don't how does he even know I was coming " Alex said as he looked around "oh korrin has magical pot you see that helps him keep an eye on things we're here"

"Welcome kid I've been waiting for you "

Power level

melon :4

Alex(before korrin tower): 100

korrin :190


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